/bye bye



Originally posted by glorien_
LoL - its only since u SBs got fixed that you say its overpowered cos before it didnt mean shit to u and u could simply kill the infil after the stun ran out. TBH you should go a year with DF before they even talk about a nerf like infils did with LA...

So another alb who justifies the situation by trusting in Mythic and saying its not a nerf, its a fix and now SBs are what they should have been, like perfect? Sorry to be cynical but SB's are meant to be able to deal with infs and NS just like infs and ns can deal with each other and sbs. At this time SBs cant do that. Please don't claim they can and don't say Midgard don't need to be able to kill enemy stealthers just like the other realms do, no, SBs shouldn't kill casters only since inf and ns kill what they want. So please stfu with the fixed thing allready and stop trusting in Mythic, after all, it might be you next. You surely know SBs took a swing for population control issues and Mythics hurry-up attitude to just bypass SB and their needs after LA reduction. After awhile "SBs as meant to be" will show that Mythic will give them something and what then? WIll that mean Sbs are not what they are meant to be and fixed now? I bet every alb happy with sbs now are around 15 years old, empotionally retarded, pay no mind to what is intelligent and the kinds of persons who laugh at handicapped people at streets. Sbs are handicapped now.

Yes, lets have some smartguy with one or two liner to comment on this, in way like: "deal with it, whine etc." not to forget that smiley. Allso it would be nice if some person tells us Sb players what we doing wrong, Im sure some nonSB player has figured out how Mythic meant us to be played. You guys, its ok, seriously, no need to think about this any deeper, just make yourself heard, have a beer and and drool away as you try to think of a suitable flame. Its what kiddos do after all. Most SB flamers are propably the kinds of kids who allways got upset if their parents didn't let them win some boardgame.


Originally posted by saltymcpepper
i think the real question is, whos ass is envenom/aada going to sniff now:confused:

Yours if it didnt smell vaseline every day.


sux too see u go...
I understand tho sux if the class ur love just isnt competitive no more :(


Originally posted by stunned
Yours if it didnt smell vaseline every day.

its your fucking fault, im like "use KY tonight" and your like "im fucking using the vaseline bitch" :(


Originally posted by [PDC]Alexie
cu sala :( .

aada is a good shadowblade aswell, who ironically specced SZ when it got nerfed ;) why flame him cos he > u . Dragonfang has proved how overpowered it is since the LA nerf :/

Sorry but your right, SINCE la got nerfed DF has been a problem, not before, not the whole frikking year before the nerf where infils were nothing but 4 hits....


Originally posted by Shaurr
So another alb who justifies the situation by trusting in Mythic and saying its not a nerf, its a fix and now SBs are what they should have been, like perfect? Sorry to be cynical but SB's are meant to be able to deal with infs and NS just like infs and ns can deal with each other and sbs. At this time SBs cant do that. Please don't claim they can and don't say Midgard don't need to be able to kill enemy stealthers just like the other realms do, no, SBs shouldn't kill casters only since inf and ns kill what they want. So please stfu with the fixed thing allready and stop trusting in Mythic, after all, it might be you next. You surely know SBs took a swing for population control issues and Mythics hurry-up attitude to just bypass SB and their needs after LA reduction. After awhile "SBs as meant to be" will show that Mythic will give them something and what then? WIll that mean Sbs are not what they are meant to be and fixed now? I bet every alb happy with sbs now are around 15 years old, empotionally retarded, pay no mind to what is intelligent and the kinds of persons who laugh at handicapped people at streets. Sbs are handicapped now.

Yes, lets have some smartguy with one or two liner to comment on this, in way like: "deal with it, whine etc." not to forget that smiley. Allso it would be nice if some person tells us Sb players what we doing wrong, Im sure some nonSB player has figured out how Mythic meant us to be played. You guys, its ok, seriously, no need to think about this any deeper, just make yourself heard, have a beer and and drool away as you try to think of a suitable flame. Its what kiddos do after all. Most SB flamers are propably the kinds of kids who allways got upset if their parents didn't let them win some boardgame.

