Bad America....


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Bill Gates gives more to charity than any government ever has.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Xeanor said:
Bill Gates gives more to charity than any government ever has.

Considering how he earns that money he should give 90% to charity...but thats a different story :p



Fledgling Freddie
Nov 29, 2004
Dracus said:
Considering how he earns that money he should give 90% to charity...but thats a different story :p

I bet a large percentage value of his yearly income goes to charity. He has also already stated that pretty much everything he owns will be donated to charity once he passes away...


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
GimpStrole said:
Yes I have thanks.

I think you should cancel your ISP and donate the subscription charges. That would result in two good things:
1) More money to the victims of this disaster
2) No more of your stupid threads on FH


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
while UN nations discussed what to do to help, the US already had several ppl on place with food and water and soldiers helping out.
fuck USA usually, but here they are doing a good job, regardless of political reasons for doing so.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Jeimas said:
Heh, well imo I think norwegians have been pretty good at giving.
People, companies and labor unions have given about 342 million NOK, that's about 74 mill NOK a person.
The gvmnt have given 100 million NOK, and are planning on giving another 1 billion NOK. That's another 240 mill a person, that's about 314 mill NOK a person or abit over $50 million a person total...
The only uncertain here is if the last billion from the gvmt will go through in the parliment, and even if it doesn't, that's still $15 million a person so far...

that's alot of money per head for sure, first 100mill was tax money wasnt it?
the other main part, 1 billion or whatever it was, is oil money... they are the main reason norway is a rich country so we just gave a big part of the norwegian heritage and will probably suffer from it somewhere in time.


Dec 22, 2003
Well for one, Americas Economy is still recovering from a slump..whilst Britains Economy is doing very well. This will probably affect how much "aid" they give...I know if my job was still uncertain I would not give as much in aid.

I would give what I can spare, and if my economy was just comming out of a slump I would be giving less than people in a country where there enconomy is thriving and unemployment is at an all time low.

But I guess your too busy "Bush Bashing (tm)" To care about little facts like that.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 12, 2004
Fafnir said:
Saw an interview with Colin Powel when he announced what help US would send to the area all sounded good until he had to go into specifics of what kind of people they where helping. Muslims and Christians, dont think this has anything thing to do with the people needing help. They are HUMANS not some sort of religion. Think this is one of US biggest problems they always have to see it as we and them.

America sends soldiers where other countries send Doctors And Voluntiers thats says all. I'm sure they gona claim the land for them self later too.
The problem is that America is controled by jews, thus they are indignant to help people from other religions. We all see what they do to Palastines. David against Goliat, but Goliat is Isral this time, not the other way around like the original story, i hope it will end the same way as the original though.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Vermillon said:
The problem is that America is controled by jews, thus they are indignant to help people from other religions. We all see what they do to Palastines.

Grats, you just won the "Idiot of 2005 Award"


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Sorry, I am not a jew. But I spot the nazi when I see you.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Vermillon said:
wooohoooo!! :clap: :clap:

spot the jew ahahahaah!!!

im sorry but why laugh if someone is jewish?? i dont get it

p.s. lets not start going into racism etc pls...leave that sorta thing out of this thread and outta this community.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
Vermillon said:
The problem is that America is controled by jews, thus they are indignant to help people from other religions.

Although badly worded, I comprehend your intended statement, and agree. I don't think it would be any better or worse, however, if another religious group were particularly dominant in the financial sector. Although we realise that we should all be tolerant towards one another, we are haunted by the factionalism of the past.

It is not yet a time for peace, and so in order to be "better humans", we must just put these prejudices out of our minds and work on the small things in life. The larger things are controlled by corporations (include governments), and are completely out of our grasp.

Read "Nineteen Eighty-Four", it's like Nostradamus but far more accurate.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 10, 2004
Annoys me alot how governments spare so much on wars and doing things like this, but when it comes to their own countries internal issues, biggest in UK prolly being transport, theres never enough money to do anything about it. Not that I'm against this cause.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Vermillon said:
America sends soldiers where other countries send Doctors And Voluntiers thats says all. I'm sure they gona claim the land for them self later too.
The problem is that America is controled by jews, thus they are indignant to help people from other religions. We all see what they do to Palastines. David against Goliat, but Goliat is Isral this time, not the other way around like the original story, i hope it will end the same way as the original though.


that made me laugh so much :)

i mean, jews are indignant to help people from other religions, buth christians are SOOOOOOOO friendly right? :D

i mean, a CHRISTIAN only massacred hundres of thousands of jews.... CHRISTIANS have been persecuting jews for...well to be honest since christianity came about, so dont go preaching about jews being indignant ;)

anyway this isnt about jews, or racism, or history, its about silly people america bashing when you could be spending your time raising funds to help.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
I've seen some ignorant shit on these forums in the past, but Vermillon actually scares me with his stupidity.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Belomar said:
I've seen some ignorant shit on these forums in the past, but Vermillon actually scares me with his stupidity.

i agree, but then again i've said alot of stupid shit in one thread myself over @ excal boards regarding russians & Black Company hehe.
Vermillion is prolly just blowing off steam ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 5, 2004
DaggerElivager said:
.........................................p.s. lets not start going into racism etc pls...leave that sorta thing out of this thread and outta this community.

