


This may sound stupid, but i use a bot because everybody elese does....
you _very_ rarely meet a unbuffede soloer in emain and yes i know its unfair vs. unbuffede enemys but then again i dont really meet that meny unbuffede enemys...


Originally posted by svartmetall
It's actually a tricky one, because BB users could go "well I pay twice as much to play so I can do what I want" or "it's how I choose to play the game so STFU"...IMO BBs are totally against the co-operative ethos of the game itself.

Oh, and utterly lame, in case I didn't establish the "lame" motif strongly enough before.

If peeps want to spend double for a second account then thats up to them surely?

I play on a low-end system, does that mean that i should whine at peeps on a high-end system with T3 connection, coz they have an advantage over me?

I think not.

I play with what i can afford, thats my situation and i dont impose that upon other, more affluent players. If they can afford it, i got no beef with that.

Get real, money talks, and bullshit walks.


some of us have to spend our cash on other things ;ie children etc and cant afford to pay out for another account and comp(2 copies can be run via DAOX?)

also imo buffbots originally started because of lame attitudes like those idiots that hack on Counter Strike....they couldnt play people on normal terms because they r shit and have low lvls of skill.....but now that LOADS of people have buffbots perhaps it is ok, simply to b on par with evreyone else.


in my experience

me > infil/sb who misses pa/bs
me use purge and/or ip > infil/sb that hits pa/bs
me buffed > buffed infil/sb who misses pa/bs
me buffed use ip and/or purge > buffed infil/sb that hits pa/bs

of course there are exceptions, rr ranks etc



simple statement,

a assassin, not matter how well buffed it is, should simply NOT be able to kill a heavy tank, the class is NOT designed to, and tbh, killl a heavy tank pretty easily.


I don't tend to use my buffbot in RvR because as a tank/hybrid I am always grouped with a cleric/friar.

I do use one in PvE for a number of reasons:

1) I have one

2) Working full-time and having a family means I have to make the most of my time online and the thing I used to hate most was coming in from work, logging on for 3 hours and spending 2 of those hours sitting at trees whilst we tried to get a group together. Now I logon, buff up and start killing.

Buffbots enable a casual gamer i.e. someone who doesn't have the opportunity to sit online 16 hours a day the chance to level at a less painful rate. As for cost. My 2nd account costs me the same a month as 3 pints of stella. The Broadband is the same no matter how many PC's are connected and I have a 2nd PC...so why not..

As for RvR. Buffbots make a crap player average and a good player awesome.

As long as Mythic are a profit making entity the use of buffbots will be encouraged. Cashflow is King!


Originally posted by Falcore
simple statement,

a assassin, not matter how well buffed it is, should simply NOT be able to kill a heavy tank, the class is NOT designed to, and tbh, killl a heavy tank pretty easily.

try play a frekkin assasin before u state such a thing.

a high rr tank vs a high rr infil is a very close fight. if the infil dont play 'smart' he is toast.


they should nerf buffbots. its just basically a way of cheating, they should only give clerics buffs when they hit lvl 50 :cheers:


Originally posted by Karam_gruul
they should nerf buffbots. its just basically a way of cheating, they should only give clerics buffs when they hit lvl 50 :cheers:

most buffbots are 50

Carlos Bananos

Originally posted by acei
I agree with you our main job is heal for most clerics, but i've noticed some groups have started to ignore clerics and just use buff bots to buff their entire group and leave their buff bot at the keep and then go off and fight without a cleric.... i think groups should have 2 clerics or more simply because of our heal AND stun abilities.

another reason why alb grps are owned on a regular basis then :l

i've never seen that happen in mid, to take a buffbot over a healer in mid is unheard of, and quite frankly, retarded.


simple statement,

a assassin, not matter how well buffed it is, should simply NOT be able to kill a heavy tank, the class is NOT designed to, and tbh, killl a heavy tank pretty easily.

Yes, seems like only people who don't play assassins make these states. If I see high rr tank [gunnerr, tankster etc] I make 100% sure that he is alone [I need to kill him quickly] and I get PA+CD in, otherwise I loose that fight 100%.

And it seems like people only complain assassins being buffed. What about those buffed mages? They cast quicker and make more damage whit their spells, and what about those tanks: 2500 hp or more, shitloadsa more damage etc. So don't generalize that only assassins use buffs, 'cos about 75% of all players I kill drop buffs: tanks, assassins, mages...

BTW: assassins were nerfed in last patch. !

