Best Albion Class? In your Opinions..



in my honest opinion , all palas should be deleted :<


Originally posted by hrodelbert
in my honest opinion , all palas should be deleted :<

Its just becuase you never learned how to twist chants with your armsman, see your own sig as proof :p


Originally posted by hrodelbert
warriors have the nice position of not having been totally overlapped and made fairly redundant by other tank classes in their realm , if i could turn hrodel into a warrior at the same RR i would go to mid without hesitation.

Savages have pretty much made it harder for warriors to get groups in both RvR and PvE, same for zerkers, thanes & skalds, shame mythic didnt test them more before releasing. Really is bad that they give one class to much love without thinking the effect it would have on others. They should of given end regen to another alb class, maybe clerics or something to stop armsmen being put into the paladins shadow.


true but an s/s blockbot warrior at least still has a place in a good group?


Yeah, sometimes a gankgroup accepts one warrior.
Given the numbers of warriors you can see the problem probably.


armsmen need love :(

i don`t play one but anyone would have to be blind not to see it

anyway best alb class well in terms of fun minstrel def though i really like playing my theurg too tehy`re very under rated for rvr imo


Originally posted by scarffs
Yeah, sometimes a gankgroup accepts one warrior.
Given the numbers of warriors you can see the problem probably.

same goes for paladins. The number of paladins is gigantic and only very few good alb groups in rvr. Armsman are outdamaged by mercs (by far) and rendered obsolete by paladins in rvr. The cannot spec 50 shield + 50 weapon and still be able to do some reasonable damage. The only rps i get on my arms are sbs who are stupid enough to attack solo fully buffed + sc-ed s+s arms

there are no groups who utilize det5 blockbots in alb


Originally posted by old.windforce
there are no groups who utilize det5 blockbots in alb

sadly no.

compared to excal albs we havent adapted or tried new grps ever.

always same tripple merc grps.


I got bored of my minstrel when RAs killed my stealth and mezzing abilities. Merc was definitely more fun. ;)


Recently, we've been running with some different formations. We've had a body caba (ae disease), body sorc (ice debuff), ice wiz (1 or 2, depending on what we had to work with), 1 or 2 clerics, Paladin, some sort of melee's for the rest (infil and reaver, usually). We've had the best time in RvR, and have done very well at the same time.

If you ask me, running in tripple merc groups, is boring, and not at all neccesary. As it is currently, all three realms zerg, so an assist group lose some of its punch.

Roll the class you think looks nice, and go with it. There will always be room in MY group, at least :)


Arms, should get extra spec points so they can take there damage style to the high 40s so they can compeate with other realms similar classes. Or Polearm should not be reliant on specing for damage style, seeing as most poleweapons in real life have a combination of crush, thrust and slash parts to there head).


Originally posted by mavericky
Savages have pretty much made it harder for warriors to get groups in both RvR and PvE, same for zerkers, thanes & skalds, shame mythic didnt test them more before releasing. Really is bad that they give one class to much love without thinking the effect it would have on others. They should of given end regen to another alb class, maybe clerics or something to stop armsmen being put into the paladins shadow.
In that case paladins wouldnt get grp. :)


without end regen paladins are worse then thanes from a getting a decent rvr group point of view


My vote goes to the cabalist, no doubt.

Within the same class, you have three spec lines different as night and day and a very, very big plus about this class is their endless supply of mana.

My love has fallen on the body cabalist because of its versatility. As many of you have said, the minstrel is one of the most versatile classes in Albion, however, its role in groups is often very set. There is not just one way to play a cabalist, no one screaming at you to heal them to root the fg of mids inc or pet the damn healer. One of the reasons for this is that most ppl simply do not know the capabilities or priorities of a cabalist - even though you are cabable of healing quite well, no one would ever demand it of you since it is putting your own fragile self at great risk.

