bugabuse in AC?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
this ice wiz (Glaydon) was standing on a tent in AC and couldnt get hit by the mobs but he could attack them, is this a bug?


  • sshot006.jpg
    34 KB · Views: 811


[GOA] English Servers GM
Jun 8, 2004
Yupers indeed it is bug abuse. Report it through RightNow (we need trackability and to check the server logs) and the nice GMs who aren't on holiday will look into it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
What kind of punishment would he be looking at for that?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
whats wrong with it? maybe he got stuck .... :p


Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
he will get an 7 day bann, if its the second time when hes hot reported because this kind of bug abuse he will get an perma bann.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2004
Why be a snitch???

Hi guys! IMO GOA brought this on themselves, think about it. How many times have u died because of lag?

How much money should really be refunded to you because their lag infected servers or opentransit or wtf ever they blame for the lag? :twak:

How much xp have you missed out on?

How many hours of RL burnt in this hell?

I say go find a bug, n then abuse it to the MAX! (what? they gonna ban you? force their customers to WOW by their own hands?)

Snitches sucks....

Oh hi GOA TEAM oh whats that? you want to bill me? Oh no problem pls take some more money from me, Oh what? not ur fault game is unplayable 33% of the time? :twak: im sorry did that hurt? :twak: here take another! :twak:



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Lagman said:
Hi guys! IMO GOA brought this on themselves, think about it. How many times have u died because of lag?

How much money should really be refunded to you because their lag infected servers or opentransit or wtf ever they blame for the lag? :twak:

How much xp have you missed out on?

How many hours of RL burnt in this hell?

I say go find a bug, n then abuse it to the MAX! (what? they gonna ban you? force their customers to WOW by their own hands?)

Snitches sucks....

Oh hi GOA TEAM oh whats that? you want to bill me? Oh no problem pls take some more money from me, Oh what? not ur fault game is unplayable 33% of the time? :twak: im sorry did that hurt? :twak: here take another! :twak:




FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
what? they gonna ban you? force their customers to WOW by their own hands?

ok so...

1. find something to be annoyed about.

2. take this as a justification to cheat.

3. if they´re taking action against cheating, blame them to drive you to WoW.

4. if you can´t find anything to be annoyed about, move to WoW anyways and start a thread on FH how much DAOC sucks and Blizzard rules because WoW never lags and it´s always balanced and there is no zerg in WoW and the support is 100% better and they´re listening to their customer base and the graphics rule and the gameplay is fantastic and you can actually undresss your buffbot and DAOC is dying anyways. Honestly.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
And go to WoW and tell us how much you will stay there too if you bug abuse... :m00:


Jan 21, 2004
Sock Drawer said:
Any chance of a smaller screenshot - I can almost make that one out :p
i managed to get it smaller :)


  • sshot006.jpg
    1.3 KB · Views: 493


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 7, 2004
wittor said:
whats wrong with it? maybe he got stuck .... ;P
Riiiight And the chance for that IS ;p?

Funkybunny said:
i managed to get it smaller =)
Rofl ;p

Lagman said:
Hi guys! IMO GOA brought this on themselves, think about it. How many times have u died because of lag?

How much money should really be refunded to you because their lag infected servers or opentransit or wtf ever they blame for the lag? :twak:

How much xp have you missed out on?

How many hours of RL burnt in this hell?

I say go find a bug, n then abuse it to the MAX! (what? they gonna ban you? force their customers to WOW by their own hands?)

Snitches sucks....

Oh hi GOA TEAM oh whats that? you want to bill me? Oh no problem pls take some more money from me, Oh what? not ur fault game is unplayable 33% of the time? :twak: im sorry did that hurt? here take another! :twak:

Ahh yes, let's all find some good bugs in keeps, and laugh at all the hibs/mibs that gets own by our leet bug abuse skills...
Just because someone does something, dosen't mean that you will make it better by ALSO doing so.
And now we are at it, then it makes us look like guardians of the light, if we just blame GoA...

:wanker: <--- First time i saw that, so thought i might aswell use it for you ^^

Close thead?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2004
1. This has been a known bug for a long time, and still not fixed :(

2. Not all games are bugless. Dont get me wrong, WoW is a very good game, and I am sure it has its bugs just like all other games, Just have not found any yet. As far as lag goes, yes there is lag in WoW, just not like there is in DAOC where you lag even with 1 person in the zone. Take Ironforge for example: probably the biggest city within WoW and contains the only Auction House for the Alliance, it has tons of lag at certain times. Sometimes this lag can be over 1 minute or longer. This really sucks when trying to access your bank, or mailbox to get gold out from selling stuff on the AH.

The thing that setts WoW apart from DAOC to me is: you dont have this L33T attitude like you do in DAOC. Most people are actually helping one another. Albs can learn alot from WoW


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
What's wrong with people getting fast exp instead of the mindless utter boring slow pvegrind that it otherwise takes to level in daoc? Instead of fixing the bug GOA hands out a ban to everyone that might find the spot and decide to take advantage of it cause they find PVE really boring. And banning people for exping instead of fixing important pvp balance issues and bugs, like eirenes hauberk procc, seems to me like GOA need to sort their priorities some.

