Berserker obsolete after this patch? - savage better in every way? Make midgard weak?



Originally posted by old.LandShark
What's sad is that you honestly believe that you needed a "love patch".
Healer CC is more than equal to sorc. And you know what? I don't give a fuck if you need to have two healers per group - cos guess what, we need a sorc and a cleric! Woo! fancy that! And those hibs over there, THEY need a druid and a bard!
And you know what? a sorc doesn't wear chain and a bard doesn't heal half as well as a 48pac healer. So hey - cry more.
BoF? Give it a rest with the BoF, will you? Dark runies outdamage air theurgs AND fire wizards alike, at the same time as bringing PBT and nearsight to the utility side of things. Mid tanks - well, you got the savage, you got the zerker - which, while soon to be balanced, is not soon to be gimped - no matter what hopeless gits like optical think. You have the potential for the best PBAE in the game, which the mids on Excal at least have yet to notice because they're all too busy doing sick damage with savages and zerkers.

Thats about as straight as you'll get it, zerks will still out dmg mercs and bm's.
I suppose what they really should have done is taken the zerk style dmg down by about 50% then made merc and bm dmg the same as that, but that would have been too obvious wouldn't it? ;)


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
by the way just because I say zerkers needed the nerf - doesn't mean I think BoF is underpowered ;)

I'd agree that the RA's are not at all even across the realms (that said - Perfect Recovery is pretty good when it's not overwritten by a shaman, and Ichor of the Deep is just evil)

get some of your ex-zerkers to roll spiritmasters, then BoF won't be a problem ;)

HAH neveh! ^^

anyway, im done with midgard, ashamed to say this but I think they got boring classes now, except the Savage..


Actually, I doubt if zerks will outdamage BM's, not with triplewield on a 7minute timer. That's a LOT of extra damage.
Mercs... well, mercs' strength will be more defensive than raw-damage-based, with dirty tricks unresistable, unpurgable and on 7min timer.
Vendo needs loving imo, the actual ability... the defensive penalty is maybe a touch extreme - but then, you CAN use IP when vendo'd, so...


zerk styles should still do more than BM ones... so in base damage they'll outdo them..

vendo isn't as good as triple wield though come 1.62.



cba reading another boohoo zerk thread




is a daft attitude to take towards things, sure if you dont like the damage you do now, there are other classes to play, its a game, being nerfed isnt like the end of the world :)


Originally posted by sharma


is a daft attitude to take towards things, sure if you dont like the damage you do now, there are other classes to play, its a game, being nerfed isnt like the end of the world :)

Nobody said that they are quitting eh?


I think there needs to be less pathetic whining and crying over the nerf. So zerks will hit like bm/mercs post 1.62? BIG FUCKING DEAL. Learn to cope.

Good players > class weakness

Shit players move on to the next fotm, and whine when that class gets the inevitable nerf bat too t.t


Originally posted by kinag
Nobody said that they are quitting eh?

Quite a large number of the USA players have already quit or rerolled as a savage, seems a few here have also quit because of the nerf.


Originally posted by sharma
Quite a large number of the USA players have already quit or rerolled as a savage, seems a few here have also quit because of the nerf.

USA ppl < All

The US ppl whine all the time, dont listen to them..

and the ppl that leave the game due to the zerk nerf etc. bad gamers.. Do as me, go get pissed off another place and open a new account and go play another realm on the same server (as i did today, VW :p)

but im playing prydwen alot, no need quitting..


U could do 6000 in damage with every axe u could carry.. Albions would still zerge u too death :) he he


Move to Excaliber and roll a Pally - its great!

I have a shield warrior I was working on but the pally is so much more fun that I shelved him- the pally has better armour plus a host of chants n buffs where the warrior has a supposedly better base dam???

Pallies are great and nicely overpowered in PvE and awesomely group friendly plus end regen on a tank :)))

There cannot be a better defensive tank in the game ???