The ae disease is just exellent, something that can turn many battles, and with your fast nukes the attackspeed debuff will actually allow you to drain between hits against slow weapons (you have to keep your cool for the timing, though!)

With resist debuff, cap speed, 90% drain and MoC it gives you a very defencive and quite effective nuker as well. With my spec, the debuff will add approx 70 dmg to my nukes for 15 secs, giving me a total dmg around 350+70 x approx 7 nukes = 2940 dmg (this dmg will ofc vary with resists and luck, so dont kill me if you dont give this exact ammount of dmg)

It is a difficult class to play, but for me, that is just half the fun of it.

Oh and the body cabalist is a mean duelist!


Minstrels since they are versatile beond sanity.

Need I say more ?


Speed, Stealth, charm, ablative song, stun, mez, AE mez, Climb, Charm, power song, Chain armor and weapon styles.

the only thing they dont have are... umm... Plate and buffs?


I have to say, watching a friend palying his Minstrel yesterday.. i now love the class..!!!

Basically a friend of mine was on his level 32 Mincer folloing the alb zerg to retake beno on Monday the 24th ... evening time... Albs were at the first gate, and a full group at least.. maybe 2fgs of hibbys came runnig up..

MY friend,, barein mind he is level 32!.. Got his flute out for fun and started mezzing.. now up to this point he had just run all the way to Beno solo, past a group of middys and survived, past a load of agro and basially it was a good bit of fun just getting there...

Anyway. so grp of hibbs, his flute etc .. He started trying to mezz, but had no luck, got near where a bunch of albs were beating a Bard down, shouted the bard.... and he got one of his shouts off! and hit for about 50 oO .. the started mezzing a luri and got a mezz off on a level 50!!!!!!! But even tho he wasnt exactly the best use.. He stil linterupted all of the casters via trying to mezz and managed to shout a few hibbys and hit one for 22 damage with his sword!!! he amde 8 rps, and it looked like a great big amount of fun as he was stood there not getting hit becuase he was grey con :))

Mintrels and Paladins get my vote *smiles*



Spirit Cabalist. But you have to know what your doing, as with most classes.


a) How fun it is to play.
Very fun in PvE and RvR =)
at higher RR u can solo Princess with BB ofc, thats fun, trust me =)

b) Its skills and abilitys
erm, MoB, MoP, FH all good, Brutalize

c) How much skill the person needs to play it
got 4 chants to twist, 1 weapon style, 2 shield styles, engage, intercept and guard.

d) How good it looks using its abilitys and in general
dunno ...

e) How useful it is as well..solo and groups.
guard in rvr grps with 50 shield and som MoB is very usefull, solo against stealthers is fun =) just check araudrys pally movie

to bad the damage sux =/ just cap quickness and get 4,4 spd weapon to make some dmg

f) How well it does against the enemy!!!
u probably will die last and get blamed by the "fishies" in grp if they die to early

g) Its vareity of spec etc
many different speccs

50 shield 29 slash 46 chants 19 parry <-- one good, defensive one
42 shield, 39 slash (backslash style), 48 chants (best af), rest parry <-- works, more offensive

hope this helped something =)


Clerics are good fun... but restricted

Minstrels rock! pure and simple... Mach5 + stealth gives you many options... unlike the cleric which is severly dependant on others.

Infils were the best class to play, I've never felt the... 'Battle Fury' or whatever you want to call it, as I did with my inf. But it's a wasted class now unless you're buffed :x


Cleric are good fun but group dependant.
Friars are good fun but can get grps :p


I would go with mincer I think if I played alb. Played sorc earlier and sure its a fun class but when doing much RVR you notice how much grass you actually eat, its horrible :)

1-7 deaths per battle is to be expected, if you can accept that, play sorc :) Solowise Sorc is excellent although I think minstrel is even better since they can stealth.

Mincers got it all tbh, stealth, they can do stuff at keeps, they can melee and got that get out from jailcard SoS aswell along with shitload of other possibilities. Mythics petclass so you really cant go wrong there.


