Beaten at last.

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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Thugs said:
Mudguts there is something the matter with you m8. Jealous to the core. Now piss off cos enough is enough. I NEVER told outright lies but did exaggerate to get peoples backs up, will admit that cos it was fun to do.

Enough shit like this from people like that num-skull.

Sodding people like Mudguts get me annoyed. Only post like they do cos they were owned by my sbs.

hi der mistar

1. jealous of what exactly?

2. exaggerate... never told outright lies... so u told other types of lies ... lie is a lie dood.

3. num-skull .... ooo000oooo now im shakin mate ...

4.owned by your sb's ... think not fuckwit .. i have been thid once in the last 12 months.

like i said in previous posts mate i only came here coz a friend drew my attention to you and yer comedy road show. oh and also like i said b4 come fight me lvl 50 :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
i was in PvE gear on my ns too.
oh, and last time i was in thidranki was before toa arrived on EU servers. ive got a level 22 ns that i'll level up and fight you with, when i finish levelling artifacts on my eld and my (50) ns.
because you r0x so hard, im sure some other person will prove no challenge etc.
and i dont run buffed in thid, unless someone was handing out buffs at the pk, because its not worth the lag.
i'm not a sore loser, i'll admit if i was killed in rvr (which im used to, as my main is a support class). and i dont blame drinking for saying stupid things either. im pissed at you for being so shortsighted and being unable to see every problem you have.
im gonna go sleep now, because sleeping is what normal people do.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
Eh - right.

In other words 'owned' again by one of my sbs.

Sleep tight m8 cos all stealthers I have met ended up dieing too. Infact I stopped being interested in them some time ago and concentrated on much harder prey.

Infs and ns at Thid level - piff - bloody joke to PKJ and Weaklin.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
Thugs said:
In other words 'owned' again by one of my sbs.

Sleep tight m8 cos all stealthers I have met ended up dieing too. Infact I stopped being interested in them some time ago and concentrated on much harder prey.

Infs and ns at Thid level - piff - bloody joke to PKJ and Weaklin.

..thugs must read what ppl post ,ignore it n just post utter bollox.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Thugs = attention whore with no real life. Hes a sad little git.

Stop feeding the troll guys.

Your wasting your time and giving him a reason to exist.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
King of Thid?

lol ok, I'll roll another Ranger, see how you do against that Thugs.

Oh, and funny how you suddenly start admitting you are losing once Mids lose the Str relics. You cannot claim to be the best 1 vs 1 player ANYWHERE when you have +20% damage over your opponents. And now that you have lost the advantage, you are suddenly quitting? hehe nice going


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 12, 2004
VidX said:
King of Thid?

lol ok, I'll roll another Ranger, see how you do against that Thugs.

Oh, and funny how you suddenly start admitting you are losing once Mids lose the Str relics. You cannot claim to be the best 1 vs 1 player ANYWHERE when you have +20% damage over your opponents. And now that you have lost the advantage, you are suddenly quitting? hehe nice going

tbh i don't think thugs know's what a relic is


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
how come thugs keeps ignoring the fact that I beaten him 6 times flawless 1on1 :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
i wish i lived in a deluded world where everything i do is perfect and i never make a mistake. ever.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Thugs said:
Idiot? Nah, that is one thing I ain't and never have been.
correct ur not an idiot... but u are mentaly ill. btw how many times must i say this to u. 90% of ur fights are against free/drop geared noobs that only played 4lvls of the class...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
There is a very fine line between Genius and Insanity!

