Camlann - Long term plan?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Kari said:
blah, blah, blah ....ignorant, narrow minded, self centred claptrap .... blah

Uhm yeah dude. I wonder where the need to react this harshly comes from?

While you are quick to point out my apparent "ignorance" I think it's suitable to remind you, that it's your time investment that goes down the drain -if- Camlann becomes the ghosttown it appears to be.

Remember that if you come whining. Im sure someone "narrow-minded" will have the heart of the day and comfort your sorrows.

Unless ofcourse, you keep on playing the clap-hat you do now.

But, what do I care. I don't play on the server. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
the only fun i have on camlaan is rolling an animist then finding a house that has an openable door and hiding inside while shrooming up across the street :D

I r like shrooms :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Azathrim said:
While you are quick to point out my apparent "ignorance" I think it's suitable to remind you, that it's your time investment that goes down the drain -if- Camlann becomes the ghosttown it appears to be.

Remember that if you come whining. Im sure someone "narrow-minded" will have the heart of the day and comfort your sorrows.

Unless ofcourse, you keep on playing the clap-hat you do now.

But, what do I care. I don't play on the server. :)

Lol if you had actually read it you would see that Kari plays Pryd atm.....


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Nedo said:
Shows youre maturity lvl, end of discussion, not arguing with kiddies.

Your losing the argument, instead of admitting it, you use a crappy excuse

I know, used that line before myself ><


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2005
Azathrim said:
Uhm yeah dude. I wonder where the need to react this harshly comes from?

While you are quick to point out my apparent "ignorance" I think it's suitable to remind you, that it's your time investment that goes down the drain -if- Camlann becomes the ghosttown it appears to be.

Remember that if you come whining. Im sure someone "narrow-minded" will have the heart of the day and comfort your sorrows.

Unless ofcourse, you keep on playing the clap-hat you do now.

But, what do I care. I don't play on the server. :)

You do realise that "ignorance" means lack of knowledge or understanding - and that is exactly what you have displayed. It's not a negative thing, it just shows lack of experience of the thing in question.

You also launched the initial attack - perhaps an anger management course would help you? If you believed my response was an attack where your original comment wasn't, then perhaps a reality check? Not being harsh, just honest.

And finally if you had actually read my posts you would realise that I dont actually play camlann. I have done previously, which is why I have experience of the server, and the specific manner it operates. Unlike your good self. Different people enjoy different things, you enjoy the unprovoked flaming of people on this forum, I enjoy responding in an appropriate manner & demonstrating the ignorance of the flamer. Go figure :p

Have a nice day "dude".


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Thadius said:
Your losing the argument, instead of admitting it, you use a crappy excuse

I know, used that line before myself ><

Says the guy who fell back to me being a prick and he could not play Cam cause he did not wank when killing greys? I took that as an admitance you were out of things to say and fell back to throwing mindless stuff like a kiddie.

You toss stuff around like I dont know what im talking about cause im just a PvP moron....I rolled Pryd on release have played there several periods and have several 50s on both types of servers, belive me when I say the picture you guys try to paint based on 1 hour here and there on Cam is wrong.....yes there are morons, but so are there on a RvR server.....


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Horde pricks chain ganked my lvl 20 armsman cos i had the audacity to stand in their buffing spot.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Well, in all honesty, what do you expect GOA to do? There isn't a whole lot they can do with Camlann.

- Clustering it with another server is impossible, due to the different ruleset. Making it compatible to cluster with the regular server would cost GOA a lot of cash, since Mythic would have to custom build the link for them, cash they'll never make back. (Even if Mythic were to build such a link for their own PVP servers, it would still cost GOA money.)
- Adding more PVP servers is not an option, since the one we have is having problems enough, population wise.