Carlos Bananos

Originally posted by Falcore
simple statement,

a assassin, not matter how well buffed it is, should simply NOT be able to kill a heavy tank, the class is NOT designed to, and tbh, killl a heavy tank pretty easily.

it's alright saying that,

but please explain...WHY THE FUCK NOT?

Theyshouldn't be able to OUT TANK a heavy tank, but killing, and out tanknig, are totally fucking different.

If what you say is true, then you cold look at it the other way round...An assasin sholdbe able to kill anyone with ease, thats what assasins do, kill quickly, leave etc, without being seen....so give me 2k damage staing hidden PAs ok?

Cap'n Sissyfoo

My level 24 infi killed a zerker. Go me! Technically I was dead a couple of seconds before the zerker died but I still kicked her booty and finished her off with mah poisons.

Go meeeeeeee!

What is this topic about? I just came here to brag! :)


Karam, wanna duel me ( lvl 47 pally gimp on excal)?


It's fun having buffbots, and that's the main reason of this game, having fun. :D


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
My level 24 infi killed a zerker. Go me! Technically I was dead a couple of seconds before the zerker died but I still kicked her booty and finished her off with mah poisons.

Go meeeeeeee!

What is this topic about? I just came here to brag! :)

zerkers arent a proper tank, they do all the dmg, but pa cd ss can totaly screw them over, (or just pa in BG) even scouts can sometimes kill 1


Originally posted by salamurhaaja
Yes, seems like only people who don't play assassins make these states. If I see high rr tank [gunnerr, tankster etc] I make 100% sure that he is alone [I need to kill him quickly] and I get PA+CD in, otherwise I loose that fight 100%.

And it seems like people only complain assassins being buffed. What about those buffed mages? They cast quicker and make more damage whit their spells, and what about those tanks: 2500 hp or more, shitloadsa more damage etc. So don't generalize that only assassins use buffs, 'cos about 75% of all players I kill drop buffs: tanks, assassins, mages...

BTW: assassins were nerfed in last patch. !

Sal you make some interesting points. First up you say you make sure a heavy tank is alone before attacking as you need to kill him quickly. Doesn't this sound ODD to you that an assassin should be able to take out a high ranking heavy tank, and QUICKLY too? Just stop and think for a moment - as an assassin you should NOT be able to take out a high ranking heavy tank solo, let alone quickly. That is the primary reason why buffbots HAVE to be dealt with by Mythic.

Secondly, you say about mages being buffed. AFAIK mages don't go round solo, so to raise the issue of GROUPED characters being buffed is simply to miss the point.

I really don't know what the solution is. To put a range limit on buffs might be one, but this would have the negative side of scouts and assassins needing to stay in range of their group - thus being unable to perform a crucial role that they have. Another option might be that inactive characters time out after a period - but again this doesnt really do it. Another might be that you can only be buffed by characters you are grouped with - again unsatisfactory. So I really have no clue how to solve it - sadly it looks like buffbots are here to stay. Atleast most right minded people realise that they are a negative part of the game and give much more respect to stealthers who play without them.


Can we start another of these threads for the n+1th time in 5 seconds?

Mythic's making sure with their changes that you DON'T solo, if you don't pay double.


First up, i'd rather face an armsman or a warrior in rvr than a zerker ANY day of the week.

PA can screw up any class if it hits, all the best assassin moves must be done from stealthed and are position based, and therefore a lot harder to perform than some dumb ass tank runnin around with his weapon drawn spamming F8 and /stick!

An assassin should be able to take down any enemy, it takes patience and good timing not to mention a great deal of skill.

Already made my feelings clear on buffbots, so i wont say nemore about that.


Originally posted by Carlos Bananos
it's alright saying that,

but please explain...WHY THE FUCK NOT?

Theyshouldn't be able to OUT TANK a heavy tank, but killing, and out tanknig, are totally fucking different.

If what you say is true, then you cold look at it the other way round...An assasin sholdbe able to kill anyone with ease, thats what assasins do, kill quickly, leave etc, without being seen....so give me 2k damage staing hidden PAs ok?