Originally posted by king_kettil
Minstrels since they are versatile beond sanity.

Need I say more ?


Speed, Stealth, charm, ablative song, stun, mez, AE mez, Climb, Charm, power song, Chain armor and weapon styles.

the only thing they dont have are... umm... Plate and buffs?

they have a ghetto of everything, they are good vs non-det non-ip stealthers mainly because they dont have the tricks the minstrel has, but in groups he's only useful for his speed and sos, the melee is crap and the thought that the 15 second recast time 230 total damage shouts actually adds something to a group fight is silly, and the 70 absorb each 6 seconds from ablative is a joke aswell when you get quad hitting savages on you

sure he can give backup mez but the his casting speed is terrible and the flute gets resisted alot (but hey its manaless interruption!)

he's a weak version of the bd, he's very powerful in 1 vs 1 fights or the stealtherwars, but in groups its nothing special...

i wouldnt mind if they would switch stealth for DW, shields without spec are useless anyway, and some more attacks would be nice, i wouldnt mind either if they wouldnt give anything in return, i can always go 44 instru 50 slash :p

i only have stealth to climb keeps, and as a counter vs the l33t windowed 'look i jumped off amg' lagtrick which seems to be happening more often then before

and... we get boosted in 1.65!!! \o/

or... at least thats what they are trying to make us believe

38 (or something) Discordant Shriek Enemy 0s/0s/15s Rng: 700 92 dmg (Body) 22 power
44 Major Cacophony Enemy 0s/0s/15s Rng: 700 114 dmg (Body) 28 power

in 1.65, if you have 50 instruments you can use these:

44 Major Cacophony Enemy 0s/0s/15s Rng: 700 114 dmg (Body) 28 power
50 Deafening Cacophany Enemy 0s/0s/15s Rng: 700 128 dmg (Body) 33 power

omg such a l33t increase truly overpowered :rolleyes:
(well its another MINOR bonus for solo since those fights dont last that long anyway and you wont notice the increased mana cost)


Friar LFG

Come on i have 24% Elemental Buffs and still hit like a Freight Train every 2 seconds. (And i have Purge so :p) Also i look like i could be a sorcerer!


Avalonian cleric 4tehwin!

Cleric is fun imo.

Fun factors:

a) Keep X aliving during a (challenging) fight (very very very very very hard)

b) Positioning urself in such a way in RvR that you remain unhindered in healing/rezzing/curing disseas etc

c) Get under a pally shield, fire BOF and let those savages swing at you while your buddy cleric keeps you alive (only way you have a change of surviving against the savage assist on you).

d) RUN Cleric RUN... hehe the amount of running in circles is insane.


Originally posted by old.Bubble
Friar LFG

Come on i have 24% Elemental Buffs and still hit like a Freight Train every 2 seconds. (And i have Purge so :p) Also i look like i could be a sorcerer!

And then they root you!

Seriously, if Friars had determination - aoch !


Most challenging char in alb is the sorc, you feel like a god if you survive an encounter, at least i did :p. Mezzing - remezzing - cure mezz - root (single target root4tehwin, you will leave 10seconds more at least if you do this on determ5 tanks :p) debuffs makes this class fun to play, one problem with it, its in cloth :p

Playing a cleric is a bit boring for the casual players (you cant make kill spam) but speaking for myself i found challenging to get heals off in time, do combat rezzes -quick dex+dex/qui buff for the sorc after rezz was always welcome :eek:- and to heal as it is (hiding behind trees, staying in heal range and other stuff)

+cure disease in combat is nice aswell, thou not always possible to do.

Easiest char is infiltrator and offensive tanks without a question (merc + full 2h/pole arms), but fun to play them aswell.

Minstrel sounds fun with the loads of abilities it has, can solo - play with stealth grp or regular rvsr.

Scout rox as long as he can shoot or enemy doesnt have purge up.
: )

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