Calling them noobs might be wrong, but..

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When we were the first one on the spot,and other grps came and took our pulls. Did we flame them in anyway ? no
cos we understand that everyone who is there needs to exp.

4 groups allready pulling same tangler spot and a cabby comes
killing most. Seems like understanding to me.

Giving urself illusions that u helped us in pvp and pve? when was that. i dont recall that in anyway..flaming our theurgist all the time in emain i recall.

You deny that you have been welcome in our groups when we had space. Tell me which RC member has been invited to any BF
groups. Dont recall flaming your theurgist, but xion disliked us
because he was not welcome in our groups. Maybe because my
guild was made of people from the guild he started, and he was pissed they dared to leave it.

and we are rvr noobs that made 17m guildrps by suiciding to hibs,with the 1fg we always had and not much did u make?

How many rp can u make if u only play 1 hour a day, because u have to work ? Not to mention only 5-7 players in guild.
I dont work so much as rest and i think i made my share.
Besides i did not start the insulting about rvr and rp, Ialkarn did.
Rvr has nothing to do with bullying people in xp.


Ok.. so.. where is the relation from "my guild has 1666Mio rp´s and your´s hasen´t" to pulling tanglers in Lyonesse? And is "being turned down by so many groups in earlier levels" a justification to claim the "I dont´care about the rest of the world and do what I want because I´m Eminem the badass" attitude? Cabbies, Infils and Scouts aren´t the most popular classes for groups since beta (which is complete BS of course, but it´s a sad fact). I`m playing a Scout alt myself, I know what I`m talking about. Everyone who´s playing such a class is supposed to know that, so why complain when the truth turns out to be true?
The magic words here are "common sense" and "fairness". We´ve all been playing this game long enough to know how many groups/pulls/people/cabalists one campspot can supply. And it´s a first-come-first-serve basis. Noone has the right to come to a spot and expect the people there to leave because he´s in a uber-guild or has 5 lvl 50 alts or knows someone who´s brother´s friend is a IRL mate of the legendary Finster from back in the days or whatever.
This realm is about to collapse under it´s own weight. And discussions like this one are just fuel to the fire. What do we need Hibs or Mids for? We got ourselves, Lyonesse and BW forums.

50 Pally
31 Sorc
24 Wiz


Originally posted by kinadold
Tilda no decent guild forces others away form a place they where first.

I dont quite understand what your getting at here?



Besides i did not start the insulting about rvr and rp, Ialkarn did.
u were saying we are noobs,in ur long reply,bout we leech for rps

You deny that you have been welcome in our groups when we had space. Tell me which RC member has been invited to any BF
If there was plenty of rooms left,everyone is welcome,that included RC

Rvr has nothing to do with bullying people in xp.
Whining about xp doesnt have anything to do with rvr-noobs neither


Originally posted by kinadold
Besides i did not start the insulting about rvr and rp, Ialkarn did.
Rvr has nothing to do with bullying people in xp. [/B]

er no I 'm sorry :)
you was surprised(and probably pissed) cause I didn't know you.
so you started to braging about your rp about your rr7 incoming soon and your N.2 position as scout.
I simple answered "so?"
and you started to move the conversation on your presumed uberness in Emain about some Bf breaking mezzs and episodes like that.
And no I didn't insult you at all,how I could when you made yourself so ridiculous?

Originally posted by kinadold

Story 1.

Emain one night, im hidden close to amg observing 30 hibs camping amg.

To my surprise i see 4 members of BF comming along the road without speed, lead by leet Ialkarn.

Kinad to Ialkarn, 30 hibs camping amg.
no reply
BF continues and 5 sec later they reach amg, 2 secs after that they are dead.
Hmmm maybe their leader was attacking amg afk, ignoring my warning, or maybe they have some new awesome RA ?
I continue to observe the hibs, when 10 min later the same 4
BF members just ported in, to my totally surprise attacks the 30 hibs again.
Well 10 min later 4 BF members come along the road to amg ....
Maybe they get payed to be farmed ?


mmm strange usually I never lead my guild groups :)
and I don't pretend to be a great Pvper like you Kinad.
and as I said to you in Pm I 'm sorry but I don't remember to had talked whit you before,I don't remember you at all.
Btw explane me what this story have to do whit this post.

