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Originally posted by old.Sko

Agreed. But uh, wait till december when i`ll have more time on my hands ;)

Must admit you cleaned floor with me twice.
2 hits of sword for 1 hit from gauche ... natural lurikeen quickness, eh ?

But on other occasions - in odins near bled, some day near emain apk, some day near silo you left a nice spam after death message.

Really ? :rolleyes:

sorry dont remember all individual fights with you but i remember once killing you and some blue con infil in gorge solo and then yes it was my natural lurikeen quickness or i diamondbacked u.. and if i have been buffed after youve killed me then its because i have a group but im scouting if im solo then im not buffed i might be buffed with my group round the corner sure but that character has lvld himself and is an active char not someone lvld specced specifically just for buffs sitting in a pk


Originally posted by Graknak
First you whine about smite, now you whine about buffs, what next you gonna whine about healing?
Sjees get a life.
smite was overpowered.. overpowered things deserve nerfs.. buffbots give players an unfair advantage simply because they decide to pay more which imo is against the games mechanics and imo is pretty pathetic ... hmm so your now whining about whining? i think thats easily as bad as whining about something unfair within a game that we spend money on .. so as you put it 'Sjees get a life.' :m00:


Originally posted by old.Patrick-S

buffbots give players an unfair advantage simply because they decide to pay more which imo is against the games mechanics and imo is pretty pathetic ...

It's funny, all you whining ppl say that ALL buffbots are chars from a second account. Ever wondered if ppl play buffbots as their main char? Well i do and i know i'm not the only one arround.
I like helping my fellow realmates (or at least most of them) and to show that i give ehm buffs & heals. It's not unfair, it's the game.
Imagine, what if all the "bad" classes disappeared from the game, it would just be tanks and casters, either melee or dd.
I.o.w., quite boring.
Oh and another thing, "if" they would remove the buffing abilities from Clerics/Friars, Druids/Bards, Healers/Shamans etc. what would replace the skill then?

Again i say: Get a life (or a buffbot, like most ppl do)

Next time i won't forget to give our keepguards and lords some extra buffs, just to annoy you folks.


Originally posted by old.Patrick-S

smite was overpowered.. overpowered things deserve nerfs.. buffbots give players an unfair advantage simply because they decide to pay more which imo is against the games mechanics

Overpowered smite ??? Quote from Laskee/Tasai (rr6 champ/rr6 hero Igrain) after duels:
"I dont understand how mids and albs are still playing, i can easily take on any mid/alb caster whether with pet or not. With hib ones i dont know from which side to approach - now i understand why mids by purge before IP and celebrate every eldrich/chanter/ment killed. Those monsters have no right to whine about cheap ras and need for improvements - when rm/sm/wizzie/thurg kills tank he does a good work, ours dont sweat cause of massive cc arsenal - mez,stun,snare which they recieve alongside powerful nukes. "

And playing more than me gives you unfair advantage in terms of realm abilities :p
So what ? ;) Some can afford to invest time, some can afford to invest money.

PS. In no way you can make 3.0+ spd weapon swing 2 times faster than 2.9 one unless you get capped quickess and 75 spec buff.
Have a cow


Buffed and Staying Buffed!

As a Friar I prolly am a buff-bot. Every 10 minutes I have to recast 7 buffs (4 self 3 group) which costs half my mana. I need those buffs they are an integral part of the strengths of a Friar. If I ever had a duel I would buff myself before hand. Friars are *designed* to be buffed to hilt. My buff selection is massive with all my self and group buffs going.

Should I have my buffs taken away? Hell no! I struggle to kill yellows in PvE without buffs with them I can down oranges losing a third of health which ain't bad for a melee character who can self heal as well.

I'm buffed and staying buffed. Since 1.52 I no longer need a cleric for dex/quickness buff as I have my own (superior) buff.

I just wish sometimes that every 10 mins I didnt have to sacrifice half my mana and get the group to stand near me for group buffs to work. Ho Hum.

Still worth the aggro for the Dex/Quickness self buff. That Rocks! :)


Well, I don't really have a problem with buff bots looking at the big picture of things. I mean, the person that's got one has spent the money and time getting it to where it is, and they really don't make a big difference in the whole real versus realm aspect, because as has been said it dosen't make that much of a difference in group fighting.

