Roo Stercogburn
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- #61
Ah. In Midgard when we want crap CC we roll Dark SMs.
Erm. Hang on a sec.
Erm. Hang on a sec.
Originally posted by old.Atrox
Sure Give Clerics Healers CC.
Originally posted by zapzap
U solved the problem. Now give mids all alb RAs and move end from shammy to warrior as chant.
Originally posted by Danya
What he said, only with buffbots not "buttbots"
Originally posted by old.Atrox
would be on Thanes...
but really if you think alb classes are that superior, why not play alb?
or you dont wanna lose savage and healers ?
Originally posted by Cami
Give spreadheal to shammies then..
Originally posted by scarffs
And stealth for skalds pweeease.
And climb walls and ablative songs please.
While you're at it, the stun shout also.
( You can have our mezz, it stinks )
Originally posted by old.Atrox
would be on Thanes...
but really if you think alb classes are that superior, why not play alb?
or you dont wanna lose savage and healers ?
Originally posted by zapzap
No just all the defencive chants and RAs they got and yes would rather have 2 clerics healing my group then 2 mend healers.
that would be thanes and thanes are anything near what a Pally is ??
200 radius, pbaoe drop off - it means any attacking _non_ det char will stay in mezz for 9 sec max. (The lvl 44 mezz was resisted more than 50% on players and more than 70% on pets )Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Shammies only have root and one that isn't even as good as druid root at that. If I've got it right, don't clerics have a pbae mez?
Originally posted by celtavigo
"3000 LOC range on buffs. Problem solved."
Eh it would? I always take my BB with me for end regen and use him for heals aswell...Would never have leveled him to just leave him at zone.. Without the end regen buffs barely help anyway, atleast not for melees.
Uh you invite a cleric to heal...Originally posted by Dimse
I dont Like buffbots.
Why? Well they are ruining the social aspect of the game. By that I mean why bother to invite a cleric into a group or rvr when you can load up a buffbot. Yes I can se the advantages of having buffbots but saying that you cant live without them is being verry uncreative and not using your fellow players and the experience and input they have.
^ What Cozak saidOriginally posted by Cozak
<- anti-buffbot for one reason.. i dont have one ;p
Originally posted by ilum
Maybe run with 2 primary buff classes as Albion is forced to?