I was in bg0 for a bit of a laugh with my necro. I see an orange con kobbie shooting someone and thought haha i'll set my pet on him so I did. This was right outside atk. Guess what this kobbie did? He ran away and stealthed, so my pet ran after him and uncovered him. He then ran all the way to alb bridge, and over it to where the two red con guards were waiting. I called off my pet before they were aggroed. This guy didn't even have the guts to then shoot my pet, instead stealthed and didn't unsteath, so as I had called off my pet I couldn't uncover him again. Then along came an orange con chanter who set his pet on mine. So NOW the little kobbie decides ok hes got 2 v 1 so he can shoot my pet, so ofc I get pwned. Very funny ofc that I released straight away got straight onto pad and straight back again.
I just wanted to post and say to that little kobbie, YOU PUSSY. kthxbye flame away
I just wanted to post and say to that little kobbie, YOU PUSSY. kthxbye flame away