bradlex ebayed?

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Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
Nuxtobatns said:
Not really..cause afaik.. warr 2h dmg is much less than hero/arms 2h dmg..for that exact reason
Q: A lot of people say Midgard twohanded does ~+15% damage bonus vs. onehanded, and in Hibernia and Albion (as they have special speccs) twohanded does ~+40% damage bonus vs onehanded. I'm talking about style damage. Is that quite correct?

A: Just as a side note, be very afraid of things that "a lot of people" say. For some reason unknown to mortal man, "a lot of people" tend to be either wrong, or not very many people after all.

But that's not the answer to your question! The answer according to the swell guy who looked it up is "All two handed weapons get a base 10% damage bonus, plus an extra amount based on their specialization level."


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
albs/hibs then take into consideration their 2h line for extra bonus i guess... what about mids ? what is taken in consideration for more than 10% dmg?


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Nuxtobatns said:
Btw...why Heroes get Moose (aka..1k hp more once in like 20 mins ?)

Warrior generally is shafted...less af/abs, no moose, less good styles, no stun when 2h

Less AF/ABS ? Warriors wear chain and therefore have the same AF/ABS as everyone else wearing chain-equivalent armour (eg. heroes, champions, wardens, mercenaries, thanes etc etc).

Warriors have inherent more WS (6%) then their counterparts, and as an added 'bonus' access to the highest STR-race (Troll). They also wear argueably the best 'chain'-armour (same reasoning as Hibs wear the best leather).

Then there's the myth that warriors somehow do less damage with 2H... Base-damage is exactly the same (abit more actually, due to the 6% higher WS) - warriors do lack some 'special' styles but for the rest are equally potent with 2H as other 2H-wearers.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
This is what fucks me off.

Someone whines like fuck about adding for ages.

They get added so much they decide they're going to do it aswell.

That makes them just as bad as the people they've been moaning about for X amount of months.

Just being a hypocrit ;d


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Puppet said:
Less AF/ABS ? Warriors wear chain and therefore have the same AF/ABS as everyone else wearing chain-equivalent armour (eg. heroes, champions, wardens, mercenaries, thanes etc etc).

Warriors have inherent more WS (6%) then their counterparts, and as an added 'bonus' access to the highest STR-race (Troll). They also wear argueably the best 'chain'-armour (same reasoning as Hibs wear the best leather).

Then there's the myth that warriors somehow do less damage with 2H... Base-damage is exactly the same (abit more actually, due to the 6% higher WS) - warriors do lack some 'special' styles but for the rest are equally potent with 2H as other 2H-wearers.

I was reffering on comparison between arms/hero/warr since we were talking about heavy tanks. Didnt know the 6% more WS tho. And race aint a variable that should be added in the comparisons imo


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Nuxtobatns said:
albs/hibs then take into consideration their 2h line for extra bonus i guess... what about mids ? what is taken in consideration for more than 10% dmg?

Their weaponline-spec. If a warrior gains a RR, he gets a bonus to his Hammer-spec (for example) and therefore gets enhanced damage-bonus.

It amazes me these wide-spread myths keep popping up, 4 years after they've been 'disarmed'. Do you honestly think a hero would hit 30% harder then a warrior ?

Its the same with berserkers. Suddenly they do comparable damage to their counterparts, and all of a sudden they're gimped. Savages pump only 15-20% more DPS out then a BM/Merc/Zerk and suddenly its 'useless'. Warlocks can only kill 1 person out of a FG and suddenly they are 'shit'. The list goes on and on, and everytime some uninformed Mid (or more) pops in to show their total lack of understanding of the game.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Nuxtobatns said:
I was reffering on comparison between arms/hero/warr since we were talking about heavy tanks. Didnt know the 6% more WS tho. And race aint a variable that should be added in the comparisons imo

Warriors still have the same AF/ABS as heroes (who also wear 'chain'). Arms get plate, which is indeed a higher tier armour. They lack Evade1 tho.

The WS-boost:


In order to make the Warrior more of a melee damage-dealer, we've increased his weapon skills (again, behind the scenes, as with the Hunter) so that he will do more damage every time he hits with an Axe, Hammer, or Sword (both 1 and 2h). With this change, the Warrior now does more base damage than any other class in the game. Warriors don't need to do anything to take advantage of this change - it will happen automatically every time they hit with a weapon

taken from patchnote 1.56

One could argue if race should be added into the comparision. It does make a difference tho. Same with the stealthers and such.


