Buffbots, from someone who doesnt have one



Why all these complaints about buffbots?

I dont have a buffbot, as I kinda resent having to pay the subscription fee for 1 account for a title Ive already bought.

Does it really matter if the buff comes from a player? or a 2nd account? I fail to see the difference - they both clerics (alb) so ??

I mean people have to spend twice as much money and level the buffer anyhoo.

Just my point of view, for me, I dont have a buffbot, but if there is a solo cleric at tk then I ask for buffs. Does that make me some kind of cheat?


I think using a buff-bot is an issue of principle with many people, simply because it's unmanned and left at the TK. If someone wants to do that then I think that's fine.

Who are we to say what someone does with their account that they pay for and they have leveled.

If buff-bots are wrong, then also allowing any Mincer/Theurg/etc to go afk for long periods while xp-ing in PvE is cheating - I don't think so somehow.

I understand why it can be seen as "not fair play" but it's not cheating, just not honourable maybe. There's no way to police it anyway so generally it should not be a topic of discussion on this forum imho.

Disclaimer: I have never knowingly been buffed by a buff-bot. I'm a gimped paladin so I rarely go RvR anyway :rolleyes:


buffbots really grate with me, simply because it DOES matter imo whether you get your buffs from a real player who specced that way (how it should be) or from a buffbot (unnatural and unfair).

it's a kind of jealousy i guess, because not everyone can have a buffbot thus unbalancing the game and making stealth classes beat other classes easily.


Well Buff boots are ok IF you go out and kill the enemy to keep your realm free for invaders.

Buffboots arnt ok if u go out and try to have duels 1 v 1.

1 example is Alpha. Great Killer but i really dont know how good he is in a duel 1 v 1.
All classes are balanced (well should be) and have strenght and weaknesses. Using Buffboot cancels the weaknsess in 1 class.
I think its ok to do so but it dont really say anything about there capacity 1 v 1. Becasue its not 1 v 1.... its 2 v 1.

BTW hibbies have a Druid (druidna) sitting at DL and i have seen many diff stealthers gone up and got Buffs ;p

Maybe you can ask Alpha to use his buffboot thats sitting in APK ?


im jealous of hibs insta mes

so dont use it cos its unfair



i would rather play another realm with a 2nd acct than make a cleric simply to buff me
i got guild mates who can do that =)


Try solo a bit more instead of going with ubah alb zerg all the time.

It´s sickening how u kill ppl and they always drop spec buffs along with baseline buffs. Yesterday killed an infil rez sick with 6 buffs dropping can´t really see how I like it...

Just to make some differences, a PA on a unbuffed mincer standing is usually 400+ while used on a buffed one is 250 top, if that happens to PA imagine other hits, while they hit prolly 30-50% more dmg and even use buff acuity to help DDing 4 more dmg.

U albs rarely suffers that kind of attack from hibbies (more likely mids got some buff bots with their SBs) so u don´t know, but it´s pretty sickening when a class which IS weak become god like killer killing small grps (if not lvl 50s 5 may drop easy)

If Alpha uses a pet to kite an hero to death, that´s smart play. But he can simple out melee a moosed spearo with no kiting, why bother use pet? Ask ur local mincer who else can do it.


I get 1500hp (40%+ increase), 650+ AF (100+ added), 1200+ WeapSkill (33% increase) and cap on swing speed with a 2.8 spd weapon when I'm buffed by a 40+ enh cleric. It doesn't happen unless I'm grouped tho.


Players Vs Bots

Part of what gets me about buff bots is there's no risk. If you get buffed by another player in RvR and they go down, that's it buffs gone, very nasty if you're in combat at the time. With a buff bot aswell as having higher specced buffs there's also no risk, no-one can assasinate them, so you never have to worry about lossing them suddenly.
I don't think buff bots are a serious problem, but they reflect badly on those who use them. To use a tired example.. Alpha can wipe a group....no-one cares anymore, because it looks like most of the work is done by some braindead bot sitting in Alb PK.

I do not fear those who come to a battle a cowards ward shielding them.......my life will be returned to me....and my pride shall be undamaged. :)

Roleplay...it's good for you :cool:


Well Im only buffed when im in grp and even then its rare that im "uber" buffed, I normally get str/con buff and a dex/quick buff.

I like the fact that if i get someone down solo, I did it with no "help", if people want to spend the extra cash/time to make and lvl a buffbot, let them.
Its a game, you win some, you loose some, I loose alot more ;) Relax, have a beer while playing, get drunk, make mistakes, /rel, come back, laugh at it, its jolly good fun.
my 2 coppers :)


my problem with buffbots is that it screws up the whole class/race balancing thing, with a buffbot a highlander scout is fking brilliant with uberbow dg and better melee than an unbuffed tank. And things like norsemen sbs are supposed to have more hp but slightly less quick than kobolds, its practically impossible to hit many buffe sbs with my quick of 170, can waste whole end bar trying to hit them.
And also saracens do more bow dmg but not as good melee as briton vs assassin is also kicked out. What race u chose should afect how you play character, with a buffbot even an avlonian mercenary would do dmg. It pisses me off so much to shoot a luri ns and only take 1/5 of their life.

Herbal Remedy

to all the whinging hibbies alphas buffbot until last week (dunno if hes respecced yet) was a smite spec cleric ie shit buffs that would do fuck all to improve his stats. So simply put hes got way more skill than you, kicks your ass on a regular basis so you all throw your dummy out of the pram. Grats for looking like dickheads

Cap'n Sissyfoo

The only people who bitch are those that get taken down by a buffbot enhanced char. I bet they wouldn't be complaining as much if they had some uber buffs. If it bothers you so much, find someone in RvR who has a buff bot and ask them to buff you as well.

