/bye bye



Originally posted by Ithurts
U mean that line that improves eventhough u dont spec it and doesnt give any penaltys for not specing it??
i was refering to the content of CD; crappy styles all the way thru... and it doesnt improve anymore then when u gain a new rr and gets +spec... need to spec in it to up the offhand swings ;d


bye sala :(
hopefully you'll be back, but if not - see you in wow :)

good luck and have fun!


Originally posted by azshara
i was refering to the content of CD; crappy styles all the way thru... and it doesnt improve anymore then when u gain a new rr and gets +spec... need to spec in it to up the offhand swings ;d

U get 0.5 chance to swing off-hand every level FYI :x


Re: Re: /bye bye

Originally posted by jox
Bye mate, sad to see another great sb quit. Good luck in real life.

Btw, had a run up to Odins, took me 15 min to get there, had a couple of fights, lost Purge...as usual. Meet another mini-infil; Emelia(just a fact; I have 17 times more rp than her/him/it), got dragonfanged and killed, clean of...

And this when I have all the relics and thrustresistant armor, lol

Nah, Mythic have fucked it all up. I understand why sbs like you and Ztyx quit...

Hm, perhaps time to level my sav instead...or why would I even bother? When I reach 50 she will probably alsoget nerfed into the ground by whining albs/hibs.

Hm, perhaps I should play my SM instead? nah mages = shit due to the spell-resistant-situation for non hibs...lol

Jesus...I start to sound like Glottis... :)

Perhaps you start consider playing a toon which ain't overpowered.

Oh no the idea of not wtfpwning everyone 1-on-1 is horrible.

Sorry but SB's leaving now is so typical and exactly shows what their made out.

FYI: Nightshades and infiltrators played for a very long time against SB's (read: Light-tanks with stealth and envenom and evade 7). Did they quit? No.

Infils wheren't changed lately, yet you could easily kill them. You saying now that infiltrators are out of line with DF, guess what you where when you could own a class who is now considered out of line.

And did Albs and Hibs leave when zerkers where overpowered like hell and back? No. Do we leave now savages are overpowered? Not yet.

Guess you guys arent cut out the same wood as 'us'.

Can only say good luck and I hope you have more fun in RL and stuff. But respect for leaving? No.


lol, SBs were overpowered on EVERY server not just Excalibur. If you can't take not having an advantage over regular classes that ARE infact 'fair' then leaving is the best thing you can do.

This is just 1 in a long line of SBs leaving (i did predict this and i am loling irl)



Originally posted by Pin
But hey, I'm not going to argue that it's not much tougher for you, or that the stealth-game generally sucks now, as I agree fully. Infiltrators are overpowered and far too easy to play. SBs are still powerful, and still too easy to play.

This man has a clue. I always respected you as an infiltrator back in the old days. Good to see some people still are above reducing the discussion to repetative one liners.

regards, Fin


I don't mean to be an asshole here but..............how can you guys whine when x number of patches ago you COULD NOT HAVE MISSED the huge increase in your LA dmg and what you did say about it?? "FFS ROLL A SZ...........THEY ROXXXXXXXXXXX0RZZZZZ!" as i recall. It EVENTUALLY gets fixed an you quit with a tear in your eye.

Sorry but challenge and a strong adversary builds character. Sommin the re-rollers and quitters seem to lack and evidently don't want :(

Goodbye mate.........you where strong with a bugged char and tore me to shreds on a number of occasions unstealthed. I don't even know if you are a good player or not tbh. People having that doubt alone would be enough for me to stay to prove em wrong. Now we'll never know (ie *hint* DONT LEAVE *hint*) ;(




sb's cant just drop stealth and wtfpwn any class in the game anymore?

life without perma-endurance buff all a bit too much for you?

well boofuckinhoo :mad:


Originally posted by gwal
I dont care what is said, LA on SB´s got nerfed too much - yeah, it was too powerfull, but it´s too much of a nerf imo.

sorry to say, that I do find it funny how so many mids call all others nobbs, whiners, and unknowing while their characters are on top, and as soon as they get nerfed, and get more of a challenge set before them, they change class, or quit.

in one way I feel sorry for SB´s, in another I dont at all, casue a lot of others have had to live with being unable to win a lot of fights vs certain classes for a long long long time, and they are still here, fighting - and a lot of em are still fighting against classes they cant beat.