Grats on use of the expletives. Always adds to the argument. A solo fight between a tank and assassin is predominantly about the melee - or tanking as its also known. Once the initial strike has been made most of the fight is about slogging it out toe-to-toe. In most people's book that equates to tanking. And the buffed-to-the-balls assassin will beat the tank, even tanks over rr5, on a regular basis. And that is just plain wrong. Tanks are called tanks because they are supposed to be the ultimate melee (aka TANKING) machines. It isn't the initial strike, or the poison that defeats the tank in these situations. If it were, the assassins would win when unbuffed. The simple fact is that they only win when they are buffed. Which (if you spent just a little time THINKING about it instead of gobbing off) affects the TANKING phase of the fight - ya know the bit when they slog it out toe-to-toe. Next time, try engaging brain before typing and think through what you are saying :D


Originally posted by bracken_woodman
Grats on use of the expletives. Always adds to the argument. A solo fight between a tank and assassin is predominantly about the melee - or tanking as its also known. Once the initial strike has been made most of the fight is about slogging it out toe-to-toe. In most people's book that equates to tanking. And the buffed-to-the-balls assassin will beat the tank, even tanks over rr5, on a regular basis. And that is just plain wrong. Tanks are called tanks because they are supposed to be the ultimate melee (aka TANKING) machines. It isn't the initial strike, or the poison that defeats the tank in these situations. If it were, the assassins would win when unbuffed. The simple fact is that they only win when they are buffed. Which (if you spent just a little time THINKING about it instead of gobbing off) affects the TANKING phase of the fight - ya know the bit when they slog it out toe-to-toe. Next time, try engaging brain before typing and think through what you are saying :D

you said it yourself, buffed too the balls assasins.....soo a buffed player ganks u(your unbuffed i presume)? - nothing 'unbalenced' with that.

a good buffed tank is_not_easy_, and if the tank got purge and ip up, the assasin is dead....atleast i am ^^



If an assassin is successful in 'lining up' and executing their 'from hidden' opening strike, plus follow ups (i.e. very big initial damage, including a nice duration stun from 3 style move) and plays the remainder of the fight well, i.e. uses evade moves when he evades, switches to other poisons at the right moment ........ or even stuns, retreats, re-stealth's, re-poison and attack again ...... they SHOULD win, even against tanks. The assassin is not crap at taking damage because he is a crap class! An assassin is crap at taking damage because he is not a damage taker, but a damage dealer. Assassins are designed to be able to take out ANY class, IF they execute the attack correctly. If they don't get everything right, they will die 99% of the time. That high risk of losing is the price paid for the ability to kill anything and kill it fast. This is the whole ethos of the class. That's the point someone tried to make earlier and I agree with it.
Bots have been discussed too much already ;)


Originally posted by bracken_woodman
Grats on use of the expletives. Always adds to the argument. A solo fight between a tank and assassin is predominantly about the melee - or tanking as its also known. Once the initial strike has been made most of the fight is about slogging it out toe-to-toe. In most people's book that equates to tanking. And the buffed-to-the-balls assassin will beat the tank, even tanks over rr5, on a regular basis. And that is just plain wrong. Tanks are called tanks because they are supposed to be the ultimate melee (aka TANKING) machines. It isn't the initial strike, or the poison that defeats the tank in these situations. If it were, the assassins would win when unbuffed. The simple fact is that they only win when they are buffed. Which (if you spent just a little time THINKING about it instead of gobbing off) affects the TANKING phase of the fight - ya know the bit when they slog it out toe-to-toe. Next time, try engaging brain before typing and think through what you are saying :D

The first think that come to my mind is that you have the knowledge of a kid.

If you have read any history at all regarding Tanks or similiar powerfull units you will now that they have weaknesses too, specially when on it's own. In most games you will find the same functions. I like to compare a tank in daoc with a tank in a modern army. A Tank is weak on the defense if it does not have the support units, in real life that is aircover and infantry on the ground.

A tank that goes alone in the frontier is weak to ranged attack and hidden attacks, and that is IMO just the way it should be. A figth between a tank and an assassin is about an assassin attacking the Tank when it is on its weakest, thus giving the assassin the edge. In my book going toe-to-toe would be if the assassin popps out of stealth giving both the same advantage. Furhermore an assassin has to melee to kill so I fail to see the logic of what your saying. Any buffed melee char will win over a unbuffed char (given same skills)...just the way it should be. Tanks are ultimate melee in grp's, not when alone...get that into your head. I kill tanks both unbuffed and buffed. It's all about using the rigth timing, poison, purge and know when to back off. Nothing is more fun than landing a stun just about the time b4 they start spamming IP lol.

So my friend I think its you that need to start thinking b4 you start printing out of your arse.


If we were to just look at it from a rolelaying perpective, there are a thousand and one different places of a plate suit where a dagger can be put.


its just like this, if you want to play a stealther you have to pay double price, simple as that..


Originally posted by sorusi
its just like this, if you want to play a stealther you have to pay double price, simple as that..

It shouldn't be like that


Thing is, when one player quits due to Mythic's favoring of buffbots, another gets a second (or third account in the case of most SBs, for Haste buff :p) :(

Mythic sure likes their Dark Age of Buff-a-bot.

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