


Just hit the cap in thidranki with my Bonedancer Dargamath, and he is quite possibly the funnest character I have played in BG.

Highlights were:
Fighting 1on1 with a sylvan thingy (the ones who cast and wield sythes) winning that, to immediately be hit by an infiltrator (who was obviously biding his time to take out the winner), only to beat him too :p Bet he was shocked :)

Chasing after people lifetapping them until they die (I'm only half specced in supp so it doesn't do all that much damage) I think I chased some of them half way round the world :p

DoTing as many people as possible as they charged across the courtyard to take the keep (they succeeded sadly, but I still got several death messages)

And of course I had my fair share of deaths too. Several stealthers got me before I could even react, particularly scouts from long range :( I tended to forgot about my blade turn too often :p

And running at the hibs on the bank, only to charge straight into a bunch of mushrooms just beneath the surface of the water. Me=dead :(

But still, he was probably the most fun (but not the best tbh) character I've played in bg. Spec is 18supp for first healer pet and however much BA that gives left over for dots (about 15 or so). I recommend you all try one :)


How does a bonedancer fight a 1on1? :p


I hit them with my stick and lifedrain them :p Gaining 50ish hps every 5 seconds works quite well :)

Ok, so I had my pets up too, but you don't get hit too often by a green con anyway :p

Besides, my pets are a class defining ability! I'm allowed to use them in 1on1's. So there!

I am teh uberest!!!11oneone


Bone dancers only owns because not many people think about killing the green/blue bone commander rendering bone dancers insta lifetap casters ;p


I'm quite happy for you to try killing my commander. Gives me an extra 3 or 4 nukes to kill you with. :p


Originally posted by Vell
I'm quite happy for you to try killing my commander. Gives me an extra 3 or 4 nukes to kill you with. :p
A good reaver would still win, a reaver can kill blues-greens very quick but all he has to do is kill the one blue, your lifetap wouldn't work if he insta-DoTed you... people think Bonedancers are very good soloers, they are, but can't compete against reavers :)


Originally posted by acei
A good reaver would still win, a reaver can kill blues-greens very quick but all he has to do is kill the one blue, your lifetap wouldn't work if he insta-DoTed you... people think Bonedancers are very good soloers, they are, but can't compete against reavers :)

Don't forget that the commander would have the 50% damage buffer thing, as well as a healer pet healing it, as well as str/co buffs, damage buffs and dex/quick buffs.

And why wouldn't my lifetap work? As far as I'm aware DoT doesn't stop lifetap. Disease would, but not DoT.

I'm fairly confident I could win vs a reaver solo. So there :p


Any form of area effect is good against Bonedancers, me thinks.


Oh ffs stop the im an uber Bonedancer post please. Hundreds of people have capped in bg so u rr not unique. Its crowing like this only serves to get bonedancers nerfed. They re not the killing machines u make out, just takes a different strategy thats all. BTW i play a bonedancer on pryd. I hate to rain on your parade but no class is better than another, just some players are better than others.

Repent Reloaded

Bone dancers only owns because not many people think about killing the green/blue bone commander rendering bone dancers insta lifetap casters ;p

Full supp BD's dont need a heal pet to beat you 1on1 there lifetap is more then enough to give a high chance of soloing any other class in melee.


Originally posted by darbey
Oh ffs stop the im an uber Bonedancer post please. Hundreds of people have capped in bg so u rr not unique. Its crowing like this only serves to get bonedancers nerfed. They re not the killing machines u make out, just takes a different strategy thats all. BTW i play a bonedancer on pryd. I hate to rain on your parade but no class is better than another, just some players are better than others.

Lol, I think someone got out of bed on the wrong side this morning! :p

I hate you rain on your parade but
a) I was recounting some of my BG highs and lows with people who might care. The fact that it was with a BD is irrelevant, i made a similar post when capped with my SB and Skald - just to remember times gone by :)
b) Some classes are better than others, quite definitely, and bonedancers are one of these better classes.
c) At what point did I say I was unique or special?
d) I suggest you actually read the posts and get a feel of the mood they generate. Most people can clearly see that this is not a bragging post at all, and is completely light-hearted.

I suggest you take some time out to relax, you seem a bit highly-strung.


Certain classes are better than others.

Rock, paper, scissors - thats how the game is built.

...and yes vell you are 'special' :p


well i have duell 2 BD's and won bout ez ,,, 2h Troll savage simply do to much dmg to fast for the healers to heal

Reavers are a pain in the arse its about 50-50 when i have fight them 1on1


And do you wanna know what i think about bonedancers? :p It's probably the most boring class around, a monkey could play it and still do good, healing pets + instalifedrain is just silly.

My warden (Nakknakk) has been killed by them a few times in thidranki, i try to avoid them tho, same with necros.. i don't do enough damage to have a chance in a 1on1 even with my über equipment.


