Battlefield 2


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Ch3tan said:
Eh? When did that happen Cdr?

/me is a slave to the codemasters newsletter for Opf2 news

Aye, according to various sources, BiS and CM had a split a while back. CM are adamant they'll still be producing Op Flash 2 - but it looks more and more likely that it won't be developed by BiS

BiS showed Allied Assault at E3 (as Will said - is more like Op Flash 1.5 rather than a full blown sequel), and a new unnamed game (which they are still looking for a publisher for). The unnamed game most likely would have been Op Flash 2 before the split, but are having to rename it because of copyright issues (

Have a read of - of course, how much of it is true is yet to seen, but it's worrying nevertheless.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Desert combat 2

As far as i understand it the boys who made the desert combat mod where involved the the design and the testing of BF2, so as said before it basically is Desert combat 2, tho with huge maps. :clap:

I just hope the commander thing work well. Hopefully better than it did in savage, pile of cack that was! In all i think BF2 looks v.good, cant w8 to see how good teh bots are, i ofter enjoy bf in single player but lets face it, teh bots can be dumb fucks!!!!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
BF games are dull. Not even games imo. Let's play at war and pretend that we're having fun.

And puppies should be stabbed too !


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
The award-winning Battlefield franchise invades the high tech frontlines of modern warfare in the new sequel, Battlefield 2™. The game brings the intensity and excitement of Battlefield 1942™ into the modern era with enhanced team play and the latest, most technologically advanced vehicles and weapons systems available to man.

In Battlefield 2, you can choose to fight for one of three military superpowers: the United States, the Chinese, or the newly formed Middle East Coalition. Armed with the latest modern weaponry, you can take control of any of the game’s 30+ vehicles to engage in major conflicts with over 100 players in some of the largest online battles on the PC. Additionally, persistent character growth allows you to rise through the ranks and attain the ultimate rank of General.

:flame: SWEET :flame:

For those worrying about gfx cards here is the list being touted over at the official forums.

NVidia GeForce FX 5700 Series
NVidia GeForce FX 5900 Series
NVidia GeForce FX 5950 Series
NVidia GeForce 6800
NVidia GeForce 6800 GT
NVidia GeForce 6800 Ultra
NVidia GeForce 5800 Series (AGP)
NVidia GeForce PCX 5900 (PCIe)
NVidia GeForce 6600 (PCIe)
ATI Radeon X300 Series
ATI Radeon 8500 Series
ATI Radeon 9500 Series
ATI Radeon 9700 Series
ATI Radeon 9600 Series
ATI Radeon 9800 Series
ATI Radeon 9550 (RV350LX)
ATI Radeon X800 PRO
ATI Radeon X800 XT Platinum Edition
ATI Radeon X600 (PCIe)
ATI Radeon X700 (PCIe)

Clown said:
We've played the whole BF series. BF2 is the natural step forwards. We've been the top UK clan for each of the BF games and usually top 5 on Clanbase :)
You have to post on the forums to get a look in,

I will float by nearer the release date, cheers. Can anyone join or do you have to be like a real kick ass player? I haven't played the Battlefied series before so I might turn out to be a bad ass mofo, you never know! :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Baaah I need to buy a new gfx card for this game now, my other one melted.

I need to get a job. Or rob a bank. :\


Dec 17, 2003
]AC[dRuM said:
I will float by nearer the release date, cheers. Can anyone join or do you have to be like a real kick ass player? I haven't played the Battlefied series before so I might turn out to be a bad ass mofo, you never know! :D
Well, they let Clown in...

*snipes Clown*


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
He's obviously just their mascot. The small asain guy who makes funny videos of himself. How could they resist having him cheerlead for them?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
I have seen the video and it made me chuckle, fair play to the Clown he had the balls to do it :D

Is there any news on a date for a demo? I have heard conflicting dates...


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
alot of people are saying this friday


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
24 hours then.. If that is the case, make sure people post as many mirrors as and when.. ;)


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
]AC[dRuM said:
24 hours then.. If that is the case, make sure people post as many mirrors as and when.. ;)

just got an email from Gamespy saying 'come here for the demo', followed the link and it said 'coming soon'... :rolleyes:


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Yup is 17:00 GMT tomorrow if the rumors / various site postings are to go by...

