Calling them noobs might be wrong, but..

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Today we where 4 groups pulling same tangler-trees, when a cabby comes. A lv 50 cabby can empty that spot, and so he started, leaving no xp to the other 36 people before him.
He offcourse knew this, but did not care. He was going to
powerlv 2 friends. I asked if he would like me to ruin his xp, and
then he called his GM.

Had a long argument with the GM but here is the basics.

His guild has the right to force any others away from a spot
if they need the xp. His guild do not have to ask or share the
spot with others, even if there was allready to many pulling there. 36 lowlv people had to leave the spot, since a cabby
kills all. 36 people who was there first.

Maybe it was because he was 1 of the 2 being powerlved, he thought it was allright.

I might have been wrong in calling Black Falcons noobs, they have played a long time, but they sure are morons without any
sense of honor.


Oooh this is thrilling. Do you have any Keltoi stories to enthrall your captive audience with?



So Apathy you think its allright to force lowerlv away from a
spot they were xp'ing first ?

If some cabby is first at a spot and killing all, no problem with me,
then people just have to find another place. But forcing people away is simply not right. My cabby is soon 46, should i just force
people away at tanglers, or maybe goto a crowed ant room in Keltoi and dot everything with a lv 10 mate ?

And when people complains, should i tell them i have the right
to do whatever pleases me.


there wont be many cabbies doing tangs come next patch for a while ....


I dont care if cabbies do tanglers or not, they pay for the game
and can play like they want to. I dont care if people get powerlv'ed or not, its their choice. But i do care when higherlv's
force me and 35 people away from a xp spot because they
think it theirs.

And tanglers getting harder is not something Albion really needed.
Many sorcs and other uncommon alts have been lv'ed there. Classes we could use.


kinadold, no one likes it, if our guild has someone to pwr lvl ( we dont got cabas but we do got sorcs ) we go up at 8 am and try to stay at that spot, so if they come walsing of course its lame/unfair/selfish/etc...... but what are ya gonna do about it ? ya think its gonna stop when ya start whining ? think again, it will stop with the next patch, so have a little patience


ok so what did you do about it.....

Did you explain to them that you were already camped there in a calm way or did ya instantly come in with harsh language? I often find that such problems were bought about by people assuming that everyone who does wrong, means to do it. a.k.a.pulling not realising 36 others were already there and then instantly going off on one.

Just a thought :)


I had a similar and pollite conversation with a sorc at the small gobo hill near the pikes today while leveling a character. The reason ppl pull gobos from teh small hill and not at tanglers is that they come in 3s and the spot is always camped by at least 3 groups of ppl ranging from lvl 30 - 38 (groups too low to do tanglers safely) When he started sending his pet in to clear the better part of the hill I asked him if he was aware that he was killing the spawn for at least 24ppl exping there atm. He told me he didnt care about it. When I told him the other spot of gobos (cornwall) might be uncamped he said ... I suggest you go check there then or xp somewhere else. Turned out he was pulling there because the tanglers were being cleared by cabbies. Now I don't mind lvl 50s farming for cash or powerleveling alts at 5pm in the evening but to think that everybody who was tehre first and who needs the xp should move and find another xp spot (thats what he told me) is a bit harsh. It's different for xp but farm cash whenver you can and whenever a spot is free ffs but dont force multiple groups of ppl 15 levels lower then you away for it. Groups that took a long time to gather (you all know how it goes) while you are just alone and can go anytime the spot is free.
Another dumb gobo conversation but thats my 2 cents


Yes, as Arthwyr points out, this kind of discussion has been dissected to molecules long ago, but since I have a level 50 Cabalist alt myself, I thought I (once again) should post my opinion on the matter (no pun).

No Cabalist should put his own levelling before others by stealing spots rightfully claimed by other players. To avoid this, they should level their characters very early or very late. I never once did the tangler tree during primetime, both for fear of killing fellow Albs, as well as to avoid the huge amount of grief and discussion that this sparks (regardless whether I had already claimed the spot or not).