I´ve said it before and I´ll say it again, ppl should quit their "were not overpowered" crap, and help out to bring balance in the game instead - nerfs would likely be more balanced then, goes for all realms, not saying this to mids only.

but sala, how long have u had, with the ability to cut down just about any1 on the battlefield, regardless of u being stealthed or not - aaaages.

anyways, I´m sorry to see u go sala, always enjoyed our fights :(

Sums it up. Come on Sal, quitting less than a month after the nerf? You're a better player than that. Some of us stuck it out for a lot longer when you guys were overpowered - I'm sure it wont hurt you to stick around and take a few beatings ;)


I must have seen dozens of i quit posts then seen them back on a week or so later. TBH its a pretty poor excuse to quit just because u are not guaranteed to win every fight. I still get my ass handed to me from sb's regualarly even playing my friends rr7 infil so theyre not that badly done to.

id advocate getting some real life experience though , most refreshing so enjoy it 8)

PS Alexie change the record will u, u and your dragonfang whines are getting on everyones tits.


Originally posted by Iswind
they wont rest untill every mid char is subpar :(

infs > sbs
scouts > Hunters
pallys > thanes or skalds
friar > thanes or skalds
armsman < Warrior :)
Merc >> Zerk

And finally Reaver < Savage but not as much as ppl wants mythic to belive i for one think h2h savages are balanced but 2h savages quad hitting are a bit much :)

holy mother of all....
k thanes suck, but rest of that, plz get a clue m8, ur making an idiot of urself.


So when Sbs were "overpowered" infs and nightshades didnt stand a chance u are saying??
Thats Bulls***, Infs still had df and af buff and nightshades still had uber RAs and slash res armor.
They were all pretty balanced fyi.
Just when some SZers meet unbuffed players that was overpowered, cause they would hit hard as hell on them.

What do SBs got now?
They may be hitting as hard as an inf but got nothing else.
No df, no af buf,f no ap, not any good ras at all not even end buff anymore.

I really feel for u sala cya in WoW :)


Originally posted by NP_Finster
You can still beat infiltrators. Just don t try to do it with a 2hander and don t try any fancy CS styles. We don t have the spec points to afford them.
50 weaponspec is an absolute and undisputable must buy and it s annoying as hell that most infiltrator spec this (rightly so) because DF is at 50 spec. Life would be much easier with DF at spec 44 and lower weaponskill on the toons. LA styles are nothing to write home about anymore, but Havoc and Tyrs fury sure match up to Amethyst slash for 1on1 use.
Against the common infiltrator very little has changed for me. I will lose when they get DF in and i can t purge and i will win due to outdamaging them when i avoid stun. Adds are much more likely to spell doom though, because the margin by which we can win is much closer.
As for the real high rrs... havent fought many of them and don t expect to win an even fight with my measly 6L4.


This is not my experiense Finster. I stayed 5-spec when the patch hit and i did still kill alot of stealthers, i just switched from doublefrost/comback to garotte/achilles heel. Then i figured just as you that 50 in axe would be better for tyr's fury combo and respeced.

my 5 spec (as i remeber it) before nerf: 35 Stealth, 35 Envenom, 39 LA, 34 CS, 36 Axe.

50axe spec: 35 stealth, 35 envenom, 17 LA, 35 CS, 50 Axe.

I also have a MP suit and get +15 to all thoose stats, that means im not high RR only RR5.

Anyway, with the 50 Axe spec my damage dropped by 20-30 dmg mainhand doing havoc/tyr's instead of Garrote/achilles. Also i lost about 20-30 offhand. Very bad... Might be because im low RR and you get some higher LA with higher RR.

Luckely i got a single respecstone and fast as hell respec to (again if i remember): 35 stealth, 35 Envenom, 35 LA, 37 CS, 38 Axe.

Now i can kill buffed infils again but purge up is a must. The only 1 so far that i tried to kill and didnt succed atleast 1 time is Sst, but i havent tried on Remi, Jua or Elajt yet. So in my eyes this is as it should be I get killed by high RR Infils and i kill the low RR ones. Problem is that i got 20% better dmg atm so it is not balanced. This is how it should be if Mid and Alb had 1 relic each.

Sorry for long message...


