bugabuse in AC?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Your calculations are still not entirely valid. You don´t need a fully ToA´ed char to compete in RvR. It´s perfectly possible to play and have fun in RvR with a pre-ToA SC´ed char. It´s just the combined voice of all the 1337 players that´s leading to the impression that an 8 arti and 100+ plat template is mandatory to be successful in RvR.
And even the 216 hours you mentioned are nothing compared to the 12days /played it took to ding 50 in pre-SI times. It´s still fast and yes, it´s still part of the game. You don´t have to like it but that doesn´t give you any rights to cheat and avoid it.
What if someone would find a safe spot at dragons lair, so he can solo the daragon? Would you still say "doesn´t hurt anyone"? Or what if someone´s using an instant /level 50 hack? Doesn´t hurt anyone? Where´s the line?

Not like it hurts anyone if they can gear up a toon a bit faster. Though radar and bugabusing in pvp/rvr actually affects other people so i don't think of it the same way, people using bugs and cheats to gain advantage in pvp should be banned without warning.

You can´t draw a line. Some people claim that using crafting macros don´t hurt other people wither, while in fact it does. It hurts all those players who´re playing this game fair and according to the rules. Bug exploits have always been a reason for a punishment, in all MMORPGs and DAOC can´t make an exception.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
On a flip note, Mythic have seen what a complete and utter waste of MY
LIFE it is PvE yet another alt through the boring shite grind and in the
next patch they are implementing free levels/over time - thus if you have
dinged once normally during the course of the week and are an Alb, Mythic
will give you a free level. For Hibs (underpopulated/overpowered) this time
period will be as low as 2 days - so assuming you start at /level 20 and
earn a level every 2 days, you'll also be granted one for free (till 46 iirc?)
so essentially they can max out their toon slots on their account and have
a full set of 46+ toons in about two weeks.

The point however is that Mythic see a diminishing playerbase, they see
that the hardcore following (that remain) don't want to PvE, and just want
to get to 50 to RvR. They are implementing this next patch to stave off
people leaving from the tedium of PvE.

They also gave us necro's, animists, Bonedancers, PBAoE classes to aid with
speed of levelling.

Just because we all went through the grind once, doesn't mean it always
has to be that way going forward.

Tbh if people find a way to increase the speed of levelling through pointless
PvE, that doesnt hurt people - I don't see why others should have a prob
with it.

Same with crafting macros - I've spent /played WEEKS trinketting. What a
total waste of my life. I don't/won't do it anymore - and anyone that does
ought to be allowed to automate it imho.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Playing in competetive groups and meeting groups like AD you need a fully toa geared character with most stuff capped to be able to compete.

What if someone would find a safe spot at dragons lair, so he can solo the daragon? Would you still say "doesn´t hurt anyone"? Or what if someone´s using an instant /level 50 hack? Doesn´t hurt anyone? Where´s the line?
You can´t draw a line. Some people claim that using crafting macros don´t hurt other people wither, while in fact it does. It hurts all those players who´re playing this game fair and according to the rules. Bug exploits have always been a reason for a punishment, in all MMORPGs and DAOC can´t make an exception.

If someone could solo dragon and would keep all the items to himself i wouldn't mind it, but as soon as he starts to put up items he have gained for sale it would hurt the community cause he would be able to lower prices to ridiculous amounts, just look at hib/exc - they were able to kill dragon with a few animists and some druids, now stones are practicaly for free there.

If there was a free level 50 hack i wouldnt risk my account by using it, yet i would not have a problem with others using it since it doesnt harm me or my gameplay in any way.

Using a macro to craft isn't really either a big problem imo, still takes the same amount of time to reach legendary, the only difference is what the person behind the character is doing in the meantime. Again it doesnt hurt me or my gameplay.

"It hurts all those players who´re playing this game fair and according to the rules." Hurts them how? Are they jealos that someone else managed to do the same thing they did with less effort? :fluffle:

"And even the 216 hours you mentioned are nothing compared to the 12days /played it took to ding 50 in pre-SI times."

To me it just sounds like you are a person thinking "I suffered the bore of pve-grind and so shall others, no exceptions!"


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Seems we got a different approach to DAOC. I see DAOC as a game where (at least to a large extend) playtime = success. You spend more time doing stuff, you have more xp, RR`s, artis, money, whatever. That´s the idea of a long-term game like a MMORPG and in fact, this is how this entire community is working. Otherwise we might as well just all /level 50, /summon 1337 equipment and port to RvR, turning this server into a Gorre-clone.
Your approach is I don´t care what other people do as long as it doesn´t affect my game. That´s ok for a personal POV, but when you zoom out the focus, then you´ll have to realise that this means a devaluation of one part of the game as I said. You describe this a "jealousy that someone else has achieved the same with less effort", but it´s not. If someone is able to PL his toons in 2 days with his Necro or because he knows better spots or because he found a strategy to minimize downtime, that´s fine as long as it´s still inside the rules of this game. We just can´t tolerate cheating and hide behind the "not my cup of tea" argument. :)

Whatever, off to celebrate XMas :)


Feb 2, 2004
Thats a known bug in ac, like the one in Hib in Curu Mines, mobs can't hit u but u can pbaoe kill them.... Sombody got banned for it on camlann for a couple of days


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Snitches still suck and will allways do !!!!!!!!! ( sorry for my bad spelling ) :kissit: :kissit: :kissit:


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Danord_durin said:
Snitches still suck and will allways do !!!!!!!!! ( sorry for my bad spelling ) :kissit: :kissit: :kissit:

Cheaters sucks even more! No one thought it was funny to get killed by a radar squad, did they?


