Caer Sidi Loot 22nd March

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gone 5min now, still waiting on the load from the first pic....

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by Generic Poster
The darkside beckons all :clap:

Gombur, I think, stopped the dragon hunts because of all the post-raid bitching. And if it continues to happen now, Galewyr or anyone else who leads raids will quit also.

I actually did one last raid where I had planned personal lotto for classes that could use the drop ect but then random albs decided to charge before I had said anything, then I lost patience.


LOL at the distribution policy ^^ Easy answer for everyone is just send one guildie to leech for drops at the next raid, chance are he will bring 3 or more back with him ^^ And people wonder big guilds stick to alliance / inter guild hunts :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Jupitus
The reasons you disagree with the loot split are perfectly valid, but I don't think it is right to bring the complaint and discussion about it to this thread where Gale is just informing people what the end result was. It leads to undue arguments which will only serve to put people off organising raids in the future.

As far as I know, this thread was made to discuss the result of the raid. I really can't think of any better place to post my comments. And nothing wrong with some arguments. It's still a forum we're posting on. :p

I personally think that that Gale's method of loot split is a good one for some reasons, bad for the reasons you've given. I think that if all raids gave the majority of the drops to the big guilds simply because they can field 4 FGs when others may only field 1 will only serve to promote the idea that you must be in a big uber guild to stand a chance of getting nice items, which in turn may lead to more of a shift towards everyone thinking they need to join one of the biggest guilds to stand a chance. The way Gale has organised this raid stands up for itself as a shining example of how smaller guilds can both participate in and profit from large raids like this.

Only for people who are unable to do some simple calculations. Just use the examples given in my earlier post and see that it's actually the members of the smaller guilds that have the biggest chance of getting nice items. This won't lead to people thinking they need to join big guilds, this will lead to members from big guilds only showing up with 6-8 people instead of 24, since they'll get just as much drops as a guild, which will effectively destroy the raid's chances to kill Apoc. This might sound lame and call them loot whores if you want, but still a huge part of the people present at those raids are people who are there for the items. And not everyone likes spending 4.5h with yellow fps when they know they'll have a 3 times smaller chance on any decent loot than someone else.

Galewyr Dark

Originally posted by tieris
LOL at the distribution policy ^^ Easy answer for everyone is just send one guildie to leech for drops at the next raid, chance are he will bring 3 or more back with him ^^ And people wonder big guilds stick to alliance / inter guild hunts :rolleyes:

TBH tier ur just being stupid there.

also FYI i won't be running anymore open raids seeing as there is simply to much bitching afterwods cos some l33t ph4t whatever did get some uber drop he/she wanted...which is what this is really all about

Hell i wanted that sheild GK won but i have had to let it go becuase they won it.

So well done all you have once again pushed another person away from the open hunts.


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