best way to live life?


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
the way i see it, me and my mates will be dead in the next 40-60 years at the most. now when they are pissed off i just tell me "look mate, in 50 years we wont be seeing each other ever again, just chill the fuck out because it doesnt matter!".
with this way of thinking now, life is easy and stress free. insults dont mean jack and nothing is offensive. i dont get embarresed(SP?) or shy. if its going to piss you off then dont bother. if its too hard and your not gonna get anywhere dont do it! its not lazy but whats the point doing useless tasks? you smoke, drink and get fat. whats it matter in the end?


Dec 23, 2003
depends if u wanna enjoy life or not i spose. if ur fat u aint gonna be getting any birds, which most would say is enjoyable. if u smoke ur most probably gonna stink all the time and not get birds, and the added side effect of spending 5 years lying on a hospital bed with no lung on a resperator dying slowly and painfully.

but the way i see it, i dont care when i die because its gonna happen in the end anyway, and you cant know when. which is why i like motorbikes and stuff, people worry too much about being killed doing dangerous stuff... dangerous stuff is fun, thats why its there, and if u do die doing it yea it'd suck, but i'd rather die doing something dangerous than laying in a hospital bed for years with cancer or some crap.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
well anyways my main point is people need to chill out more these days. everyone is offended too easily and stuff. especially women! im not trying to be sexist but women are offended way too easy. whats it matter to you if women are in porn films? dont say its degrading because they dont care or they wouldnt do it.

if i call you a fat slag whats it matter? your gonna die and never see anyone again! surely thats worse?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
By your logic, I could gut yer mother like a fish and when you and the po-leeece get in my face and try to throw the book at me I could simply reply, "What the hell is your problem? She was bound to die eventually."

Although your philosophy promotes the message of enjoy life to the fullest it also says that it is cool to treat people like crap and not worry...that ain't cool. I agree with the first part, not the second.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
tris- said:
the way i see it, me and my mates will be dead in the next 40-60 years at the most. now when they are pissed off i just tell me "look mate, in 50 years we wont be seeing each other ever again, just chill the fuck out because it doesnt matter!".

if it doesnt matter we might as well NOT chill out and 'dont care' about what we do to others right?

just let your most bestial and sadistic ideas run wild!!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
On average most people here should live like 327974400 seconds, and I just wasted 30 of them writing this /cry.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
i waisted 20 secs qqing as u werent in game hare

i wasnt on yesterday cause footy and boozing etc ;o


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I fully agree, you spotty, tiny dicked, impotent, closet homosexual , sad prick of a nerd. Dressed in your plastic Matel 'Lord of the Rings' armour than yer ma bought for you from TOYSRUS, swinging a cheap imitation Saxon sword you made from an old bread knife, while fulfilling your 'battle honour' fantasies via a internet link(paid for by your parents) to an online game, filled with thousands of similair nerds all jacking off cos the game gives them a tiny bit of respect that so woefully passes them by in real life.

Aaaah..fell much better, this philosophy really works



Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
i totally agree with the philosophy be happy with your life,

i had a step father (briefly) he and my mum met late in life got married after a few years and had a great time they were totally besotted, however he worked like a mule his whole life rain of shine, had a horrible ex wife and 2 kids that only ever came to see him when they wanted money so after all this hard ship and toil he finally breaks out, meets some one he loves and lives happily, sadly he died in the 1st year of their marrage of a heart attack.

So the lesson here is enjoy it while you got it cos you never know when its all going to end and if your not happy in work get a new job (ever seen American beauty? i personally love that film i love the bit where he fucks off his high pressure job to work in a burger bar, swaps his family car for a pontiac and starts enjoying life)

basically life can be excellant ofc its going to have its crappy bits but its all too damn short to waist your life being bitter, spiteful and pissed off.
make the most of it.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
best way to live your life is with a kicka** connection, buffbot account, porn on the telly, rum and coke to last a lifetime and one playboy bunny under the table for bl...


Yes i agree. Be happy :p


Dec 23, 2003
well yea, most people should definately chill the fuck out.

then again, most would also need a quickcourse in psycology.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
vintervargen said:
well yea, most people should definately chill the fuck out.

then again, most would also need a quickcourse in psycology.

Or a crashcourse with a dodge.



Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Morchaoron said:
if it doesnt matter we might as well NOT chill out and 'dont care' about what we do to others right?

holy fucking shit, i got to the second post saying i SAID its ok to treat people like shit. when did i say it? quote the EXACT part of my first post where i say its good to treat people bad, please.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
tris- said:
holy fucking shit, i got to the second post saying i SAID its ok to treat people like shit. when did i say it? quote the EXACT part of my first post where i say its good to treat people bad, please.