Scaldie Lvl 50 Skald
Cracked Lvl 50 Shadowblade
Boobytrap Lvl 50 Hunter
Freeco Lvl 50 Spiritmaster
etc etc
Member of The Dark Disciples


Originally posted by Jergiot
holy mother of all....
k thanes suck, but rest of that, plz get a clue m8, ur making an idiot of urself.

Actually, he got most of it right. Warriors and Savages are the better compared to their cousins at albion, and the rest of the classes are inferior to them now. Atleast the ones he listed.

Not sure about the archer class tho, i'll leave that open for discussion.

Mercs are better than Zerkers, friars and pallys are better than thanes or skalds, Infs are way better than shadowblades. Exactly how is he making an idiot out of himself?


Originally posted by noaim

Mercs are better than Zerkers, friars and pallys are better than thanes or skalds, Infs are way better than shadowblades.

I don't think the 3 realms have classes that you should compare individually. You could do that if Mythic made the same classes for each realm with the same skills and just gave em different names to fit the realm, but they didn't. You can compare realms on a whole, but not per class, because the skills of one class are spread out over different classes in another realm.


truth is sbs are no match 4 infs nowdays :/ Yet before the patch it was really really hard to win a sb with relics, while when we had em sbs still had really good chancess of wining with purge up... and remember that we infs didnt even have sh but were putting all the realm points we had into anti-sb ras so we can win. I am sure sbs needed a nerf but not that much. They should had been able to use some good stuns just a little something the skilled players could use to make the differene from the newbies. (ex the cs chain infs do during the df)Anyway take care nice playing against you.. i dont blame you in 1.62 prolly i would had quit too if i had a sb. Its really annoying knowing that you created your char the best way he could possibly be and yet you see him beeing out of competition, even from way lower rank infs.... anywayz see you in wow i guess


No offense, but people that doesn't play SB [or any other assassin] don't have a clue how current assassin-balance is.

I will enjoy watching Paris athletics first and we shall see after them if my anger towards the game has settled.


Originally posted by Ensceptifica
I don't think the 3 realms have classes that you should compare individually. You could do that if Mythic made the same classes for each realm with the same skills and just gave em different names to fit the realm, but they didn't. You can compare realms on a whole, but not per class, because the skills of one class are spread out over different classes in another realm.

True, they all got their ups and downs.


And the last rats are leaving the sinking boat.....

Respect to you sala tough..at least u tried..


Sad to see you go Sala :(

I understand and respect your decision. I hope Mythic sees their totall fuckup with regards to assassin balance, and perhaps I'll see you "deathspam" again.

Until then take care m8, and have fun irl :)


sorry to see you go sal, but tbh its a whine.

Time and time again I was DF'd to death after getting pa chain in. Its hard and frustrating isn't it?

What was it I was once told, dont whine, just adapt :rolleyes:


Sala, can u change sig pic for last fight we had kthx :)


Originally posted by noaim
Actually, he got most of it right. Warriors and Savages are the better compared to their cousins at albion, and the rest of the classes are inferior to them now. Atleast the ones he listed.

Not sure about the archer class tho, i'll leave that open for discussion.

Mercs are better than Zerkers, friars and pallys are better than thanes or skalds, Infs are way better than shadowblades. Exactly how is he making an idiot out of himself?

merc better then zerkers? k
scouts better then hunters? k

and comparing friar/pally to skald is abit off.
infils being better then sbs after patch aint so hard to figure out.


its and odd quirk of this game that all assasins care about if they can pwnz0r the other realms stealthers...

i'm pretty certain SB is still capable of killing *most* of the opposing realms classes 1v1..

but ofc you ego-monkeys only really care if you can rip other assasins/archers in two for some reason.

its like a whole sub-game going on :D


Any of you SB's whining considered that if you had been lobbying for correction of lines AND dmg reduction when they originaly noticed the large increase in LA styles (A VERY LONG TIME AGO NOW) instead of takin advantage of something that was clearly wrong and "rolling4tehwin!!!" they would now have a viable class to play. Denying an hiding the aformentioned fact got you nerfed. Based on that history i'm having alot of trouble feeling any sympathy here. Get your TL to now whine for line corrections and you might get them just as everyone moves to WoW.



Tänk om jag hade en liten liten apa, umpa, umpa, faleralerej!

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