bugabuse in AC?


Dec 26, 2003
Cyviel said:
you doing something GOA have just said NOT TO.

oh rly? which rule am i breaking then? the you cannot exp afk rule?

all ban the bt theurs from early daoc days then ;(


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Aussie said:
oh rly? which rule am i breaking then? the you cannot exp afk rule?

all ban the bt theurs from early daoc days then ;(

and the POW song minstrels from tanglers


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Aussie said:
oh rly? which rule am i breaking then? the you cannot exp afk rule?

all ban the bt theurs from early daoc days then ;(

ahh but you see theyre not the ones making the XP the group is.. see the difference? a solo AFK cabbie is making the XP himself.. whereas an afk grp member is relying on others who are at the pc to make him the xp hence hes not hurting anyone else since the Group choose which mobs to pull.

Scenario 1:

im xp'ing in Keltoi some cabbie comes down and set his pet to aggro in the recluse room and goes afk, his pet is buffed has a lifetap so he can conceivably sit there all day with no risk to himself... however since im also levelling there and hes not in full control of his pet, the chances are it WILL add onto one of my pulls eventually.

Scenario 2:

im a pbt theurg, everyone knows most theurgs need to sit down to pulse BT consistantly, so there isnt much harm in me going AFK since most wont notice anyway.. the group is 8 people not 1.. so 7 other people are actively playing and choosing which mobs to hit and not to hit.

in scenario 2 its acceptable to go AFK because it doesnt hurt anyone, its not acceptable in scenario 1 because no matter how well you place yourself you cannot control your pets actions when your AFK, hence why its bannable.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Vindicator said:
That's a bit harsh man :x.

I mean it's pretty obvious that aussie's statement was a rhetorical question and he was merely pointing out that he feels its ridiculous for banning somebody for such a reason.

To be honest I cant believe it either, I mean your just leaving your pet to kill some mobs and while I can understand how they can worry about it effecting other ppl pulling or the breaking of CoC indirectly in some case's its still quite a strech to punish people for that. It sounds absurd really and ideally the best case scenario would be to deal with it on a case by case issue. If it involves no people just somebody passing by and taking a screen shot thus reporting it then such a case as that I would hope goa wouldnt ban but if its somebody doing near populated leveling area's or other people and effecting there leveling then fair enough. The distinction is too hard to keep track off and as always its easier to simply blanket ban the situation instead of making it more complicated than it needs to be for the amount of people it would effect.

hehe it was a joke.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 21, 2004
lol they cba to fix a bug so they ban anyone using it to their advantage, yet they allow the ridiculous eirenes bug to be used without punishment. Nice to see mythics thought process in action.


Dec 26, 2003
thank god these forums are unofficial forums with statements which contain as much bullshit as the one in my sig :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
How can you say you cant set pet on aggro to exp with it while afk because "it can attack someone else"? Thats a totally different offense and should be handled when/if it happens, and not be used as an argument to why afk-exping with pet on aggro is illegal.

Anyways, to do it a lil more tricky. If I park myself at a solo-mob that is aggro and pops at the same place all the time, then go afk and put my pet on defensive, the result would be the mob attacking me each time it pops, and the pet attacking it, taking aggro off me, killing the mob, and I get exp. Am I breaking CoC then?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
noaim said:
How can you say you cant set pet on aggro to exp with it while afk because "it can attack someone else"? Thats a totally different offense and should be handled when/if it happens, and not be used as an argument to why afk-exping with pet on aggro is illegal.

Anyways, to do it a lil more tricky. If I park myself at a solo-mob that is aggro and pops at the same place all the time, then go afk and put my pet on defensive, the result would be the mob attacking me each time it pops, and the pet attacking it, taking aggro off me, killing the mob, and I get exp. Am I breaking CoC then?

only if someone else comes along and pulls it before you then your pet goes after it... simple fact is DONT AFK XP.. it doesnt get any simpler than that.. GOA have just said DONT DO IT YOU'LL GET BANNED.. theres no need to theorise as to why they said it they just did, accept and move on... we could sit here all day and make up silly scenarios but it wont change the fact your not supposed to do it.. so dont.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Eh, it's not exactly hard to figure out, the issue is a pet on aggressive attacking mobs indiscriminately when you are not around to control it, nothing else.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Belomar said:
Eh, it's not exactly hard to figure out, the issue is a pet on aggressive attacking mobs indiscriminately when you are not around to control it, nothing else.

jesus finally someone gets it.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Belomar said:
Eh, it's not exactly hard to figure out, the issue is a pet on aggressive attacking mobs indiscriminately when you are not around to control it, nothing else.