Of course, all this grief will only serve to give Cabalists a bad name, which can't be good. However, there is a twist, a way to fight back: If you are killed by the rampaging goblins of a Cabalist wreaking havoc among your xp groups at the tanglers, take screenshots and report him/her to RightNow! I know of at least one instance where this resulted in the Cabalist in question being suspended for a few days.


cabalist can still solo tanglers next patch it just requires a bit more care.


Originally posted by Jiggs
cabalist can still solo tanglers next patch it just requires a bit more care.

i heard the americans were still trying to work out how to do it ..lets hope it takes a little while longer



na its already been figured out how to do it :)

Also i dont see why someone needed to post on BW about him getting little xp.
You didnt HAVE to move from trees, whats wrong wtih aqua, ot beech?
Why not stay there and do smaller faster pulls than the cabby.
Why not Bolt the tangler or crit shot him?
Why not have fun with AoE ;)
Nobody is forcing you to move, and tbh i doubt that any of the 36 people there moved, most probably they just grinned and beared it. Ive been leveling, at Tanglers before when 2 cabalists were there (not me) and there were another 3 or so gorups pulling from trees, our group had no problem getting reasnoble xp there.

Its not agains the rules if they pull from your spot, just a little lame, but it is the ONLY place where Cabalists can do this it IS possible for people to XP away from Tanglers, even out of Lyonesse.

Having suffered lvl 1-46 with people turning me down for infiltrators, scouts etc, even asking me what i do in a group ! i can sympathise with cabalists who then outlevel the people who previously didnt want to gorup with them and now are begging the Cabalist to PL them or to leave their tangler spawn alone.

So mabey befor you come whining to BW think about it, did your group ever turn a Cabalist off a spot because your group was bigger? Have you ever turned down a Cabalist befor lvl 38 odd because "they bring nothing to a group" ?



Please refer to the other thread, where all the cabalists that solo tanglers tell you and your ilk that we don't give a flying fuck in a high wind, k?
Bet you're just another blue/green-con that begs to join the cabalist's group and then whinges like fuck when told 'no'.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Please refer to the other thread, where all the cabalists that solo tanglers tell you and your ilk that we don't give a flying fuck in a high wind, k?
Bet you're just another blue/green-con that begs to join the cabalist's group and then whinges like fuck when told 'no'.

Don't be a prick :p Its the "I don't give a fuck about anyone else" attitude that makes our realm such a shit place at times. So don't be so bitter. Ok?. Good. ;)

Now, as for the original post. BFs are on the whole a good bunch of people. I'd be surprised if there wasn't another side to this story - as Kirennia said often its how you talk to people that can make a situation worse...

Oh, and what Belomar said is very true also.


realy soetimes I start "exping" there before anyone else comes there, you want me to tell people to move when they come???

and realy tanglers for a 8 people group exp suck, there is alot more stuff to kill then them

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I don't like it. I have always hated cabbies and get no end of joy seeing their death spam at the tanglers. Having said that I am currently making a cabby because it looks like fun...I'm a hypocrite, so sue me!

Why won't they be able to solo the tangs in the next patch? Are they getting nerfed?

Molten Lava

Black Falcons

Wow how surprising had the same conversation with two guys from Black Falcons some day ago. After politely asking them not to clear the beach all the time and asking them not the pull through our group (of normal 38-42 people) I heard I was a noob, and idiot and they would even debuff our pulls to unmezz the critters to kill us all...

Cabalists are assholes (yes all of them) but the ones in Black Falcons even more....

Special thanks to Arty the cleric from Black Falcons which does a good job at beiing the biggest asshole I met in this game...

Thanks for letting met share this with you

P.S. Indeed talking to their GM is no use at all, tried that too

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Originally posted by Gunnerr


Awww, can you feel the luurve? Did you wake up on the wrong side of bed this morning, dear?