In my experiance it is all about the class you play vs bd.
Ns(bg1): if the bd got low base hp i can take em out with 1 pa np, dead bd. If it got bit higher hp it get a bit harder, then i should be able to get him down to 10 with pa and get the rest off him with a couple of hits and poison even thoug he got pets and stuff. But if he is in a group, and the group heal him/hits me i got no chance aginst a bd, where all other caster classes(exept thouse dam nec) i usuly can take out the caster before i die. so usaly i dont tuch troll and dwarf bd, and go for kobi and valk bd :D

Void eld(lowbi bg3): all i can say is bd are food for void elds, first time i was in bg3 i was soloing, i was in the midel of the water between hib and ab when a red bd (i was lvl 30) jumped of the bridge going after me, 2 bolts and he was dead, do i need to say more???


well i have played a lvl 24 troll bd and i gotta see its probly one of the most skillless needed to be nerfed classes there is :p still was a giggle playing one

Madonion Slicer

Aye BD are extremely fun to play but not exactly hard, in both BG0 and BG1 i am able to run around with no fear if i see a small group of maybe 3-4 Albs/Hibs i still fancy my chances cant say that any of my other classes i have played i would think like that.

Healing Pets and InstaLife tap means that you can solo pretty much any class.

Been attacked by 2 Infiltrators, killed them both finished the fight with full health.

Been attacked buy 2 Armsmen with a Wizard nuking me, killed the Wizard then the Armsmen's, full health no mana.

One time myself and a SB took out a full group of Hibs, now i would say the Hib group was not the best players in the world but still a unbuffed BD and SB should not be that hard for a Hib FG to kill.

Maybe we all so used to playing Gimped classes that when a powerful one like a BD comes along we dont see it as just a powerful class but a class that needs a nerf.

Personally my BD is a fun class to play.


The commander isnt Actually just sum green con mob - it hits like a yello/orange con mob and has alot of hp, by the time its dead the bd is either miles away or your close to death from their fairley rubbish nukes and nasty dots.

I have hit a Troll BD sitting down with Backstab and all the follow up styles and it just stood up with stick out, getting back to full hp in 2-3 pet heals and im ded.

Basically just tone down the healing pets and you'll have a balanced and still very powerful class.


Originally posted by Cawr
The commander isnt Actually just sum green con mob - it hits like a yello/orange con mob and has alot of hp, by the time its dead the bd is either miles away or your close to death from their fairley rubbish nukes and nasty dots.

I have hit a Troll BD sitting down with Backstab and all the follow up styles and it just stood up with stick out, getting back to full hp in 2-3 pet heals and im ded.

Basically just tone down the healing pets and you'll have a balanced and still very powerful class.

Well its true what u say... I got a L35 bd Full sup specc... and the only class that have soloed me so far is NS,Infil... rest just keep falling... And i also have to say.. 1 on 1 vs a reaver, the reaver don't have a chance.... only thing that can kill a "skilled" bd is Instamezz/stun or AEmezz/stun on pets... only thing.. and u have to make it before the BD start nuking..


Not had any luck with my reaver one-on-one with BDs in Caledonia. Go for the BD... he lifetaps you and gets healed by his pets. Go for the commander... it's getting healed and you're still getting lifetapped. Maybe killing the healers first would work, but a full supp BD has 2 of them I think, each healing the other.

Put MY lifetap shout on a 4 sec timer, then we'll try that again :) Seriously, I suspect a reaver's best chance against a BD will be to use Unquenchable Thirst of Souls, but if you have that RA you're already capped out of Caledonia.


I can kill BD's quite reliably with my Thurg (AE Mezz those pets of his, then see how he likes a few of MY pets on him. Hard to insta lifetap when getting some pets stuns :D ).

My Scout can kill them pretty easily. If at max distance. Misses REALLY screw it up tho, as you can't escape...can't stealth away as the pets find you anwyay etc. When it goes well the BD is dead before he really knows what is going on. When it goes wrong due to BT/misses/fumbles, I may as well /wave and sit down.

My Infil can kill them, but he sometimes fails...depends how the PA and poisons go. Agin it either goes very well and he is dead or the PA misses, or the disease poison doesn't stick...may as well sit down.

As things stand, I think that BD are overpowered. And no I'm not just saying that, I think it really is pretty obvious, even a lot of peopel who play the BD class would agree. The main problem is the healer pet that insta heals and can't be intereppted or stopped from doing so unless mezzed. If the pet could be interrupted like any other caster it would be ok. Having non stop heals that cant be stopped ~ combined with a very fast insta lifetap is a little bit too much, imo.

Would probably like to see the insta-life tap increased in time as well, it's a bit crazy to have one every few seconds, but the healer pet is the main problem. Making those changes would still have a powerful class, but as has been said here, 1 player able to kill 2 armsmen and a wizzie, or fight a Valewalker and then kill an infil straight away after, and 1 BD and a SB takign out a full group of Hibs(?) that is pretty insane, and speaks for itself.


