Banned Goldfarmer


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Wyleia said:
If the person was a gold farmer, i dont think they would take 1g to go away... ..

Hmmm, if I had 1g for every time someone told me to go away........ *thoughtful*


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
In my opinion, goldfarming to sell on ebay is bad.

Selling anything game related in any form outside the game ruins the economy.

But there's nothing to proove that googirl wasn't anything else then a goodgirl.

YOU asked "how many euro you gonna ask for it". Only reason there's anything even related to ebayfarming there. Simple.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Without having any racial motives; chinese are well known money farmers in shitloads of mmorpgs, and none of them are particularily good in english. This sure as hell looks like a classic one, even the name sounds familiar.

In for example lineage2 there was a massive network of chinese farmers, they all had funky names like Lovegirl001 Lovegirl002 LoveLove42134 etc etc, and they ruined the game.

You did the right thing reporting imo.

The sad part is, though, these chinese folks have this as their real job... if you report them, they starve.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Actually i think you mean koreans. Chinese ain't as much into massives+games as koreans.

Might mean chinese ofcourse, but then your just wrong :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 12, 2004
Things that are worth 10g already sell for 100g, don't think that's related with selling money on ebay :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Meduza said:
Thats the only reason I can accept of why its not "allowed" to sell gold for IRL cash. Good point, even tho I dont agree with it.
What other reason is there?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
hey brynn.. while ur at it. go to and search for the ritchest avatars in the game and report them to. ive seen ppl there with well over 10k gold. i mean, we cant have that now can we?

:eek: :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
old.Tohtori said:
Actually i think you mean koreans. Chinese ain't as much into massives+games as koreans.

Might mean chinese ofcourse, but then your just wrong :p
Koreans play for fun, chinese get paid to farm, there's a difference. :p


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Ormorof said:
the problem is company's doing gold farming, a company was shut down not long ago in mexico for gold farming for DAoC... they had mexican "peasants" working 12 hour shifts farming gold which they then sold online paying them bottom rate wages.... and im sure now that china is opening up and cheap labour becomes available these people will move in there too, so next time you think about buying your gold online think of the reasons people buy fair trade coffee and stuff! ;)

do u think the same while buying those kickass adidas shoes uve been looking at? or when u buy that sweet looking t-shirt? or those jeans that just came out? besides. NOT buying stuff just because those that made them might get crappy payment just makes it worse for THOSE ppl. coz sooner or later they get fired and dont have a job at ALL! yes it sux, but those workers may or may not have any other option. perhaps those jobs are the only jobs they can get . yes i know its abit diffrent but not by much. as those "workers" will still get fired and stand TOTALLY without a income insted of the very very very crappy income they acually DID manage to get while working for someone like that.

Robin the Brave

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
So thats why Goodgirl hasnt been camping the legash demons in azshara recently, shame on you for possibly being involved with banning a rogue which isnt HK horny :p

Think i remember her farming in azshara since she was lvl 50 or so and its not a bot as she using emotes whenever i ride past ;)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
i still dont see how that screenshot can be used as proof that its a gold farmer :p

to me it just suggests someone with bad english farming for gold >.<

and theres a lot of people who have pretty bad english playing on the english servers


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
old.Tohtori said:
Actually i think you mean koreans. Chinese ain't as much into massives+games as koreans.

Might mean chinese ofcourse, but then your just wrong :p

Or you're just wrong.

"Tremendous Turnout for World of Warcraft Pre-orders in China! - Sun on 4/11/05
The World of Warcraft all-access open beta test, set to begin on April 29, was announced in China earlier today. The game is scheduled for release in China later this year. On April 10th, fans in select cities had the chance to purchase copies of the game in advance. Thousands of people waited in line for this opportunity, and most locations sold out within a few hours. Check out pictures of the events here!"

Chinese are very into gaming. Some for money, some for fun. And there are a hell of alot more Chinese than Koreans.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
btw I doubt we'll see much farmers in WoW
between bop and how little importantance there is in money and Blizzards stance, it's not worth it for them when there is idiots still playing L2 willing to pay them :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Ormorof said:
the problem is company's doing gold farming, a company was shut down not long ago in mexico for gold farming for DAoC... they had mexican "peasants" working 12 hour shifts farming gold which they then sold online paying them bottom rate wages.... and im sure now that china is opening up and cheap labour becomes available these people will move in there too, so next time you think about buying your gold online think of the reasons people buy fair trade coffee and stuff! ;)

Classic :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Jayce said:
The point i got from this was that he reported the person because he thought they might have been a gold farmer. Leaving it up to Blizzard to decide and ban if they are, and not if their not. Proof or not, you can make up an argument for nearly anything but its not Brynn's decision its Blizzards, all he did was point them at a potential, in his opinion, gold farmer.

The decision is Blizzards regardless of what we think.

What if Blizzard are taking such a hardcore stance on farming, they start banning on minimal evidence. They've banned thousands already for various offences. Banning accounts gives them good press, so they ban some more and flaunt their 'zero tolerance' policy, which the playerbase loves! And Blizzard appease the masses by making more bans!

Does it become a witch hunt? Anyone saying 'stfu' is an offender, possible gold farmers are promptly investigated and banned.

