Beaten at last.

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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Thugs said:
Cstasy you moron - MKJ ain't played in Thid for bloody yonks - he is level 50.

You were playing corrosive, "moron".


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Hell that was my daft crit sb. PKJ and Weaklin are the ones the record is based on - nothing like that spec.

Try this spec for size.


21 crit
20 poison.
6 la (i think)

You know wot I never lost many fights even with that daft spec. Pusinboots I think was the only one that caused me trouble.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 26, 2004
i beat you but that was pre toa ;(

btw, what does PKJ or MKJ mean?

go run some more pls


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
Thugs said:
Enough shit like this from people like that num-skull.

is it not numbskull or possibly numskull anyway?? ya know... because ur skull is numb in translation ur head not feeling anything because it has nothing in it?
or as the dictionary states "being thugs" :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
Been thinking

You know there is something very fishy in the way I was beaten. 2 films here:

First meeting of Friar that beat me - Parceleus or something.

No trouble hitting him at all. Missed once during the fight cos he evaded me.

2nd time I meet him:

I only get to hit him 2x the entire fight. Missed at least 4-5x. I can't kill wot I can't hit.

Looks bloody fishy to me. Maybe some Alb playing Mythic person nerfed Weaklin for the fight cos something sure seems wrong to me. I never missed to that extent before ever. I mean take a bloody good look at it - Friar was practically unhittable by me.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Fuckwit - is there any particular reason for that? By all means post but stop being so aggressive for godsake. Wot the hell is the matter with you?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Thugs said:
Fuckwit - is there any particular reason for that? By all means post but stop being so aggressive for godsake. Wot the hell is the matter with you?

the only problem is that your an idiot and you annoy me.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
haha u say mythic nerfed or cheated or wotever cos u missed a few the above post pointed out u truely are a fuckwit.

why would an american company give a shit about some bg char ( not even real rvr) who thinks hes ubah cos hes played for about a month in bg, who is on the euro servers.

just admit he killed you and not that u been nerfed lol. at least come up with a believable excuse.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Idiot? Nah, that is one thing I ain't and never have been. Got the papers to prove it infact. Am completely the opposite - extremely intelligent. Kinda throws a spanner in the works eh. You think an idiot can upset everyone like I have? Nope. Only a person who knows wot buttons to press is capable of that. Take yourself for example. You can't help yourself but post. Hell I could literally drive you up the wall if I wanted to. Who would be the idiot then?


Ain't bothered really about losing cos it all worked perfectly. Rolled 3x without losing one on one and I end up losing to someone I had already killed and made a film about. Couldn't be any better. I stunk in that last film cos I been hanging on for ages and fighting worse and worse. But it took remarkable bad luck for me to die. I mean who the hell can win a fight if they can't hit their target? Shit I should have died ages ago anyways but this way I got 2 videos - losing and winning. Perfect for my last and final film.


One of Freddy's beloved
May 8, 2004
Thugs said:
Idiot? Nah, that is one thing I ain't and never have been. Got the papers to prove it infact. Am completely the opposite - extremely intelligent. Kinda throws a spanner in the works eh. You think an idiot can upset everyone like I have? Nope. Only a person who knows wot buttons to press is capable of that. Take yourself for example. You can't help yourself but post. Hell I could literally drive you up the wall if I wanted to. Who would be the idiot then?

The best way to upset people is to be an idiot, and you have proved that.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Nah, idiots are ignored after a while m8. Takes skill to keep the animosity going. I got bucket loads.

Shit I knackered tonight. Hard hill run and a few drinks have wrecked me.

Wot the hell is it about games like DAOC that gets us going? I mean everyone gets so worked up. Hell I have lived on some sort of rush from DAOC for ages. Now that rush has stopped flowing so much my fighting loses edge and my reactions slow etc and I end up losing.

Why are these type of games so addictive?