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
If you see people doing this kind of thing, screenshot it and report it via RightNow. People who abuse these bugs willl be punished. Cheating is cheating even if 'it doesn't hurt anyone'.

Code of Conduct said:
Players undertake not to make use of any bugs, nor to use any undocumented functions, nor to exploit any possible design faults. Players also undertake to notify GOA personnel of the presence of any bugs, undocumented functions or design faults that they may discover as soon as possible.


Dec 22, 2003
Lagman said:
Hi guys! IMO GOA brought this on themselves, think about it. How many times have u died because of lag?

How much money should really be refunded to you because their lag infected servers or opentransit or wtf ever they blame for the lag? :twak:

How much xp have you missed out on?

How many hours of RL burnt in this hell?

I say go find a bug, n then abuse it to the MAX! (what? they gonna ban you? force their customers to WOW by their own hands?)

Snitches sucks....

Oh hi GOA TEAM oh whats that? you want to bill me? Oh no problem pls take some more money from me, Oh what? not ur fault game is unplayable 33% of the time? :twak: im sorry did that hurt? :twak: here take another! :twak:

Do you have to practise a lot to act so stupidly?


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 11, 2004
I believe thats the asnwer of albions to the mega pl of moderna and stuff, give us a same spot at albion and then we will stop using bugs ;)


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Aeoric said:
next patch they are implementing free levels/over time - thus if you have dinged once normally during the course of the week and are an Alb, Mythic will give you a free level. For Hibs (underpopulated/overpowered) this time period will be as low as 2 days - so assuming you start at /level 20 and
earn a level every 2 days, you'll also be granted one for free (till 46 iirc?).
What about chars in BG's? Is there any safeguard to stop them leveling past the cap in each BG?


Jan 21, 2004
Hawkwind said:
What about chars in BG's? Is there any safeguard to stop them leveling past the cap in each BG?
aye... you get the free lvl from yer trainer.. and unless you manage to smuggle a trainer into bg... youre pretty safe


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Thorwyn[B&Q] said:
And even the 216 hours you mentioned are nothing compared to the 12days /played it took to ding 50 in pre-SI times.

My first char took me over 40 days played :D

Exploiting a bug is very very tempting, especially if you see others do it and they seem to get away with it. How many of us would do the same thing if we found out a bug, maybe only to 'test' it. That's why you have to be fairly vigilant when dealing with bug abusers even if the punishment seems rather harsh for what is regarded as 'not hurting anyone'.

How many of us explored a bit of Hib and Mid when we found a hole in a zonewall instead of logging and reporting it?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 6, 2004
what sucks even more was when i was levelling my Reaver and i found some dude sat with his pet on aggro in the only spawn of what i wanted to hunt.. i pm'd him and asked him to un/aggro his pet so i could pull only to find he was AFK... so i pmd his GM only to be met with the most ridiculous statement ive ever heard <and this was a BIG respectable guild btw> the guy that pm'd me back said "do you think its a good idea to report people for cheating when the server population is so low?"

omfg? and he was serious... ffs nob heads everywhere.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Loosey said:
"do you think its a good idea to report people for cheating when the server population is so low?"

Answer is very simple: Yes.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
ahh but is sitting in the middle of spawn with pet on aggro bug abusing? By nature pets have an aggro setting, and imo sitting in the middle of a spawn might be stupid but i cant believe it to be bug abusing or cheating?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 6, 2004
Calaclya said:
ahh but is sitting in the middle of spawn with pet on aggro bug abusing? By nature pets have an aggro setting, and imo sitting in the middle of a spawn might be stupid but i cant believe it to be bug abusing or cheating?

GOA already stated doing pet stay on aggro AND AFK is bannable. so yes is the answer.. still i was only doing him a favour anyone else would have reported him straight away.. so i just told him incase he didnt realise, was totally stunned by the attitude of the other guy tho.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Loosey said:
GOA already stated doing pet stay on aggro AND AFK is bannable. so yes is the answer.. still i was only doing him a favour anyone else would have reported him straight away.. so i just told him incase he didnt realise, was totally stunned by the attitude of the other guy tho.

where did they state this


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
trust goa will ban/suspend peeps for being afk with pet on aggro even though i was not i was camping an xp spot and sum noob try pulling mobs of my pet then said i was afk because my pet had all the aggro (yeah go work it out i could not either)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 6, 2004
Technodave said:
where did they state this

there was a big hoo hah when some guys on the US servers got banned in Dartmoor on ponies and Sanya said it was bannable so dont do it, then about a year ago some guy on BW said hed got banned for it too and someone from GOA said yes it was Bannablce since your AFK whilst doing it. ill see if i can get Requiel or someone to post an official stance again. but im 100% sure GOA's line is the same as Mythic's.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
You aren't allowed to do it. People do need to take sudden afks and leave pets unattended for a short while from time to time but leaving a pet on aggro mode while you are away for an extended period of time is not allowed and will get you punished. Remember also that you are responsible for the actions of your pet, and, as we all know, some pets aren't very smart. If your pet rushes off and attacks a monster that another player has already pulled then you are guilty of killstealing. For this reason you should make sure that your pets are set to passive/defence if you need to leave them unattended for any period of time.