What does get to me, however, is that it completely cuts out my ability to solo... which I like to do. I mean, I really don't like grouping with people I don't know anymore. They just piss me off. So I like to run about on my own from time-to-time looking for some people to have nice one-on-one fights. Guess what happens when I run into a buff botted character? Well, I get killed without hitting the thing once. Now, I don't think that's on. It means I'm at a huge disadvantage to these people because I don't have a second PC (yeah right) or won't run DAoX in order to have two clients running at once (I assume you can do that, but not sure.)

On the second point, I'm abiding by the rules of the game, and as such, I'm punished for it. Punished to the point where I can't solo RvR at all. So what do I do? Not go to Emain or Odin's or group with people I don't want to? I don't think I should have to do either, I think I should - as a paying customer - be able to play as I see fit within the rules of the game. However, I can't when I face a buff botted character.

And you also have the people whining about people who whine about buff bots. But should we really have to pay extra money to all get on the same playing field? Wouldn't all you people with buff bots prefer a fix to the way buffs work in some way, and in a way that would be fair to people who actually play those classes, and cancel that extra account you're paying for?

I think it's an insane situation. You either don't RvR, group with people you don't want to, buy and level a buff bot or a second PC or cheat with DAoX. <shrugs> I'm not surprised Mythic won't do anything about them, seeing as quite a few accounts would be closed most likely, but for me at the moment, RvR is a miserable affair. I'm not uber and I don't want to be. I just want to have a chance. Is that so much to ask?

(Flame away if you like, not as if I care what you people saying 'OMG u whinars nerfed teh smite now nerf teh buff boths lolol????!!!!1' think. You're just the types of people I don't want to group with out there.)


Purely and simply if one requires a buffbot to survive one is doing something seriously wrong. I have of late maintain a strict watch upon the albion forest of Sauvage Forest, and have encountered any number of combatant from the mundane to the truely challenging. I do not use or require a buffbot, and all who have encountered me there. Velo, Endbringer, Coren, Najwa, Descado or however you spell it, and many many more who come to hunt, and most die, never see a long list of buffs depart with my soul. Though i may have enhancements upon my person everyone is from items I carry, i lay great faith in charged items, though some be difficult to come by, and Velo a very persistant foeman will verify, an unbuffed intelligent foe is far more dangerous than a buffed fool.

Durgi shadowstalker.


I use a minstrel (lvl 11) for speed when I want to solo :) Does that make me über ? Hell no, same hitpoints, he just gets me to my destination a bit faster.


> What does get to me, however, is that it completely cuts out my ability to solo...

Not true. Your ability to solo is disabled by the facts that
a) you do not play an assassin class and
b) 2 people almost always beat 1

Bufs do help a lot in 1v1 encounters, true. 1v1 encounters do not happen all that often.

Solution for you is to group in RvR with people you do know. Makes immensely more difference than buffs ever will.

> Purely and simply if one requires a buffbot to survive one is doing something
> seriously wrong

Noone said bots are requirement for survival. If anything is, good groups would be it. Buffs do help tho.



Ottar, what I meant was not that it had totally cut off my ability to solo. I mean, there are so many times that I get ganked by a group if I go out there on my own and I know certain classes will beat me, but what I meant was that on the rare occassion when I do get to have a one-on-one fight with someone, them having a buff bot means that I can never beat that person on my own. And by all rights, I should at least have a chance.


at the end of teh day buff botting is cheating and anyone using them in RvR should be banned full stop

what sort of kick do you get out of killing someone when you know you had an unfair advantage? what the hell`s the point?

you peeps that use the bots must lead very empty lives devoid of joy..excitment and fun i feel sorry for you


Originally posted by old.Iunliten
Because with buffbots it comes an issue of RL money in my eyes.

Not all of us can afford getting a second comp, second account to make us more uber in the game...
Or even a second account for that matter.

When the experience in the game is decided by whom has most money in RL something is wrong in my eyes.

You can't be serious....oki, lemme continue your theory then: since not all of us can afford a 2nd comp, we could also say that some of us can spend more more money on their comp and internet connection. So those people are likely to have a much better comp and internet connection as others. As we all know, RvR encounters can cause a lot of lag, resulting in poor fps. Those people who could only spend a small amount on their equipment will suffer more from this than the others, meaning the high spenders will have it easier to kill their opponents with poor fps, so "their experience in the game is decided by whom has most money in RL" as well, or not?