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
So main weap spec is calculated for Mids when 2h spec for albs/hibs since u say u know it.
30%? Who said something like that? I just told that i remember reading in vnboards one day that arms/hero had more 2h dmg cause of the fact that they actually had to spec for it.
So Mids get a free specialization specced at 50 compared to enemy realms. Too good to be true imo. Maybe i should go full 2h on thane in 1.85, cause atm..i dont see any reason as i dont see huge dmg diff between 1h and 2h.
And afaik again.. svg aint that good in fgs cause no banelord/charge and WL has prons and cons like most classes


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Puppet said:
One could argue if race should be added into the comparision. It does make a difference tho. Same with the stealthers and such.

Imo no..complicates things more than needed. Besides...not all have the same race...and races r almost pretty balanced usually. Sure Troll has more str and con...but also lacks dex (affects defence) and qui (affects swing speed and overall dps)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Nuxtobatns said:
No...i still think Moose is a bit OP in a melee 1vs1 ... its like 1k hp more ... u cant easily beat that.
Also..why even go 2h spec for 1vs1. Duzic became really tough when he was pure s/s tbh

I love to play lw. I know im fecked against any moblock 3 or higher that have any sense in how to play his alt at all. But i look overall how i do. Against casters its very nice....against all stealthers its very nice...against hybrids its ok:) So il loose against the high shield users and accept that. Nothing i can do really.
I played s/s before and it became really boring i the end tbh. Just stand there and block without having to do anything...well mich less then now anyways:)
If i would want less challenge i would just change i guess, but less entertainment for me.


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
Nuxtobatns said:
So Mids get a free specialization specced at 50 compared to enemy realms. Too good to be true imo. Maybe i should go full 2h on thane in 1.85, cause atm..i dont see any reason as i dont see huge dmg diff between 1h and 2h.
The formula is (10+0.5*weaponspec)%. On styled hits the difference will be less, due to the way style damage is calculated, but on unstyled hits this should be correct. I have only checked it on my level 24 thane with 15 weaponspec though, so there might be a cap at composite spec.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2005
I killed hero's who moosed and use IP2, and I'm hybrid 50 slash 50 sr spec - so shrug and quit the whinging, your better off than some! :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2005
No I'm just gloating, that I beat high RR Warriors & Hero's with ease as a 1h Slash.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Varna said:
No I'm just gloating, that I beat high RR Warriors & Hero's with ease as a 1h Slash.

But arn't you a reaver with 50 shield spec and like 400 dex?


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Puppet said:
Isnt the thrill to win a fight you 'know' you cannot win ? What fun is there to 'beckon' a low-RR crush weak blademaster and proceed to 4 shot him ?

I would think a RR9 Warrior versus an equally high-RR hero is probably more fair then anything else ?

Eh...yes and if he uses his ip/moose then the warrior use his Tustedo to get away ?
Not sure what you are getting at ?



Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
charmangle said:
Eh...yes and if he uses his ip/moose then the warrior use his Tustedo to get away ?
Not sure what you are getting at ?


2 High RR heavy tank fights are great to watch/participate in. So many abilities available to stretch a fight out.

So the hero IP'd on 20% health (note he didnt moose apparently) and Brad (warrior) had IP up as well. If he fired that off they were even again.

Fight continues and the hero uses moose and some form of heal (either kites away and uses FA <not many have this> or a bounty heal). % wise of original HP from start of fight this would give the hero an advantage. Extra HP healed then the warrior would get but not by much and also becomes stronger etc. How get around it? Well can simply use Testudo and make that extra damage worthless or kite away. (I always kite a moosed out hero no matter the toon Im on though)

So what the Hero gained? A little bit of extra HP then the warrior can by the same method. In the scenerio given that the moose/IP combo wasnt used it means that the difference is rather small.

etc etc.

No need to keep going on, you get the point. But there is really no reason to run away when you are a heavy tank with IP3/Purge3/Testudo etc up. Goes on about needing it in emain. But personally i would prefer to win a tough fight against one enemy where all gave everything then to beat a couple low rr zergers by dumping everything on them.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Think alot of people realised why i ran away already, so i'll leave it there for ya corran.:m00:

And if ya look at the bottom of the page for the similar threads, look at the one, bradlex is looking for this drop. :) That was stupid of me. :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Corran said:
2 High RR heavy tank fights are great to watch/participate in. So many abilities available to stretch a fight out.

