Battlefield 2


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
There is a certain degree of skill involved in any game it doesn't matter what it is. So what makes a game more skillfull than another? What is the measure of skill?

If and I say 'if' because there is no 'actual' measure, we work with the principle that the skill is determined by a possible event scenario and a teams ability to overcome the problem or achieve the goal you then have to ask which of the two games offers a much more diverse set of events to deal with. The answer to that is Battlefield clearly offers a more developed game with more possible outcomes and a much higher percentage of unpredictability than CS.

Battlefield 2 clearly offers the clan / user / player a much more diverse set of possible situations to deal with as a team, it is because of this that if I was forced into deciding which requires the more skill to play (as a team). I would say BF2 wins hands down ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Oh right so an incredibly unimaginative, tosser filled game that has lots of players must be more skillful and better???

The majority is always right?? Wrong, especially when that majority is a bunch of either 15 year old spotty geeks who like to think they can be in the SAS or a bunch of middle aged balding fat impotent men who like to think they WERE in the SAS,

CS is popular because it's free, geeks fucking love free stuff, it's what allows them to avoid getting a job and having to go outside in the sun... and stuff.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
Oh right so an incredibly unimaginative, tosser filled game that has lots of players must be more skillful and better???

This is up to the individual really I suppose, most people who I have met and do meet online are well balanced individuals but there is always someone who tries to pretend to be something they are not and act like a complete jerk, maybe they were bullied at school? That's life though eh ;) I also answered the question based upon the notion that the measure of skill is based upon the challenges and the diversity of situations that a game presents a team, not as you have suggested.

The majority is always right?? Wrong, especially when that majority is a bunch of either 15 year old spotty geeks who like to think they can be in the SAS or a bunch of middle aged balding fat impotent men who like to think they WERE in the SAS,

The majority isn't always right I agree, quite clearly you must be confused because that very clear majority is CS players not as it were BF players, as stated before. The majority of online players are young teens / adults I agree and quite possibly the majority of young players do get quite excited about pretending to be a soldier, all part of the fun I suppose? As for balding middle aged men I know of plenty of young / middle aged guys who play CS,GR and similar themed games who are really into their legal fire arms / airsoft / crossbows etc.. As too whether they get 'really' into it, I couldn't say? Each to their own eh.

CS is popular because it's free, geeks fucking love free stuff, it's what allows them to avoid getting a job and having to go outside in the sun... and stuff.

So is herpes but I don't think they want that :D


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
throdgrain said:
You make me grin :)
I cant be sure if these facts you offer up are made up or just wishful thinking.
Heres a look from gamespy.


As you can see, Half Life servers (ie original cs) number 22080. Half Life 2 servers (predominantly css, though not only I know) number 10891.
Way down in 8th place is BF1942 with 2354 servers. Thats a quarter the amount of css, and about a tenth that of cs.
BFV is waaaay down there in 14th place with only 1167 servers. In the world!
And still you tell me "CS is a legend no doubt but its getting old, i log onto CS's and the isn't that many people playing anymore."
Now, I understand you like your game, and I respect that, but please dont wave these mad figures about. CS, in both versions, is far far more popular that all the other games combined!
Note also the amount of players . "CS is a legend no doubt but its getting old, i log onto CS's and the isn't that many people playing anymore."!
CS 45208 players.
CSS 37208 players.
BF1942 5033 players
BFV 2295 players.

So , in total we have

CS (both versions) 82416 players.
BF (both versions) 7328 players.

So, cs only wins by the small figure of 75088 extra players.
I rest my case m'lud :p

Its a matter of a opinion at the end of the day i guess if you like running the same map for 50 rounds in a row and running the same route with almost the exact same outcome i guess CS is for you.

no 2 bf games are the same.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I played a hell of a lot of CS on public servers and proper matches over the years. The comments posted here are typical of people that have only glanced at Cs or played it only on public servers. There are tactics, planning and a lot of shouting on voice comms involved in CS, and you would be suprised at the many ways you can win the map. Yes there may only be two choke points on most maps, but it is how you use them.

I can't comment on BF as I never played it, I'll leave that to Throd, but if you are saying it doesn't take skill to play CS you are far of the mark.

No two games of bf are the same? Well neither are any two games of CS. Playing the same map 50 tmies in a row is done by idiots, and I am sure that happens with popular maps on all games.