I hate all infiltrators because they suck on normal damage output and die too fast if they happen to get aggro. :p


Gunnerr...hate to piss on your bonfire old boy but please, do something about this:

Gunnerr Stiltvakten lvl 52 Highlander Alerion Knight
Winter Sorrow lvl 51 Briton Eagle Knight

Ok, you can claim the lvl 51 if you REALLY want to (seeing as mythic said its effective at rr5), but please, lvl 52 ? No... ;)


The rule is that if a spot is already camped, you go elsewhere out of common courtesy. Irrespective of what level you are, or what your guild name is.


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
I have always hated cabbies and get no end of joy seeing their death spam at the tanglers.
Originally posted by Molten Lava
Cabalists are assholes (yes all of them) but the ones in Black Falcons even more....
Two very insightful comments by two very insightful people. I really have to take these as tongue-in-cheek quips, or I will be overwhelmed by your persuasive and logical skill.

I don't consider myself to be much of an asshole, to be honest, and I know plenty of Cabalists that are even nicer (Elfslayer and Finandpet, to name two.) :p


You hate all infiltrators and cabalists ! ROFL. ok. wait till you go RVR or go keep taking. You'll either learn to respect your fellow Albs or you'll be left standing at APK LFG in Emain. Ties in with this "I don't give a f---" attitude. You wanna be selfish fine, but dont moan if your sentiments are reciprocated. Nuff said.


Genesis, I am pretty sure Ciclya's comment on infiltrators was a joke. I am not so sure about the other two jokers, however, who aired their sentiments on cabalists.


Fair enuff m8. You have made some excellent points :)

At the end of the day we (Albs) only have ourselves to blame for things going wrong (notwithstanding minor RA imbalances). All this XP flame horseshit stems from lack of respect, courtesy, and effective communication.


Is it just me or is everyone straying away from the original point of the thread???

The point is not that a cabby clears the beach. The problem is that someone with the power (cabbie/sorc/uber whatever guy/group) comes in and starts hogging all the xp from everyone else that was there first.

I don't care if it happens at tanglers, at the ant room in Keltoi or at Cook in DF. It SUCKS when a high-lvl group enters the room and starts pulling all mobs in sight. I have especially seen it in Cook room, where 2 "normal" groups have a good time sharing the tempters etc. Then this uber-L337 lvl 48-50 group comes along, wanting some fast sapphire seals for their guildies/alts and start clearing the room.

Tell me please, why that's not wrong? If they were there first, no problem. But to come barging in, and often be rude about it?

Convince me please that it's not wrong to do so... Convince me that just because you have the muscle to shove someone else out, it's ok.

Oh, I only want to hear arguments from people who doesn't get annoyed when this happens to them. It's easy to sit and laugh at people who has been experiencing this, but if it happened to most of the /laugh spammers in here, I bet that you'd sit at home, crying your little sad eyes out in frustration...

'nuff said.


Originally posted by bracken_woodman

Don't be a prick :p Its the "I don't give a fuck about anyone else" attitude that makes our realm such a shit place at times. So don't be so bitter. Ok?. Good. ;)

I play a cabalist my self.
Getting from level 1 up to lvl 38 odd was very hard.
Groups didnt want me, everything i could do a non-hybrid class could do better.
When i got to lvl 46 it wasnt much better because we still hadnt had the patch that enabled cabalists to solo tanglers.
But i managed then soloing aquaduct with a wizzard.
Mabey if the rest of albion (Wizards, Clerics, Sorcerers, Paladins, Armsmen, Mercenaries, Inf's, Scouts, Theurgists, Minstrels) had gived a damm about me when i was leveling from 1-46, as it was nobody gave a flying duck about me. So why when my class has been improved so i can solo from 46 to 50 faster than anybody shoudl I give a flying duck about YOU when you turned me down for groups for all the other levels.

This isnt a personal flame, just to all people in albion who expect to group with a cabalist when the havent given a damm abou thim befor he was able to solo them.

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