Brannor's Friday Flame...

  • Thread starter Brannor McThife
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Originally posted by vidx
And yes, we do get alot of RP at keep defence. If it works, why change it? :)

Cuz we might get so tired of it we wont be nice and come let you farm.


Hey matt, you and nomercy always claimed to be uber tanks with sticks! :)

Seen u lads tank many a troll hehe.


We got no choice because alb tanks stand and wait for mids to kick their asses,us casters are mainly at the front sadly.Taggart you see my merc in emain a week or so ago?i charged any mid i saw hehe i don't care if i die i like earning rp in a good way.

Bottom line is alb tanks and fighters just got to be more aggressive.


Originally posted by Levin the Blue
All theurgists are gimps in RvR. I salute those who keep trying with elementals, since this is supposed to be OUR thing to do. If not use ellies, why not just roll up another wizard? To quote someone i can't remember the name of - theurgist pets are nothing but big marshmallows who show the way to the theurgist.

Naw - killed some silly yellow con Troll the other day. Ok, it took 8+ earth elementals with earthen buff and 4/5 of my mana :)

Hmm ... now you mention it, a wizard would have nuked the panties off 3 yellow cons in that time and with less mana usage.

Ok .. gimped pet class.

But, hey, still we have ... errr .. remind me, what do we have for RvR.

Oh yes Nukes. Guess we are wizards after all. But hey, we get to BUFF people!

Brannor McThife

Sru! You're nuffin' more 'n bubble boy!




Originally posted by Levin the Blue
All theurgists are gimps in RvR. I salute those who keep trying with elementals, since this is supposed to be OUR thing to do. If not use ellies, why not just roll up another wizard? To quote someone i can't remember the name of - theurgist pets are nothing but big marshmallows who show the way to the theurgist.

From my experience virtually everyone thinks they're class is gimped! :p Theurgists are no more gimped than any other class though ... you should spend some time with people like Pbuck and Teoz, those boys know how to fight. And Matt could teach even tanks a thing or three about melee :)

It takes time when you start to RvR to really get into it -- it's very different to PvE, and is the real test of not whether your class is gimped but if we know our characters and abilities well.


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
We got no choice because alb tanks stand and wait for mids to kick their asses,us casters are mainly at the front sadly.Taggart you see my merc in emain a week or so ago?i charged any mid i saw hehe i don't care if i die i like earning rp in a good way.

Bottom line is alb tanks and fighters just got to be more aggressive.

Well if you die you don't earn any RP ... its the only way Mythic has of stopping the silly situation of everyone charging all the time. I'd agree that Albion has to be more aggressive but why do the tanks get all the heat in your post Matt?

I've led many a charge in my time and been killed while the casters hang back and farm RP with AoE and nukes. Also been turned away from caster RvR groups because they wanted to maximise their RP's.


Sru, you have speeeeeeeeeed. Don't knock it.

I think people place to much emphasis on being the one to make the kill. It's RvR, not PvP. Being the one who gets the group to the kill, or the one who keeps the group alive with PBT or heals while they kill is just as important. All classes play their part in any group.

The only exception to this rule being paladins, of course, who are completely useless. Especially Lamont and Nikademus.


Originally posted by aethtemplar
The only exception to this rule being paladins, of course, who are completely useless.

Pfft, Silly Ethel :p


Turamber i was with orden a few days ago in emain we was fighting 3 mids we died to them coz a sb came too,yet 20 albs were nearby didnt even help at all most was tanks!We came back they killed me again and again the albs didnt do shit.


That's not because their characters are tanks, its because the people behind them were any of the following:-

1) AFK
2) Unaware what was happening
3) Didn't give a monkeys

People are people whatever class they play, or whatever realm they play in. Albion gets a bad press for having "idiots" but I can report that the other realms have 'em too. I'm having a super time with my mentalist in Excalibur/Hibernia but there are still dopes there.

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by Levin the Blue

All theurgists are gimps in RvR. I salute those who keep trying with elementals, since this is supposed to be OUR thing to do. If not use ellies, why not just roll up another wizard? To quote someone i can't remember the name of - theurgist pets are nothing but big marshmallows who show the way to the theurgist.

Bitter? Me? Naw. :clap:

1 Outlaw total rps 1,765,803 last weeks rps 136,694 50 Guardians of Light Avalonian Theurgist LvL 50

not all theurgs are gimps:clap:


#1 - You can rotate your view!
Yes! It's true, while running one way, you can rotate your view to actually see the lone enemy standing 5 meters away ganking your poor lowbie realm mate...

I tried this one time... and our whole group got wiped out by a skald and a healer infront of us cause I was looking the other way.... never doing it again.


