Brannor's Friday Flame...

  • Thread starter Brannor McThife
  • Start date

Brannor McThife

Ok, this is probably, like a good proportion of my posts, going to get a few people a little heated under the collar. But, it's Friday, and that's what I do on Fridays. ;)

#1 - You can rotate your view!
Yes! It's true, while running one way, you can rotate your view to actually see the lone enemy standing 5 meters away ganking your poor lowbie realm mate...

#2 - XXXX yells for help from the south west!
Wow! People can yell for help in YELLOW (or whichever colour suits you), and that direction it gives, is actually where they are, opposite way...

#3 - It takes less than 10 seconds...
To stop and rez a fallen realm mate you JUST ran passed. Oneday, that could be you lying there. 10 seconds...10 FRIGGIN seconds and some power. The world won't end in that time, and you'll be far better rememberred as a kind soul that stopped to help.

#4 - When Camping a MG!
You should really post guards. The number of times I have watch armies camping a MG getting stampeded from both sides or even just from behind is amazing. The Hibs have this down to a T, and often wipe out Albs/Mids like this. How hard is it, to send a grouped infil/ns/sb (grouped so he can leech RP and not feel like he's losing out) to stand in an approach vector so he can give you maybe 5-10 seconds warning of inc!!!!!!111!!!11!!! Rather than the first thing you notice is the Zzzzzz above you head...

#5 - Send out scouts!
Ok, not the Alb class kind, but the infil/ns/sb kind. Have a grouped assassin (same reason as above) go out to scout the keeps before you get there. That way, you know what to expect. Of course, don't abuse the poor kids and leave them ungrouped and RP-less for their time. A scouted keep, allows you to prepare for your enemy (Rams needed, etc.)

#6 - When assaulting a Keep!
Just like at a relic raid, set up a blocking force. Nothing like being surprised from behind and/or having 2/3 groups of reinforcements "enter" while you're all bashing the door...

#7 - Help your local Assassin!
Assassins are sometimes neglected. They wage a constant battle on the ramparts of keeps (with each other) of which, most of the non-assassins only see a small part - do I climb, don't I climb, who do I PA, which what do I jump, etc. Nothing works as well at taking a keep as a few good (backed up) assassins. They can keep the defenders surpressed and OOM.

#8 - Get a friggin' MAP!
We're at that stage of the game (6 months down the line), where everybody who goes into the frontier should have a map. Print it out, (make sure it has a grid on it for /loc references). Not having a map anymore is NOT AN EXCUSE. The /loc works W->E, N->S. So 0,0 is NW, and 65k,65k is SE. Get it? Got it? Good. No more excuses for "Where are we?". Make it a requirement for all your guild members to have one before they go into the frontier.

#9 - Learn the zones!
Right, now that you have a full set of zone maps (Hrafn Warband's are really good), make notes on them as to where the "BIG BAD ASS BROWN DRAKES HERE! NOGO!!". Get to know the fastest, as safest routes between keeps. Also, know how much space you have to play with so that your route isn't easily predictable. Oh, and use #1 while running there... ;) Here's a good test for your noob frontier guild members. Have them do a solo tour of your frontier reporting the locations of every Lord in each keep. (ok, give 'em a few days, since you don't always hold all your keeps). Oh, and don't run in straight lines...makes it really easy for assassins to line up PA's...


#10 - For you "scouts"!
TONS OF XXX IN EMAIN!!! Means jack sh*t. Give a location based on landmarks...the mill, junction outside DC (Should be called HMK - Hibernian Merchant Keep - to stop confusion), bowl. Right valley between MMG and MPK heading away from MMG. Simply shouting "I got Middddssss!!!!" may sound cool...but is really only good for sowing confusion. A good scout is one that counts the enemy, and classifies them by class and level, and of course, numbers. E.g. "I see roughly 2 groups of Hibs inside. Most are red to me, a few orange. I count at least 2 druids, 1 warden, 2 enchanters, 4 tanks, 2 rangers and I saw at least 1 NS just now." Also, say whether the keep is claimed, if all those inside are from one guild, and if the doors are/have being/been upgraded.

