Brannor's Friday Flame...

  • Thread starter Brannor McThife
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That's MUCH more like it, you worthless stinky infil-fodder troll!!!



#10 - For you "scouts"!
TONS OF XXX IN EMAIN!!! Means jack sh*t. Give a location based on landmarks...the mill, junction outside DC (Should be called HMK - Hibernian Merchant Keep - to stop confusion), bowl. Right valley between MMG and MPK heading away from MMG. Simply shouting "I got Middddssss!!!!" may sound cool...but is really only good for sowing confusion. A good scout is one that counts the enemy, and classifies them by class and level, and of course, numbers. E.g. "I see roughly 2 groups of Hibs inside. Most are red to me, a few orange. I count at least 2 druids, 1 warden, 2 enchanters, 4 tanks, 2 rangers and I saw at least 1 NS just now." Also, say whether the keep is claimed, if all those inside are from one guild, and if the doors are/have being/been upgraded.

Thas is a completely useless piece of advice Brannor. I'm a SB and I'm fairly sure you don't know me.

So next time you listen to /as and you hear me say "I see roughly 2 groups of Hibs inside. Most are red to me, a few orange. I count at least 2 druids, 1 warden, 2 enchanters, 4 tanks, 2 rangers and I saw at least 1 NS just now", please /send me with your guess about MY level, or explain to me how you judge the enemy strenght based on the above message.

(n.b. I normally would have written that in a much nicer way but you seem to want to start a flame and as I'm always aiming to please...) :flame:

Brannor McThife

Trigali, you're a git.

Trigali (Leirstend, Cili, Bolte) (MSN Trigali)
Proud Guardian of the Savage Conclave.
Working together for a safer Midgard

Last time I checked we're not in the same fekking alliance. So I wouldn't hear your whines anyway.

Also, scouts shouldn't spam /AS with stuff like this. And besides, the people who receive this info would know my level, and hence the enemy's levels. OR would you prefer "I see a L45.6 lurikeen ranger from the Morons Are Us guild, a L43.4, from the same guild, a L47.2 wearing a blue/red cloak with chevron and what looks like a sett humping a pooka, a L41.9 from that same guild, etc......"?

Pffft. Also. That was posted a while back, you're not too fast on the reading, so maybe you need to be given the exact /loc of the enemy inside the keep too? :flame:



he he he...

In a language you can understand, you pretentious blob (and obviously, if you are not in the same alliance as the one i'm in, then you are in the wrong alliance, quite obvious):

"I see 2 groups of red and orange to me at level 40" is more useful than "I see 2 groups of red and orange".

You may know every single player in your 5-char strong alliance, I don't know every player in my better-than-yours alliance.

And if you think a scout is not supposed to inform his alliance about the enemy's movements, then give up alliance chat rights or just go and announce mob location.


;) :flame:


Brannor what you posted is a great comment,scouts are suppose to check areas aswell as kill, you have said it well which i am sure a lot of people have understood.Great thinking!:cool:

Brannor McThife

I would try explain intelligence gathering to you Trigali. But I'd have better luck talkin SotL into giving me all their epic armours. At least they'd actually understand the language I used. I stand by scouts not having /AS permission. Each raid/guild should have intelligence officers who have the rights to speak on AS. We don't knew people spamming with tons and tons of "They went thataway!". Need useful info coalated (that's gatherred) centrally and given to those in charge.

Heck, even the Templars could get it right once every 2 months. Guild chat gets restricted to "Battlefield Discipline" and all scouts are invited into a cg to report and coordinate. Leader then makes decision based on reports of enemy activities/strengths/weaknesses.

Pffft. Go play wif jor widdle toys somver els. You're still missing the point. It's not about saying what your level is, just that it's about giving relevant information on the enemy, not just "I can see lots of Hibs".




I think you mean "collated" and "gathered" ?

Or maybe I don't understand your language :D

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by trigali
I think you mean "collated" and "gathered" ?

Or maybe I don't understand your language :D
Woot! You fell into my trap! Gave me irrefutable evidence that you are only trying to be picky with your posts and really have nothing of value to add.




Woot! You fell into my trap!
Brannor: Cunning assassin, as cunning as a cunning fox who went to cunning school...

Fascinating trap. I fail to see the point, but...


If you want me to.


As I have nothing to do, I'll start counting your posts and check that all of them add something of value (though to be fair, friend, many do.)

