Bonedancers are sickening...



i used to think there was nothing worse than chanters with nuking pets, debuffing their own nukes and 2s pbae but seriously now, this is just sick.

just now, full group of us in DF including 6 level 50s and around 6 paladins.

One troll bonedancer rounds the corner with a shredder on him and i ae mez the lot, he takes no notice and his pets are also seemingly unaffected, but my mez has got 4 shredders on us and before a paladin even reaches him he has killed me and a level 50 wiz.

That 4-second insta-lifetap is just wrong for so many reasons.

Every 4 seconds it hits with the range of a regular nuke 300+ damage constantly with a 25% Body resist (i believe it is body damage but all my other resists are similar). Not only that but it lifetaps.

While we are trying to kill some aggro he kills two of our paladins, and the ones that chase him pull some more aggro, (although he also pulls a load of shredders but they dont seem to make any difference ...). Slam bounces off his bladeturn as he lag jumps 'your target is out of view'... albs everywhere hitting him/slamming his pets/slamming him ... him instalifetapping nearby greys for insta full heals ... uninterruptable healing from his healer pets that lag around as he lag jumps around all over the place.

The short of it is that he got the killspam of around 8 albs and that just makes it very very depressing. Everyone complains about them but seriously now, its got to the point where its beyond just complaining, its like a whole new edge to the game where midgard have this extra bonus godmode.

chat/alliance messages no longer report '1fg mids at amg', its '1fg mids +2 BDs at amg' ...

Its not the first time either - 1vs1 a bonedancer has owned my infil (even with twinked stats and when i got PA off), my friar and my pole-armsman in fair battleground fights. Me and three level 50 friends have also previously been taken out by a single kobbie bonedancer. 1vs1 there is only one way to take them out, bolt them and hope it doesnt miss- cos if you do then instalifetap just kills you/interrupts your casting and makes them invincible.

A popular way for sorcs/cabbies to kill people one_on_one was obviously to use MoC and spam the baseline lifedrain nuke. Worked quite well too dispite the longer casting time, but nastily the bonedancer can hit people with his stick WHILE he uses this ability at ANY time he likes!

This is a general rant just to get some of the stress out of my system from being killed over_and_over by this class. No doubt people will find it necessary to quote out certain lines and explain to me in detail how i am wrong. Also i really love it when people say 'cry more newb' and other funny stuff, so go ahead.

I just feel that one character shouldnt be able to take out any other character EVERY time, or even take out 8 albs at once, as happened today. Have fun.


Lifedrain range needs to be decreased to 1000 range.

Or just recast timer on 10 seconds.

What it's atm is just sick and more overpowered than anything else.

I'd say bonedancer nerf before zerker nerf.


Unfortunately, it seems there are no nerfs coming their way either so were stuck with a stupid class that seeming unkillable and FoTM :|


Out of 20 mids there's usually like 5 bonedancers.... :(


makes life very hard for other realms and gives mids a huge advantage :(


they cant reduce the timer to 10 secs, its the only worth while nuke they get. if thats the case lets reduce fire DDs and PBAOE ti 10 second cast time. maybe lower the range but no way can they make the timer higher.


It's the only insta-dmg spell on a timer lower than 10s

It's just too damn overpowered that they can do normal nukes too while doing the lifedrain.


severing the teather is a great laugh on noob bonedancers that dont /release their pets =] - but alas we dont get that kinda spell


Originally posted by n3wbie
they cant reduce the timer to 10 secs, its the only worth while nuke they get. if thats the case lets reduce fire DDs and PBAOE ti 10 second cast time. maybe lower the range but no way can they make the timer higher.

The insta DD is 'kind of' fair on 4 seconds only if it wasn't a lifetap. Stunning a bonedancers healer, smacking him with some dd's then a sword and then having him take off 1/3rd hp and go back up to full hp with it is rediculous. He can then cast it again before any other class gets their DD back, + he has a stupid collection of pets to piss you off and interupt spells when you're a caster. In bg1 a single bonie just using his stick was hitting nearly as hard as my mincer, wearing sc'd chain and using an sc'd sabre (styling and having 2/3rds spec in slash). Then every 4 seconds all the damage you've previously done vanishes and you get uber hit.

Could take them with my infil, though if the PA dont kill them and they react fast then they could still own me. Was 50/50, which considering an inf is designed to take down casters is a little silly imo.


ok, turn it into a 10 sec timer.

and make the only useful spell that the bd gets useless

sortening range i can live with, but 4 secs is just right, maybe too long.

and, you have to use tactics against boneys, just charging won't get u far.