Have a nice day. :flame:




(Hows that for a constructive reply :p )

Tafaya Anathas

Originally posted by Brannor McThife
[#5 - Send out scouts!
Ok, not the Alb class kind, but the infil/ns/sb kind. Have a grouped assassin (same reason as above) go out to scout the keeps before you get there. That way, you know what to expect. Of course, don't abuse the poor kids and leave them ungrouped and RP-less for their time. A scouted keep, allows you to prepare for your enemy (Rams needed, etc.)

Lolz, why don't Mythic change the class name from 'scout' to 'gimp with bow' or 'archer' or something like that.


Some valid points, particularly about maps :)

FYI - Since the patch you can't tell the door level, just the state of repair....



I wish for...
Peace in the Middle East...

Oh, and SAVE KEIKO! :p

Good points Brannor, and I hope you feel better after writing this - cause I'm afraid that's the only positive outcome of this post :)


Brannor, that was far too true to be a flame - your losing your touch ;)


/emote Ivan reeds Brannors post......scratches his head....reads the post again....

A word to Scouting infils/ns/sb. Do not zone <as in run into another zone> or you wont get any RP from your groupies. :)

Secondly i suggest you macro messages like : 10 incoming, Stealthers spotted etc. Then quickly press the corresponding button and leg it :)


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
#10 - For you "scouts"!
TONS OF XXX IN EMAIN!!! Means jack sh*t. Give a location based on landmarks...the mill, junction outside DC (Should be called HMK - Hibernian Merchant Keep - to stop confusion), bowl. Right valley between MMG and MPK heading away from MMG. Simply shouting "I got Middddssss!!!!" may sound cool...but is really only good for sowing confusion. A good scout is one that counts the enemy, and classifies them by class and level, and of course, numbers. E.g. "I see roughly 2 groups of Hibs inside. Most are red to me, a few orange. I count at least 2 druids, 1 warden, 2 enchanters, 4 tanks, 2 rangers and I saw at least 1 NS just now." Also, say whether the keep is claimed, if all those inside are from one guild, and if the doors are/have being/been upgraded.
Or just make sure everyone knows "DC" = Dun Crauchon and "crim" = Dun Crimthainn. ;)

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by matax
Brannor, that was far too true to be a flame - your losing your

touch ;)
Ok...I actually had to refrain myself a bit's a flame then... ;)

You fekking Albs are not only fekking blind! But fekking incosiderate of your fellow Albs. If a person in Alb dies (and this wasn't me) it's probably better for him to release in the frontier than have you and your party pause briefly, standing on his cloak, crease it, and then move on. Your lame ass excuses for not helping your fellow realm mates are even worse than the
Middies. Fek. When I was in Hib playing my druid, I'd risk my neck to rez another realm mate. You're pitiful. It's no wonder Arthur died, sh*t, he probably offed himself after seeing the loyalty you display to each other. Damnit, my pet dog shows more loyalty to my his kennel that half of you show to your realm mates.

You don't deserve to be called knights, most of you should be stripped of any titles. One of my guild mates said something quite amusing, but sad. Remember the 4 musketeers? Their saying? Well, the Albion version seems to be "All for all and none for one."


There, better?



Orin Askhammare


Now that's a flame!

<warms hands and grabs marshmallows>


Originally posted by Brannor McThife

A good scout is one that counts the enemy, and classifies them by class and level, and of course, numbers. E.g. "I see roughly 2 groups of Hibs inside. Most are red to me, a few orange. I count at least 2 druids, 1 warden, 2 enchanters, 4 tanks, 2 rangers and I saw at least 1 NS just now."

Make that:

"I see roughly 2 groups of Hibs inside. Most are red to me, a few orange. I count at least 2 druids, 1 warden, 2 enchanters, 4 tanks, 2 rangers and I saw at least 1 NS just shaghg111121111111111 <enter key>"

"Guys I need a rezz"


#3 is not that bad these days if you ask me, at least not when you are much lower level... since this way not that much power is used and I think not ressing a fellow alb is just pathetic.
I as a friar will always res if I can, even if it takes all my power (done it to some purples) and then I will rest and heal them some bit. If I am solo I will buff them aswell until I get a group.
#2 is probably a thing that pisses me off most! People don't seem to take any notice of it!? I mean WTF?! That is pretty much the only way besides a /who [area] of getting a rez, so when someone ignores it you get quite pissed off tbh.

Turel Haven

Sounds more like "Brannor's Friday Bag of Sense" to me...



