Calling them noobs might be wrong, but..

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Bullying ppl out because you can is wrong. So agree with you on that 1.


Currently trying to get to 50 but its damn hard when the tanglers are totally ruined when u have a cabby / sorc at each pull spot :(

yeah yeah go lvl somewhere else etc, i've heard it all before but i've tried and failed to find any groups of lvl40 ish folks in dartmoor because they are all at tanglers trying to get the odd pull in inbetween cabbies / sorc pulls.

i have come to the conclusion that if u cant beat them join them so i'm looking to join one of the guilds who use cabby / sorc to powerlvl their members:(

My personal opinion is that it sucks because some of us are having to lvl the proper (hard) way and are being disrupted by chars that are already lvl 50. dont get me wrong i would probably do the same and 9 out of 10 times the whining is just jealousy (me included) but a bit of consideration for us that are trying to do it properly would be nice.

a couple of time i have pm'd the cabby / sorc who turns up and starts clearing out tanglers to politely ( and i mean politely, its all too easy to abuse someone on the other end of your modem but it aint gonna help matters)explain that my group would like a chance as well and they have been polite and taken turns. I suggest that when u encounter this problem be polite and explain nicely that you would also like to pull the odd tangler and they will often be helpfull.

Some won't :( if so there is nothing that u can do because the gm's are loyal to their guild mates (as u would expect)

To all you lvl 50's who think we are whingers just think back to when u were lvling and imagine how hard it would have been if there had been that many sorc / cabbies there then?

honestly it used to be only a couple of them but the last week or 2 there is at least 4 or 5 doing it!

and the next patch nerfs it for them (yeah right) but it also makes it harder for us groups as well. so albion ends up with a decent xp spot ruined for everyone due to a minority of selfish people. damn shame

i would just like to see a bit of consideration for your FELLOW REALM MATES, the more of us that make it to 50 the better.

ps any guilds with a powerlvling sorc / cabby need a new member? :) i wont mention names cause you'll all deny it but you know who you are :)


Well, this sort of behaviour is against the COC, and anyone reported for doing this sort of thing can be warned/suspended/banned. So, make your way to RightNow.


I took a female char for my Cabalist and I always roleplayed the sexy chick if I wanted a group. Worked great if the groupleader was a male char and not so great if it was a female, but worked most of the time.
In the first pygmy groups I had to root and nuke a bit, but then my nukes were really shit, only now they are kinda decent a little bit (still the worst in the realm/game). I never debuffed and dotting has no use on pygmy's. Only at trees I could dot...
I was always kinda useless in groups :(


umm there is nothing in CoC that says you cant go on other peoples spawn sites althouth i agree that it is gentalmanly if you ask to share/alternate pull whatever.

The this the CoC is agains is leeching other peopls pulls, ie my wizard alt goes to lyonesses and aoe's some other gorusp pull that they are fighting.

Please correct me if im wrong but i dont believe ive seen it said that its agsint the CoC to pull off another spawn as long as you arnt directally takeing someone elses mobs that they have pulled.



"Rules of good conduct
Users are expected to show respect for one another, to contribute to the cordial atmosphere of the game"

A nice broad, all-encompassing anti-arsehole statement to cover anyone being a twat.

(I didn't say it was against the COC to pull from a camped spawn... just that 'that sort of behaviour' is)

Edit: Found another that would qualify

"Harassment is best defined as a repeated behaviour with the purpose of causing prejudice to a player or to the community. Harassment includes, but is not limited to: repeated insults, racist behaviour or remarks, religious or sexual comments or any behaviour that can compromise the quality of gameplay.

A single incorrect behaviour is not harassment. It becomes harassment if it does not stop after you clearly asked for it.


As much as I would love to role-play (How many of us role-play ? That's a joke ! When ppl try to role-play above 10th level they get flamed in game. Pity.) in such a Utopian environment, its kinda hard to enforce in practice. You'll never stop ppl being disrespectful to one another, but it would be nice if we could all try to improve levels of courtesy and tolerance.


tbh if u wanna roleplay go prydwen and save all the CoC hassle etc :)


Originally posted by Pin
"Rules of good conduct
"Harassment is best defined as a repeated behaviour with the purpose of causing prejudice to a player or to the community. Harassment includes, but is not limited to: repeated insults, racist behaviour or remarks, religious or sexual comments or any behaviour that can compromise the quality of gameplay.


damm all these hibernians that keep killing me... GOA ban then please there compromising the quality of my gameplay.