Personally, the only reason I would ever want a buff bot/second account is to limit the amount of time that I am forced to spend in groups. I find grouping tedious these days with the same old arguments being brought up time and time again; "Who will pull?", "We can't do anything till we get a healer.", "We don't need infi, we need tank." etc etc ad nauseum.

Thats not to say I don't like grouping (for all those people I have been grouping with recently) its just that some people really tax my patience and being able to solo with some uber buffs would make life so much more peaceful. :)


Originally posted by Herbal Remedy
to all the whinging hibbies alphas buffbot until last week (dunno if hes respecced yet) was a smite spec cleric ie shit buffs that would do fuck all to improve his stats. So simply put hes got way more skill than you, kicks your ass on a regular basis so you all throw your dummy out of the pram. Grats for looking like dickheads

no, alpha wasn't using gromit for his buffs, he was using a friends 34 enhance specced cleric. he stated so himself in many threads.


Originally posted by Novamir
no, alpha wasn't using gromit for his buffs, he was using a friends 34 enhance specced cleric. he stated so himself in many threads.
Way to look like a dickhead herbal. :p

BTW Noche, acuity doesn't work for mincer DDs as it buffs int/pie and mincers use cha for their DDs. :p

Simple solution for buffbots, make buffs stop having effect over 8000 range. If you go back into range you get the effect back. 8000 is the max range for RPs in group btw.


actually herbal, ur preety wrong there :rolleyes:

buffed stealther = shadowtank. stealthers aint meant to outtank puremelee classes (hero, warrior, armsman) NO THEY ARE NOT. They shouldnt... buffbots = wrong.


friyah need no buff bot only thing i can get is a few more hp anyway friar has all the buffs he needs at the touch of a button :)


Originally posted by Vireb
friyah need no buff bot only thing i can get is a few more hp anyway friar has all the buffs he needs at the touch of a button :)

And that's what's problem 1 with buffbots. Some classes get way more advantages from them than others so to all the people whining 'you're just jealous, get your own', some people can't get better buffs.

Problem 2 is they can't be killed or what's really the case they can be killed but at the cost of your life and a probably a long distance away.

Problem 3 is my main objection to soloing in this game anyway: why play a MULTIPLAYER game if you don't want to group with real people, instead some choose to play only with themselves.. ah well..

Forget being uber or owning people.. have fun..


Ok , So every second mid and his alt has a buffbot .. then albion .. and now some hibs too..

Buffbot are really only great for solo-able classes .. for most other classes its pointless cause u group anyways.

Whereas before i would go into the gorge and prolly get smacked by and infil or whatever .. Since the buffbot .. I got out and hope they attack me ..

Buffed, Rangers are realy realy good. now...

ANY class can be good with buffs . it just makes more sense if youre gonna solo...

Minstrel, Scout , Ranger , Hunter , Infil , Sb ...etc.

It's made the game fun for me again.. I actually stand a good chance of winning vs most other classes 1vs 1.

My point is... why whine about buffbots ? no point in it. Whther you're buffed by the group .. or a single person..makes no difference at all.

they Have made certail classes unbalanced .. but these classes choose to solo. and make easy picking for groups.

elf out


Well I don't have a good Buffbot yet (lvl 11), but I'm making one. I see no wrong in having a Buffbot.

It's like this...90% of all ppl in RvR is part of a grp and fully buffed. Why should buffs be restricted to ppl that are part of a grp?


Oh, a lot of the "solo" classes are good without buffs, you don't need to be good without one.


Originally posted by Runolaz
It's like this...90% of all ppl in RvR is part of a grp and fully buffed. Why should buffs be restricted to ppl that are part of a grp?

Why doesn't your SB have selfbuffs if it's meant to be buffed when solo? Having a buffbot is admitting you can't compete without buffs, which in turn means you don't have skill nor the patience to learn it.

Madonion Slicer

Belth, infil's dont have self buffs so if your offered buffs by a cleric do you turn them down and say "No Thanks, i dont need them"

I have a Enhance Cleric, due to the fact my Girlfriend starting playing the game so i got her an account, she stopped playing and i carried it on, the cleric is only a Bot if and when i need it to be else it is a xping Cleric.

Very rare that i ever come across anyone now from BG1 to Emain that is not buffed to the eyeballs, so whats it matter where the buffs come from.


Originally posted by belth

Why doesn't your SB have selfbuffs if it's meant to be buffed when solo? Having a buffbot is admitting you can't compete without buffs, which in turn means you don't have skill nor the patience to learn it.

Well I like going out with my SB in guild grps, and then I'm usually buffed. Solo I seldom have buffs, but I don't see the difference between buffed in grp and buffed solo.

I think it's a wrong to judge other ppl skills based on if they are buffed or not.


Surely when ur part of a group that makes sense as stated previously, you need to work as a group and if the buffer dies so do your buffs (not much chance of that with buff bot at atk).

Also the buffer in the group will take some of the RP's - not so if ur solo and buffed.

Its to the point where u cannot solo unless u have a buffbot, meaning a second account and (unless using 3rd party progs) another spare comp and router. Funny how its only the people with access to this setup which don't see the problem with it, coz u cant solo against a solo of similar spec and level using skill.

Buffed > un buffed solo, no skill required.

nerf buffbots - and many ways of aheiving this without harming the general gamers have been pointed out in other threads.

want buffs - be part of a grp - want to solo - use skill!



Originally posted by old.laughingboy
Very rare that i ever come across anyone now from BG1 to Emain that is not buffed to the eyeballs, so whats it matter where the buffs come from.

The cleric running around can be killed, the cleric facing the wall can't.

That's the problem.

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