You practicly said it yourself, before LA nerf/fix infils were dropped in large numbers but since you have to use other styles than double frost it's gotten hard. Stop feeling so self righteous ffs, for once in over a year Sb's are having trouble and i still lose fights to sb 50/50 atm, its not like Mythic gave you a wet newspaper to fight with?

As Finster said, he still enjoy playing and by useing Axe styles i think it is he did ~250dmg still, which is better than dmg, even with DF............ and i think he also wrote "i don't expect to win every fight" (well something like that), so neither should you, face it - You might lose now!


Bye sala.. I think I only fought you once pre and once post nerf but I know what you're talking about.

Take care


Hope to see you later m8
think you need a break or play less i played to must
and also got feed up, but not cause of nerf bat
simple played way to must .....

PS and yes DF is a real pain so if goa dont remove it
or make it in a 2 combo style like Sbs got,
then i think purge sould be on a 15 min timer that
would solve that little problem

Tiri lvl 50 SZ


I dont care what is said, LA on SB´s got nerfed too much - yeah, it was too powerfull, but it´s too much of a nerf imo.

sorry to say, that I do find it funny how so many mids call all others nobbs, whiners, and unknowing while their characters are on top, and as soon as they get nerfed, and get more of a challenge set before them, they change class, or quit.

in one way I feel sorry for SB´s, in another I dont at all, casue a lot of others have had to live with being unable to win a lot of fights vs certain classes for a long long long time, and they are still here, fighting - and a lot of em are still fighting against classes they cant beat.

I´ve said it before and I´ll say it again, ppl should quit their "were not overpowered" crap, and help out to bring balance in the game instead - nerfs would likely be more balanced then, goes for all realms, not saying this to mids only.

but sala, how long have u had, with the ability to cut down just about any1 on the battlefield, regardless of u being stealthed or not - aaaages.

anyways, I´m sorry to see u go sala, always enjoyed our fights :(


we had some good fights in the past months sala hope we can meet again in WoW =) gl hf in rl ^^


Originally posted by Loveless
Always sad to see a fellow mid leave. HF in what ever you do.

And SBs are not inline cos they dont have a viable DW line ;(
heard of CD? ;ddd


Sad to see you leave man :(

Had some fun fights against you :)
Kinda weak to leave now just cause you can't pwn anymore.
But hey, if you're not having fun anymore, no reason to keep on playing :)

Will kinda miss you tho.....


I NEVER made my SB to be FoTM sz.
I made him long before SBs started shining.
Pin, Sst, Brommix, Gawain, Remi + other old timers...
You know the truth that made SBs so powerful: Relics.

Only one word: Relics.

Albs had str-relics when I started my SB career (think it was 1.56 or something).
And there was zero, ZERO, zero, ZERO posts about SBs doing too much damage.
Can you answer me Pin why SB damage wasn't worth whine back when you played? It was same damage back then than SBs made in 1.60.

You guys remember one week when albs had str-relics in 1.60?
Was inf > sb.
Not LA-styles like you claim.


See you, Sala. Not that you ever did anything than gank my Cabalist outright, but hey, your honor is reserved for everything not wearing a robe, I guess. ;)

Oh, and in regards to why SB damage was not worthy of a whine before, this could have something to do with the teeny weeny bug that Mythic introduced when they fecked up the LA growth rates in some forgotten patch a while ago, leading to the fix we have seen now.


they wont rest untill every mid char is subpar :(

infs > sbs
scouts > Hunters
pallys > thanes or skalds
friar > thanes or skalds
armsman < Warrior :)
Merc >> Zerk

And finally Reaver < Savage but not as much as ppl wants mythic to belive i for one think h2h savages are balanced but 2h savages quad hitting are a bit much :)


Originally posted by azshara
heard of CD? ;ddd

U mean that line that improves eventhough u dont spec it and doesnt give any penaltys for not specing it??


