

Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Half way through it atm, reminds me soooo much of system shock 2 sometimes; the atmosphere, the ammo scarcity, the scary bits and especially the Fontaine/Ryan story (xerxes/shodan anyone?)

Also looks pretty durn good with max settings and DX10


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 28, 2006
After all the positive things I've heard I thought this game would be amazing. Seemed good to start with as well with the cutscene blending into gameplay. Sadly though, i've found it fantastically boring since then :p ooh wow, another distopian society FPS. Not played one of those for a week or so. Plasmids are fun and interesting for a while, freezing people and hitting them with a wrench etc, but aside from that this games doesn't really improve on something like Doom3 for me. I've yet to find it scary or creepy either. Back to playing C&C3 for me!

Edit: just like to add that playing Pipe Dream in order to hack robots is such a stupid idea :/ takes away everything from the atmosphere, what little of it there was. Wish people would stop putting "minigames" into their stuff and just focus on making the game fun in the first place.

I'm not sure exactly why I'm not warming to this game like everyone else has, but I wouldn't give it above 60-70% in a game review, let alone the 96 meta score it got. That people are comparing it to half-life1-2 seems like a travesty.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 2, 2004
Its not really meant to be creepy or scary, the whole scare factor is built purely from the atmosphere the game creates which is in itself part of what makes it an excellent game. It doesn't require cheap scares and stuff jumping out to make you fear for your characters life.

Sure im blowing the games horn a bit but in all honesty it blew me away. I can understand some people might dislike it however due to the direction it takes with regards to action etc. If you blast through the game, its entirely possible imagine but it both punishes you and creates a much less involving game if you do so. If you take your time to work out how enemies work, find the hundreds of tape recorders and truly understand the background and lore of the war torn city it truly is involving more so than any game in a long time.

For example the bit where your dealing with cohen and he is asking you to take pictures of people once they're dead but at one point he acuses you of being against him and classical music is playing while your being attacked from all angles. It really felt like your at the mercy of a lunatic driven by fear and warped views

Then theres the music, the AI and way enemies interact with you, others and the environment, the incredibly environmental sounds and ofc the amazing graphics. Even the twisting plot and evil masterminds. Just came together for me as a really complete package and even though it has its downsides as every game (Hacking was dull by 1/2 way through, the endings are a touch weak etc) really its so good in every other way its hopeful other devs take note.

For pure action and incredible fights etc play Gears of War and quite rightly so thats a bloody amazing game too but this is a different kettle of fish and is equally as awesome but in a totally different way.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
takes away everything from the atmosphere, what little of it there was

are you playing the same game? only reasons for this are -

youre using a 15" tv
youre playing it in mono sound
youve got all the curtains open and the lights on

but if your atmosphere is a scorpion rush then may aswell get back to cnc :p


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 28, 2006
bioshock > half-life

nuff said :clap:

Everyones entitled to their view of course. Although my view of YOUR view is one of "What the holy fucking shit is this crazy loon taking?" :D

I think what Delket says goes most of the way to explaining why I don't rate this game. I don't play an FPS game to get "into" it's story. I whole heartedly rate half-life (1) as the most revolutionary game to date, because it's story was compelling, and interesting, and happend WHILE you played. You didn't have to go out of your way to "discover" the story, or find out information (like the Diary/Datapad systems in games like Doom 3/Bioshock). Ultimately that meant that half-lifes story was simpler, but no less immersive to me.

When playing a FPS, I think I gain more satisfaction from the actual shooting, rather than the story. And also, there's the fact that Half-life is open to so much modding, and multiplayer fun, whereas more "story driven" games seem to focus solely on singleplayer. Always a disadvantage in this, the internet-era :/


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 28, 2006
are you playing the same game? only reasons for this are -

youre using a 15" tv
youre playing it in mono sound
youve got all the curtains open and the lights on

but if your atmosphere is a scorpion rush then may aswell get back to cnc :p

I'm on a 22" plasma, Creative headphones giving good stereo. I've played it both in daylight and night. I can't explain why I didn't get into the atmosphere, and I'm not saying it ISN'T there, because obviously lots of people in this thread have seen it. I just havn't been able to, and I find that odd because I'm usually quite susceptible to things like that.