Agreed, we are all friends here (I think) :twak:

Disorderly And Drunk

Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
Excellent! After reading this thread i have gone through a swift process of dumbening.. DUH WAIT A SEC LOLOL!1 THAT'S NOT A WORD hurhur

Some people are so ignorant really. I'm looking at you Vermillion :eek7:

Disorderly And Drunk

Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
Xeanor said:
A Greek Nazi.

That makes sense, really.

Fascist then. But when Otho said nazi i'm sure he meant somone that has adopted the views of the Nazi party, but was err obviously not a member. No need to be so pedantic


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
and to think that the people posting vitriolic rubbish in this thread can (or will be able to when they are old enough) vote..... it scares me, it really does


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
GimpStrole said:
Following the Tsunami, which has caused mass devastation in parts of Asia, it appears to me that America are doing a terrible job in helping. Brits have raised over 76m which is expected to rise to over 100m. As for America....well... their pledge was 50m (not sure what it is now). I personally find it disgusting, not many realise how little that is compared to the amount they spend on aircraft or tanks. America are about to scrap the Eurofighter for a new plane, can't remember the name which appeared in a newspaper the other day. However these planes will cost just over 90m each to produce, and America are looking to buy 277 of these.

See my point?

I definately will not be donating any money towards North America if it gets hit by the tidal wave caused by a massive landslide in the Canary islands.,,31500-1147047,00.html

QQ finished, maybe I'll write to Bush himself next :kissit:
can i ask how many brits ther eare?
only 16 mill dutch even got more money then you did.. way more money!
and america atm is helping allot, it are their choppers + plains flying atm.. not ours or yours im afraid.


Fledgling Freddie
May 15, 2004
roses are reddish
violets are bluish
if it werent forchristmas
you fcks would all be jewish....

The US has a -long term- donation plan of several billion, throwing a shitload of cash at the problem wont help, it`ll fritter awayand not, you know, actually get help where its needed. Money now is good, Money continuing to come in over the next 2-3 years will be of even greater help.

Why has the US sent the army, actually, they sent the marines, Uncle Sams Misguided Children (USMC, the marine corp), in several taskforce strength fleets. It costs money to put them there and keep them there, roughly $6million -per day-, not a great amount in the multibillion defence budget, but its still expenditure. THose taskforces, included 25 water treatment barges, that can output 20,000 gallons of FRESH CLEAN SAFE drinking water every day. The Marines on the ground are doing humanitarian work, digging graves, rescuing those trapped, trying to set up food/water distribution centres, medical aid and much much more.

bit rich of you to sit behind yourscreen and whine about how the yanks arent doing much, pot meet kettle and all that.

throw in the fact the US is heavily commited in Afghanistan, Iraq as well as other areas, that they can and ARE responding is laudible, not something for critique.

Ps, Im a Brit, theres a lot of people lining up to take a pop at Bush, but in THIS instance, theyre doing the right thing, so I`ll cut the chimp some slack.

Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Sarumancer said:
throw in the fact the US is heavily commited in Afghanistan, Iraq as well as other areas, that they can and ARE responding is laudible, not something for critique..

Im a bit confussed. By Heavily commited you mean uhm waging war right?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Dimse Dut said:
Im a bit confussed. By Heavily commited you mean uhm waging war right?

why do you just pick out 1 wrong statement andignore all the good facts?? people are just so narrowminded and intend of America bashing that they dont see wot else America is doing / done. Its quit sad

Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
DaggerElivager said:
why do you just pick out 1 wrong statement andignore all the good facts?? people are just so narrowminded and intend of America bashing that they dont see wot else America is doing / done. Its quit sad

Frankly the truth consists of both good and bad facts. So if the bad facts upset you then stay away from the truth because its not always rosey with the ending of a Disney movie where the bad guys lost.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Dimse Dut said:
Frankly the truth consists of both good and bad facts. So if the bad facts upset you then stay away from the truth because its not always rosey with the ending of a Disney movie where the bad guys lost.

yes it consists of both good and bad points but you didnt say any good points. you purely attacked the 1 bad point in a mixture of positive points and efforts that the US is doing.

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