In all honesty, I don't expect anything will be done for it, because there isn't anything that can be done. When the server gets too low on population, it will be shut down.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Gamah said:
it was a thurg.

lmao your a thuerg. i dont need proof as its a FACT, i know exactly what you did

you and that stupid 8man group of thuergs....or maybe you were solo spamm pets at the PURPLE PEOPLE FIGHTING

all the thuergs yesterday had stupid names like "pmmewhen prydwynisback"

i watched purples (and no they not 50 they are lvl 30+) get jumped by a million thuerg pets.


i get pi$$ed off with these posts, some gimp (not directed at you gamah) who leeches everything gets chained for doing so, he then posts

"awww it sucks i was on my /20 bd and i got chained by 50 sorcs" then some other guy who also did the same goes "yeah it sucks i gfot killed"

most pvp guilds which are lvl 50 have rules such as "Dont grey kill" exceptions such as you being attacked by them then ofc defend yourself.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
char copy will never be allowed, in the past few weeks Fear among a few other guilds finally got ML10, you rvr boys have way too much money plus you do ml runs every night.

for the top players on camlann they would love the challenge but for the new to 50 players with no money etc they will be angry that you char copy here

Edit:- in short you can farm/ml faster on rvr than pvp


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Make Camlann into a SI server OR a server with OF and ToA bonuses


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Tesla Monkor said:
In all honesty, I don't expect anything will be done for it, because there isn't anything that can be done. When the server gets too low on population, it will be shut down.

Yepp most likelly that will happen. I somehow doubt they will use the server itself for something else though since it compared to Pryd server feels worse performance wise in many situations. Also a question of wether they will shut it down or just leave it be. They dont put much resources online on the server and just running 1 more server when they allready have quite a few up wont cost them much extra.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
level 40 vamp, died to other players 2 times, 0 twinking

if you fail to level on camlann you really suck, im sorry

ps. i went to emain on a lvl 20 warlock on excal and i died, excal people are such retards, im never gonna play there again :((((


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Thadius said:
But on camlann, you get pricks at level 50 chaining /20's as they level up.

ok you get the "Im special today mummy" award for this week, lets look at this from another point of view, i'll let you determine what im trying to say

you start your char and your what lvl? yep you got it your a lvl 1!
you get to lvl 5 and notice someone hovering about you, you click and what a surprise he is purple con...must be a lvl 50 gonna pwn j00 a$$ - no....its a lvl 20, he cons purple cause YOUR LVL 5!, when you use the free lvl system the con will NOT CHANGE untill you die or zone.

he see's you as a grey con, your con dont change but when he counts the 20 dings's he knows your worth.

this all makes sense as to why ppl think lvl 50's are killing them as they use the /20 command.


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Bahumat said:
ok you get the "Im special today mummy" award for this week, lets look at this from another point of view, i'll let you determine what im trying to say

you start your char and your what lvl? yep you got it your a lvl 1!
you get to lvl 5 and notice someone hovering about you, you click and what a surprise he is purple con...must be a lvl 50 gonna pwn j00 a$$ - no....its a lvl 20, he cons purple cause YOUR LVL 5!, when you use the free lvl system the con will NOT CHANGE untill you die or zone.

he see's you as a grey con, your con dont change but when he counts the 20 dings's he knows your worth.

this all makes sense as to why ppl think lvl 50's are killing them as they use the /20 command.

No they killed me AFTER I dinged level 20

They were still pruple con too as well has having artis,


Dec 23, 2003
enkor said:
level 40 vamp, died to other players 2 times, 0 twinking

if you fail to level on camlann you really suck, im sorry

ps. i went to emain on a lvl 20 warlock on excal and i died, excal people are such retards, im never gonna play there again :((((

whats the point in leveling on camlann, level 20 or level 50 its still the same gank fest

id say people care more about what mkj does in battlegrounds than about camlann


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
enkor said:
ps. i went to emain on a lvl 20 warlock on excal and i died, excal people are such retards, im never gonna play there again :((((

Outskilled meight


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Kari said:
You do realise that "ignorance" means lack of knowledge or understanding - and that is exactly what you have displayed. It's not a negative thing, it just shows lack of experience of the thing in question.