Originally posted by TeslaUK
I can kill BD's quite reliably with my Thurg (AE Mezz those pets of his, then see how he likes a few of MY pets on him. Hard to insta lifetap when getting some pets stuns :D ).

My Scout can kill them pretty easily. If at max distance. Misses REALLY screw it up tho, as you can't escape...can't stealth away as the pets find you anwyay etc. When it goes well the BD is dead before he really knows what is going on. When it goes wrong due to BT/misses/fumbles, I may as well /wave and sit down.

My Infil can kill them, but he sometimes fails...depends how the PA and poisons go. Agin it either goes very well and he is dead or the PA misses, or the disease poison doesn't stick...may as well sit down.

As things stand, I think that BD are overpowered. And no I'm not just saying that, I think it really is pretty obvious, even a lot of peopel who play the BD class would agree. The main problem is the healer pet that insta heals and can't be intereppted or stopped from doing so unless mezzed. If the pet could be interrupted like any other caster it would be ok. Having non stop heals that cant be stopped ~ combined with a very fast insta lifetap is a little bit too much, imo.

Would probably like to see the insta-life tap increased in time as well, it's a bit crazy to have one every few seconds, but the healer pet is the main problem. Making those changes would still have a powerful class, but as has been said here, 1 player able to kill 2 armsmen and a wizzie, or fight a Valewalker and then kill an infil straight away after, and 1 BD and a SB takign out a full group of Hibs(?) that is pretty insane, and speaks for itself.

Well its like i said before.. AE mezz the pets and the BD lose 50% of its chance of just wipe u all out :)


Yes it is what I do (with my thurg).

Still think they need looking at.


Lol Tesla still has problem killing SB though, they keep 1 shotting him :p


I thought SB 1 shot casters as a matter of course, if specced right, and played right, still won't stop me coming back for more...nothing better really than playing a caster , seeing the SB screw up his hit and mezz/rooting him/her, going a short distance away and kicking the crap out of them. Granted it doesn't happen often, but when I do manage it, it makes me feel all glowy and warm inside =)

When I get really pissed about it I just get the Infl on and do the same =)

TBH I am not aware of any caster in Alb who can help dying to any stealth class almost at will, no matter how you play, and comments such as yours just inflate my ego as your paying atention to me. When you leave my thurg alone for a bit I know I am such a royal pain in the ass to your groups you target me in particular, also gives me that warm glowy feeling =)

I did say to the group I was in the other night in BG3, have no worries if your a caster they will prolly hit me first, I post on BW and if they leave me alone for a bit they will soon go for me anyway...your quite safe" or words to that effect, and of course that night it proved more than true =)

the Sorc in the group dismissed my comments initially but soon changed his mind after a few hours =) I even act as "bait" sometimes and even sit waiting for you lot to do your stuff sop the group can kill you when you just HAVE to go for me =)

Sure, I always die (a lot) but I'm not really bothered, and in a strange way take it as a compliment =)

See you soon (or not as the case may be)


Originally posted by umilard
And do you wanna know what i think about bonedancers? :p It's probably the most boring class around, a monkey could play it and still do good, healing pets + instalifedrain is just silly.

My warden (Nakknakk) has been killed by them a few times in thidranki, i try to avoid them tho, same with necros.. i don't do enough damage to have a chance in a 1on1 even with my über equipment.

Ahhhh so YOU'RE Nakknakk.

I'm Jaelle (paladin) and I saw you the other day (one of the very few times I've logged in recently). You /waved and /kissed at me, and I returned the favour, just in time to get steamrollered by about 4 of your mates. :(

Admittedly you did come and /cry at my corpse.. but was not happy :(

Not that I'm saying this is your fault, just that you stand out in my memory for this.

Oh and I hate bonedancers ;) That lifetap is horrible....

(read: I died the only time I took one on.. the rest of the time I avoid them like the plague since that time)


Seraphim, I think Im not the GM of your guild as your inactive :p


Ye, sorry about that Jaelle, tried to tell them not to kill you (think you were swimming in the water?)

Had damn fun earlier when three of you chased me halfway through thidranki ^^

And you do right to avoid them bonedancers, no way a paladin can take one..



Unbuffed, Mitigate 1 shots 8/10 BD's - miss it and I either have to switch to diseased & dot weapons very very quickly or die to the annoying lifetap ;)


well speaking from "big boys" RvR, as a reaver i have never lost a 1 vs 1 against a BD.

i put pbaoe DD on to hit healing pets, slam the commader, take him down, in 2-3 hits, by this time im in sa 1/2 hps' from life taps. then slam the bone dancer, can either lev him now to kill him, or pull back, use FA2 and then kill him.

You just have to know who to go for.


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