Personally I think the characters you play are representative of the type of person you are in real life for sure. I mean in my life I have won lots of running races on the road. I applied the same devotion and aggression etc to training and winning them as to this game. Eh why? At least I got medals and trophies to show that I won races but for doing DAOC? Nothing but abuse. Can't be right.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
the only thing that worked me up tonight was spamming distract for hours to get the fire and air primals to die in galla. then i read this and had to call you a fuckwit & idiot, because you are.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
You wot?

the only thing that worked me up tonight was spamming distract for hours to get the fire and air primals to die in galla. then i read this and had to call you a fuckwit & idiot, because you are.

Yeah right. Wot the hell are you on about? TOA stuff must be. Christ level 50 is crazy for sure.

I dunno people spend months twinking their alts with TOA and then decide to come to Thid and die to totally untwinked sbs - mine. I mean don't that teach you something? I mean I lost but was Rellik using TOA stuff cos I sure wasn't cos I ain't even got the expansion. Nope at least Thid is where skill can take a part still but for how much longer who knows. When my skill faded cos I was burnt out I lost. Really tis that simple. If you look at the fights I did earlier you would see me that much sharper and agile. In my final fight I was bloody knackered and worn out - awful. That shows you that skill is absolutely necessary at thid level. Though ofcourse was Rellik using TOA?. You notice in his pic he don't show his char pic? Bit fishy.

Who cares anyways he beat me but for all this TOA stuff to really make a big difference at Thid level would be a shame. Game will truly be ruined then.


How do you know he uses TOA?

And at lvl24 the bonuses from toa (if any) are almost worthless.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Well how come his char box ain't showing? How come he was so improved the 2nd time I met him? Fucksake I couldn't hit him at all.

Edit: nah forget above it was just one of them things where it went well with the Friar and bad for me (just watched video again).


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Hell I dunno though. I missed for 80% of the fight? Is that usual? Never seen that before ever. Eh Rellik post your spec and item list m8 cos something sure looks wrong to me.


One of Freddy's beloved
May 8, 2004
Thugs said:
Nah, idiots are ignored after a while m8. Takes skill to keep the animosity going. I got bucket loads.

Shit I knackered tonight. Hard hill run and a few drinks have wrecked me.

Wot the hell is it about games like DAOC that gets us going? I mean everyone gets so worked up. Hell I have lived on some sort of rush from DAOC for ages. Now that rush has stopped flowing so much my fighting loses edge and my reactions slow etc and I end up losing.

Why are these type of games so addictive?

Personally I think the characters you play are representative of the type of person you are in real life for sure. I mean in my life I have won lots of running races on the road. I applied the same devotion and aggression etc to training and winning them as to this game. Eh why? At least I got medals and trophies to show that I won races but for doing DAOC? Nothing but abuse. Can't be right.

Idiots dont get ignored if they keep trying to make themselves stand in the spotlight all the time, it does not take skill to make people angry. I think you need to stay off daoc for a while, you are way to addicted to be playing this game. You have thoughts about this game that is very weird and thats unhealthy for you.

*edit* And face it, you lost, stop trying to find excuses, you are such a bad loser.


In the fight where you won you had an almost 40% advantage and almost died.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
lol maybe he put it away so it wouldn't block some of the screen as the fight log was taking up most of it. u truly are a fuckwit. i put my char pic away enough because it blocks my view ingame. with it out in the way i have a wider range of view.
And if ur so smart why do u always act like an idiot. and why can u not think about things as simple a reason as why he doesnt have his char pic up or the fact you missed him more. OMG SO clever arent ya.
also if ur so intelligent why do u try and brag on here about ur so called real life. saying some bollox about winning a bunch of running trophies. or that u drink lots and lots everyday infact we have to hear some bollox about u going out for a run and then coming back and drinking, WOW U DRINK UR SO COOL!!! oh and i think u once said that u got angry from playing this game and that u scare ur gf. u just sound like an alcoholic twat who probably runs to try keep his beer belly down.

edit** stupid things distracting me on tv making my posts come late :mad:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Spotlight? Well I do get bored at times and DAOC and Freddys allow me to annoy people etc. I kinda find it entertaining. But I still have done as I have said I have done and that is to win. Said I owned Thid as an sb and did so. Shit who the hell ever gonna say that again? Lost cos I was bloody knackered and practically useless but I held out for so long. Gonna set the rules out for 'owning' Thid and then someone gotta do as I have done.