The replies to this thread are simply hilarious, keep up the whining people ! :clap:


Originally posted by old.Eynar_Vega

You can't be serious....oki, lemme continue your theory then: since not all of us can afford a 2nd comp, we could also say that some of us can spend more more money on their comp and internet connection. So those people are likely to have a much better comp and internet connection as others. As we all know, RvR encounters can cause a lot of lag, resulting in poor fps. Those people who could only spend a small amount on their equipment will suffer more from this than the others, meaning the high spenders will have it easier to kill their opponents with poor fps, so "their experience in the game is decided by whom has most money in RL" as well, or not?

The replies to this thread are simply hilarious, keep up the whining people ! :clap:

You don't see a problem in being able to go out and buy an account which is destined to sit in your portal keep where no-one can harm him with his uber buffs allowing peoples' mains to kill people?

I think it's slightly different from the FPS issue, really. I mean, if someone hits you and you've got a little bit of lag, it dosen't mean you're never going to be able to hit them due them evading every single shot and it dosen't mean they'll have 500 more hit points than you and so on.

old.Trine Aquavit

Here's an idea for a potential solution:

1. Nerf effect of normal targetted buffs (not self buffs) by, say, 30%
2. For each normal buff that gets nerfed give the buffing class an equivalent very high power, uncapped, short duration (e.g. 20 secs), stackable (with other similar buffs) tactical buff.

The tactical buffs would need to be cast during or shortly before combat and would have a significant impact on the battles, e.g. Cast a tactical spell-line resist on a tank just before a charge; or cast a tactical AF buff on a player getting hit; or cast a tactical Strength buff on your MA to help get aggro, then a tactical Dex buff on him when he's got it. There'd be a limit to the number of such buffs that could be cast due to duration, cast time and the need to be doing other things, so a decision would always need to be taken on who to buff and what to buff with.

This would reduce the impact of out of combat buffers, but increase the tactical support an active, buffing player could add to the group. It would make it more interesting to play, add a new element to group combat, and reduce (though not eliminate) the impact of buff-bots. It could be pretty cool.


ok when i said buffbots i mean players purely designed to be afk in a pk to give a player buffs.. and i think they spoil how useful people who actually play characters that buff and heal are and therefore yes it does spoil the game mechanics of players grouping together to help each other with there abilitys.. with any alts i have of course ill buff my group memebrs etc but 1 person playing 2 chars.. one to kill people another to improve that character is unfair :)


Originally posted by case-rigantis
what sort of kick do you get out of killing someone when you know you had an unfair advantage? what the hell`s the point?

Whats difference between someone being buffed, someone being higher level, someone being higher realm rank and having waay more abilities (e.g IP)? Do you never attack bluecons, or people of a lower realm rank?


id prefer to fight someone with ip when i didnt have it than someone with a buffbot.. for me if down buffs me (high nurture spec 38 i think it was) hp goes from 1100 ish to 1550 ish and i evade more hit faster hit harder which is beats having the equivilent of around 2100 hp ish .. and buffbots i guess would have max nurture (and alb/mid equivilents) meaning buffs would be even better.. and people with buff bots are more likely to win 1 on 1 fights therefore get rps faster and get RAs meaning theyd have both ;)


Buffbots are simply used by lamers who need an unfair advantage to beat someone. And yet the users will never give a straight answer on the subject, they know themselves they are lame :D

No the buffbot cant be killed/mezzed/stunned/rooted whatever, yes buffs make a HUGE difference. The buffs have an effect on the game, and yet the "casters" off those effects cant be killed. If that isnt cheating i dont know what is.

Probably best tho is to close this thread, ive played a lot of MMoRPGS and there are always abusers who exploit some kinda part of the game. Nothing to do about it.

Thufir, lvl 24 nightshade.


Buffbots are Lame, Buffbots are Lame ! - cried Thufir sitting in the fins list for the 15th hour.


Originally posted by case-rigantis
what sort of kick do you get out of killing someone when you know you had an unfair advantage? what the hell`s the point?

Originally posted by gwari

Buffbots are simply used by lamers who need an unfair advantage to beat someone. And yet the users will never give a straight answer on the subject, they know themselves they are lame

How do we know the ones we attack are'nt buffed? Are we meant to stop and ask? 'oh excuse me sir, are you buffed?' 'yes indeed i am' ' good me too, let me nip off a sec and stealth so i can pa you pal :>' sure no worriers'

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