


everyone knows that about 90% of people use these now and tehy`re entrenched in the game etc etc but just interested how many people who read BW on prydwen are actually in principle anti buffbot

how many would prefer a return to the days of no buffbots if it was possible?

forget about that fact you use 1 for a minute and give a simple yes/no answer as to whether you`d like to see the buffbot issue resolved


<- anti-buffbot for one reason.. i dont have one ;p


Like Cozak ... I hate them because I can't be bothered to level one ... love them when someone's BB has spare conc.

If I had to vote I'd vote to "go back to the prebb days" ... even if I had one.


Ton;s of these threads, but Gohrim said 1 thing that makes complete sense to me.. "Buttbots allow you to play a charactor to it's full potiential" - who wouldn't wana do it? You all would if you could, you know it :).


From my opinion.

Buffbots allow players (with more money) to hold an advantage over others players - which to me is extreamly unfair and dare i say it nearly as bad as using Radar or some other stupid tool.

Buffbots encourage solo play, where as DAOC is pretty much a community driven game, if you want to solo naff off and play quake or something.

<sorry but this really gets my goat>


not possible to remove buffbots since it would unbalance the game like hell.. a mid group would for example not be able to give ppl in the group spec buffs due to the nice cons for end.


Originally posted by -Nxs-
Buffbots encourage solo play

Not really. 95% of stealthers have a BB and 99% of stealthers dont solo :p

Personally id rather people didnt use them. I have one now, purely because I prefer to solo and soloing unbuffed is the greatest waste of time ever.


GO BOTS GO BOTS :clap: :clap:

" Using bot's and aint sorry about it "..............


i'm ok with buff bots, if some1 wants to lvl 1 fine

i don't have 1, but imo it makes the game more fun to play if you do beat a infil who has more buffs on them then a small army of lowbies.

and its great when peeps lend me buffs off their BB


Loose buffbots, it makes the game much less enjoyable when the luck-factor is reduced to zero. Fights last too little and some gain too big of an advantage over the less fortunate.

3000 LOC range on buffs. Problem solved.


<- Anti-buffbot... Even though I have respecced my cleric to buffbot spec :p

Indiana Jones

don't have a buffbot, don't want a buffbot and I refuse all buffs from buffbots

Only time i do accept buffbots is when a team of lame stealthers is camping the apk, killing me time after time


Originally posted by Cush
not possible to remove buffbots since it would unbalance the game like hell.. a mid group would for example not be able to give ppl in the group spec buffs due to the nice cons for end.

Maybe run with 2 primary buff classes as Albion is forced to?

Well imho you can remove buffbots - but honestly people whine too much about them. The usual rant is that the buffed player "doesn't want any challenge" and is "playing in easy mode". Yet when I solo, buffed or not, I often get jumped by 2 and more people in groups. As it happens, sometimes I beat 3 people solo when I'm buffed. Did these 3 people who jumped me want a challenge? We all know they thought I was an easy kill and went for me.


I have absolutely NO problem with SOLOERS, and only SOLOERS using buffbots.
With the exception of bd's using a buffbot for each pet.
The moment buffbots are used for duo's, trio's or stealth zergs, I think they should be nailed to the wall and fucked repeatedly by Ardrias.


I was given a buffbot, was always anti-buffbot myself but things change. I hardly use it for RvR, mainly for killing high level mobs with my necro. The ideal world would have no buffbots but in reality players are disadvantaged if they don't have one, stealthers are the prime example. Buffed stealther against another stealther unbuffed will always end with the buffed player winning unless he has shit armour and crap skill.

I made a post about 16 months ago pretty much saying that as more buffbots come into the game the more average players would leave or just concentrate on the PvE game. I don't think I was wrong, in my eyes it has spiralled out of control since SI. The game is now far less fun than it used to be. PvE is poor if you are trying to level characters, everyone sees that it is far quicker to level a necro to 50 and then use the necro to power level an alt, hence far less exp groups. The lack of proper played clerics has hugely contributed to the downfall of PvE, they are like gold dust and if you get one in your group I suggest you treat them well.


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
The lack of proper played clerics has hugely contributed to the downfall of PvE, they are like gold dust and if you get one in your group I suggest you treat them well.
Unless his name's Chodax in which case, xp kill him, then bang his sister.


Very much anti buffbot.
IMO buffbots are part of the problem that will kill this game - the fact that the multiplayer aspect is becoming less important.
It's not about players with more money getting an advantage, let's face it £6 a month isn't going ruin anyone, it's about saddoes who must win at all costs so try to get an advantage however they can instead of playing the game the way it was meant to be played with skill and judgement.


Originally posted by chretien
instead of playing the game the way it was meant to be played with skill and judgement.
You have neither of those qualities anyway, so do buffbots really effect you ?


Originally posted by Indiana Jones
don't have a buffbot, don't want a buffbot and I refuse all buffs from buffbots

Only time i do accept buffbots is when a team of lame stealthers is camping the apk, killing me time after time

What he said ;)

Roo Stercogburn

Everyone who claims to be anti buffbot if they were being hand on heart honest about it has accepted buffs at one time or another from them. There will always be what seems to be a valid reason at the time.

