Breach of EULA, GOA please assure us something will be done.

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This is really starting to take the piss now. I've been leveling characters on camelot for over 13 months now and have pretty much enjoyed my time there.

However, on just searching a "popular" auction site, the following are avaliable for real cash on the european servers.

4 x High level characters, 4 auctions exist
6 x Gold, 6 people are trying to sell gold/plat
2 x Items, rare drops being sold for cash.

All of the above are for excal/pryd servers, I know i'll be flamed for this but please GOA assure us something is being done, It just rattles my cage that people think they can just sell there account/gold/items to make a few quid - where as us dedicated players have grown to love our characters.



Post the link on rightnow. Dont think Goa is searching for people breaching EULA, think they get to work when someone report something.


Originally posted by -Nxs-
.. It just rattles my cage that people think they can just sell there account/gold/items to make a few quid - where as us dedicated players have grown to love our characters.


No intention to flame you, and you are obviously entitled to your opinion - but maybe you want to direct your "complaint" to GOA directly, if you are serious about it ... otherwise I am not sure if to read your post as a "piss-take" out of the general CoC discussions atm ;) (can't see any other reason for posting it on BW :p ) .

In case you are serious: Speak for yourself, not for "us dedicated players" .... :D : personally, being a "dedicated player" who has grown to love my chars a lot, myself, I don't care about "free market" transactions (and how GOA are going to handle it); would never bother with anything like trading/Ebay etc nonsense myself, but who am I to "impose" my preferances to other ppl ... ;) (and no, I don't particular care about "breach of EULA/CoC" etc. - ... sue me! ;)(just for what?! :p).


Re: Re: Breach of EULA, GOA please assure us something will be done.

Originally posted by lacroix
In case you are serious: Speak for yourself, not for "us dedicated players" .... :D : personally, being a "dedicated player" who has grown to love my chars a lot, myself, I don't care about "free market" transactions .

A constructive argument - thanks, guess its just me that becomes narked when someone who just throws a few quid around gets a nice L50 character, then has now bloody idea how to use.

As for posting on BW ? guess I just wanted to vent some steam, and see what other peoples views are.


Re: Re: Re: Breach of EULA, GOA please assure us something will be done.

Originally posted by -Nxs-
A constructive argument - thanks, guess its just me that becomes narked when someone who just throws a few quid around gets a nice L50 character, then has now bloody idea how to use.


Sure, happens - but so what? don't group them / ignore them, if you like, no one says you need to bother with them; just can't see why to take it so "personally" ... ;)

Originally posted by -Nxs-

As for posting on BW ? guess I just wanted to vent some steam, and see what other peoples views are.

Fair enough, that's why I posted my view ... ;)



Not very much they can or will do either.


so just because YOU like your char that means NO ONE ELSE should be allowed to sell their account etc? its like saying "no you cant sell your car because i love mine!!!!" :sleeping:

edit: and GOA cant do anything to ban the people selling the chars there because people are probably clever enough not to put their real/char names.


Originally posted by n3wbie
so just because YOU like your char that means NO ONE ELSE should be allowed to sell their account etc? its like saying "no you cant sell your car because i love mine!!!!" :sleeping:

edit: and GOA cant do anything to ban the people selling the chars there because people are probably clever enough not to put their real/char names.
But seen some people putting out how much gold rr lvl, different drops they got etc, i'm sure Goa can find out what account it is.

Roo Stercogburn

My belief is that the part of the CoC that refers to selling/lending accounts is purely a means to protect income. An inexperienced player will spend more time gettting to lvl50 than an experienced player powerlevelling a char to sell ie GOA/Mythic will make more money over time. If I was running the business I would probably take the same stance.

For me a lot of the fun and satisfaction of having lvl50 chars was getting them there. From my perspective, someone just cut out a large part of the enjoyment of the game but I know not everyone enjoys the PvE and some just want to go straight to the RvR. Queue the usual go-play-quake arguments.

Human nature means peeps resent somebody getting the same as you when you had to work for it and they didn't.

Can't say if I would or wouldn't play with these peeps as I take peeps as I find them. Maybe I already have played with peeps that have bought accounts and just don't know it ;)


Didn't UO get out of hand due to all ebaying leet kids?


Originally posted by Fafnir
Didn't UO get out of hand due to all ebaying leet kids?

Yes, and IIRC the OU people got Ebay to ban all OU auctions.

Perhaps thats what Mythic/GOA need to do?

