Banned Goldfarmer


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
I love the way people complain about others putting items on the AH 'for stupid amounts of money'. It's an on-line game and has it's own economy, if the items weren't being sold then the price would go down. The reason the item is selling for more money than you think right (remember there is no guidebook stating an 'official price' for items) is because of the seeming rarity and chance of acuiring the said item. Say for example Arcane Crystals prices on the AH were halfed there would never be any on the AH because everybody would be buying them, then you would be complaining about all the items being to 'rare' and hard to come by. I believe (personal opinion alert) that overprice items are perfectly fine, if you want a specific item you can a) go farm some cash and buy it or b) wait for the price to come down (then again it may never if others see the price as resonable).

One of the things i love most about WoW is the economy and the AH, at level 49 i had 250g purely from playing on the AH.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
The point i was making (which was a reference to the OP) was, that people buying gold online can make a change to the economy by and i'll quote my e.g. people trying to sell stuff on the AH for grossly inflated prices AND the people who have bought gold paying those prices because they can afford to.

Yes i agree with you Garaen things do go down in price because they don't get sold the first, second or third time around e.g. the Staff of Jordan was on the AH this week originally put up at 100g, what a joke its a lvl 35-37 item.... woooo its purple, ok its a nice staff but aint worth 100g the seller finally sold it for around 50g.. so really its just people being greedy.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
An item is worth only what another person is willing to pay for it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
to be fair though, anyone who breaks into a house at night and stabs the home owner because he got scammed in a game has a screw loose.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Vesuvius said:
to be fair though, anyone who breaks into a house at night and stabs the home owner because he got scammed in a game has a screw loose.

But, but, was a really nice sword... :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Escape said:
What if Blizzard are taking such a hardcore stance on farming, they start banning on minimal evidence. They've banned thousands already for various offences. Banning accounts gives them good press, so they ban some more and flaunt their 'zero tolerance' policy, which the playerbase loves! And Blizzard appease the masses by making more bans!

Does it become a witch hunt? Anyone saying 'stfu' is an offender, possible gold farmers are promptly investigated and banned.

It's not like Blizzard are using professional investigators, they probably have a team who look for common trends. Innocents could be caught in the net and banned with the rest.

You've got a point but then you bring yourself to the decision of whether you trust Blizzard or not. If you dont its up to you whether you want to continue playing or not, if you do then trust that they do more then your assumptions and have more info to hand then your assuming. Nothing we can do about it really.


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
old.Tohtori said:
Actually i think you mean koreans. Chinese ain't as much into massives+games as koreans.

Might mean chinese ofcourse, but then your just wrong :p
Once had some guy come up to me and say "china!". He was 3 levels lower, now he's 4 higher the next day. Never seen him offline. Has all green items and doesn't do fuckall damage, most likely because he sold all rare/epic items on eBay? :p

Doesn't show he's a gold farmer, I know.. But definatly on 24/7

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