Originally posted by Turamber

Theurgists are no more gimped than any other class though ... you should spend some time with people like Pbuck and Teoz, those boys know how to fight. And Matt could teach even tanks a thing or three about melee :)

Tur, if you are suggesting that all theurgists should respec to be more like Teoz, then wave goodbye to Albion's pulsing bladeturn (I think they are both full air theurgs, and I think we will see more of them after respecs are allowed, for exactly this reason).

You should realise also that theurgists are one of the few classes who consistently fall below paladins in average RP tables ... I think they are a great class, with a lot of flexibility, and they shine in small group combat where it is handy to have someone with two forms of AE crowd control, bargain-basement speed, a serviceable nuke, cute ice elementals to interrupt casters from range, PBT etc. But they don't deal the pure damage that you need to get RP (unless they go very high in air¬).

And since Levin and Sru are both very competent theurgists who do know their class, I'd take their word on its weaknesses.


Levin the Blue

Thanks Linny. :)

Turamber, and Herbal... you are right. Not all theurgists are gimps. Like Linnet said, those who dump their earth really low and go for very high air will have a chance to nuke some and be some kind of pocket-wizard.

You seem to suggest i don't know how to fight, and that Theoz Pbuck and Mattshanes do. Again, perhaps you are right. I don't know these guys very well, but i'm sure they are better players than I am.

I do know how to use what means i have, but in RvR I am never going to compare to one that has fully specced in air, Turamber. Do you want all theurgists to do that, and never see pulsing bladeturn in Albion again? Because that is our choice. Either be bubble boy (kind of like a pro-active cleric with weak CC, some buffs and no ability to rez, oh and wearing cloth and having crap for hp), or be as much like a wizard as you can be and spec high in air. Which sounds most fun to play? How many non buffbot level 50 clerics will we see in Emain after 1.52? I do compare the two classes a little here. The difference is that theurgists has a semi viable option to spec air and do some damage (again talking about post 1.52 when the clerics get their nerf).

I am probably going to do it too after respec.

If our elementals had worked like they should, you would see 6 second PBT. You would see tri-specced flexible theurgists with both area root and area mez. You would also see high air specced theurgists of course.

After 1.52, you will see a lot of air nukes, and not much PBT, so enjoy it while you can.

Wizard wannabe is the word. If you want to see the sad state of the theurgists, check the american TL boards. Oh, by the way, our TL gave up this summer, and we are currently leaderless.

Sorry, i don't usually rant like this, but Turamber's post kind of made me feel like i had to say something.


Originally posted by old.linnet
You should realise also that theurgists are one of the few classes who consistently fall below paladins in average RP tables ... But they don't deal the pure damage that you need to get RP (unless they go very high in air¬).

Dealing large amounts of damage has little to do with being placed highly in the Realm Point tables. Paladins have a far lower damage output than any theurgist! It's about knowing your class, getting into good groups and playing the class a lot in RvR.

Any class which can do a lot of different things like theurgists can has it harder than a specialist class because it takes time to work out what they can do best in RvR.

A lot of people complain that their class is gimped or useless, but they seem to fail to realise it takes a fair while to learn how to use that class to its best advantage in RvR.

I spent a fair bit of time with people like Shane and SoulFly in RvR groups and I know that Paladins aren't useless like some people would have you believe ... same for theurgists, good class - takes time to learn the RvR ropes.


Originally posted by Levin the Blue
You seem to suggest i don't know how to fight, and that Theoz Pbuck and Mattshanes do. Again, perhaps you are right. I don't know these guys very well, but i'm sure they are better players than I am ...

After 1.52, you will see a lot of air nukes, and not much PBT, so enjoy it while you can.

I wasn't suggesting you're a bad player, only that spending some time with people who have highly respected theurgists might help you to master your class in RvR.

As far as PBT is concerned, speaking as a tank I don't find it very useful in RvR. Grouped with a couple of low level theurgists the other day - they asked who should run PBT the consensus of the group was ... no one! Just nuke :)

Brannor McThife

OMF. It's Woody...

What you up to nowadays kid?



back from the darkness of mmocpg

I asked someone else this, do you know what the c stands for? :)


well I'm waiting, it's friday isn't it?

Brannor McThife

I've been no post...

Except for saying that if you want to see the maturity of some DAoC players...go to #DaoC.prydwen on IRC...good for a laugh, and not really surprising Kemor doesn't visit often...


Brannor McThife

Hey all,'s Friday...heh. Been sick since before the last's see...