Originally posted by kinadold
Story 2.

Some time ago DC was, as it is often held by albs. Hibs decided
to get it back. I was there, and was expecting a good battle, since
scouts is fun on keepdefenses. I was invite into a group with BF members, and since i dont mind sharing rp with others in a good battle i joined. I did shoot a good deal more than my share in that defense. Hibs where defeated, and to my totally surprise i was kicked from group right after battle, since scouts aint so uber in fg vs fg rvr.
Maybe they need others to give them rp ?

Are you saing you were kicked by a Bf group in emain whitout a reason?
you really think someone in this forum beleave this story?
Scouts arent uber in RvR groups ? we have scouts in our guild groups since we started to RvR,when other scouts normaly soloed,before see hidden .

it's a bit funny to see you try to demonstrate here and speak in a polite way when just last night some hour's before this post started, you used profanity's and insulted sandriana again at tanglers , starting to aoe dot his pulls tring to lure some mobs where the lowbie leachers were staing,saing stuff like:"you need to learn to xp as normal ppl do."
or " I 'll come here to leach you every days",Then Sandriana a bit annoyed putted you in her ignore list and made you killed.

You have obviously some serious mental disorders,nothing to do whit tanglers,cabis or how is polite xp and how not
you should learn how talk whit people before ask respect.
atm you don't deserve any.


Re: ...

Originally posted by Hatjitjai
I don't blame u being frustrated about the fact that u didnt xp.The flame u made is because u dont know why we were xping there in the first place. a good friend of ours lost his/her character,someone we played with for the last 9 months.this person will be back in the game in a few months,asap i hope..we offered to get him/her new character back to 50 meanwhile.

So i'd like to ask u to choose: 1} start a new character and lvl the hard way
or 2) take ur best ingame friends offer and get plvld

I hate to see other ppl who has nothing to do with it to be frustrated.but believe we are more frustrated to see our beloved character gone forever.

I know kinad abit,i think we did our epic quests together when the patch finally hit :).
But this thread isn't about Kinad in personal,or BF as a guild either,It's about the fact of ppl just forcing lower lvl people of an(good but very boring)exp site.
IMO it all depends on one thing,player etiquette,some people recognize it,others don't.

I don't see any reason to whinge about this on bw,these kind of things have been around from the release and they always will be.

That doesn't take away the fact though that it is still quite rude,even if your pling a friend who lost his/her character,if it means you take away exp from lower lvl toons.


Originally posted by Landshark
Sorry, if i didn't make it amply clear in the thread I referred you to, cabalists that come along and start pulling across 3 groups = pricks.
Cabalist that's had the spot for hours and refuses to let anyone else pull = not a prick

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I don't give a crap about a cabbie pulling. It annoys me sometimes, when they are bad at it (i.e. tracking gobbos all over Lyonesse), but I see the Cabby as a group pulling from the spot. So if he was there first, it's his spot. If not, he should wait until a spot opens. Same rule as if it was a group there.

Only thing that really gets to me is especially at beach, when a normal exp group is pulling along with a solo Cabby. The group puller is waiting for pop, and as soon as pop occurs, the cabby sends in his pet. WAIT FOR YOUR TURN!

Sometimes it takes a normal puller a few secs to spot the tangler. An impatient cabbie just sends in Simmy and runs, he doesn't have to care about hitting the tangler itself, so he can of course pull faster than a normal targetting puller.