Originally posted by salamurhaaja
I NEVER made my SB to be FoTM sz.
I made him long before SBs started shining.
Pin, Sst, Brommix, Gawain, Remi + other old timers...
You know the truth that made SBs so powerful: Relics.

Only one word: Relics.

Albs had str-relics when I started my SB career (think it was 1.56 or something).
And there was zero, ZERO, zero, ZERO posts about SBs doing too much damage.
Can you answer me Pin why SB damage wasn't worth whine back when you played? It was same damage back then than SBs made in 1.60.

You guys remember one week when albs had str-relics in 1.60?
Was inf > sb.
Not LA-styles like you claim.

tbh i think its buff bots who made Sb's more evil than most.

btw, tell me why SB's wont admit LA was overpowered when Zerkers have and Mythic have?


Originally posted by salamurhaaja
I NEVER made my SB to be FoTM sz.
I made him long before SBs started shining.
Pin, Sst, Brommix, Gawain, Remi + other old timers...
You know the truth that made SBs so powerful: Relics.

Only one word: Relics.

Albs had str-relics when I started my SB career (think it was 1.56 or something).
And there was zero, ZERO, zero, ZERO posts about SBs doing too much damage.
Can you answer me Pin why SB damage wasn't worth whine back when you played? It was same damage back then than SBs made in 1.60.

You guys remember one week when albs had str-relics in 1.60?
Was inf > sb.
Not LA-styles like you claim.

You forgot something..Nerfs aren't done following the RvR of exalibur,we aren't either a server directly owned by mithic.
So the fact Albion had relics before and don't have them animore it's irrilevant.

I still think the element making infiltrators superior to Sb it's the full advantage by the str/con debuff in terms of Ws.

Fix it and you ll prolly greatly balanced their fights.


Originally posted by salamurhaaja
I NEVER made my SB to be FoTM sz.
I made him long before SBs started shining.
Pin, Sst, Brommix, Gawain, Remi + other old timers...
You know the truth that made SBs so powerful: Relics.

Only one word: Relics.

Albs had str-relics when I started my SB career (think it was 1.56 or something).
And there was zero, ZERO, zero, ZERO posts about SBs doing too much damage.
Can you answer me Pin why SB damage wasn't worth whine back when you played? It was same damage back then than SBs made in 1.60.

You guys remember one week when albs had str-relics in 1.60?
Was inf > sb.
Not LA-styles like you claim.

Well, actually I haven't played Pin since February. And for most of the time before that, Alb had all 3 str relics, oh and when we had IP, etc. During that time, the fights were even. The good SBs beat the Infilzerg, and the good Infs beat the SBzerg. Evenly matched fights were even. i.e. Infs needed 20% bonus.

Give SBs 20% bonus, and take away 20% from Infs and I'm sure things were not even at all (I only played for 20 minutes during a relic raid when SBs had relics, and it was not pretty being 4-shotted from full health while fully buffed after landing PA chain on Jox).

But as I have said many times before, the LA nerf is not a massive reduction to SB damage. It is more like 10-15% for the average SB. And 20% for a full SZ.

But hey, I'm not going to argue that it's not much tougher for you, or that the stealth-game generally sucks now, as I agree fully. Infiltrators are overpowered and far too easy to play. SBs are still powerful, and still too easy to play.


infs > sbs
scouts > Hunters
pallys > thanes or skalds
friar > thanes or skalds
armsman < Warrior
Merc >> Zerk

Pac healer > any other CC
Mend Healer > any other support class (arguably = to to druid)
Savage > any other tank
Warrior > any other tank
Zerker > any other light weight tank
Shammie for perma end and away you go.

you dont need to worry about all the other classes midgard has. They are surplus to requirement


Originally posted by Iswind
they wont rest untill every mid char is subpar :(

infs > sbs
scouts > Hunters
pallys > thanes or skalds
friar > thanes or skalds
armsman < Warrior :)
Merc >> Zerk

And finally Reaver < Savage but not as much as ppl wants mythic to belive i for one think h2h savages are balanced but 2h savages quad hitting are a bit much :)

sorry.. but got a clue?

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