It's not like Blizzard are using professional investigators, they probably have a team who look for common trends. Innocents could be caught in the net and banned with the rest.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Escape said:
It's not like Blizzard are using professional investigators, they probably have a team who look for common trends.

1000 chimps with 1000 typewriters springs to mind :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Meduza said:
I rly cba'ed... Im work a lot of hours every day, and just wanna have fun when I play. And to me its more fun having the best gear and kill sligthly higher lvl mobs than having crap gear, go farm, and then buy good gear in order to be able to kill slighty higher lvl mobs.
Yes, that's how most teenagers who can't wait think. Also that is the reason why cheaters/goldfarmers ruin games.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 30, 2003
Jaapi said:
Yes, that's how most teenagers who can't wait think. Also that is the reason why cheaters/goldfarmers ruin games.
U calling me a teenager??

YESSS!!!! :D Time to go :cheers: with teh buddies and do a little :sex: and maybe some :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Meduza said:
U calling me a teenager??
No, but since you seem to be missing the required reading comprehension, it might be safer to let you assume so.

However will give it a try.

The thinking "I want everything now and don't want to do anything for it" is common for teenagers and what i was saying is that you seem to share a way of thinking with them which is immature.
Of course not all teenagers fall to this category, just like obviously some adults do.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 30, 2003
Jaapi said:
No, but since you seem to be missing the required reading comprehension, it might be safer to let you assume so.

However will give it a try.

The thinking "I want everything now and don't want to do anything for it" is common for teenagers and what i was saying is that you seem to share a way of thinking with them which is immature.
Of course not all teenagers fall to this category, just like obviously some adults do.
Why is "I want everything now and don't want to do anything for it" immature in a game? U need the skill to distinquish between in game-behaviour and real life-behaviour. Simple as that. But maybe u arent old enuf to see the difference... What do I know?!

To me its plain lazyness... And I have no problems with that in a game.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
old.Tohtori said:
Selling anything game related in any form outside the game ruins the economy.

yes in the very very short run it does ruin the economy. but just look at DAoC. ppl pay tons and tons of plat for anything they feel is "uber"

THAT is a ruined economy to in my oppinion. when a RoG drop gets sold for 2 plat, i take that as a ruined economy. (with greedy ppl ofc) but its greedy ppl thats ruining the economy in the first place by charging insane ammounts of gold for what they feel is "uber" items... THOSE are the ppl to blame in my book.

but the thing is. if ppl have the cash to buy that uber kickass overpowered 1 handed sword they been looking at for the passed 2 months. they WILL buy it no matter what the price is. and if they pay 2000% more then its acually worth, its ruining the economy. coz that will make more ppl sell it for a simmilar price just because "that other dude could" and then it doesent really matter where the hell the cash comes from. be it Ebay or by ingame farming.

blame the greey sellers imo.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
its blizzards fault

for example, arcane crystals are needed for too many things, transmutes are also too slow

for a crafted high end axe you need to pay like 1000g total unless you get the items yourself


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Meduza said:
Why is "I want everything now and don't want to do anything for it" immature in a game? U need the skill to distinquish between in game-behaviour and real life-behaviour. Simple as that. But maybe u arent old enuf to see the difference... What do I know?!

To me its plain lazyness... And I have no problems with that in a game.
That's all true, in single player games. Things change in multiplayer games where your actions affect other people as well.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Asha said:
Chinese are very into gaming. Some for money, some for fun. And there are a hell of alot more Chinese than Koreans.

Yes there are, but the percentage of players in korea is a lot higher. Also the korean goverment is the only one that has demanded that everyone has a broadband connection.

That's what i meant, it's quite common knowledge that the most HC players come from korea.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
old.Tohtori said:
Yes there are, but the percentage of players in korea is a lot higher. Also the korean goverment is the only one that has demanded that everyone has a broadband connection.

That's what i meant, it's quite common knowledge that the most HC players come from korea.

It might be common but it's not entirely true. In the past 5 years chinese internet presence has grown incredibly.

approx 94m chinese online now
That is double the POPULATION of S. Korea.
approx 31m koreans online now

And I know the Koreans take online games very seriously but it's the Chinese who target the west for profiting off mmorgs more.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
nothing, its the farming to sell it for rl dosh thats wrong.. apparently.

i'm with meduza on this one..

anyway, old thread i think


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
Vesuvius said:
nothing, its the farming to sell it for rl dosh thats wrong.. apparently.

i'm with meduza on this one..

*waits for your ban from Blizz for 'buying gold'* and anyone else who does it, we have enough tits selling/ trying to sell stuff on the AH for rediculous amounts of cash without ppl like you / meduza buying gold and pushing prices up by paying the inflated amounts. :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
when did i say i'd bought gold?

i've never bought gold.

i dont have the money to do that, i'm a student atm. student loan doesnt exactly permit buying in-game goodies. doesnt even permit my subs anymore.

even if i did have the money i wouldnt buy stuff for games.. i've got better things to do with my money.
But i dont really care what other people do with their time/money.
if someone wants to spend £30 on gold someone else farmed thats their Prerogative (imo, and remember we're all allowed an opinion).

anyway, this is an old thread, the arguements over - i was just answering a question.

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