Bolt Vs Bolt


One of Freddy's beloved
May 12, 2006
Kaun_IA said:
@ lorgeil

next patch will change the af thing... so they wount be affected by it enymore :/

id drop heat only if i was fighting strictly FG vs FG.... if not.. keep it up.

bit low on hits, :(
hehe well i made this a morning where i was tired and, i have realy had make a caster template.. dunno why :p

but it was the best try :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
aye boni and vodka, the debuffs the main thing not the bolts (although i could 1 shot peeps as runie on glast)

debuffs are the bomb.. esp when u have a warlock running in for chamber dump hehe. (when i see em boni lol)

matter wizzies do exist.. my original version of tremor was earth spec, went to fire for levelling, going back earth tho.

void/earth/runecarving spec mages take a little working out but well worth it.

runies as RC spec prolly easiest to level, earth wizzies tricky


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
VF initial post covered it really well.

Find vodie great fun solo, spec 46/26/10 and you also get in a disease and aoe snare, very handy for stealthers and tanks, if they dont land a stun or snare, then youve got a good chance against them, especially once you hit rr5.

Nearsight is perfectly acceptable at that level, certainly more than ample to stop any enemy caster in its tracks.

I was initialy disappointed with the bolt damage, but I do see it as almost a freebie, any enemy running in you will be double bolting and the highly respectable baseline dd wil be hitting as the second bolt hits. It is about sensible target selection.

Group wise, nothing really to add, many groups will turn their noses up at a voidie, but get in with some mates and get the debuff working and it is also great fun.

Bolt misses can really piss you off, but you learn to live with them. Also as VF said, ive not had a great problem with in combat messages - its sensible targetting again.

The other thing is, its a relatively novel spec, most people are light so try something different.

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