However GOA can't/won't spend the time trying to catch these people because it would cost too much in terms of manpower (and they would then lose money from the sold subscription getting cancelled).

But personally it doesn't overly bother me, mainly because you 'learn' you class levelling it - so most bought players are going to be crap.

The Real Redi

I often browse on Ebay, just to see what people are trying to sell this time, and on more than one occaison, i have seen them advertised with character names.

There are some accounts in the realm which are well known to the Alliance and others, to be 3rd, maybe 4th hand and are usually avoided by any guild in our alliance. Then you have those selling Sidi Items on Pryd... that is very VERY sad. Theres no way that these items were procured with anything but a large group, so im assuming the seller checked with every other person on that raid, that they didnt want them? no.. they saw a quick £ and decided to try to see how gullable these kids are.

Some accounts in the US auctions are worth looking at... recently seen at least three accounts with 4 or 5 50th characters on, which begs the question, if you have spent soo long seasoning these (assuming they werent PLd) and getting these characters RRs, why sell them??? It more likely points to accounts which have passed through several hands, not the work of just one person.

GoA can get these auctions stopped, but again, its the same situation with the Bots and the spying - they wont take action as it means losing revenue in the long run.

imo anyways...


Originally posted by n3wbie
so just because YOU like your char that means NO ONE ELSE should be allowed to sell their account etc? its like saying "no you cant sell your car because i love mine

Thats completely untrue, selling accounts is against the EULA.

its like saying "no you cant sell your car because you dont OWN it !!"


Originally posted by The Real Redi

Some accounts in the US auctions are worth looking at... recently seen at least three accounts with 4 or 5 50th characters on, which begs the question, if you have spent soo long seasoning these (assuming they werent PLd) and getting these characters RRs, why sell them??? It more likely points to accounts which have passed through several hands, not the work of just one person.


Well, some ppl lvl pretty fast and get bored, change realms etc. - so I guess, it might just be an alternative to "deleting" ... - and maybe some chars were pld or got good guild support .... ;) - obviously, it might be just as feasible that someone is pl-ing chars just for the purpose of "selling them", but unless it's some well-known traded chars (and there are too many around for GOA not to be aware of it), who would know?

I stated already that I don't care about this in principle, this is not to say that I don't find it sad to see "chars" of friends change hands, on the contrary :( - my chars will die when I quit the game, but at the end it's a matter of supply and demand and other ppl are just more detached from their toons than me, so I can understand when they go and make the most of what they have done with them ...

At the end of the day, ppl got different opinions of what constitutes "fun" in this - or other - games .... live and let live, is my motto there .. :D



Originally posted by -Nxs-
Thats completely untrue, selling accounts is against the EULA.

its like saying "no you cant sell your car because you dont OWN it !!"

you said they cant sell their chars because you love yours.


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Human nature means peeps resent somebody getting the same as you when you had to work for it and they didn't.

Aye, i think that hit the nail on the head - kinda sums up how i feal.


Originally posted by n3wbie
you said they cant sell their chars because you love yours.

Sugest you re-read thread properly this time.
Then insert brain before posting a reply.


One way of looking at it is if people are leaving the game and don't sell their accounts then those high level characters will be lost to the game, which is always a shame. Atleast passing the account on to someone else ensures that they remain active. And as for characters then being played by someone who doesnt have a clue, if they are in an enemy realm and you meet them in rvr it just means free rps :D


imo i dont care if ppl trade their accs, i think ppl should be able to sell them if they dont enjoy it and want to spend their money on other stuff, dont see why anyone whould have a prolbme with this...


I for one intend to sell my account when I quit this game.

If anyone interferes with that, I will spam their mail with bad porn =b


Well if Goa finds out they will just ban the account :p


EBay wanna be's in EQ were deadly to the groups they were in. As most where high level and when on a high level raid if you did not the they full in's and out of your character then you would most likely end up killing your whole group. And so your name got to be known and was banned from raids.

Personaly I dont care if they sell them or whether people buy them or not. I just hope that who so ever buys the account will know how to play the class to its full capability and not get me killed on a raid due to incompentance (sp).