I dont know if we are misunderstanding eachother here, but thats not what Requiel said. He said its illegal to go afk any extended period of time with pet on aggressive and you will get punished for doing so, and you should _also_ remember that pets are stupid and can attack anything, which can make you guilty of killstealing.

So my question still stands, is it illegal to go afk at a place with 1 aggro mob that always pops at that place, while your pet is set to defend?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 15, 2004
noaim said:
I dont know if we are misunderstanding eachother here, but thats not what Requiel said. He said its illegal to go afk any extended period of time with pet on aggressive and you will get punished for doing so, and you should _also_ remember that pets are stupid and can attack anything, which can make you guilty of killstealing.

So my question still stands, is it illegal to go afk at a place with 1 aggro mob that always pops at that place, while your pet is set to defend?

Yes but u can Zephyr ppl in tower or Use bug artifact or u can use 3rd program as u only get 2weeks ban blah blah blah :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
noaim said:
I dont know if we are misunderstanding eachother here, but thats not what Requiel said. He said its illegal to go afk any extended period of time with pet on aggressive and you will get punished for doing so, and you should _also_ remember that pets are stupid and can attack anything, which can make you guilty of killstealing.

So my question still stands, is it illegal to go afk at a place with 1 aggro mob that always pops at that place, while your pet is set to defend?

the key words are " NO AFK XP "

you have to be present when your gaining XP otherwise you get done for!
and to your scenario yes it is.. lets say your camping an Arty mob like Gem of Lost Memories, its spawns in the same place everytime.. and is aggressive towards you, you happily set-up shop... pet on defensive... cleric buff (that way no timers are involved to re-buff) and go away to lunch holiday whatever.. what gives you the right to do that and deny someone else that mob because you cant be arsed to sit infront of your PC and actually PLAY the game as it was intedended by actually pressing buttons.. now because you put your pet there its stopping someone else gaining access to that mob unless theyre quicker than the mob hitting your pet.. hardly fair is it?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
noaim said:
You are disagreeing with yourself with that reply.

no im not... im agreeing that someone finally understands the principles which GOA have set out.. you can make silly arguments all you want, the fact is GOA have set out theyre stance but you cant justify your point so you continue to make silly examples in an effort to get someone to agree with you, when the fact of the matter is your not supposed to do it, so dont.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Cyviel said:
no im not... im agreeing that someone finally understands the principles which GOA have set out.. you can make silly arguments all you want, the fact is GOA have set out theyre stance but you cant justify your point so you continue to make silly examples in an effort to get someone to agree with you, when the fact of the matter is your not supposed to do it, so dont.

You say GOA said you cant exp when afk, so dont exp when afk. Belomar said the issue is that the pet can attack mobs that is already pulled. GOA (read: Requiel) however pointed out that the pet-stealing-thingie is another thing that CAN happen IF you exp when afk. I dont think you understand whats being said here, and until you do, maybe you shouldnt post.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
noaim said:
You say GOA said you cant exp when afk, so dont exp when afk. Belomar said the issue is that the pet can attack mobs that is already pulled. GOA (read: Requiel) however pointed out that the pet-stealing-thingie is another thing that CAN happen IF you exp when afk. I dont think you understand whats being said here, and until you do, maybe you shouldnt post.

i think u missed the point also... kill stealing is a by-product of being AFK with your pet on aggressive.. theyre one and same and linked intrinsicly because your AFK, you cant differentiate between the saying theyre seperate entities.. because theyre not.. if you wernt AFK your pet wouldnt steal others mobs, and if you were at the computer thered be no problem with leaving your pet there since you can control it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Cyviel said:
i think u missed the point also... kill stealing is a by-product of being AFK with your pet on aggressive.. theyre one and same and linked intrinsicly because your AFK, you cant differentiate between the saying theyre seperate entities.. because theyre not.. if you wernt AFK your pet wouldnt steal others mobs, and if you were at the computer thered be no problem with leaving your pet there since you can control it.

You must be kidding. Ok, I run to the deepest, shittiest expspot that havent been used for 2½ year, at 4 in the morning, and put my pet on aggressive while I watch a movie. Noone is there, and most certainly, noone will come there. How can that and killstealing be the same thing and linked? You do understand that to steal a mob, there must be someone to actually steal it from, right? Its 2 different offenses, that should, and most certainly are treated separatedly from eachother if they occur. If you go afk with pet on aggro, and nothing else happens, you will get punished for afk exping. If you go afk with pet on aggro and it steals a mob, you will get punished for afk-exping and mob-stealing. I find it very hard to believe you would get punished for mob-stealing if you exp afk but no mob is actually stolen.

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