If you're a cabbie/sorc, please respect the queue if someone is waiting for pop before you. (Same goes to groups btw.) Nothing is more pathetic and annoying as a pull-war.


mmmmk ...
saving room for ppl who we know will join,doesnt count..also if u ask in cg if xxx could join,and 5+ ppl say no,pls he's a wanker.doesnt really help to inv anyone
That doesn't take away the fact though that it is still quite rude,even if your pling a friend who lost his/her character,if it means you take away exp from lower level toons
partly true,playing an alt does that in an indirect way..u get ur alt in to a group.but u have to realise that other ppl who dont have a 50 main wants the spot u have at that moment.doesnt take away the fact that ppl wont play alts.

anyway as ive said before,we dont only take pulls..our pulls gets stealed on a regular basis.not that its right..but thats least we wont turn our frustration in to a chilidish flame and start to brag about personal rps in game to my guildmember who got more rps than kinad in the first place


really nothin to do with BF in general hatji, just one _certain_ person playin Sandriana is an utter twat :)

he even manages to piss off other cabies who r pullin there - quite amusin. but afterall, he deleted his alb chars _on his own choice_ to play sumwhere else and coz he was here since beta and now made up his mind and came back to alb he must have sum kind of "holy right" to kill everythin in sight, regardless of adds other groups will get. i see the logic in that and after all, albion honestly needs yet another infi - yes, we do :p

well, i dont mind. i ve 2 lvl50ies and can log off or go emain before i start to violate the CoC by tellin him what i think of him :)
others cant tho :rolleyes:


Im not talking bout the person u mention greg,but ur resources are wrong. i know the person who told u that and the person u just mentioned pretty well.we warned him about it aswell(on a few other friends it was still in tiem)but for him it was already too late,too bad u will find out later on.really dont wish that kind of experience to anyone

ps. the reason he came back to alb wasnt to pwrlvl his own char,but of the char of that other person(ive seen it with my own eyes)


We should let the Cabbies get to 50 asap so they can form an uber Cab guild. We can then throw em into Emain and have em deal with LA for us while we clear up at Crim ;p )))


hehe I was at dun crachon yesterday when hib defended, was in a 8 man group and I managed to get 5k rp from them before albs found out it was to hard to get in :)


Yeah I was there. Ported as the Lord shout came up. Killed 3 hibbies then got overran by bloody LA. /release


anyway as ive said before,we dont only take pulls..our pulls gets stealed on a regular basis.not that its right..but thats least we wont turn our frustration in to a chilidish flame and start to brag about personal rps in game to my guildmember who got more rps than kinad in the first place

Lets get some facts straight

36 people xp'ing in 1 tangler spot, not many pulls for each, but
it was going along.

1 BF group with 1 cabby and maybe 2-4 alts come along.

5 min later nobody of those 4 fg's where able to xp,
People who u cannot prove have ever stolen ur xp spot, and i have certanily not.

I tell Sandriana that her guild is behaving like noobs, and if
she still keeps on stealing our pulls i will have to steal hers.

Sandriana then talks to her GM Ialkarn, maybe because it
would be bad xp if i started to dot.

He tells me that its my guild who is the noobs with no rp,
and i inform him that asfar as i know i have the second highest
scout in Albion. A scout who has newer camped gorge, played buffed and have earned 99 % of his xp against even con in emain, with 50 sbs with see hidden on my tail, so maybe he should relax a bit about skills. Go read some boards about the
hardest class to play i say. Well anyway my guild is the noobs,
altho they play little and newer have behaved badly to any
BF members.

He refuse to give spot back to us, since he dont have to ask
anyone permission to pull anywhere, and in general he dont
give a shit what alb's think. Im told to piss off, and if i have any problems i can report it to Rightnow. Everyone knows GoA wont
do nothing unless its cheating.

I tell him i will make a post on BW regarding this behaviour, and im told he dont give a shit about what other albs think.

I think any of my bad words about BF is very justified, and both stories are true.

His guild came to the spot, it was camped and that sux, because
they wanted xp. Decent players would have founds another place or waited, but BF decided they had the right to force us away. Thats the story.


Can some one just lock this thread.
If you want to argue do it on PM's
Stop reposting stuff from earlier to keep the thread going.



Two words

Anger management people

Insults and arguing is unconstructive here so have to close it

/me wags finger alot
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