I am not bothered about the fact that people use buffbots per se. What annoys me is that in RvR they can greatly unbalance the game to the disadvantage of an extremely high percentage of the game playing population.

The net effect is to demoralise a lot of players and make them think "why bother".

Another problem with bots is that with the state of the game now, several classes are no longer viable without a bot. Any stealth class that is serious about competing in RvR prety much must have a bot to have a chance. When you think about it, its a bit sad that just because you want to play a particular class now that you pretty much must have 2 accounts. RAs further compound this by making buffs more effective and widening the gap even more.

The irony is that the stealth classes are the worst offenders as users of bots and are the main instigators of the current state of affairs: since every other class needs a group to be effective anyway the benefits of a buffbot are lessened since any balanced group should have enough seers to handle general buffing. I say lessened because obviously instead of having a few buffs missing, now each group is buffed to the maximum by their bricks inspectors.

Do I accept buffs from bots?


I never solo in RvR, am usually buffed by a group mate anyway if I have buffs at all. Anything that stops me getting ganked in 5 seconds flat gratefully received because I, like everyone else, knows that the chances are that the person that will be smacking away at me will be buffed to the tits.

And thats the real crime of bots: they make you feel that you are at a disadvantage the moment you set foot on the frontier and that there are so many of them now the chances are that at least once on any foray into RvR you're going to get twatted by some buffed up stealthgoon.

I'm not going to get on my high horse and say nooo I will not accept buffs. Sadly, bots are here to stay and the imbalances they bring with them and people will continue to quit the game in frustration - and don't tell me they don't because I already know people that have. Mythic will never change the way buffs are handled to the degree that people would like because of the revenue loss they would get. The funny thing is, the bot users will get bored anyway and move on in time, but new people joining the game will be reduced because of the increasing reputation of DAoC for being unfair unless you own 2 accounts.


Originally posted by Cush
not possible to remove buffbots since it would unbalance the game like hell.. a mid group would for example not be able to give ppl in the group spec buffs due to the nice cons for end.

you don't have to go with 1 shaman 3 savage 3 healer 1 skald fotm setup

i have a buffbot and a rejuv cleric

i don't mind bots to go as long as my cleric is still viable


buffbot = bad player - no argument about it so anyone who tries is just wasting their time.

It's supposed to be a team game where lots of people of different classes make up groups, not one person who can't make friends needing to make lots of characters and dreaming of sleeping with them every night.

But there will always be people that will try anything to get any advantage over others in computer games, whether it's from buffbots or cheats or whatever. It's their only way of feeling even slightly close to being worthwhile in life, as no-one outside of the game cares about them :cool:

Would like to see it resolved but would also like to see Mythic doing some useful work such as balancing the classes so buffbots would not be such an issue.


Hopefully Mythic will have learned from DaoC that it is a very bad idea to have extremely powerful abilities available only as passives (like buffs, PBT, determination etc). And even worse when they have no range limit.

Buffs have always been too powerful in this game, but it just took awhile for everyone to realise it, imo.

Having said all that, I never liked the idea of buffbots, but since having good buffs does make the game more fun ... what do people expect? ;/


Sure Im all for removing bots as a whole, the ones who would suffer the most is the idiotstealthers who team and chaingank everything that comes walking there so I wouldnt exactly cry.

Cush, sure mids would loose out alittle, although you forget to mention that mids do have the best endregen of all 3 realms, its uninterruptable, its still on even if the shammy get mezzed, it doesnt require power so...

I wouldnt mind if all kinds of endregens except potions and totems was removed though, would effieciently (sp?) kill the tanks uberness in RVR. It was better before imo.


Try leveling a class that is not wanted in groups. Sitting down for 80% of my time to regen health is not my idea of fun.
I'm leveling a hunter now. I only ever get accepted into groups if my bot is stuck to my ass.

I play my shaman as a normal class, but I also use him as buffbot

I love him :p


Originally posted by Cyradix
Try leveling a class that is not wanted in groups. Sitting down for 80% of my time to regen health is not my idea of fun.
I'm leveling a hunter now. I only ever get accepted into groups if my bot is stuck to my ass.

What he said. Never used to like the idea of having a buffbot and never thought that I'd ever use one but I do solo a lot in RvR and when you die time after time to buffed enemies it just makes you think 'If you can't beat them, join them'. Lame sort of 'well, he started it' argument but it's true.


Originally posted by Shike
Cush, sure mids would loose out alittle, although you forget to mention that mids do have the best endregen of all 3 realms, its uninterruptable, its still on even if the shammy get mezzed, it doesnt require power so...

TBH id rather see it use power and beeing interuptable the using cons as it does atm. Kill a shaman and end is never back up praticly. Kill a bard/palading then res him and he can put end back for the whole group. And how long do you think a shaman is mezzed during a fight? Since they are in 99% first target to get killed.
Same kinda goes for healer that are the only ones in the game that have cons based powerregen which removes buffs they are able to cast aswell. So mids would always end up with the smallest possibility to buff a group.
And i once read a report where the Druid TL was whining about that a druid werent able to provied a fg with the nesecary buffs.

I agree with removing the buffbots from the game tho. But as it looks atm it aint possible. Many changes would have to be done before that is possible. Tho not that mythic will ever do it since they would lose hughe amounts of money doing so and i dont think that is what they are aiming for.

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