Originally posted by Tilda

I play a cabalist my self.
Getting from level 1 up to lvl 38 odd was very hard.
Groups didnt want me, everything i could do a non-hybrid class could do better.
When i got to lvl 46 it wasnt much better because we still hadnt had the patch that enabled cabalists to solo tanglers.
But i managed then soloing aquaduct with a wizzard.
Mabey if the rest of albion (Wizards, Clerics, Sorcerers, Paladins, Armsmen, Mercenaries, Inf's, Scouts, Theurgists, Minstrels) had gived a damm about me when i was leveling from 1-46, as it was nobody gave a flying duck about me. So why when my class has been improved so i can solo from 46 to 50 faster than anybody shoudl I give a flying duck about YOU when you turned me down for groups for all the other levels.

This isnt a personal flame, just to all people in albion who expect to group with a cabalist when the havent given a damm abou thim befor he was able to solo them.


The point I made was its the "I don't give a fuck about anyone else" attitude that makes the realm shit at times. Now that comes in many forms - its equally as wrong (imho) for someone to turn down a cabby (or for that matter an infi, scout whatever) for a place in a group just because they don't "contribute" (such a stupid notion, as all classes contribute in some form) as it is for that same cabby on getting to a high level to go and take an xp spot when others are already there. I personally always used to be happy to take cabbies, infis, scouts and so on - mainly because I had friends who played those chars and so I understood the problems they had getting groups. It sucks that particular classes at particular levels have problems getting groups, and I can understand the temptation later on for those same classes to turn around and say fuck you. The point I made was that to give in to that impulse and act like a twat makes the cabby no better than the pricks who were turning him/her down in earlier levels.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Please refer to the other thread, where all the cabalists that solo tanglers tell you and your ilk that we don't give a flying fuck in a high wind, k?
Bet you're just another blue/green-con that begs to join the cabalist's group and then whinges like fuck when told 'no'.

omg thats the worst attitude i have ever seen on barryworld i hope you are joking?

like yeah lets all tell each other to fuck off that'll really make the game enjoyable for everyone.


Originally posted by Tilda

damm all these hibernians that keep killing me... GOA ban then please there compromising the quality of my gameplay.

~wobbles around laughing~




Originally posted by Tilda

damm all these hibernians that keep killing me... GOA ban then please there compromising the quality of my gameplay.



ROFL nice one :D


Hehe ! I think we should be more worried about those Albs who look too much like Norse ! Or maybe my rheumy eyes are befuddled by too much ale ;p


Originally posted by kinadold

I asked if he would like me to ruin his xp, and
then he called his GM.

Not really,you jumped on him starting to insult and calling his guild a bunch of noobs,and you menaced him to aoe dot all his pulls (yes the funny thing is you are a cabi too).

About your conversation whit was only a long whine where you complained cause lvl 50 ppl shoulnd't xp animore cause we didn't pick up loot and about episodes appened in keltoi (dunno really what you was blatering about,my guild dont xp in keltoi since first month of retail , I doubt you played when that appened) and episodes in emain whit ppl arent in Bf animore since ages.

as I said to you I don't see why we should ask your permission to pull in a spot where 25+ ppl were doing the same,but probably you was the owner of the spot dont you? or,simple the only cabi there so you got pissed another cabi could do uber pulls like you.

Hit ^_^

as long as someone dident steal someone leses exp spot there aint much to do .
first comes owns the spot.


na its already been figured out how to do it

Also i dont see why someone needed to post on BW about him getting little xp.
You didnt HAVE to move from trees, whats wrong wtih aqua, ot beech?
Why not stay there and do smaller faster pulls than the cabby.
Why not Bolt the tangler or crit shot him?
Why not have fun with AoE
Nobody is forcing you to move, and tbh i doubt that any of the 36 people there moved, most probably they just grinned and beared it. Ive been leveling, at Tanglers before when 2 cabalists were there (not me) and there were another 3 or so gorups pulling from trees, our group had no problem getting reasnoble xp there.

Its not agains the rules if they pull from your spot, just a little lame, but it is the ONLY place where Cabalists can do this it IS possible for people to XP away from Tanglers, even out of Lyonesse.

Having suffered lvl 1-46 with people turning me down for infiltrators, scouts etc, even asking me what i do in a group ! i can sympathise with cabalists who then outlevel the people who previously didnt want to gorup with them and now are begging the Cabalist to PL them or to leave their tangler spawn alone.