And a free ranged pull that interupts in rvr :)

This is a great class - add in the lovely group absorb buff on your friendly neighbourhood cleric and no tanks gonna have a chance of killing me ??

How am I gimped exactly???


Originally posted by rynnor
Move to Excaliber and roll a Pally - its great!

I have a shield warrior I was working on but the pally is so much more fun that I shelved him- the pally has better armour plus a host of chants n buffs where the warrior has a supposedly better base dam???

Pallies are great and nicely overpowered in PvE and awesomely group friendly plus end regen on a tank :)))

There cannot be a better defensive tank in the game ???

And a free ranged pull that interupts in rvr :)

This is a great class - add in the lovely group absorb buff on your friendly neighbourhood cleric and no tanks gonna have a chance of killing me ??

How am I gimped exactly???

how are you gonna kill the enemy? taunt them to death?


Originally posted by SilverHood
how are you gonna kill the enemy? taunt them to death?

Thats what that shiny edged thing is for?

I know people complain about Paladin damage but it cant be that bad and tbh its the interrupt thats nastier than the damage most of the time - 1h damage always looks poo anyway :)


Originally posted by StormriderX
Shit players move on to the next fotm, and whine when that class gets the inevitable nerf bat too t.t

Heh - couldnt help but notice you have a chanter in your sig - the un-nerfed FOTM to top all FOTM :)

Remember - no whineing when the nerf comes...


>USA ppl < All

>The US ppl whine all the time, dont listen to them..

That is plain silly, Europeans are rather good at whining too, take stroll around this forum. The difference is that we are fewer and that Mythic probably dont care what you think on this side of the pond, since their commitment is to the US servers. However, if GOA sees a significant drop in revenue due to lost customers then maybe...


>USA ppl < All

>The US ppl whine all the time, dont listen to them..

That is plain silly, Europeans are rather good at whining too, take stroll around this forum. The difference is that we are fewer and that Mythic probably dont care what you think on this side of the pond, since their commitment is to the US servers. However, if GOA sees a significant drop in revenue due to lost customers then maybe...


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
Friars are often touted as being uber - but they're not... they're just always buffed.

As are savages, for the simple reason that trying to level a savage without a buffbot in these days of few groups would be virtually impossible without going insane. Losing 40% of your health every fight before you even get hit makes levelling harder than rogues.

What this means is that most savages, not all but most, will be fully buffed. I have seen loads of players surprised when 2-3 savages join a group and all have their own shammy buffs.

Any melee class can pwn if fully buffed, and in the savage Mythic have created a class that will be more likely than most melee to be uber buffed.

The other aspect of h2h savages is that the savage is totally positional to get any kind of decent dmg. This results in alot of savages giving up or respeccing 2h so there aren't all that many h2h savages.

I still think zerkers will be a strong class, with alot staying LA and others going 2H. LA zerkers will be more inline with mercs/BMs and probably still superior. Most of the whines I have heard is just because of the fact they are being nerfed. If you can longer do what you are accustomed to doing then the world has ended. Most zerkers aren't even considering that they will still be one of the most devastating toons in the game.


we ran into MM the other day. afaik it went something like this:

- we fired bof
- they stunned + pbaed
- we group instead + survived
- we got down two of their 3 healers
- their remaining healer PRed one dead healer, who PRed their other healer
- our sorc died, they won.

we had sos ready but the mincer didnt fire it for some reason, possibly the battle could have been turned if it was, but having said that, they basically had 10 people and 2 extra healers with 2xPR ;o


Originally posted by Jenkz
they basically had 10 people and 2 extra healers with 2xPR ;o

Of course you could have ressed the sorcerer and he could then use purge = perfect res

Plus if your a hib you can res a couple of people and then use group purge = 2-3 perfect resses.

One short fight is not a basis for any comparison - theres too many random factors.

