???? banned of lizia's raid cus i won ?



I dunno why i am banned of Lizia's raids on saturday for sidi.Today there was a nice raid of her.Fine , A nerfbat for theurgs dropped.At lotto i rolled, and i have 99 and she 30 orso.I get staff , and after it i needed to eat.I come back and i am hearing i am banned of her raids cus i won the nerfbad.She thinks i have two of em , but its not , i 've got a Wind/Ice sidi staf , it looks almost same , but a normal human can see the diffrence,My wind/ice is blue dyed and other one is black ( staff color).The wind / ice staff i got ages ago of a friend .Now i have the nerfbad ,ill give my ice/wind staff back or maybe sell it.It's just childiss if u ban a player of a raid u lead if u loose the lotto for the item u wanted.



Heh, these days saturday wouldnt be saturday without sidi whines


Banned from mine raid becouse you did roll for something you already had. And you took it even after you did roll to late. I got no problem with people getting stuff, but when they are to late and then take something they do not need is rude.



Oh big wow she already had it. She went on the raid = She can roll for whatever she wants.

The ONLY rules should be that:

a) You roll for items you need / can use.
b) Once you win an item you cannot roll for another.

Lizia you are in the wrong and TBH you have made yourself seem a complete retard. It is obvious you didn't win it and threw your lolly pop. Grow up you little child.


M8 , i had lag , i thougt i rolled but didnt saw it so trying again and again , but it seems i had first time 99, and i wrote /randim to , thats why i didnt saw it , that l8tys pmmed i had 99 so , i didnt know i actually won, and yes i wil use it , its a nice staff woth 3 focuses , so why no use?


The wind/ice staff sneeuw got is mine..

She loaned it off me when i retired my theurg, still play other chars tho..

If she wants to keep both staffs its okay, she won it fair and square..

But morally right would be to only have one staff..

But as i know sneeuw she will probably sort this pretty fast..

But before banning, you should maybe have talked a bit more with sneeuw about it..

As its not fair really for someone to use 6 hours, and win a lotto fairly then get banned afterwards..

Hope you change you descision about the ban :)


Whats the big deal, probably wont do another public raid anyway, relax and enjoy the rest of the weekend :D

p.s Sorry for any messages I did not reply to during the raid, I wasn't ignoring them, just did not get chance to reply with everyone whining for next drop etc.


I have no prob , just the fact i am banned cus i won an item she wanted to


Last replay from me.

I use standard lotto rules.

Rule1: Need before Greed

I did allow your roll that was to late, on /chat was already stated who won. (got 120 witnesses for that) Then I did try to PM you, no responses, in the end I gave it to you. If there where questions that needed to be resolved I always PMed the person to ask details.

You did roll for both Theurg staves. And you already had one.

You can change the facts how you like, how you want. Only thing I did not like on this raid where the people who did try to cheat or did whine.

You are banned not becouse you did won, you are banned becouse you abused rule 1, and did not respond to PMs, and I got no explanation then.

If you did want to resolve this in a more friendly matter, you would not have posted it here in an attempt to start a flame thread pointed towards me. I can not stop you doing that, but I can stop responding to the flames in the hope they stop soon.

I am very tired, and this even makes me more tired.



Best if you don't do another public raid, eh?


who cares if he already had it?

he participated and rolled highest?


lamah lizia ;)

mayb u can buy her staffs now she got 2 of not the same staff ;P so unfair..

imo i still should have won bane ;P

Lowest roll wins ....!! ;)

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Pfft. Typical 'I need to make a song and dance about something' sidi thread. If you have a problem with Lizia then use PMs and don't bring your dirty laundry onto the forum.

But, like Draylor said, it wouldn't be Saturday if someone didn't start a whine thread about Sidi.


you can craft/cap everything now, there is no 'need' anymore.


ANyway Lazia ignored my Pm's , thats why i putted on bw so she would say something back

aussie ; i am a She


Originally posted by Lizia

You are banned not becouse you did won, you are banned becouse you abused rule 1, and did not respond to PMs, and I got no explanation then.

Pffft.....Kids with power. Grow up, whos abusing what?

So she rolls and wins a staff that she DOES not have so she wont have to use a mates! How rude......


LoL... The facts are that Sneeuw won a staff and you are a bad loser so you whine liz. She is loaning a staff atm and might soon have to give it back.. Maybe she wantet her own staff??

Admit it. You dont have a god reason ban her you just dont like loosing.. And why did you give her the staff if she already had one??( not the same staff and its a loaner).... You just made up the things you are whining about now. But if you think its fair to take something from one that actually won fair and squair then i cant stop ya..

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I once let a lowbie cleric join me when I was power leveling my infi so that she could get the last 0.3 bulbs to 30. The first thing she said when she joined was 'Thanks. btw, I'm a girl.' :eek7:

Why on earth would I give a shit? I think some 'women' in this game are trying to use their gender to their advantage. Wish I could do that. :(


Look everyone had a nice raid, it went quite fast even if the lotto didn't, and you got your staff so be happy, theres no need to give lizia a hard time about it, she wont be doing another public raid anyway so its not like you lost anything, you got a drop which is more then alot of people did so be happy and smile :)


Originally posted by medowind
gender is sooooooooooo last year


Originally posted by Capt. Sissyfoo
I once let a lowbie cleric join me when I was power leveling my infi so that she could get the last 0.3 bulbs to 30. The first thing she said when she joined was 'Thanks. btw, I'm a girl.'Why on earth would I give a shit? I think some 'women' in this game are trying to use their gender to their advantage.


wot r u peeps on about?

the way i read the thread it's an argument over an item not gender:confused: silly boys.. get a grip :p

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Its called thread hijacking! :D

This thread is pointless now anyway as Lizia has made it clear she wasn't going to reply to anymore flames. :p


Originally posted by Aussie-
who cares if he already had it?

he participated and rolled highest?
Originally posted by snowpantherke
aussie ; i am a She
Originally posted by medowind
gender is sooooooooooo last year
On top of this there was the ongoing crap about Tilda being female or not. He is male BTW.


Originally posted by Capt. Sissyfoo
Its called thread hijacking! :D

This thread is pointless now anyway as Lizia has made it clear she wasn't going to reply to anymore flames. :p
Hell yeah! :D


Nice raid, all good, except that sneeu got banned ... cant see any reason except that lizia is mad because she didnt win


Well this was my first Sidi raid, and I think Lizia and Kagato did one hell of a job keeping everyone organized. I bet it wasnt easy either. But I had a fun time and plan to be joining these raids more often.

Good job.


Sparmer, you ain't getting anywhere near my bane ;)

I thought people did really well and at the lotto it was a real shame some people thought that yelling and demanding and insulting was the way to resolve things - not Sneeu btw :) , and yet Lizia and Kagato just got on with things as well and as politley as they could. A couple of items the lottos got a bit confused over: the cabi robe, the ld paly who rolled on merc boots and the staff that Lizia won then she announced Sneeu as the winner in CG. I think it must be pretty galling to organise a raid roll for the item you want win it and hten lose it cos of a delayed roll. Despite this Lizia was a gracious loser in CG and doesnt really deserve the flame she has got here.

Salute firstly to anyone who can go to the effort of organising one of these things and secondly to someone who can handle the mayhem, and occasional rudeness of a lotto afterwards.

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