Brannor McThife

No time to write...have flames...just no time. Will post this evening... ;)



In reply to the first Brann0rflame in this thread.... what you're asking is for nobody to be crap anymore. They say this game takes no skill, well, that's where the skill in this game IS.
There is no solution, because when people fuck up they invariably tell you "oh, it's just a game, stop getting so wound up" and continue bumbling around screwing things up.
The only solution that suggests itself is be lvl50 on the PvP server and fecking PK the people who refuse to stop being idiots and learn.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
[BRight. Firstly. SotL. You stupid f*cks. Do you realise what you've done? You quite literally open pandora's (sorry Pandora... :p ) box. Thought you were the fekking bees knees on Saturday? Two groups taking 5 keeps. Bah, we all know how you did it now. And what does that mean? Basically you've shown that it's possible to take an entire realm's keeps in 30 minutes. Woop-ti-doo. Fek. Now us melee classes really have nothing to do in keep raids. Thanks a lot, gits. :twak:

-G [/B]

Yes, but we did it first :D


Originally posted by old.LandShark
In reply to the first Brann0rflame in this thread.... what you're asking is for nobody to be crap anymore. They say this game takes no skill, well, that's where the skill in this game IS.
There is no solution, because when people fuck up they invariably tell you "oh, it's just a game, stop getting so wound up" and continue bumbling around screwing things up.
The only solution that suggests itself is be lvl50 on the PvP server and fecking PK the people who refuse to stop being idiots and learn.


Location: upcoming EU PvP server.

Some nameless guild.

Guild: Idiot says, "I see lots of enemies, and they went right."
Guild: GM says, "WTF?! need more details"
Guild: GM says, "HELLO!! Answer me!!!"
Guild: Idiot says, "Got one, hehe 705rps!"
Guild: GM says, "WHERE ARE YOU IDIOT???!?!"
Guild: Idiot says, "Emain"
Guild: GM says, "Well that f'ing helps"
/gc remove Idiot
Guild: GM says, "50g to whoever kills that tit first!"



Nice one and sooooo true :)

I personally liked Bodzilla's approach when one of his guild caused some bother. He re-named rank 9 and then demoted said player:

'Bodzilla has promoted XXXX to Toilet Cleaner!'



Originally posted by Brannor
Woot! You fell into my trap! Gave me irrefutable evidence that you are only trying to be picky with your posts and really have nothing of value to add.

Nothing of value to add?? did I miss one of Sickofit's posts?




Originally posted by Brannor McThife

#3 - It takes less than 10 seconds...
To stop and rez a fallen realm mate you JUST ran passed. Oneday, that could be you lying there. 10 seconds...10 FRIGGIN seconds and some power. The world won't end in that time, and you'll be far better rememberred as a kind soul that stopped to help.

Well it depends on what rezz spell you use. l use the 2nd best rezz and it takes tons of time to cast, and if you are busy, you dont wanna be pm'ed like by ppl's about a rezz, specially not when you are in the middle of a fight. Many ppl's that pm you about rezz love to flame you because you dont wanna rezz them (because you are busy with other stuff) so l usually put them on my ignore list.
Last rezz spell takes 12 secs to cast, and in the meantime you try to rezz, you can get ganked by a stealther if you are in the frontier. Been there, tried that.
And why waste time on a ppl that you know will die 1 sec after rezzing him/her..

#8 - Get a friggin' MAP!
We're at that stage of the game (6 months down the line), where everybody who goes into the frontier should have a map. Print it out, (make sure it has a grid on it for /loc references). Not having a map anymore is NOT AN EXCUSE. The /loc works W->E, N->S. So 0,0 is NW, and 65k,65k is SE. Get it? Got it? Good. No more excuses for "Where are we?". Make it a requirement for all your guild members to have one before they go into the frontier.

Never used a map :)



Originally posted by vidx
Guild: GM says, "WHERE ARE YOU IDIOT???!?!"
Guild: Idiot says, "Emain"
Guild: GM says, "Well that f'ing helps"

ROFL! :D That actually happens:

XXX was just killed by YYY ( YYY being shadowblade :p )

XXX: Are you gonna kill him?
Hitokiri: Where are you?
XXX: Emain duh!
Hitokiri: ...

Brannor McThife

Hmm...let's see...what has happened since last Friday...oooh... :flame: on.

1) Buff-feking-bots
OMFG! I swear, you should be thanking Kemor and GOA for never giving me any sort of power, 'cause oh my word, I would port every single one of you fekkers to the dragon inside a heartbeat. half the people I see levelling nowadays have a buffbot sitting in the corner. This, together with sharing accounts of friends to do this was boiling my blood and a lot of other people's who were slogging it out in Spindel solo.