Thanks for reading


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The mindless utter boring pvegrind is one aspect of this game. If you don´t like it, then DAOC is not your game. And slow? In days of dinging 50 in under 3 days played... slow?
What´s wrong with exploiting bugs like this is, that this guy is getting an unfair advantage over those people who don´t abuse the bug and really have to work for their money. Yes, this is bannable, just like crafting macros are bannable, or Radar or exploiting wall-bugs. And for the hipocrite fraction: if GoA wouldn´t ban those people, we would see a plethora of threads on FH how cool and fair Blizzard and WOW is because they´re banning EVERY cheater right on spot, no trial no lawyer while GoA doesn´t even ban an obvious exploiter like this one.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
there is another spot you can do that in caldey, on the posts at the bridges :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Try an go ac on camlann :p All the bug spots are campet all the time :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
aye and every wall-bug on camlann is full of stealthers, lost count the amount of times a stealther has tried to jump me but realised he was gonna get his arse kicked and run off into a wall bug and log :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
<thinks he has to be more carefull next time he ports to last bind point from bug holes in AC>



Part of the furniture
Mar 10, 2004
If someone did actually send lots of screenshots to rightnow with people doing this, are GOA suppose to ban them all? I think not.
It would be like digging your own grave.
Nice little trick they use there though. I guess Mythic fix it in a new patch soon. Oh wait, the bug has been around since about SI release and they still don't bother with it. Visit PvP and CooP servers on US, and you see animists doing the same with shrooms all the time.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2004
moik said:
What's wrong with people getting fast exp instead of the mindless utter boring slow pvegrind that it otherwise takes to level in daoc? Instead of fixing the bug GOA hands out a ban to everyone that might find the spot and decide to take advantage of it cause they find PVE really boring. And banning people for exping instead of fixing important pvp balance issues and bugs, like eirenes hauberk procc, seems to me like GOA need to sort their priorities some.

Thanks for reading

So does that mean since there are no traffic signs on a road I can drive as fast as I want? I think not!

Regardless if the bug is fixed or not, its a known bug (exploit) and the person and account should be perma banned, along with everyone else using it.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 3, 2004
Hendrich said:
The thing that setts WoW apart from DAOC to me is: you dont have this L33T attitude like you do in DAOC. Most people are actually helping one another. Albs can learn alot from WoW

I don't know for how long you've been playing, but i started playing about 2,5 years ago, and back then ppl did help eachother, and there was little leet attitude, at least none that i knew about at the time... in a year or two, things will look exactly the same in WoW, i'm pretty sure of it...


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
Worfen said:
I don't know for how long you've been playing, but i started playing about 2,5 years ago, and back then ppl did help eachother, and there was little leet attitude, at least none that i knew about at the time... in a year or two, things will look exactly the same in WoW, i'm pretty sure of it...

less than 2 yrs tbh i give it 3 months simply because exping is faster and its made by blizzard which will attract all the D2 kids.

to bad tho the emote stuff is fun and the additional trade skills.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
The mindless utter boring pvegrind is one aspect of this game. If you don´t like it, then DAOC is not your game. And slow? In days of dinging 50 in under 3 days played... slow?

72 Hours played ingame, then additional 72 hours ingame to get artifacts and items for your template which you need to be able to compete in rvr, additional 72+ hours to level your artifacts. That makes it atleast 216 hours spent ingame to make a character viable for rvr. Out of those 216 hours you pull practicly the same mobs and kill them the exact same way, no variation at all, for 144 hours. You find that fun? Good for you. Most people don't and i dont see why they should be banned for making their lives a bit easier so they can enjoy the game the way they like to play it (rvr). Not like it hurts anyone if they can gear up a toon a bit faster. Though radar and bugabusing in pvp/rvr actually affects other people so i don't think of it the same way, people using bugs and cheats to gain advantage in pvp should be banned without warning.

And for the record, i didn't buy DAOC for endless grinding in PVE, i bought it cause of the RvR part of the game - so YES i think this game is for me. You don't have to like every part of a game to enjoy it, especially not games like DAOC where there are so many ways you can play the game.

Merry christmas :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
So some people think there should be a differentiation between PvE and PvP/RvR bug abuse... if it affects other people in the game, then ban people for it, if people are only using it to their own advantage - to level their alt/arti quicker or whatever - then it's ok to use those bugs until GOA/Mythic bother to fix them? I can't actually decide whether I agree with this or not. I guess it boils down to the fact of would I use the bug myself? And the answer is yes, I would use the bug to exp faster if I had the right characters/situation to do so. But, I think it would be a bit harsh to ban people for this simple bug that doesn't affect anyone else in the game... even if it is a repeat offence after a 7 day suspension. I think the solution is to make the suspension every time they get caught so it's a game of cat and mouse :p Oh I don't really know a good solution, I just know I think banning is a bit harsh.

Merry CHristmas indeed :cheers:

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