(oh, and go for the commander....effctively defeats the boney if he dies solo)


Leave the BD as it is.. but gifv mincer 4sec recast on DDs pls.



Just change it to a DD and not a lifedrain, and it's done too.

You just can't melee down a bd solo, he drains more life than you can hit him for, and his pets heal too.


Originally posted by Reinnon/Nonnier
ok, turn it into a 10 sec timer.

and make the only useful spell that the bd gets useless

sortening range i can live with, but 4 secs is just right, maybe too long.

and, you have to use tactics against boneys, just charging won't get u far.

(oh, and go for the commander....effctively defeats the boney if he dies solo)

Rofl how you wanna defeat the commander if he is getting healed by 2 stupid pets all the time and the bonedancer himself is casting nukes on you while you hit the blue con pet with his insta dd lifetap? In bg0 2 bd's wipped out 1fg+ albs, thats just ridicilous even if you dont have any tactics it should be impossible to defeat 1fg+ with 2 people. And no it was no zerg for your interest, just regular 1 fg...Its almost impossible for casters to defeat bd's 1-on-1 if you dont sneak on him and mezz the pets while he doesnt see you, then dot the boney and send your pet on the bd commander and start nuking the bonedancer...Well thats how I defeated a bd solo, but they are way too overpowered! Decrease the range to 1000, would be a fair change imo. And I know bd'ers are gonna whine about that its their only nuke, but if I get a shout on my sorc with "insta win" on it, and thats my only nuke, would that be fair against other classes? NERF bonedancers imo...

Oh and btw it seems like impossible to mezz the bd's pets, anyone can explain why? Can they do purge with no recast timer on it or something? Damn :/


though I'd laugh at you for being southern Spathi; bone dancers are sick. I don't even dream of going against one solo (or even duo).

:m00: :( :m00:


Originally posted by Reinnon/Nonnier
ok, turn it into a 10 sec timer.

and make the only useful spell that the bd gets useless

sortening range i can live with, but 4 secs is just right, maybe too long.

erm they would still live for quite a while considering their THREE healer pets


I believe if you mezz the bd pets, and hit the bd, it breaks the mez on all of them.


and 4s is WAY too short. I dont care what you say 'dont nerf my only spell', its insanely overpowered. i would see it changed to a specline lifetap and make the commander pet use taunt styles and aggro taunts(friar, paladin) in PvE(the only reason the SI beta BD TL wanted the 4s lifetap in supp spec is because it doesnt contain any other damage spells, and the commander cant hold aggro with the healing pets - so the BD had to. Ergo, allow the commander to take aggro and problem solved.) Perhaps even allow lifedrains that steal more life than you are damaged by to trickle down to the pet.

Means BDs might have to do something other than put a paperweight on their lifetap button to kill something. And perhaps make the other spec's decent :p


On 1vs1 they may be good, but in groupfights they are nothing more then sissy clothwearers like all other mid casters. Area mez, stun and byebye bonelagger, nobody ever seems to demezz these bonepiles either, and purge doesnt seem to do anything to them...


Originally posted by Fightersuntzu
I believe if you mezz the bd pets, and hit the bd, it breaks the mez on all of them.

Well if thats true that is really sick, nothing more to say!!! Bah :/

me stands no chance against a bd 1-vs-1 if he attacks me first, cause wtf I dont have any Instant spell (besides the debuffs, but that doesnt interrupt a feck :() and what do you want to use the quickast for, ae mezz? No the bd pets seems to have purge or smth, mezz wont hold :(. Lifetap the commander? Yes and after? He lifetaps you to root? nah, pets can still cast do you want to do? nothing :(

by the way which 1 of the pets do cast the lifetap? the commander I suppose? Or can all pets cast insta lifetap?


ofc reavers lifedrain was faaaaar toooo overpowerd OMG every 15 sec 150-200 lifedrain thats inhuman NERF to 30 sec

nice balancing !

what about a 4s instant pbae pa for infis?


"On 1vs1 they may be good, but in groupfights they are nothing more then sissy clothwearers like all other mid casters. Area mez, stun and byebye bonelagger, nobody ever seems to demezz these bonepiles either, and purge doesnt seem to do anything to them..."

I find bonedancers quite effective in group rvr.


A class like the bonedancer has something seriously wrong with it if everyone specs the same way - very high suppression in the BD case. For that reason alone the devs need to look at the class.

I just don't see the reasoning for making the spec lifedrain so strong or why they had to put it in the suppression line spec. To me I see the suppression line spec as a defensive spec (like runies, who get PBT and their weaker DD has a snare). A strong lifedrain is a big offensive spell...why not give suppression BDs a DD/snare instead? After all, they have healer pets to heal them. Put the lifedrain in darkness spec.