If CS was as awful as you all made out, it wouldnt have the longevity and player base it does.

You may want vehicles and different player classes. Thousands don't. It comes down to what the winning formula for a multiplayer fps is for you. So accept that. Then shut up with the crap.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Ch3tan said:
I played a hell of a lot of CS on public servers and proper matches over the years. The comments posted here are typical of people that have only glanced at Cs or played it only on public servers. There are tactics, planning and a lot of shouting on voice comms involved in CS, and you would be suprised at the many ways you can win the map. Yes there may only be two choke points on most maps, but it is how you use them.

I can't comment on BF as I never played it, I'll leave that to Throd, but if you are saying it doesn't take skill to play CS you are far of the mark.

No two games of bf are the same? Well neither are any two games of CS. Playing the same map 50 tmies in a row is done by idiots, and I am sure that happens with popular maps on all games.

If CS was as awful as you all made out, it wouldnt have the longevity and player base it does.

You may want vehicles and different player classes. Thousands don't. It comes down to what the winning formula for a multiplayer fps is for you. So accept that. Then shut up with the crap.

Hold on a minute! No one started having a pop at CS until Throddy came on to a BF thread and started slagging it off! Of course people are going to have a different view. And if you read my post you'd notice I didn't say it doesn't take skill to play CS, I said it takes a very specific kind of skill and that BF gives players a broader range of opportunities to have a good game, and I absolutely stand by that.


Mar 11, 2004
As CH3tan has said..dfferent games appeal to different people.

Me i prefer the larger games with more options for attack and more ways to defend.

Taking CSS and BF2 out of it...UT2004 the ONS maps were HUGE and amazingly good play..yes they were onyl 1/5th of the games modes.

I think CS people will like the smaller 16 players games [the maps shrink too match the numbers of players] on the more 'urban' maps, btu who knows.

All i can say is i'm waiting with great anticipation for the demo to be released.



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
DaGaffer said:
Hold on a minute! No one started having a pop at CS until Throddy came on to a BF thread and started slagging it off! Of course people are going to have a different view. And if you read my post you'd notice I didn't say it doesn't take skill to play CS, I said it takes a very specific kind of skill and that BF gives players a broader range of opportunities to have a good game, and I absolutely stand by that.

LMAO how your memory is fading. The thing that started this response was you saying "*listens to the sound of CS fanboy teeth gnashing* " in the first place ...
And why did you say that? Because I commented on how they still probably wouldnt let you turn off head bob, how it would still lag, etc etc. So I assume you take that as a cs-bf comparison do you? Or just an interjection by me, a cs "fanboy" apparently even though unknown to you I played a lot of the BF games, indeed adminning them for jolt, and thus do have a relevant opinion.
Well played there lads. You start the dispute in the first place, then one of you says how BF is much bigger than cs, then when I tell you, indeed show you, that your wrong you're still arguing.
Have fun on the chopper spawn boys ... ;)


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
throdgrain said:
LMAO how your memory is fading. The thing that started this response was you saying "*listens to the sound of CS fanboy teeth gnashing* " in the first place ...
And why did you say that? Because I commented on how they still probably wouldnt let you turn off head bob, how it would still lag, etc etc. So I assume you take that as a cs-bf comparison do you? Or just an interjection by me, a cs "fanboy" apparently even though unknown to you I played a lot of the BF games, indeed adminning them for jolt, and thus do have a relevant opinion.
Well played there lads. You start the dispute in the first place, then one of you says how BF is much bigger than cs, then when I tell you, indeed show you, that your wrong you're still arguing.
Have fun on the chopper spawn boys ... ;)

Oh yeah. Forgot I'd said that :) - it was meant in jest though (asterisks and smilies are usually a clue), and I didn't actually slag CS off, just the people who play it...


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
Jumping in here for a couple of reasons

1.) I like arguments

2.) I like arguments :p

I played bf1942/ Desert combat clanned and on pubbies when I was coming off the back of my rtcw addiction. I was stunned by the amount of spawn camping and racism on publics. Even in comparison to the 'tradtionally scummy' CS community there was some disgraceful behaviour on a great many bf1942 servers. So I would disagree with the idea that all cs players are tossers (or even the majority).