Dec 26, 2003
Requiel said:
but leaving a pet on aggro mode while you are away for an extended period of time is not allowed and will get you punished.

and what exactly is wrong with that, which rule do they break?


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Aussie said:
and what exactly is wrong with that, which rule do they break?
You recently finished a university degree and you somehow managed to not learn how to read in the process? :rolleyes:


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Aeoric said:
On a flip note, Mythic have seen what a complete and utter waste of MY
LIFE it is PvE yet another alt through the boring shite grind and in the
next patch they are implementing free levels/over time - thus if you have
dinged once normally during the course of the week and are an Alb, Mythic
will give you a free level. For Hibs (underpopulated/overpowered) this time
period will be as low as 2 days - so assuming you start at /level 20 and
earn a level every 2 days, you'll also be granted one for free (till 46 iirc?)
so essentially they can max out their toon slots on their account and have
a full set of 46+ toons in about two weeks.

The point however is that Mythic see a diminishing playerbase, they see
that the hardcore following (that remain) don't want to PvE, and just want
to get to 50 to RvR. They are implementing this next patch to stave off
people leaving from the tedium of PvE.

They also gave us necro's, animists, Bonedancers, PBAoE classes to aid with
speed of levelling.

Just because we all went through the grind once, doesn't mean it always
has to be that way going forward.

Tbh if people find a way to increase the speed of levelling through pointless
PvE, that doesnt hurt people - I don't see why others should have a prob
with it.

Same with crafting macros - I've spent /played WEEKS trinketting. What a
total waste of my life. I don't/won't do it anymore - and anyone that does
ought to be allowed to automate it imho.

or maybe the fact that you can get 50 so fast now (in all realms) has caused the problems (in all realms) of nobody really knowing anybody. In the old days of exping you built up a huge base of friends, grouping with different people, taking all classes.
Sitting afk while some random necro/SM/Animist power levels you wont make you many friends and just creates greed and impatiance.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Raven said:
or maybe the fact that you can get 50 so fast now (in all realms) has caused the problems (in all realms) of nobody really knowing anybody. In the old days of exping you built up a huge base of friends, grouping with different people, taking all classes.
Sitting afk while some random necro/SM/Animist power levels you wont make you many friends and just creates greed and impatiance.

Tbh, sometimes I really miss the times of grouping up in Salisbury plains, killing and get killed. Then moving to new areas and getting to know them to etc etc.... :(


Dec 26, 2003
so you're telling me if a bonedancer leaves his pet on aggro and goes afk in a green/blue con area for 1hour (since you go ld then) he is breaking rules? rofl irl.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Aussie said:
so you're telling me if a bonedancer leaves his pet on aggro and goes afk in a green/blue con area for 1hour (since you go ld then) he is breaking rules? rofl irl.

err yes because your in comabt you dont go LD, and yes u get banned...

for 2 simple reasons:

1. you could interfere with others pulls
2. you doing something GOA have just said NOT TO.

if you dont understand any of those 2 rules i suggest you change realms and play a Bonedancer... i hear you only need to learn to press 1 key to play those perhaps you would enjoy a simple class more... seems to match your intellect.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Cyviel said:
err yes because your in comabt you dont go LD, and yes u get banned...

for 2 simple reasons:

1. you could interfere with others pulls
2. you doing something GOA have just said NOT TO.

if you dont understand any of those 2 rules i suggest you change realms and play a Bonedancer... i hear you only need to learn to press 1 key to play those perhaps you would enjoy a simple class more... seems to match your intellect.

That's a bit harsh man :x.

I mean it's pretty obvious that aussie's statement was a rhetorical question and he was merely pointing out that he feels its ridiculous for banning somebody for such a reason.

To be honest I cant believe it either, I mean your just leaving your pet to kill some mobs and while I can understand how they can worry about it effecting other ppl pulling or the breaking of CoC indirectly in some case's its still quite a strech to punish people for that. It sounds absurd really and ideally the best case scenario would be to deal with it on a case by case issue. If it involves no people just somebody passing by and taking a screen shot thus reporting it then such a case as that I would hope goa wouldnt ban but if its somebody doing near populated leveling area's or other people and effecting there leveling then fair enough. The distinction is too hard to keep track off and as always its easier to simply blanket ban the situation instead of making it more complicated than it needs to be for the amount of people it would effect.

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