Does seem to be the most wanted demo in a long time... although it has been 6 months since a new good multiplayer FPS and man can not live on CS:S alone


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
DaGaffer said:
just got an email from Gamespy saying 'come here for the demo', followed the link and it said 'coming soon'... :rolleyes:

Aha, that old chestnut ;) First one to post in game pics get's my respect anyway :clap:


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
CS is ok but it gets boring, the same choke points, the same camp spots and the same kill zones have you noticed when you start a CS game each team goes straight for one spot all the time?

you could start a CS game blind folded and make your way to the camp area your team stays in for the rest of the game.

you always know where the other team is camping

its just same old same old

The battlefield series sells well due to being great for big maps out door battles, and also the great infantry fights in town areas.

it has everything CS has and more for me.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
The vehicles are what sets the BF games apart from CS. They add a whole new dimension to the gameplay and make it much more exciting imo. There's nothing quite like creeping behind a friendly tank as cover from sniper fire when crossing a bridge or seeing a friendly aeroplane drop a well-placed bomb on a tank that is massacring your team. I was a great helicopter pilot on DC and Vietnam aswell so I'm hoping the controls will be the same in BF2. Also the massive maps and 64-man servers are what makes this more interesting than CS for me.

I've always liked the BF games more than CS (even though I love CS), so I really hope this one doesn't disappoint. The gamespot preview has talked about it as if it could be a GotY contender. Hopefully we will all have a pretty good idea tomorrow.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
throdgrain said:
CS is much better than BF, and much more skillfull, sorry :)

i don't call camping a specific area on the map skillful sorry :) but opinions are opinions :)

You start the game everyone goes to the choke points and one team comes out alive it just turns into a rush for the other side game :) its like the english trying to run for the german trenches over and over again


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Well, if thats what you think, thats probably why you dont play it ... ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
throdgrain said:
CS is much better than BF, and much more skillfull, sorry :)

Agreed compared to BF but as none of us has played BF2 we dont know how it will compare.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
throdgrain said:
CS is much better than BF, and much more skillfull, sorry :)

Well, obviously that depends on your definition of skill. It takes skill to judge the dip on shells when firing a tank turret, it takes skill to fly jets effectively, it takes skill to keep a helicopter in the sky. BF isn't just about firing guns, that's the difference between it and CS.

As for CS being better, well that's your opinion and I agree that CS is a fantastic game but if I was asked what I think is better I would have to say BF.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
throdgrain said:
Well, if thats what you think, thats probably why you dont play it ... ;)

I just got bored of it tbh, the bf series is the only shooter ive been playing tbh.

been playing BF.v since release the awsome mods that come out for it just give great replay value.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
While noone will argue that Counter Strike set a standard the Battlefield series takes this winning formula and developes the potential ten fold. It all depends what you want from a game be it action, realism or both. I like CS but think the next Battlefield series has a much bigger appeal to a wider audience given time.

You have to ask yourself as a CS fan / player just how many times someone will play the same setup without getting bored. The obvious answer from die hard CS fans is for ever but I think more first time gamers will be seduced by BF2 myself, we will see eh?

People love doing 'stuff' and BF2 has loads of 'stuff' :D

DEMOOOOOOOO!!! WANT!! ..... . .. . . . .....


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
throdgrain said:
Well, if thats what you think, thats probably why you dont play it ... ;)

Defensive much?

CS offers a fairly narrow range of scenarios and has a pretty tight definition of what it takes to be a 'good' player. The BF range is much more freeform and 'good' players can have wildy different disciplines but still contribute to the game; I'm an indifferent pilot, a decent infantryman and frankly genius in armour (even if I do say so myself :)), and that's what makes the game so enjoyable; if everyone is doing the same thing, where's the fun? If you get a good mix of skills together there are loads of ways to win in BF games, there's usually one way on every CS map and that's it.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
]AC[dRuM said:
You have to ask yourself as a CS fan / player just how many times someone will play the same setup without getting bored. The obvious answer from die hard CS fans is for ever but I think more first time gamers will be seduced by BF2 myself, we will see eh?

People love doing 'stuff' and BF2 has loads of 'stuff' :D

DEMOOOOOOOO!!! WANT!! ..... . .. . . . .....