I also will note that BF1942/Desert Combat games can be remarkably similar. Generally the team with the best pilots wins. Air superiority normally equates to a win, as in most theatres of war. This is irrespective of most maps imo.

Things I loved about desert combat and bf 1942. Air to ground combat - fast, difficult, and adrenalin inducing. Really good fun. Tanks. Shooting planes down with a tank or AA gun :D

Things I hated about the games. The community (very few nice players altho good skillful nice clans did exist and we had the pleasure of playing against some of them). Infantry hitboxes (something cs:s suffers from too to a lesser extent), some of the hitboxes were bizzare to say the least). Spawn camping, plane camping, tking for vehicles, general wanker behaviour.

By far the worse aspect was the fps aspect if the game. I feel they spent too long getting the vehicle physics right and not enough time on the player physics.

I feel that BF2 could be awesome, really awesome. I'll reserve judgement on the game, however, until I have played a demo. I do hope they have looked at what made Desert Combat so popular and bring a little bit of that into bf2



Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Clearly throd and mongoose are both wrong.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
You both want me and thats the truth.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
A short and flacid bumming may be in the offing though....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
Although the thought of trem getting his piles massaged does have a certain appeal :eek6: Here is something BF2 related... ;)

Latest information is taken from an IRC chat between GameSpy and Ben Smith (BF2 Producer);

<ea-bsmith> ok, well, while we're not ready to commit to tomorrow night like has been reported in a bunch of places
<ea-bsmith> we're fairly confident we'll be out some time this weekend with the demo
<ea-bsmith> right now the demo is in our final approval process (called CQC internally)
<ea-bsmith> once they're done we're ready to roll

Bowl looks, it looks like ground zero will not be today, pfff :D


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
To go back to topic anyway, you just know that 19 patches are on the way, each weighing in at 150mb each, at least, and the eighth patch will fix the game, only for the ninth for fuck it back up again :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
I must get me one of those crystal balls :D ;)

I suppose we could debate till the cows come home. If anything will add great weight to my case I present to the court my smoking gun! The difference between BF chicks and CS chicks :D


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
throdgrain said:
LMAO how your memory is fading. The thing that started this response was you saying "*listens to the sound of CS fanboy teeth gnashing* " in the first place ...
And why did you say that? Because I commented on how they still probably wouldnt let you turn off head bob, how it would still lag, etc etc. So I assume you take that as a cs-bf comparison do you? Or just an interjection by me, a cs "fanboy" apparently even though unknown to you I played a lot of the BF games, indeed adminning them for jolt, and thus do have a relevant opinion.
Well played there lads. You start the dispute in the first place, then one of you says how BF is much bigger than cs, then when I tell you, indeed show you, that your wrong you're still arguing.
Have fun on the chopper spawn boys ... ;)

I bet £10 have killed someone for a chopper and your indeed a chopper spawn boy :) i admit it ive done it a few times when its the same people over and over again in the helicopters

Whats your obession with turning head bob off? you want realism because you play CS? well i was in the army do you think when i was running with full kit/rifle my head stayed firmly in place for the full duration of the 8mile march?



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Err because it gives me motion sickness alright? Sorry :(
Actually no, I never flew helis in BFV, and badly in DC, it was that that stopped me playing it in the end though .


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
DaGaffer said:
Bah! This probably means Monday then.

I am holding out hope that EA have learn't from last time and now only give dates that they have a hope of meeting :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
throdgrain said:
Err because it gives me motion sickness alright? Sorry :(
Actually no, I never flew helis in BFV, and badly in DC, it was that that stopped me playing it in the end though .

sorry was abit snappy there am not going to comment on cs/bf anymore theres little point :)


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Aada said:
sorry was abit snappy there am not going to comment on cs/bf anymore theres little point :)

There is little point because ultimately it always ends at the same conclusion...

 all want me.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
throdgrain said:
Err because it gives me motion sickness alright? Sorry :(
Actually no, I never flew helis in BFV, and badly in DC, it was that that stopped me playing it in the end though .
Aada said:
sorry was abit snappy there am not going to comment on cs/bf anymore theres little point :)

I wouldn't have apologised :D, Throd jumped into the arena and you challenged him on a valid point - how can you quote realism and no head bob in the same sentence -

You fell for the sympathy line ;)

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