BW T2 Community Liasions and some info




Just wanted to announce that myself (Xtro...duh :)) and Crunchy are Barrysworld Tribes 2 Community Liasions.
Mind you SAS is doing a good job atm :).

We'll try and answer questions...give you the latest on leagues, URL's for good sites etc etc etc. All sorts of stuff. We're only human though so don't treat us as the oracle of all T2 knowledge but we'll do our best.

Thought I'd give you a little background info too -
Crunchy and myself have both playes Tribes for around two years or more and we are both Barrysworld Tribes League admins. Crunchy was until recently (along with Spear) Chief admin of the league.

Crunchy leads HeadHunters (|HH|) one of the oldest Tribes clans around and definitely one of the best in Europe.
Nice people as well - even HH Speed ;).

I lead Chaos Legion ([CL]), been together 18 months or so and play other games (UT,CS etc). We're "good" but drink too much beer to be pro's ;).

About leagues...I've already posted that we are going to be running a Barrysworld Tribes 2 league but I originally posted that I thought it would be 4-6 weeks after general release of T2 that the first season would start. The BWTL admins need to meet up and discuss but after playing large team games and really getting to grips with the game I think it might be more like 6-8 weeks - just have to say WATCH THIS SPACE.

Performance - IMHO if you have more than 500mhz processor with a decent graphics card (geforce MX, Gts 2, etc etc) and 128mb ram you will be ok. Might have to turn some details down but nothing too bad. Saw my mate running it with a GTS 2 and 1ghz Intel - looked fantastic!

I have a GTS 2 and Athlon 600mhz with 196mb RAM...was a bit choppy outdoors at times but no way unplayable but besides I built this PC and its presently not running well - need to sort drivers etc :p

As for people from T1 having an advantage - a little maybe, but IMHO only their familiarity with certain weapons, deploying etc. The game itself is completely different. Some T1 players have complained that its so hard to cap flags and ski away from defence. My 2p on this is that this is much more of a team game (it plays as Dynamix intended Tribes1 to be) and will take v good co-ordination to wreck the enemy base and cap flags. IMHO its GOOD that one person alone cannot make a massive difference, if you want mass frag/caps/points = glory go play q3...
Points are given out now for doing team-oriented tasks like 1 point for returning your own flag. Not just for kills and flag grabs. The people who had the highest scores in games I just played were defenders not flag cappers.

Finally its very fresh to play which is great. Buy it ppl - you wont be disappointed :)


If it was out we would buy it. Stop showing off :D


just letting you know there was a list on tribalwar showing how different systems compared, but the most important things was that people were all using high resoulotions and 32bit depth, i usaually only play 800x600 on 16bit. So a person with similar computer as me got 25fps considering he was maxed on most things but he was using 1024x768, so hopefully mine will run well


I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Put it this way if you have np's with q3 and the like, then T2 will run fine. Why are people going on about the specs, the gfx ain't that great, i don't know why but like i say the models seem to be worse than T1's, by that i means both the player and the weapon models:( Gone is the big Q3 BFG looking mortar, and in is the replacement grey box. One thing i did like though was the grenade launcher(not the crap model) but the GREAT smoke effect it gives, when it hits the earth. Apart from new gameplay, and the new transports, there's not much to shout about. The in game gfx are prolly worse imho, apart from the weapon firing, and the textures in and out of the buildings. Great ehh, but if your still don't belive what im saying, don't worry there's prolly the largest amount of gfx/texture/effects/res/world detail, slider bars iv'e EVER seen in a game:p

Ohh and one last trick, i very much doubt this game will take the over as some seem to suggest. It requires a element of skill be play, as did T1, maybe thats why T1 wasn't so popular, Games like CS/TFC are a heaven for players that just love to camp/sit in map choke points, spamming pils ect... something im glad to say T2 is totally without, 'THE CHOKE POINT':p hence i doubt your gona see it become as popular as CS/TFC because of it. People these days just take the easy way out, getting there ass's kicked and learning the hard way for a a couple of months just doesn't appeal to them, like it did us old skool quakers;)


I hatva admit, the mortar model is very disapointing, but I'm sure there'll be skinners out there that'll make us one up :)


quakeworld rocked kurt_Angle

hey monkey and wij I'm not showing off just trying to share my llama knowledge :).

Some good points Kurt - but to me its gameplay over graphics anytime in a game and yeah i think the gfx in t2 are good actually. I do agree about the mortar though...

I know where you are coming from as well about the skill involved - this is a team game and its not going to appeal so much to people who want to display their INDIVIDUAL l33t m4d sk11z etc etc. Clan games will be great...I hope public servers will be good but er it will be mayhem for sure at first heh. Just have to see about the long term appeal - some people still play Jedi Knight...;)

BTW I loved Quakeworld and the original TF - WK rock :).

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