Exactly only die hard CS fans would agree that playing the same map 50 times in a row is great! and also going to the exact same camp/kill zones 50 times in a row!

each to their own i guess but BF2 will win hands down first for the close up infantry combat in the urban areas and secondly for the great jeep/tank/plane/chopper fights.

I love being a pilot in BF it is a real adreneline rush to have your BH full of people and land right in the heart of a firefight and see the squad dismount all guns blazing and take the point. Its also really funny if you land and get blown up straight away! bf series= all round fun


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
DaGaffer said:
Defensive much?

Yeah mate , what do I know :)

Oh yeah. I was a Jolt admin for BF and BFV. BFV is so skilled innit, theres so many ways to a good score.
Oh. Actually theres not. Theres run up to the heli pad, kill your team mate to get the coptor, then camp enemy spawn and get a huge score. Nice :)
BF gmaes are kind of fun, though I must say I shant even buy it unless you can turn head bob off.
But when BF2 has been , gone, and is almost forgotton history, CS will still be the biggest most popular thing in fps games, by a factor of 10 to 1. Now you can say whatever you like, but those are the facts.
And as for the (anticpated) cs player cliches, well, I found as an admin that the BF and BFV players were without doubt the biggest bunch of whiners in any game Ive ever encounterd. They would even make up thier own rules (dont attack here, at this time, or while theres a R in the month) and complain in IRC if someone didnt pay attention to them! Amazing :)
My comments were a bit tongue in cheek tbh, but it does remain in my opinion, it takes a lot more skill to play cs well than it does almost any other game I can think of. But then, each to their own :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Well chopper spawn camping sucks admittedly but thats something that is never going to change.

Facts? bf1942 is still going strong you can log onto it and over 6000 people are playing the game thats not even at peak times

BF2 is going to have possibly 20k players but somehow i think the game will sell more then 20k copies... try 100k

CS is a legend no doubt but its getting old, i log onto CS's and the isn't that many people playing anymore.

I i don't play the game to have a good score if the team wins then who gives a crap? people who play just for the score are idiots and not team players.

People like that are the people who shoot the team mates for the choppers.

BF2 won't be forgotten thats a fact it will still be played in 5 years time or until they bring the next installment out.

As you say each to their own. I personally don't like playing the same map over and over again most CS severs run only 1 map! its stupid and boring you get onto the map and by the end of the 3rd round your going exactly the same route with the team each time. The only difference being which team wins tell me i'm wrong? im not because already 1 other person has said what i have.

BF2 will appeal to pretty much everyone clan matches are great its the random servers that suck ass, but then the random servers on CS suck ass too because theres always some idiot hid behind a box and when everyone on his team his dead he wonders why he gets slaughtered in 2 seconds when he trys to take on the other team with rambo style tactics.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
You make me grin :)
I cant be sure if these facts you offer up are made up or just wishful thinking.
Heres a look from gamespy.


As you can see, Half Life servers (ie original cs) number 22080. Half Life 2 servers (predominantly css, though not only I know) number 10891.
Way down in 8th place is BF1942 with 2354 servers. Thats a quarter the amount of css, and about a tenth that of cs.
BFV is waaaay down there in 14th place with only 1167 servers. In the world!
And still you tell me "CS is a legend no doubt but its getting old, i log onto CS's and the isn't that many people playing anymore."
Now, I understand you like your game, and I respect that, but please dont wave these mad figures about. CS, in both versions, is far far more popular that all the other games combined!
Note also the amount of players . "CS is a legend no doubt but its getting old, i log onto CS's and the isn't that many people playing anymore."!
CS 45208 players.
CSS 37208 players.
BF1942 5033 players
BFV 2295 players.

So , in total we have

CS (both versions) 82416 players.
BF (both versions) 7328 players.

So, cs only wins by the small figure of 75088 extra players.
I rest my case m'lud :p


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
throdgrain said:
Yeah mate , what do I know :)

Oh yeah. I was a Jolt admin for BF and BFV. BFV is so skilled innit, theres so many ways to a good score.

I didn't say that, I said so many ways to win, a subtle difference, which, I'll concede, is lost on a lot of people.

As for there being sooo many more CS players than anything else; err, so? Just shows how many unimaginative people there are out there :)

Moving Target

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
What makes CS better than BF1942 is that it doesn't need to open a new .exe to run the game :rolleyes:

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