2) Powerlevelling
AAAARRRGGHHHH!!! FFS! just about every other person I saw in Spindelhalla was powerlevelling an SB (second account) or a shaman...Grrrrr. FECK OFF L50's!!!!! My OATH, there are people actually trying to XP "Fairly" down there. Sod off to Vanern and powerlevel your gimp there.

3) Malmohus
Gah! STFU! The number of times I heard people whining about "We must kill faster, I want more XP, I want to be uber faster, this sucks, blah blah blah..." STFU! and fight, or organise your own feking group.

4) Emain Strategy
<Yawn> Do you mids actually have any idea about this? Or is it simply..."D'uh...I follow the zerg"? The number of times I see Mids sandwiched by two alb forces is too sad to be amusing anymore. Flanking moves, check behind those hills... Then again, the albs are just as blind... Ran up behind and stood next to an armsman for about 3 seconds before the fekker realised his group was about to get wiped.

5) Rear guards
Anybody know what these are? Huh? People that watch the back side on an army. Fat lot of good camping a MG if you get sandwiched eh? Happens to everybody...takes one archer or assasin, or ANYBODY to watch the rear...but noooo...everyone just wants to gank.

6) Camp-the-keep-lord
Ok, so we all know that Albs and Hibs can camp the keep lord and PBAoE...thanks mythic for not giving mids that ability. Also, thank you for not providing Mids with enough braincells to listen at a raid and not storm the Lord on their own missions... Last night, albs outnumberred 2-1 easily...what do we do? "D'uh...we more, we can win, we zerg Lord..." a few minutes later, Albs have racked up a few thousand RPs each and all the mids release...

7) Pull the Relic guards
Nice thought Albs, but gonna tell everyone about it. A few LoE, etc. tried this one last night. Pulled 3 Relic Uber Guards to within site of Arvakr. So, you planning a relic raid sometime soon eh? Yay...goody for you... <yawn>

8) Mezz breaking...
This ones for all those mezz breakers...but especially the silly Alb theurgist who decided to pick me as her target amongst my mezzed group... See the big troll in epic armour with the 2-H glowing axe... DON'T send you wussy blue-con earth creatures to break my mezz, because you WILL die in one hit. Gimp. Hell, I'm waiting for when I slam a caster to death with one hit. /flex

Anyway, see you all in RvR tonight... 'mon then!! :flame:



Jupitus was right........... you're losing your touch Brannor.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife

Anyway, see you all in RvR tonight... 'mon then!! :flame:

:flame:Brannor, you fekkin' ponse!! Go get your own bloody war cry and stop mis-quoting ours!!! Actually, on second thoughts, you don't have the brains to come up with your own, so just stop mis-quoting ours, period.:flame:

I am JUPETUS TEH CWOSS!!!!!111 (tm)

MON THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



6) Camp-the-keep-lord
Ok, so we all know that Albs and Hibs can camp the keep lord and PBAoE...thanks mythic for not giving mids that ability.

Dont Thanes have a instant PBAoE? :)


Levin the Blue

Originally posted by Brannor McThife

8) Mezz breaking...
This ones for all those mezz breakers...but especially the silly Alb theurgist who decided to pick me as her target amongst my mezzed group... See the big troll in epic armour with the 2-H glowing axe... DON'T send you wussy blue-con earth creatures to break my mezz, because you WILL die in one hit. Gimp. Hell, I'm waiting for when I slam a caster to death with one hit. /flex

-G [/B]

All theurgists are gimps in RvR. I salute those who keep trying with elementals, since this is supposed to be OUR thing to do. If not use ellies, why not just roll up another wizard? To quote someone i can't remember the name of - theurgist pets are nothing but big marshmallows who show the way to the theurgist.

Bitter? Me? Naw. :clap:


Originally posted by Levin the Blue

All theurgists are gimps in RvR. I salute those who keep trying with elementals, since this is supposed to be OUR thing to do. If not use ellies, why not just roll up another wizard? To quote someone i can't remember the name of - theurgist pets are nothing but big marshmallows who show the way to the theurgist.

Bitter? Me? Naw. :clap:

they are good for mercs though ;) one icepet and the merc can get within firering range with his bow without being spotted he can hide in the pet :p


<looks into the void>


It had better be a good one this week!!


Brannor McThife

Another week, another bunch of flames...
Ok, here's my attempt...

Since I spent most of my week in Midgard, much of this will be aimed at them, however, the Hibs and Albs will get a little too.