Given the choice of BOF or PR which do you really think people would buy???


perfect recovery is instant yes? don't need to be out of combat and uninterrupted for 4s? can do it on the move?

hrm interesting :)

I'm not saying it's better than BoF or even nearly as good - but it's far from crap..

I'll trade it for Void if ye want ;)


yes i can see a lot of people using there purge and GPs JUST to remove RS, oh my got how stupid are we all for thinking its better to use it when you have been CCed.


actually the flaw in his logic is that midgard can do that _and_ have an instant ress with no ress sickness and full power too ;)

A bit like saying "but what's so good about group purge? you can just all buy purge yourselves!"


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
actually the flaw in his logic is that midgard can do that _and_ have an instant ress with no ress sickness and full power too ;)

A bit like saying "but what's so good about group purge? you can just all buy purge yourselves!"

True but with group purge you can get multiple up at the same time and still have single purges left?

The point is that both of the other two realms can get the same result as this 'unique' healer RA but we sure as hell cant duplicate BOF.

Back to the example its a funny kind of group with 3 healers?

Was it some high RR gank group with no tanks or something?


Originally posted by Balbor
yes i can see a lot of people using there purge and GPs JUST to remove RS, oh my got how stupid are we all for thinking its better to use it when you have been CCed.

As with all things RvR it depends on the situation - if your whole groups mezzed and the enemy is rolling in the PBAE'rs then purge is a great idea.

Most often I find only bits of the group get mezzed - in these situations its often better to wait n see what happens rather than pound the purge button - its not gonna stop you getting rooted/stunned etc anyway.

Getting a quick res and purging res sick can be a winner but play as you like...


Originally posted by kinag
Hehehe, smite comes from a cleric, and cleric = a healer class, not meant to do dmg ^^
well, in that case, nerf shammy ae-bolt-dot thing...
oh, and nerf bard's mez... and friar's combat abilities...


Originally posted by old.LandShark
And you know what? I don't give a fuck if you need to have two healers per group - cos guess what, we need a sorc and a cleric! Woo! fancy that! And those hibs over there, THEY need a druid and a bard!
And you know what? a sorc doesn't wear chain and a bard doesn't heal half as well as a 48pac healer

you said it much yourself...

Alb need Cleric and Sorc.

Hib need Druid and Bard

Mid need Healer and Healer

scenario: The group have one Pac healer and needs a Mend healer...

Healer: LFG
Grp: Hi, what spec are you?
Healer: Pac
Grp: oki, sorry we needed a mend one

next healer:

Healer: LFG
Grp: Hi, what spec are you?
Healer: Pac
Grp: oki, sorry we needed a mend one

and so on...

if you can allready see the problem then it's that you need 2 chars of the same class with diffrent spec... so it would like you have to find 2 pallys, one with shield and one with 2h spec...

as for the chain versus cloth... Healers don't got Lifedrain nukes, not the ability to charm mobs at the same level as the caster is, and most important of all... they have quick cast...
Other features are the dot, stat debuff and AE stat debuff... and don't forget the self bt they get...

A bard maybe doesn't heal as good as a Healer eith 48 pac... but then again... The bards speed is a little bit better then a 48 pac healers speed... and don't forget the end song...


Pac/mend healer are so much better then a sorc. The sorc i use in group dies every fight we play kinda. Yes sorc has quick cast and higher range but healer got ae insta stun/mez so it pretty much evens out in the mez aspect. After the mez the sorc can do nothing, whilst the healer can heal. Ok not as good as a mend healer but at least quite good. Oh and dont forget the hp/armor difference between the classes.
Zapsi(a healer on prydwen) tanked me and 2 other tanks(we were all rr7+) meanwhile his other healers healed him and their tanks killed my support. I doubt a sorc could do the same.

I know the grass are always greener on the other side but. If i could choose between bard or healer or sorc id choose a healer everyday of the week.

Bard is almost like a sorc after initial mez. Kinda useless after it.

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