It'd be more funny if a NS had actually killed anything ever solo ;)

Level 50 Infiltrator
Saracen Gryphon Knight
Servants of The Lake
"The People's Gimp"

j000 d000d

Originally posted by old.Jadow
It'd be more funny if a NS had actually killed anything ever solo ;)

How can the NS on Broceliande have more than 1,9 mill realm points? :p


He leech and has no life.

RP = time spent * effectivness of class.


> most of you should be stripped of any titles.

Erm.. if them albs are truly all such bastards, dont ya think its all for better they remain unressed? ;)



Re: Re: Brannor's Friday Flame...

Originally posted by old.Iunliten

Make that:

"I see roughly 2 groups of Hibs inside. Most are red to me, a few orange. I count at least 2 druids, 1 warden, 2 enchanters, 4 tanks, 2 rangers and I saw at least 1 NS just shaghg111121111111111 <enter key>"

"Guys I need a rezz"

geez thats the funniest thing ive ever seen posted on these forums yet!!!


Re: Re: Brannor's Friday Flame...

Originally posted by old.Iunliten

Make that:

"I see roughly 2 groups of Hibs inside. Most are red to me, a few orange. I count at least 2 druids, 1 warden, 2 enchanters, 4 tanks, 2 rangers and I saw at least 1 NS just shaghg111121111111111 <enter key>"

"Guys I need a rezz"l

Originally posted by H.Simpson

"It's funny because it's true" -


says something in a language you don't understand . . . .

Brannor McThife

Almost forgot... :flame:

Well, I've been playing in Mid this week, and really don't have much to flame, if anything, in fact...hmm...nothing. :(

Everyone in Spindelhalla has been really nice to me. Special thanks go to Yada Yada, who gave me some super buffs that allowed me to solo L50 mobs easy when I was L46.

The DF hunt that I went on was great, and the RvR was somewhat succesful. Can't really find anything bad to pick on. :)

Can always push the fact that people really must print out some maps, I suggest Hrafn Warbands maps (Almost like satelite photos) and learn that it's E->W, then N->S in the /loc. Once you get the hang of doing a /loc and checking a map, you'll never be lost.

Other than that, a good gaming week. Way to go Middies. :clap:



Pfft... that was pathetic...

<shrugs his shoulders and trudges off quietly>

Uncle Sick(tm)

Absolutely pathetic even... he must be getting old .... :(


... if only he was more of an Enigma, then we would have found him, eh?

Brannor McThife

<thinks REALLY hard.>
Ok. Fine. Flame on. (NOTE: This is a flame, and should in no way be taken personally. IF you have a problem with it, bite me.)

Right. Firstly. SotL. You stupid f*cks. Do you realise what you've done? You quite literally open pandora's (sorry Pandora... :p ) box. Thought you were the fekking bees knees on Saturday? Two groups taking 5 keeps. Bah, we all know how you did it now. And what does that mean? Basically you've shown that it's possible to take an entire realm's keeps in 30 minutes. Woop-ti-doo. Fek. Now us melee classes really have nothing to do in keep raids. Thanks a lot, gits. :twak:

Phoenix Legion, pffft, more like yesterday's KFC. When you defend a keep. Defend it properly. And listen to the scouts. Also, train up some more infiltrators so you don't have to rent some.

Black Circle. More like Crop Circle. Guys, sending a single group out to where Midgard just took a keep is not a smart move. Hope the grass by the lake tasted nice.

To the gimps out there that think a mid L30 should play puller for L60+ mobs. Enjoy your flying lessons. ;)
Khan, fek it. We all KNOW you has teh 15th item. Stop hogging them all.

Templars. Um. You are the largest guild? Right? Um...right? helloooo? Took you more than 30 minutes to send what, 3 Templars to take back your keep? Luckily for you Svea Ulvar had stirred the nest a little too and made you all poop yourselves into think it was a relic raid. Nothing like seeing two of your keeps drop in the space of a second 'eh?

Albs, stop fekking about in Emain and defend your frontier. Emain is not the 5th Albion frontier zone.

Hmm...want more?


Uncle Sick(tm)

Now that was better. Except for your disclaimer... you can't start a flame assuring everyone that it's just for fun.

You make them realize just how gullible they are after they try to counter-flame.

And yes... I edited teh cheering crowd out. ;)

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