That said, I still think they should make it on a 10 second recast time. I can see that Mythic want to keep even the shittest players who gravitate to the supp BD spec, but ffs why keep the wanky players owning with supp BDs at the expense of many fucked off other players?

The supp BD is the safe haven for cheap, shite players. Ultimately decent players will roll them too to get the same RPs and before you know it we will have to rename Midgard to Bonegard. For the sake of Midgard class balance alone they need to tone the class down.

As things stand now, can anyone point to a current bonedancer and present a good, reasoned case for skillful play? Or are they all a pile of shite spam-lifedrain players?


For fark sake just aemez the pets and just nuke the BD to pieces, if you think you can solo him as infil then I suppose you have to think again, this aint your average runie that you can kill without breaking a sweat, you _have_ to land PA and CD, then he will go down. If you don't .. then you're gonna lose, just face it :)

But to the guy who started this thread, if 1 bd can wipe out a FG of L45+ albs was it? Then it's not the BD to blame but the shite players in that group who can't handle cc properly. If the pets are healing him then mez them, if the commander is beating on you, mez it. If the bonedancer is LT'ing someone, then just put every melee and leftover caster on him and voila.

Btw when you run across someone with aggromobs on his/her ass in DF, AE (mez or dd) is like _the_ worst thing you can do, so you have only yourself to blame in this case.

Cry more nobbs ;)


2 Bg Whines , cant be bothered to comment on them , go to the US boards and read a thing about BDs in the bg and later at 50.

Bds pets are unmezzable.

cant say ive noticed this, in emain mezzed just like everyone else or stunned no probs, photon girl managed to mezz me and all me pets in 2 fights with no probs ... i must just be unlucky..
Can only think of 3 occasions in 170k rps when my pets resisted mezz or where not mezzed and where free to heal, and of them, 2 I suspect where because the pets where outside the ae mezz radius anyway.

Bds with 3 healers...

If I was in an enemy realm and saw a BD with 3 healers I would be a lot happier than if I saw one with 2 ...
and thats the only free anti BD tip you will get out of me.

Hitting the BD breaks mezz on his pets ...

Got a good laugh out of this one :) wish someone told my healer pets that when photon girl was whacking on me for 20 odd seconds while all me pets sat back in bemused interest taking bets on the outcome. ( first of many incidents that came to mind.)

I can think of a few classes of the top of my head that could beat a BD 1 on 1 , if there played with at least a small amount of intelligence. If you wanna find out what a BDs about and not listen to, in some cases blatant lies , rumors and chinese whispers.... come to hadrians in the evenings, im there running round solo or at most in a 2 man grp speedless (rarely in a grp there). If you win great , if you dont try something else. But dont be a whiner.

/salute to those who beat me
/hug and /kiss to those I beat
/rude to the whiners

and finally /agree lanfaer, listen to him.


Sinsters - my hat goes off to you for not mentioning that you were the one responsible for me making this post. I have no doubt that a bonedancer played by a complete fotm-bandwagonjumping newb would be dangerous (and maybe even killable with _only_ 3 people) but fighting a guy playing a bd who has 4 other level 50s makes it a little tougher ...

Lanfaer - thx for really _great_ comments, any more of your wonderfully useful insights are appreciated ;)

but seriously ... something needs to be done, as someone said to me today,

"i would rather have a fossil healer in my RvR group than half the clerics in albion! Uninterruptable split-second reaction high heals that even go while the pet is being hit/moving?! Who cares if he is green?"



Body debuff - 2 second cast
179delve lifetap - 2.5 second cast
Pet - Singular blue con, minor offensive procs
Realm buffs - None


Body debuff - Instant
123delve lifetap - Instant
Pet - Blue con + 2-3 others green/grey, heals, regen-buffs, procs styles
Realm buffs - 9% absorb

No further comment.


Originally posted by spathi
"i would rather have a fossil healer in my RvR group than half the clerics in albion! Uninterruptable split-second reaction high heals that even go while the pet is being hit/moving?! Who cares if he is green?"

I believe the healer pet also doesnt require a los to heal ? (I may be wrong, but its what ive heard :eek: )


Re: Re: Bonedancers are sickening...

Originally posted by tindel
Cant zerg them all ;)

and please... cry more :)

Hehe, unlike threads where people would commend people on their skill, they're pointing out how skill-less a class it is, and the bonedancers are loving it :)

How cute.


I have a bonedancer and its not supp fyi, and I'm a unbuffed SB too, so... :eek:


Bonedancers=A class that was suppose to be made for hib?o_O

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