Bye bye


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Sad to see a fellow middie go...

Sad to see a fellow middie go...

And ofc you are right...the whine vs warlocks are getting way out of hand since its not put into context with other classes with high damage:

Firewizzes hitting for 1700+ with 1 bolt (reaching above 2k damage with all 3),
Baselinestunning (Eld, ment, ench) + 500+ damage nuking for 5+ seconds (reaching 2k+ damage),
Banshees with ranged ae damage of doohm with no dropoff damage (getting a nerf finally though only way to late since all banshees are rr11+ by then)

not to mention sergcontrol tools like: shrooms and monsterress.

So since one warlock leaves...I think ill go visit moderna and get 2 or 3 of them up to take that ones place...:)



Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
charmangle said:
Banshees with ranged ae damage of doohm with no dropoff damage (getting a nerf finally though only way to late since all banshees are rr11+ by then)
how many RR8 bains are there compared to RR8 warlocks? also, how many of the warlocks are toa'd? :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Eh...what ?

Raven said:
how many RR8 bains are there compared to RR8 warlocks? also, how many of the warlocks are toa'd? :)

Eh...what ?

On excal no idea...on prydwen Id say: 2-3 rr8 banshees on every rr8 warlock...?

Not sure prydwen have any rr8 warlocks at all ?

Anyway the difference between the two is that a banshee can instakill 200 players within 3 seconds...warlocks 1...


ps. Read: Abit exaggerated...but not much...ds.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
makes me wonder if mythic did a quick straw poll of players IQ to find which realm the warlock was best suited for tbh


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
charmangle said:
Eh...what ?

On excal no idea...on prydwen Id say: 2-3 rr8 banshees on every rr8 warlock...?

Not sure prydwen have any rr8 warlocks at all ?

Anyway the difference between the two is that a banshee can instakill 200 players within 3 seconds...warlocks 1...


ps. Read: Abit exaggerated...but not much...ds.


9 bainshees above 1 mil, 3 RR8+ no RR10+
20 warlocks above 1 mil, 7 RR8+ 2 RR10+


11 bainshees above 1 mil 2 RR8+ no RR10
5 warlocks above 1 mil 1 RR8+ no RR10

from this i conclude that you have no idea what you are talking about :)

edit: not saying bains arent OP in there own way, but at least you have to put a little effort into them, artis, MLs, SC etc


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
pip said:
I take you been there then?

Na...I don't play a warlock and the last time my mom bought my beers was before pcs were invented :(

>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005

Go to hell

but if u dont play a warlock then sry for post xD

however IF u DONT undestand why we all hate warlocks......


somewhere in that picture is ur problem!.... search for it and gl on irl


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Zahr said:
Godbye all had a lot of fun ingame with all of u.

But enough is enough, to much imature whine against wl so the next nerf will kill the fun, if mythic listen to all the whine the game is over (and they do).

Bye bye was great fun but dunno why u hated wl so much, played warden and ns alot and had no probloms killing wl.

Like taliban must have something to hate whithout thinking lots of peps did the same. How many times u get killed by a WL and how many times u killed one...

laterz all. HF and take care :)

if you have no clue where the hate comes from, i am glad you quit the game.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
charmangle said:
Firewizzes hitting for 1700+ with 1 bolt (reaching above 2k damage with all 3),

If a wizard has a 331DD delve bolt and hits for 1700damage then by your reckoning, a warlock with a 413DD bolt hits for 2121damage. Saying that you're exaggerating is the biggest understatement of the month. Maybe you're mistakening the words 'fire wizard' with 'the dragon' ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
charmangle said:
Anyway the difference between the two is that a banshee can instakill 200 players within 3 seconds...warlocks 1...

You must be fucking joke man, it wouldnt surprise me if you have a warlock yourself? I mean you are so very narrow-minded it scares me. Anyway, that is the most bullshit I ever heard, it takes one person to interrupt a cowning bainshee that hits for 350 each cone with slow ass retarded cast time. Please remind me how to interrupt a warlock with pbae chambers and then spams ui pbae and hits for 600-700 in the center. Lets not forget they can ml8 to if they are really cocky.

Lets face it, warlocks is the most retard class atm. There is no way in hell you guys can try to justify it by saying "oh look, this random alb/hib class did this and that" because warlocks are far superior to any other class atm. So please stop spewing bullshit because it makes you look stupid.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Hah. Stay out of this discussion, Charmangle, this is one you can't win.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 10, 2004

Main reason I made my Warlock was that they were hated so much. Easy alb/hib killing, i love it. And all the whining about op'dness . . . I see that as tutorial ... nerf ... easy ... nerf ... medium difficulty.
There, another reason to hate Warlocks: they kill you and even love it too.

Serious now: it's a complete sellout: Let's give mid a class that's op'd too, and then implement a yearly nerf so alb/mid classes are the true op'd ones.:sex:

P.S. a rather brainless post of mine, i know, but it suits very well in this threat i thought:touch:


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Eh...Eh...Eh...I take it you dont read my posts ?

Raven said:

11 bainshees above 1 mil 2 RR8+ no RR10
5 warlocks above 1 mil 1 RR8+ no RR10

from this i conclude that you have no idea what you are talking about :)

charmangle said:
Eh...what ?

On excal no idea...on prydwen Id say: 2-3 rr8 banshees on every rr8 warlock...?

Not sure prydwen have any rr8 warlocks at all ?

Anyway the difference between the two is that a banshee can instakill 200 players within 3 seconds...warlocks 1...


ps. Read: Abit exaggerated...but not much...ds.

From this I take it that you dont read the posts you reply to just randomly pick some rubbish to write and do it ? :)

As I said...ON PRYDWEN there are a huge over representation of banshees above rr 8 compared to warlocks.

Even if you check the statistics against eachother there is a huge overrepresentation of high rr banshees compared to the amount rolled and used in rvr.

If you use both servers statistics its still 50/50...2/1 warlocks/banshees on excal, and 2/1 banshees/warlocks on prydwen. Only reason for this is that excal hibs has been underdogs for way longer than prydwen. Id be willing to bet quite alot, that the accumulated time spent on all warlocks on excal/prydwen are ALOT higher than the total time on all banshees. (Simply because there are more of them)

And again more to the point...Banshees wipe sergs solo...Warlocks dont! The difference isnt in the 1 vs 1 but 5 vs 300. Thats where it all counts because thats where most get discuraged. Getting wiped with a serg by 5 people, only because their chars are utterly overpowered, is just booring.

You keep saying that most banshees are equipped and most warlocks arent...thats just bollocks...I still havent met a warlock thats rr5+ and arent fully toad. Which seems to be what you are talking about. But I have met quite alot of rr5+ animists that still are running around in rogs. Moderna drop eq'ed warlock, rr1, no mls, solo vs lets say firewiz fully toad rr10...if the firewizz looses that he needs to roll something else...Point beeing...unequipped warlocks at low rrs might work to run with in a serg...but thats just about the only place...because when they get targetted by anything in the game they die.


ps. Now dont get me wrong...Im not arguing that warlocks arent overpowered...BUT...their overpoweredness just gets overshadowed by the horrendous overpoweredness of banshees vs sergs. Not to mention the poinlessness of firewizzes at high rr (a class with absolutly no utility, and no real point except for getting to such an rr that you can up the damage on your 3 bolts so they get to instakill seems abit moronic to me. (not to play but for mythic to create I mean...give them some freaking grouputility and lower their bolt damage to the same as runemasters.) ds

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