So mabey befor you come whining to BW think about it, did your group ever turn a Cabalist off a spot because your group was bigger? Have you ever turned down a Cabalist befor lvl 38 odd because "they bring nothing to a group" ?



First of all it was my cabby who was forced away, a cabby
whom you self know is hard to lv. And when he get to 46 i guess
its not against any rules if i dot wildly when BF members is around. I guess its not against the rules to move my scout there
and accidently crit when BF members wanna pull. Have u ever seen a tangler camp hit by a highlv scout ? And why should people move away from tanglers because cabbies can do them ?
And btw, there is only 1 reason to xp at tanglers, the group bonus. So if u do not get any tangler pulls but only fast pulls,
u might aswell xp gob house.

Please refer to the other thread, where all the cabalists that solo tanglers tell you and your ilk that we don't give a flying fuck in a high wind, k?
Bet you're just another blue/green-con that begs to join the cabalist's group and then whinges like fuck when told 'no'.

I dont have to beg, since tanglers at 40 with only 3 people is excellent xp, around 1/2 bub pr pull, and around a lv each 2 hours. We can do it, but we have not forced anybody away, and
at the time i was speaking of 5 more people in party to get some xp. Btw im sure my scout hit 50 before u even got the game, but we all know how easy it is to lv a scout. Not to mention in the old days there where 2 guilds who did tanglers. Royal Bavarian and mine. Both guild had the skill to do so, while others where still pulling in barrows or at the goblin house. Royal Bavarian showed excellent skills back then, actually ae nuking tanglers after body pulls. It was totally amazing. So before talking about my skills in
xp, get ur facts straight.

And yes the thread was not about cabbies or xp at tanglers, it was about a certain guild who think they have the right to bully
other players. Maybe they think the have the right because they
are better. Here is a few stories about leet BF.

Story 1.

Emain one night, im hidden close to amg observing 30 hibs camping amg.

To my surprise i see 4 members of BF comming along the road without speed, lead by leet Ialkarn.

Kinad to Ialkarn, 30 hibs camping amg.
no reply
BF continues and 5 sec later they reach amg, 2 secs after that they are dead.
Hmmm maybe their leader was attacking amg afk, ignoring my warning, or maybe they have some new awesome RA ?
I continue to observe the hibs, when 10 min later the same 4
BF members just ported in, to my totally surprise attacks the 30 hibs again.
Well 10 min later 4 BF members come along the road to amg ....
Maybe they get payed to be farmed ?

Story 2.

Some time ago DC was, as it is often held by albs. Hibs decided
to get it back. I was there, and was expecting a good battle, since
scouts is fun on keepdefenses. I was invite into a group with BF members, and since i dont mind sharing rp with others in a good battle i joined. I did shoot a good deal more than my share in that defense. Hibs where defeated, and to my totally surprise i was kicked from group right after battle, since scouts aint so uber in fg vs fg rvr.
Maybe they need others to give them rp ?

Story 3.


My post was about respecting other players, and some who dont.
About respecting a group/groups might have come before urs to a
xp spot. It annoying, but still gives no right to force them away.
Even many newcomers to the game understand such a simple principle. And yes i have known a good deal of nice people in BF, but maybe they have left or has nothing to say. About a GM who
is getting powerlv'ed, and therefore agrees to shitty behaviour.

He is btw free to tell his story about our conversation. Free to tell
why someone who has played since beta, thinks its allright to come to a heavy camped spot and kill 99% of all mobs with a highlv char, and when people complains he tells them to fuck off.
He might not have known about the 4 other groups getting no xp, but only a n..b would not have known. Maybe i was right afterall calling them :_)

Day 1 at tanglers.

3 cabbies lv 39-40 tryies to pull tanglers late at night. Very hard pulls at that lv, and we had to run some times. But it turned out
our pulls killed a certain highlv cabbie because of add agro. She asked us not to run close to where she pulled and we picked a
dangerous route among 2 red telemons, so we would not bother
her. Since we had no right at all to bother her, and since she had picked her spot at trees first.

Day 2 at tanglers.

My lowlv : But its not right to force people away, who where there first. And you know we get no xp.
Cabby : I agree at normal spots, but tanglers is different. Here i do as i please.


Sorry, if i didn't make it amply clear in the thread I referred you to, cabalists that come along and start pulling across 3 groups = pricks.
Cabalist that's had the spot for hours and refuses to let anyone else pull = not a prick

People that either whinge about a cabalist refusing to give up a spot, or people that beg to be powerlevelled "aww just 5 mins" or "plsplspls just need 3 bubs" and THEN whinge when told "no, sorry" are pricks.