I am well aware of the meaning of the word "ignorance" - thank you very much. I fail to see what that has to do with this discussion. Seems to me you just wanted to grasp for someone to try and belittle.

Kari said:
You also launched the initial attack - perhaps an anger management course would help you? If you believed my response was an attack where your original comment wasn't, then perhaps a reality check? Not being harsh, just honest.

What you call the initial attack was in my oppinion just a quick comment to remind you who is to stand a loss. Sure, you play Prydwen now (I hope it's not Mid), but you had the role of a Camlann player in this thread - hence it was directed at you and what you stood for.

Kari said:
Different people enjoy different things, you enjoy the unprovoked flaming of people on this forum, I enjoy responding in an appropriate manner & demonstrating the ignorance of the flamer. Go figure :p

Considering the amount of unprovoked hostility and flaming you have managed in this thread I find above comment rather funny. The only positive thing I have to add about you is, that you at least don't use the "l33t" language - other than that, you're just a random flamer.

Anyways... enough time wasted, enough going away from the original topic. If you wish to continue this flame war, feel free to do so on your own. Over and out.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Brite said:
whats the point in leveling on camlann, level 20 or level 50 its still the same gank fest

id say people care more about what mkj does in battlegrounds than about camlann

And people do care what a BD player posts? Think not.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Brite said:
whats the point in leveling on camlann, level 20 or level 50 its still the same gank fest

you obviously know a lot about camlann, i greatly value your opinion


Dec 23, 2003
so basically you see what happens no matter what level you are, people camp exp/farm spots and gank, people camp toa towns and gank, people camps SI towns and gank, all people give a shit about on there is money/rps/exp

but obviously im seeing all wrong as when you get 50 everyone is ported to a magical happy tree land where you have political discoussions, have 1 on 1 duels and 8 vs 8 fights with no adds, no lame ganking happens and everybody spreads the love

no i dont have any 50's on camlann, nor do i want any because i wouldnt want to play with people like yourself

and dont try and make out everythings different once your 50, people arnt as stupid as your used to on your camlann section


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
they should delete prydwen and replace it with a classic server, as its obvious that that server would be a lot more popular than dying old prydwen, which is just full of retarded warlocks and bds and adding and zergs and ganking, right?

remember, i have a lvl 35 on prydwen, therefore im qualified to make comments about it!



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Its like saying:

I was in London 2 days I met some real a-holes. That surely must mean all London are millions of a-holes.

Or a more rightful compare:

I was in Thid on Pryd 1 time last week, I got killed by campers and fg's of warlocks and that must mean that the RvR on Pryd is only Campers and those 2 classes.

No use arguing with him Enkor, he "knows" all about the server without even playing it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2005
Azathrim said:
I am well aware of the meaning of the word "ignorance" - thank you very much. I fail to see what that has to do with this discussion. Seems to me you just wanted to grasp for someone to try and belittle..

I don't really need to grasp out there do I. You admit you have no real experience of the server, and yet still decide to make sweeping generalisations.

Azathrim said:
Considering the amount of unprovoked hostility and flaming you have managed in this thread I find above comment rather funny. The only positive thing I have to add about you is, that you at least don't use the "l33t" language - other than that, you're just a random flamer...

That's fine. Remember I was responding to a comment made by another poster when you jumped in with both feet. Call me what you will, I have merely pointed out that you getting your own foot in your mouth whilst simultaneously having your head up your own arse is a great trick!

Azathrim said:
Anyways... enough time wasted, enough going away from the original topic. If you wish to continue this flame war, feel free to do so on your own. Over and out.

Agreed. Have fun out there & remember the golden rule - the world does not revolve around you & you alone, as much as you would like it to.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
camlann sucks because there is so many up classes like bds,whorelocks an vamps...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Eeben said:
camlann sucks because there is so many up classes like bds,whorelocks an vamps...

ive never seen any of those on a rvr server, thats for sure!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Eeben said:
camlann sucks because there is so many up classes like bds,whorelocks an vamps...
none of them on normal servers, nope not a single one.

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