???? banned of lizia's raid cus i won ?



Originally posted by Eof
Sparmer, you ain't getting anywhere near my bane ;)

[jedi mind trick] u gonna give me ur bane and 5 plats

;) sell it ;)


Originally posted by Eof
Sparmer, you ain't getting anywhere near my bane ;)

I thought people did really well and at the lotto it was a real shame some people thought that yelling and demanding and insulting was the way to resolve things - not Sneeu btw :) , and yet Lizia and Kagato just got on with things as well and as politley as they could. A couple of items the lottos got a bit confused over: the cabi robe, the ld paly who rolled on merc boots and the staff that Lizia won then she announced Sneeu as the winner in CG. I think it must be pretty galling to organise a raid roll for the item you want win it and hten lose it cos of a delayed roll. Despite this Lizia was a gracious loser in CG and doesnt really deserve the flame she has got here.

Salute firstly to anyone who can go to the effort of organising one of these things and secondly to someone who can handle the mayhem, and occasional rudeness of a lotto afterwards.

Well said, all that happend with the boots is the pally thought we were rolling for the paladin armour still, got sorted though and I gave the boots to the next highest winner which was Xirtam.

I'll be glad when Apoc gets nerfed finally, he is rediculously powerful.

oh and a top notch thread hi-jacking attempt by everyone else :D


I currently have a body/matter staff.... are you saying because i have a body/matter staff i wouldn't be able to roll for the sorceror staff of Tab'Fren because i don't "need" it? Who NEEDS sidi gear? It's for collectors only... As Aussie said you can cap everything now-a-days, no one NEEDS any sidi item.

Banning Sneeuwpanter for winning a item she didn't even have is wrong :(


It's my personal opinion that if you already own a sidi item then you shouldn't be rolling for the same item again in another raid, in this case it seems that it's 2 different staffs so there should be no arguement, if she rolled highest you give her the staff.

I like to post a full list of who got what drops so folks can keep track for future raids, i know i'd be pissed if i was rolling for the inf jerkin then found out the winner already had one.


What about duel wield class's though if they cant lotto for the same item/weapon twice then that would mean i have no chance of getting 2 Eviscerators :( not that i want em anyway there shite ;p


Heh.... u not present at lotto, still u get allowed to roll AFTER the staff was lottoed, u get it and YET u complain and start a flame-thread..... now THATS rich...



Which is more entertaining?

a) Going on a Sidi raid.
b) Reading the weekly post-Sidi flamewar.
c) Stripping wallpaper with a spatula and hot, soapy water.

Answers on a postcard to:

Noel Edmonds' Saturday Sidi Swap Shop
PO Box 666
Barry's World


Look guys end of the day you may think what Lizia did was wrong but its her/his raid so its up to them what they do, if you dont like it dont go on the raids, its that easy. Now in my view its very childish to post a sidi whine and then to acutaly reply to it with a flame is even worse but thats MY view.


Originally posted by bracken_woodman

Which is more entertaining?

a) Going on a Sidi raid.
b) Reading the weekly post-Sidi flamewar.
c) Stripping wallpaper with a spatula and hot, soapy water.

Answers on a postcard to:

Noel Edmonds' Saturday Sidi Swap Shop
PO Box 666
Barry's World



i wonder how many idiots actually send a postcard :eek7:

ps: i am not 1 of them... i'm smart... or just let me believe i am :lol:


Originally posted by Axcel
Look guys end of the day you may think what Lizia did was wrong but its her/his raid so its up to them what they do, if you dont like it dont go on the raids, its that easy. Now in my view its very childish to post a sidi whine and then to acutaly reply to it with a flame is even worse but thats MY view.
People keep saying that, and you know what, it's true, but if that happens at EVERY person's open-invite raid then guess what the chances of killing Apoc are? Soon the open-invite raids will have annoyed so many people that they won't be able to even get past the 4 horsemen :(


Regardless what all have replied here.
Nice raid d00ds.