Just a side note. With patch 1.60 coming out soon it means we can play DAoC in windows mode like DAOCX lets you. So you could have two clients running together on the same computer. I wonder how many people will make up a alt in a new realm and pk themselves for the realm points ?


just like to say that i have no problem with people buying accounts. I will grp with them and if they can`t play the character then i will just not grp with them again.
imo they have missed out on a lot of the game by not xping to 50 but i cant see a problem with them buying an account.
we buy the game the pay the subscription to play the game so why aren`t the chars ours to sell?
that is just my opinion though

Elric IA

Selling characters is one thing. There might be those who have got bored want a few quid,etc. Then there are those who buy accounts to powerlevel level 50s then sell them making a few quid each time.

The EULA states this (from a quick look at the two that seem to be in my SI folder but the main ones probably say the same in the classic folder)

You acknowledge and agree that all characters created, and items acquired and developed as a result of ADD-ON play are part of the Software and ADD-ON and are the sole property of the Publisher.

This EULA grants you a simple right to use all the components comprising the Expansion, and in particular all components included in the Expansion pack. Consequently, you may not sell, auction or in any way make available or surrender, free of charge or for a fee, any character from the Expansion, any object, any item or any component of the Expansion specifically protected by intellectual property rights.

All of the aforementioned actions, especially those performed via online auctions, forums or chat rooms, contravene the terms of this EULA. Over and above constituting a violation of the terms of this agreement, the sale of objects and/or items is detrimental to the Publisher's and the Expansion's image, for which we would be entitled to seek compensation from you.

Therefore is the character the property of the player to be sold? In effect, by signing up to this (and with 1.57/SI everytime we press the accept buttons to the EULA and CoC we do this) we basically say that the char is Mythic/GOA's not ours.

Looking on now though are various items such as selling DAoC cash for real cash (example $197.50 for 10 plats in Midgard, MLF).

The EULA states:

7. Selling of Items The selling of items, coins or any copyrighted part of the ADD-ON's player character whether through online auctions, newsgroup or postings on message board is in violation of this EULA. In addition to violating our agreement, selling items and/or coin violates our legal rights and may cause damage to the Publisher and to the goodwill in the Dark Age of Camelot name.

Again players doing this is against the EULA. I know of one person on Hib/Excal (on an account now sold) who did this and was making about £60 a week from cash and items. He was quite open about it after I asked about buying a cloak just out of interest why he was selling a drop you can farm within an hour if you are unlucky. Not only did he quote me 400g but he then basically told me his life story and how he made real cash from the game.

There was a thread on here about people who would be paid real cash to powerlevel your character in the US. Someone posted the relevant EULA extract there why this was illegal. I cannot be arsed to find that one.

Currently on (most relevant to the UK servers):

  • 1 plat for £5 on hib/pryd
  • Level 50 Alb/Excal sorcerer
  • Mid/Excal 3 plats for £44
  • 1 plat 200g Hib Excal £10
  • Melancholy Cloak Hib/Excal £2
  • Level 50 Spiritmaster Mid/Prydwen £250

Amongst various others.

Now we are not talking big bucks (but I am sure my missus would wonder why I would be paying £250 for a computer game character) but technically these are against the EULA. As the above is available publically then it is clear that GOA and Mythic, whilst stating it in the EULA, either do not have the resources or the will to do anything about it.

Personally I consider this a game, already pay my cash to play it and would not spend more real cash to purchase items and characters. However, it is up to the individual how they want to play and it s not my business to judge them or not.

However, the person who stated Caer Sidi drops were being auctioned and wondered if the people who went on the raid and lost in the lotto were informed has my sympathy. Maybe for them an MMPORG is a MMPCMG (Massively Multiplayer Cash Making Game). It certainly ruins the fun for those who actually want to play the game.

My 10p worth (worth £1.57 on
:) )



Never traded, never will.
But seriously, why bother moaning about it.
If they want to sell thier account its upto them, yes its against the EULA, but since when does them selling their account effect you ?
TBH your just being petty.. Get on with your own game and leave others to play thiers.

Carlos Bananos

Originally posted by old.Xanthian

Never traded, never will.
But seriously, why bother moaning about it.
If they want to sell thier account its upto them, yes its against the EULA, but since when does them selling their account effect you ?
TBH your just being petty.. Get on with your own game and leave others to play thiers.

Amen, whining about issues that have nothing to do with u is more lame than buying accounts tbh D:


The reason i dislike account selling is because:
- i hate seeing experienced players and friends turning into complete n00bs that dont have a clue about playing their char.
- i hate messaging old friends, only to find out a little later that im not talking to the person i thought.

but hey look on the bright side, when Niar was sold, emain got alot safer!
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