So the hero IP'd on 20% health (note he didnt moose apparently) and Brad (warrior) had IP up as well. If he fired that off they were even again.

Fight continues and the hero uses moose and some form of heal (either kites away and uses FA <not many have this> or a bounty heal). % wise of original HP from start of fight this would give the hero an advantage. Extra HP healed then the warrior would get but not by much and also becomes stronger etc. How get around it? Well can simply use Testudo and make that extra damage worthless or kite away. (I always kite a moosed out hero no matter the toon Im on though)

So what the Hero gained? A little bit of extra HP then the warrior can by the same method. In the scenerio given that the moose/IP combo wasnt used it means that the difference is rather small.

etc etc.

No need to keep going on, you get the point. But there is really no reason to run away when you are a heavy tank with IP3/Purge3/Testudo etc up. Goes on about needing it in emain. But personally i would prefer to win a tough fight against one enemy where all gave everything then to beat a couple low rr zergers by dumping everything on them.

I think you got the concept of m000se wrong. Its not something 'you kite away from'. Sure you can do that, but in the end he still healed himselves for about 50%. In 1vs1 the m00se graphics dont do anything except give the hero a 50% heal (and, when using IP during m00se a much better return on IP). Kiting it is useless :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Puppet said:
I think you got the concept of m000se wrong. Its not something 'you kite away from'. Sure you can do that, but in the end he still healed himselves for about 50%. In 1vs1 the m00se graphics dont do anything except give the hero a 50% heal (and, when using IP during m00se a much better return on IP). Kiting it is useless :p

Aye indeed. Not sure what i was thinking. Combined zerker and hero there for some reason. Guess that what drinking and rushing to post when others going to restock the booze does :D

Anyways.. enough from me for tonight. Maybe if i get a chance i pick up arguing tomorrow if i can be arsed. But kiting moose form is still fun :D I hate the look :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Nuxtobatns said:
Imo no..complicates things more than needed. Besides...not all have the same race...and races r almost pretty balanced usually. Sure Troll has more str and con...but also lacks dex (affects defence) and qui (affects swing speed and overall dps)
Actually trolls have the same con as norse. Dwarfs are the race with most con at creation.

Nothing important but anyway.. Thought i would add some useless words to this discussion as well.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
The difference between a warrior and a hero. 6% WS = 6% more chance to get through defences for a start add on to that the fact that hero likely has to trade off to 42 shield vs 50 shield = even more. Add in the fact that hero 1h damage will be poorer and more likely to be blocked/parried. As an example my hero has around 2180-2200WS with 50+21LW at 390ish str with aug str3(gimped starting strength) and when I had 28 1h the WS was around 1800-1850 with 28+20etc. Thats gonna be around 500-600 less WS than 1h warrior too. Secondly if a hero is specced something in the order of 50LW or CS, he invariably has 42 or 45 shield for tactics, then he has to decide between parry and 1h. 50 shield I used to have but its poo for soloing cos parry and 1h spec is too low against hybrids.

I've tried quite a few specs and tbh optimum offence, optimum defence is fine, but warrior will still always be stronger. Stronger 2h skill, slighty higher shield 50 vs 45(42), much higher 1h and similar parry. Moose is probably a have to vs a warrior of equal rr/skill/reactions/ra setup. The upside for hero is correct use of their rr5 perhaps.

I've never tried a high 1h ws hero, they might be fine for soloing, outlasting, but prolly be very susceptible to more adds, ie like playing warden, solo fights always = being added on cos of time it takes to end fight. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Nuxtobatns said:
Question..whats that Tactics thing ? lv 45 shield style ?

Its the old hero rr5.

Style Level: 45
Prerequisites: None
Attack: None
Defense: None
Fatigue: None
Damage: None
Stealth: Not required
Effect Information: Increases groups ability to block/parry/evade by 10% for 30 seconds. 600 second recast timer.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
combat awareness....50% evade or something. But roots you and you makes less damage etc. Its quite crappy but can save you from DT during that time etc:)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
ebenezer said:
combat awareness....50% evade or something. But roots you and you makes less damage etc. Its quite crappy but can save you from DT during that time etc:)

Yeah, it's really useless imo, purely for defensive matters, could be good if you'r a BGer maby, but mostly Wardens being so atm neways.
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