What we need is an RvR area where just Albs can fight each other. Seems to mje Albs hate each other more than they hate the Mids/Hibs :D


Originally posted by Kagato.
oh and a top notch thread hi-jacking attempt by everyone else :D
Attempt? ATTEMPT!?! I think you mean "a top notch succesful thread hi-jack by everyone else". :D

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Bah. If I hadn't been so tired this thread would be dedicated to the study of hamster droppings by now. :p


Originally posted by Capt. Sissyfoo
Bah. If I hadn't been so tired this thread would be dedicated to the study of hamster droppings by now. :p
It's never too late to try... :scared:


I got a mate who pretends being a girl ingame. He gets loads of stuff and lots of powerleveling.


If all you do is moan why do you play the game?


Originally posted by Lizia
Banned from mine raid becouse you did roll for something you already had. And you took it even after you did roll to late. I got no problem with people getting stuff, but when they are to late and then take something they do not need is rude.


roflmfao,if u dont like that then make sure u add the rule of no rolling for iteams you allready have-if she even had the staff anyway... lizia = stupid tbh.


Originally posted by burg-
I got a mate who pretends being a girl ingame. He gets loads of stuff and lots of powerleveling.

keridwan? but hey,that doesent sound like a bad idea :D am a girl givf TG weps for free .....maybe he should try haveing a sex change :)


Originally posted by Ekydus

Originally posted by Aussie-
who cares if he already had it?

he participated and rolled highest?

Originally posted by snowpantherke
aussie ; i am a She

Originally posted by medowind
gender is sooooooooooo last year

On top of this there was the ongoing crap about Tilda being female or not. He is male BTW

u know if a person corrected someone on what gender they r... I mean if i call u Bob and ur name is Rob... u gonna correct me or let me an everyone else call u Rob 4 the rest of ur life... It's not an issue about gender... an i'm talking about THIS thread not a contium of others... we not all following closely the sagas on BW


It was my 11th Sidi raid and I have to say it was the best organized one by far, i especially liked how Lizia and Kagato took everyones names down b4 raid and did afk checks mid-raid.

Imo opinion Sneeu did roll very late and the winner had already been called out, so she should be happy she got the staff at all and be thankful that Lizia was so generous, I don't think I would have been.

The point in ppl only rolling for drops that they NEED and dont already have is because not everyone has the time to spend hours cash farming day in day out every day to save up for sc gear. I have been on 11 raids now and only won a 2h hammer on the very first raid i was on, yet i have still kept going to raids trying to get some pala plate and the +crush ring. I find it very annoying when ppl roll for drops they already have or dont need and only want it to sell, especially when pala's with sc gear roll for the pala sidi plate and then sell it straight away, and especially when ppl roll for the crush ring when they are not even crush spec, then i see the ring up for sale next day, this has happened on nearly every raid ive been on, and not with just the stuff i need, with all sidi stuff.

IMO all ppl who win a drop then put it up for sale next day on these forums, especially if there were others in lotto who actually needed the drop, should be flamed and banned from the next raid.

Was a Great raid, shame about this stupid thread coz someone whining about drop that they actually ended up getting anyway, I just hope Lizia and Kagato reconsider and do more Sidi raids in the future :)


it looks like more of a principle thing...

sounds like the raid was good - the lotto was fine, but banning someone from a future raid (even if there isn't going to be any) for not doing anything wrong seems somewhat petty.

And rabbit droppings are far more interesting than hamster droppings sissy....

PS. I am a chick RL, gifv glowy hammers.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Pfft...did you know that there are over 2500 different forms of bacteria present in rabbit droppings but over 3500 in hamster droppings? Rabbit droppings more interesting...pah. :p


Originally posted by Keogh
What we need is an RvR area where just Albs can fight each other. Seems to mje Albs hate each other more than they hate the Mids/Hibs :D

Hell give!
and give the chances to loot those drops from their stinky cadavers! :eek:

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