And i'm not exactly playing C&C for it's atmosphere :) just the simple-minded pleasure of rail-prowler tank steamrolls :)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Nikon L stop arguing 'cause you're obviously just arguing for arguings sake! Get with the program and like the same crap everyone else does with no personal views! :D


Part of the furniture
Mar 10, 2004
Currently stuck at the part where you gotta find the components for the EMP thingy. Where do I find em?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Currently stuck at the part where you gotta find the components for the EMP thingy. Where do I find em?

Blue Canister things lying around, you need 2. Theres a few across the whole core area. Then you need 4 things from big daddies, should be obvious how you get them :p
The nitroglycerin is in that office with all the electrical wires, theres a button on the desk that opens a cabinet on the wall.


Part of the furniture
Mar 10, 2004
Blue Canister things lying around, you need 2. Theres a few across the whole core area. Then you need 4 things from big daddies, should be obvious how you get them :p
The nitroglycerin is in that office with all the electrical wires, theres a button on the desk that opens a cabinet on the wall.

Cheers mate. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Just a tip, tells you how to get a really cool tonic, but thought i'd hide it for those wanting a challenge.

Take a fuckton of photos of things, you gain access to a stealth ability ;)


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
This the new one from the system shock peep?

Gotta say, from what i've seen, it looks absolutely ownderful. System shock was something you grew up with, so it has some "sentimental" expectation to it.

Glad to see it lives up.

Though i'm a bit doubtful about the underwater thing, never appealed to me, but water/space...same thing really eh? :D

I really prefer the metallic look of System Shock 2 instead of the damp and dark atmosphere of Bioshock tbh.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
anyone else think the Rosies arnt as hard as they look? at first they were uber scary, then a bit scary now not so scary. the only thing that scares me is the bass from them walking around, it vibrates everything in my room and resonates in my chest!


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 2, 2004
Rosies aren't so bad really due to the fact they really like to stay in 1 place and take cover. Elite bouncers are much more difficult due to the snare, charge and the fact they pursue you at stupid speeds o_O


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
maybe you should of spoilered that dick head :(


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Dunno what you're moaning about. The first big daddy you fight is an elite bouncer ffs :p


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
but maybe gamah didnt know that? and now youve told everyone another spoiler you noobtard


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
It's hardly a spoiler when its about 30 minutes into the game :p


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
It's hardly a spoiler when its about 30 minutes into the game :p

Want to know what happens in a movie in the first 10 minutes? Um..umm

Want to know what happens in the first 5 minutes of a TV show? Ummummumm.....don't think so.

Games are, like it or not, much like movies these days. We don't want to know the plot, we don't want to know what happens, and spoilers of those things are treated like garbage worthy of getting eaten by plague rats with dull teeth.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Bump and up we go :D

About the endings;

Saved all the little sisters, got the good ending. I've seen the evil ending on youtube, but theres a load of the titles saying "ending 1 of 3". The ones that seem to be there are the little sisters going back up to the real world, and then the splicers coming to the surface.

Anyone know where the 3rd ending comes from, and infact what it is?, also any idea what happens if you just leave the little sisters when you kill the daddies?. It'd make the game a lot harder but who knows what'd happen.

P.s - Fontaine was a pussycat, bit of a poor climax :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 2, 2004
maybe you should of spoilered that dick head :(

Great, lets resort to all out verbal attacks for what was ultimately very borderline on being a spoiler. Really im careful about not spoiling games for people and tbh to know what im even referring to you have to have met them and even then knowing a little bit about what they do is really not going to ruin your game in the slightest.

Seriously ;/


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 8, 2004
I really really loved this game as a whole, the experience that it provided, especially a certain moment in the game (Im sure everyone who's played it knows what I mean), made this probably the best story/experience driven game ive played in a long long time.

Still after 'would you kindly' the game went slightly downhill, while the story stayed pretty strong (although predictable), the final confrontation was ridiculously easy for a final boss (on medium anyway- gonna start again on hard soon) and the actual ending was, to be honest, quite meh. I dunno, I guess after the peak of the Ryan encounter I was hoping for even better afterwards

Still a fantastic game despite these small flaws though :D


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
If it counts, I saw this game in GAME yesterdayish o_o Makes me cool?

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