Keep Raids
Well, what can I say that I haven't FEKKING SAID ALREADY!!!!1122233445
Are you all deaf? Are you all morons? I have stated elsewhere that I refuse to do keep raids anymore because everyone and his pet crab thinks that "Now!" is the time to storm the Lord because we'll have numbers on our side... My word, when you actually start to use a proper tactic (and I'm sorry Dooki, your bomb idea is amusing but unless you have at least 4/5 suicide bombers, it ain't going to be worth jack shite!) But don't worry...keep running to the Keep Lord and dying en masse and giving the Albs/Hibs tons of RP...I mean, isn't that why we do it?

RvR communication
I swear, if I had 1p for everytime someone yelled "INC!" in a chat without anything else...I'd be able to buy my whole guild 100% quality AF102 enchanted alchemy spell crafted armour. A simple "roughly 10 Albs coming from APK to AMG" if perfect... or "Albs NW!". Hmm...I'm sure I've mentioned this one before... I had to laugh and shake my head, as one night this week, we got told Blendrake was under attack by Hibs, only for us to be told as it came in sight, that no, it was actually Hlidskialf...where we arrived as the Lord died and the doors closed in front of us...

Too many leaders
Well, this often becomes evident at keep raids. The person holding the cg doesn't naturally become the commander, not does the git that arrives right as D2 is going down. I know I often say when to move from one keep to the next, but I won't choose that keep. I drive, hence my lurvly colour scheme.

A to Z via B,C, D, etc.
Well, every single realm amuses me in this one. Ask somene to go to a certain keep or zone, and I'll bet you that 99% of them will take the exact same path, why? Because they don't have a map, or they simply don't know the frontiers. Have someone that knows the frontier you're in WELL, lead. Speed and safety. If you want to get somewhere fast, the road is not always the best, neither are the common paths. I am sure there are those out there that probably know the frontiers more than me, but if I can run at normal speed from Gralla to Hlidskialf, then to Bledmeer without being attacked while entire other groups get slaughterred, well, perhaps it's best that everyone prints a map, and gets to know a few different routes.

If you rest/AFK, AF! FFS!
There is nothing worse than having someone in the group go AFK and sitting without AF on someone. If I need to go AFK for 10 seconds. I'll AF on a group member and go into combat stance. Think about the rest of your group before you put them at risk.

Well, for a realm that is supposed to be close to nature, Hibs, you sure as hell only appear to know how to hole yourselves up in keeps. And that's quite sad. Sure, you can farm some nice RP if you're grouped with your PBAoE'r. And I'm sure you get quite a lot of RP off us stupid Mids. But have you guys actually forgotten how to skirmish? Been a while since I've seen a largish force in Emain. Seems all you do nowadays is run out and take a keep or two and then sit inside

Cowards R Us
A.K.A. Albions. well well, I had a good laugh last night. There were maybe, at most, two groups at AMG last night. And there were 30+ of you, yet you still waited, and waited on your side, even when a bunch of us ran off and had quite a long melee with a group of yours to the north of the Silo. The number of times, I watch Albions turn and flee when charged by a much smaller Midgard force is laughable. FFS, get a backbone.

Ah well, not the best Friday flame..had better...



Levin the theurgs pets arent useless wait til you see roni's they do a lot of damage.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Well, for a realm that is supposed to be close to nature, Hibs, you sure as hell only appear to know how to hole yourselves up in keeps. And that's quite sad. Sure, you can farm some nice RP if you're grouped with your PBAoE'r. And I'm sure you get quite a lot of RP off us stupid Mids. But have you guys actually forgotten how to skirmish? Been a while since I've seen a largish force in Emain. Seems all you do nowadays is run out and take a keep or two and then sit inside

hehe when was the last time you were in Emain Brannor?

Nearly every night for over a month, /who emain produces over 30 results, sometimes peaking at 80.

It is around 10pm when the most Hibs are in Emain, and it is usually ruled by us until half of us log and the usual Alb zerg arrives and we constantly chase them back to their PK (with half of us getting killed :( ).

And yes, we do get alot of RP at keep defence. If it works, why change it? :)


Well Brannor id hate to agree with ya, but your more than right with the Coward part of ya "Flame List". It makes me fucking sick when i see assholes running away all day (reminds me of the scene from Hoyl Grail in which they all run away from a rabit :p i wish they would stop and take it like men, we may all die but atleast we can take a few bastards with us!! :)


Like last night in emain i got annoyed with the albs standing and looking at the mids when there was more of us so i summoned onto one mid and they all came for me,i died of course.Then albs decided to charge them,dam i must be an army myself or something:rolleyes:

Anyway i get fed up of people claiming to be tanks when they don't even charge,a tank in real life doesn't stop and destroys everything in its path.

So anyone claiming to be a tank still?:rolleyes:

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