You're basicly saying nothing matters. Which means you wouldn't mind if I got a big axe and started hacking away at your dog.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
tRoG said:
You're basicly saying nothing matters. Which means you wouldn't mind if I got a big axe and started hacking away at your dog.


tris said:
you smoke, drink and get fat. whats it matter in the end?

i dont smoke because i think its disgusting and makes you stink (and i dont like sitting in my own stink)
i dont enjoy drinking excessive amounts (really doesnt make me feel any better), and theres nothing bad with drinking a 'normal' amount
i dont wanna get fat because i practice sports, if i would get fat i would get slower and i wont enjoy that very much either...

its not about what it matters at the end, its about what matters NOW, and these things matter to me NOW...

btw with the same logic i can say:
you beat people for no reason, make them cower in fear for fun, humiliate them until they wanna suicide. whats it matter in the end?

"Once the game is over, the king and pawn both go back in the same box."


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Good quote at the end tbh (heard it before, wheres it from? :p)


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
well i was gonna explain it seen as i didnt do it 'propley' the first time, but why bother because you cant be arsed to look at right anyway ;). never did i say its good to harm people, i didnt say its good to have fun while harming people, i didnt say it doesnt matter if you started hacking my dog up with an axe.

what i said is people need chill out more. obviously we are FH here, which means people will flame for the sake of it and try to nit pick anything thats posted. just so they can all jump on the same band wagon.

your just assuming i mean something else, something which i didnt even post!

assumptions are the mother of all fuckups.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
'Chilling Out' is all fair enough, but taking the view that things don't matter and we shouldn't worry about things, surely this is going to mean we would eventually need to comprimise our beleifs and morals for this.

Sometimes things happen that people feel very stongly about and they can't help but get bothered and want to do/say something about it. This is something that makes each person who they are, their views.

I agree sometimes just forgetting about things can be a good idea, but perhaps only really with things we know we can't do anything about. If there is something wrong in my life, or with someone else and I know there is nothing I can do to effect/change it, then I would try not to let it bother me. Even then sometimes things do just get too much and you start to worry.

But if there is something you can do/say about a situation that is bothering you, then why comprimise how you feel just to make things easier for other people or yourself?

We all have our own morals and opinions on things, we shouldn't give these up purely on the idea of...

'Oh well, I'll die in 50-60 years time, so why bother?'

Because you have another 50-60 years to live with your decisions would be my answer.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
its not about not bothering to do things like speak out. i never even said that either!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
tris- said:
the way i see it, me and my mates will be dead in the next 40-60 years at the most. now when they are pissed off i just tell me "look mate, in 50 years we wont be seeing each other ever again, just chill the fuck out because it doesnt matter!".
with this way of thinking now, life is easy and stress free. insults dont mean jack and nothing is offensive. i dont get embarresed(SP?) or shy. if its going to piss you off then dont bother. if its too hard and your not gonna get anywhere dont do it! its not lazy but whats the point doing useless tasks? you smoke, drink and get fat. whats it matter in the end?

People have feelings and some things will piss them off granted, but just saying forget about it is denying how you feel. Denying who you are. Sometimes things just matter, you don't know why, or to what extent, they just do, just may be something you personally feel strongly about.

There is no such thing as a useless task. You will always gain something from any task be it self satisfaction, experience, knowledge.

'What does it matter in the end?' - To everyone and I don't think anyone can prove me wrong, but there is always someone you are looking to impress, or give a good impression to. There is not a single soul on this planet that can honestly say they don't care at all what other people think. Granted we shouldn't be put down by other peoples view on us, but how other people perceive us will always matter to us.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 26, 2004

yeh enjoy life but theres limits both ways dont care, but have some compassion for those that do. for u to enjoy it theres no need to purposely ruin others run at it. theres a quote for this from a film called gummo Gummo.

people whine about life:
life is a beautiful thing
lets face it, without life
we got nothing

'Nuf said


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
:( i am not going to try explain it anymore.

you lot look at it as you want :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
tris- said:
:( i am not going to try explain it anymore.

you lot look at it as you want :)

hey, i know exactly what you mean, i just wanted to show you the other side of it :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I want to go out of this life the way I came into it....kicking screaming and covered in blood. :)


Jan 8, 2004
I have no life, I wish I had one so I could hate it, but as I dont have one I can't.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
old.Tohtori said:
Do you lot honestlly try and tell that you got a life? :eek7:


i dont play any MMORPG. i just post in off-topic, because its off-topic :p


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Hey Tris, you're a nihilist. Go watch The Big Lebowski, and see some of your mates in action.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
old.Tohtori said:
Do you lot honestlly try and tell that you got a life? :eek7:


its clubbing time... :|

(and with that i dont mean the shitty music)

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