Shit I so happy about my performance at Thid level I over the moon. Set out to kill just infs and eventually found them too easy and ended up killing every sodding thing :) . Hell respect? One day you all gonna give me it cos no-one will ever do as I have done again you can bet on it.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
lol no matter how good any1 is. if they are dicks no1 will respect them.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004


Yah all will one day for sure. Wait until you try and play an sb and you will come to your senses.

Pedigree - Alb for ages and played as a nerfed inf against la sb killers and still did well at Thid level - huge Barrysworld posting about it.

Moved to Midgard and became an SB after la nerf cos Alb was too easy.

SBs? Shit they so badly nerfed they are a sodding joke.

Never gave into challenge and that was to make a good sb capable of killing infs at Thid level.

Levelled 2 sbs to 50 to analyze their damage - one full la and other full crit - both useless.

Created a totally different sb - Honed, PKJ and Weaklin

Hammered all infs and ns and everything else at Thid level.

Lost eventually which had to happen for sure unbuffed.

Eh? Respect will come eventually because no sod realizes how hard my sbs are to play and how different they are. But it will come for sure.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
distract is an ability that ns/sb/infi get at 5 spec in stealth that can be 'abused' to prevent high end pve mobs from moving much. its galladoria, the hib SI epic dungeon.

noone sane toa twinks thid alts, im surprised you havent considering your 'uberness', though..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
gah cant edit
i play an sb on camlann. a server full of people zerging you. i win a lot vs 2 or more infils or shades or archers or other sbs, as noone is buffed. i know sb's are fine at thid lvl and above it. you however, do not accept that, and therefore abuse out of view bugs and spam poison applying, and noone will change your mind set about sb's because you are very arrogant, and know very little about the game


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Yeah right and I bet they are all in the best gear going and at your level. Thought not. Best to ignore your rantings m8 I think.

Here is my 'uber' gear everyone thinks I use.

No TOA nonsense. Nothing beyond DF items and some other drops. Shame.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Thugs said:
Yeah right and I bet they are all in the best gear going and at your level. Thought not. Best to ignore your rantings m8 I think.

noone (under 50 at least) is in the 'best gear' on camlann, usually on rogs and stuff. my weapons are un sc'd 95 quality ones. harder to judge lvl on camlann too, yellow can be 3 lvls under you so you never know what your fighting until they spam you. however, taking out a red infil then red sb was my highlight on that char.
seems to me the main reason you claim to own thid is because you cant ToA up your high end toons.
do you remember fighting me in df with my nightshade, where i fought you (MKJ) and your buffbot at once? you were styling the whole fight and i (just) managed to take both of you down? get some decent gear and 'prove yourself' at high lvl against the real stealth zergs, rather than 2 bow specced archers for example, and dont be a cocky bastard about it.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Who was this non Camlann alt then that you beat my alts down with?

MKJ is full crit sb mind - totally bloody useless.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Thugs said:
Who was this non Camlann alt then that you beat my alts down with?

was in DF (as i said) and my char is called Bilbalina, a lurikeen nightshade.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Look I ain't never gone beyond Thid level really. MKJ was and is crap. His gear was for levelling etc. Now lets get to wot is really bothering you - Thid. If you got peeps on the same server as me then you got Thid alts. Now for the love of god own up that the real reason you pissed is because you been owned in Thid by one of my sbs. Hell m8 it shows to all and sundry. With all your successes you lost to me now own up for godsake.

You lost to Thugs the 'King of Thid'. Lose to me there and you have lost everywhere else too cos I could beat you there too as you well realize.
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