Jiggs - that's my attitude. :>
As for not telling each other to fuck off; I've been at a spot since 6am, group of greens comes along, moans at me for taking all the gobs. After you told em politely that you've been there 4 hours and you're not going nowhere, and they continue abusing you, then it becomes a "tell them to fuck off" situation.


Originally posted by bracken_woodman

Don't be a prick :p Its the "I don't give a fuck about anyone else" attitude that makes our realm such a shit place at times.

:clap: very true...


So whats the point of this thread?

To flame BF? imo a decent guild?
To flame cabalists?
To flame this cabalist who was PLing?
Or just a general whine because someone got owned?
..opps wait that last one was in the wrong thread :m00:



Originally posted by bracken_woodman

Don't be a prick :p Its the "I don't give a fuck about anyone else" attitude that makes our realm such a shit place at times. So don't be so bitter. Ok?. Good. ;)

Alright, i asked for that - my second post on this thread should have been part of the first one ;)

Cabalist waltzing up to another group's spot and beginning to pull (which I've never done, i hasten to add) is fairly obviously selfish. It works both ways though - don't come up to a caba who's clearing the tangler beach spot and try to start pulling.
I think what I'm asking is, if you feel they are harassing you or degrading your enjoyment of the game, report them and shut up. We don't need any more 3-page "wah" threads on this subject, thank you very much.


okok so you aren't condoning someone pulling where there where people already!!

thats fine but it wasn't clear at all from what you said in your first post.



I don't blame u being frustrated about the fact that u didnt xp.The flame u made is because u dont know why we were xping there in the first place. a good friend of ours lost his/her character,someone we played with for the last 9 months.this person will be back in the game in a few months,asap i hope..we offered to get him/her new character back to 50 meanwhile.

So i'd like to ask u to choose: 1} start a new character and lvl the hard way
or 2) take ur best ingame friends offer and get plvld

I hate to see other ppl who has nothing to do with it to be frustrated.but believe we are more frustrated to see our beloved character gone forever.


Originally posted by old.LandShark

Alright, i asked for that - my second post on this thread should have been part of the first one ;)

Cabalist waltzing up to another group's spot and beginning to pull (which I've never done, i hasten to add) is fairly obviously selfish. It works both ways though - don't come up to a caba who's clearing the tangler beach spot and try to start pulling.
I think what I'm asking is, if you feel they are harassing you or degrading your enjoyment of the game, report them and shut up. We don't need any more 3-page "wah" threads on this subject, thank you very much.

Glad you clarified, and well stated :D


here here /\ /cheer

Landshark is does also work both ways as you stated.
Ive ben pulling there and i get anothoer group come allong and just suddenly start pulling, unless i offer to share pulls they often start a pulling war where they pull as fast as they can just to take mobs away from me.



was running from lyonnese cuz it was to camped to powerlevel some guildes, then when I was in cornwall a cleric(battleground medic) call me cabalist ass. ban him to dont like when people call me a ass


If a person/group has a spot first, and can xp it to maximum
capacity then its plain rude for another person/group to
starts pulling. If capacity cannot be used most normal people will figure out a way to share. That has been common rules for spots
since beta.

Hatjital your guildmates could just have asked for a favour, and ur friend would have gotten a spot in my group. I have also lost dear friends i have known for 9 months, and would do much to get them back. But i wont ruin the game for others because of it.
Besides i only play cabby for the fun, and to try something new.
Its not my main, and if its newer 50 im ok. Had gotten a group together and enjoying it when ur guildmates took not only our xp away, but also the fun we had. I think people/me from my guild has allways behaved nice and fair to ur members. Allways helped
when needed, both in rvr and pve. Shame i cannot say other way

Tilda no decent guild forces others away form a place they where first.

Bahamut i was close when he said that, and yes it was rude and totally out of order.



When we were the first one on the spot,and other grps came and took our pulls. Did we flame them in anyway ? no
cos we understand that everyone who is there needs to exp.
Giving urself illusions that u helped us in pvp and pve? when was that. i dont recall that in anyway..flaming our theurgist all the time in emain i recall.
Any decent guild wont go there to steal kills? guess albion doesnt have decent guilds than.cos our kills has been stealed everyday by a lot of members of any guild.but obviously no guild is better than urs ahum and we are rvr noobs that made 17m guildrps by suiciding to hibs,with the 1fg we always had and not much did u make?
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