Titan Moist

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
pkj- ok 1 thing mate nice sb dont seem why u come allong back and play thidwanki anyways to the point i would like to have a few duels ( not saying im gonna win but ...) anyway would like to se your sb :D

Titan Moist

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
oh btw thugs my old sb Honed IV was a uber sb could take on 3 infi .
this is a fight i had 1 sb came pa'ed me im SZ so they dont stand chance 2bh and a secand came along i 3 shotted him 3 came out of e but i swung and my procs finished him a 4th came got him to 20% and he got me one of the best fight i had on my sb ps .what hp did ure sb have mine was 810 buffed


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
PKJ had about 640 hits in buffed form only - Valkyn with no points in con but had over 180 quickness. Nothing came near taking him down at all sos I retired him. Number of ways to spec up really. High hits but with lower damage or exceptional speed and max damage. I went for the latter. Also wanted to see if I could make a Valkyn a killer sb.

If you want to find out how good you are go take on the likes of Grammaton when he is in buffed mode. Not sure he is still playing though. I might play on the classic server if it shows but I got a lot of work etc to do now and don't feel inclined to play anymore. Also my health was taking a bashing cos of being hunched over the keyboard all the time - eyesight and back. Ain't healthy all this gaming.

Oh by the way in one fight Grammaton - buffed and toa'd - only managed to survive my attack cos he evaded the last 2 handed strike that would have killed him - me unbuffed and no toa as usual. No-way he would have survived an all out PKJ buffed attack.

Grammaton = pretty tough inf.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
Samaroon EatsCheese said:
nice one, bumping a thread over one year old :E
and you're helping with the bumping :p just like I am now xD


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Thugs ..... your such a drama queen its unreal.
You live in this fantasy world where anyone who killed you musta cheated, been buffed to the tits, TOA'd and SC'd.
You know what...... apply for Big Brother.

As a tip I recommend you put down on the application form several references to these boards.

Your a guaranteed winner mate.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2005
Ah lol You seen irl pic post what a likeness to Eugene :))
Seriously though MKJ your whines and drunken soap box drivvle has really turned boring and childish,one minute you are mr nicey,then next minute have a sense of paranoia that all people that use buffs/sc/or even Toa bonus equipment are cheaters or using a well earned arti or RA is pointless.
What is pointless mate is buying a game like this and playing as long as you have and not only not using the game to it's potential,not progressing in a mmorg as was intended,now in the closed post you laugh at people for wasting there time on doing such things.
One thing does amuse me though that despite the king of thid crap(which I used to find funny),the amount of times you say your leaving and have MUCH better things to do,well stop trolling these forums and get on with it bud,im sure it would do you good. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
See moderators they will talk to me even if the thread is ages old :) .

You either got it or you ain't. I got too much of it.


One of Freddy's beloved
Aug 3, 2004
The only thing is, what is it indeed you have too much of?

As the proper term is way too vulgar for a *King* :m00: I'll rephrase it as taurus dung :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003

If you were waiting to be beaten before you quit, how come you didnt quit when i destroyed you with my SB?



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Er - you died in our fair fight m8. Fair being when I stopped you running off like a bloody baby. Even with your hard hitting you lost. Can't see how I would lose face about that. First couple of fights you were just taking the piss and I allowed you 2. If I had known you were going to piss about then I would have stopped you doing so in the first fight. Face to face you died. Not bad when you consider I need time to kill with poison whereas you can drop another sb in 3 hits. Shows that my spec and playstyle outdamages your spec by quite a bit. How? Cos I lost loads of damage output having to curtail your backing off whilst putting imbalance on me - 2 of my weapons reduced my damage output a hell offa lot. Nah just goes to prove that my spec and playing method is the best by quite a way.

SC'd and Toa'd? were you? If you were then your hits must have been a good 100 or more higher than my sb and still you lost. Job done.

Glad I dropped you before I practically passed out from too much alcohol. Arrogant so and so you are to be sure. Wouldn't have been able to cos you kept applying imbalance over and over on me. Lucky for me I had some on me as backup. Nope you won cos you knew I wouldn't use imbalance back on you - or thought I wouldn't. Deaded --->> You and that poxy Valkarie thing - which I gave an hammering too - when still relatively sober.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
its like a mental hospital in here where all the patients were crammed into one padded cel :(
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