As many know, I deleted my Alb characters, and have started a Lurikeen Champion in Hibernia-Prydwen. Amazingly, even though I am playing under the name of Brannor McThife, I have received nothing short of a warm welcome. People have given me items that I can use, a few gold here and there, and offerred to group with me as I go. I have had the pleasure of meeting both Luuna and Leah "in person". :clap: So a bit of my flame is directed at Hibs. Please...remember, don't take this all too personally. ;)

1) OMFG!!!! I swear, there are a few bards out there I am oneday going to PK. My oath. PLEEEEASE. If you're in a fekking tank heavy group, play the fekking drums. Having all the fekking mana in the world isn't going to help a healer when the tanks have f-all endurance left to taunt the mobs off the healer. It's simple. If you're in a caster heavy group, then fine, play the flute (mana), otherwise go by this: Combat - Endurance, Resting - mana. If you can't follow that simple principle, don't be surprised if I, and many others, don't group with you.

2) Plvl me plz m8! Grrrrrr. Just wait for the PvP server...these bastards, along with those demanding heals will get a mezz/stun and beaten to death. Level yourselves you lazy ass leet speaking gits.

3) Mids...<sigh> Guys, when are we going to change the nightly routine of 1/3 camping the APK, 1/3 camping the AMG, and 1/3 doing their own thing? There have been moments of brilliance where we've stuck together and flattened both Albs and Hibs in open combat. If we continue to "do our own thing", we're going to become weaker and weaker. As it is, we have a sever shortage of Healers, and hence decent mezzers. Seems a trend that (a) Mids just can't/don't listen, and love RPs so much, they can't be assed to help others. People reporting invaders in our frontier, and then others saying, "Yes, thanks, we know already." Why?!? Just say thanks and leave it at that. This Us vs Them vs Alb/Hib is BULLSHIT. I don't care what the history of the alliances are. Bury it, or it'll bury us. I stood side by side Blej while defending against unsurmountable opposition at Beno. Do you think, that for one second, I thought I'd just bale and try run because it was an EoO keep? Gawd, if some of you think like that. Please, use the nearest portal and don't come back.

4) Albs. Hmmm. You need a little backbone. Sad to say that I've witnessed superior numbers of Albs run from an enemy often numberring half their size. Come on people, get it together. Where's that knightly courage? Or are most of you snivelling gits that miss their MaAs?

5) Cheaters. Last night, I filed my first report in a while, as I had not observed anyone that I believed to be cheating. But know this, I have two PCs. The second one, I keep up and running to use IRC/MSN/ICQ, etc, and occasionally log my second account in. And, with a little directory share, it takes me less than a minute to change a SS to a jpg, and email it off to GOA/Kemor. To the Alb mage that had the "unfortunate" luck to start casting on the Mids as I ran through the AMG (from within the AMG), I hope that GOA bans you. I have a nice SS of you in the wall...pity that your name stuck out a little eh... Please, can somebody tell me why it is, that people believe they have to cheat?



Turamber again you talk out your panties!! Reason Shane, soul and these other fucking paladins know a bit and have alot of RP is cos they had lvl 50 chars a looooooooooong time more than alot of us, shane was lvl 50 when i was about lvl 20 ages ago, You can be a complete shit class and get lots of realm point over a large period of time! That doesn't mean its a good class, i know casters etc that have made more RP in a week than a paladin has made in a month or months and both being as active as the other in rvr!


By brannor:
4) Albs. Hmmm. You need a little backbone. Sad to say that I've witnessed superior numbers of Albs run from an enemy often numberring half their size. Come on people, get it together. Where's that knightly courage? Or are most of you snivelling gits that miss their MaAs?

We have went and talked about this more times then mattshanes has said about him owning everyone with his merc :p

We ALL know alb has alot of shitbags and pussies that pish themselves when they see a few mids or hibs looking at them the wrong way, it wont change, these people have no dicks! and i wont grp with scum bags like that.

And yes, i think these people miss their mums and were breast fed till there teens :>


Re: Re: Brannor's Friday Flame...

Make that:

"I see roughly 2 groups of Hibs inside. Most are red to me, a few orange. I count at least 2 druids, 1 warden, 2 enchanters, 4 tanks, 2 rangers and I saw at least 1 NS just shaghg111121111111111 <enter key>"

"Guys I need a rezz"



Originally posted by Taggart
Turamber again you talk out your panties!! Reason Shane, soul and these other fucking paladins know a bit and have alot of RP is cos they had lvl 50 chars a looooooooooong time more than alot of us, shane was lvl 50 when i was about lvl 20 ages ago, You can be a complete shit class and get lots of realm point over a large period of time! That doesn't mean its a good class, i know casters etc that have made more RP in a week than a paladin has made in a month or months and both being as active as the other in rvr!

Paladins are -not- shit, they are very useful group friendly tanks. Awesome in PvE and useful in RvR too. With the extra features coming along for us we will be even more useful in coming patches.

And yes SF has been level 50 for a LONG time but he has only started RvR'ing intensely since Turamber's been level 50. I was above him in the Realm Point table for a long time in fact...

It just seems to me that you want to play an uber killing machine that can't be killed by anyone else ... well, good luck with the minstrel :rolleyes:

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