attention savages RvR thoughts



What people don't seem to realise is that a Hand to hand savage isen't a zerker and that they don't depend on up front damage like a zerker does. A two handed savage on the other hand is upfront damage only.

Savages rely on their self buffs and reactonary styles, maybe you won't see a savage do mad dmg with Wild Call unless you get a quad hit, but when you get an evade you can do some pretty sweet damage.

I see some people making alot of coments about how bad Hand to hand is before level 40, all i can say is wait until you have your Hand to hand spec at atleast 44, thats when it starts to get really good. I've had some duels with level 50 savages, sometimes i don't even break a swet, but if they evade me and respond with the evade chain i might as well sit down and make it less painful for myself.

Almost every hand to hand savage playing knows that they don't have a good anytime style, and most also know that it would be to good if they had it. As they already have some real nice resist buffs (yes, they cost health but i know alot of people that would gladly give up 9% hp (is it?) to have 21% more melee resist or to hit much faster or evade more)
They can also get triple and quad hits, they are the only class in the game that can and when they do they can drop almost anything as fast as a caster. If they also added a good anytime style so these deffensive and offensive tanks could be as offensive as a zerker it would last about 20 seconds, then Right Now would be bombarded with complains and they would take it away again.

This post is already far to long, i'm sorry.



im more suprised by the heal on that screenshot than the dmg really :p


Well I have NEVER EVER been taken down as quick as that in a balanced fight, and I have had plenty of zerkers snapping away at my ankles.


what use are screenshots anyhow

i can post numerous screenshots where zerks do absolute bugger damage , and where they do the "omg" damage sorusi likes to boast with

the exception doesn't make the rule


Originally posted by Kedaran_Mid

Savages rely on their self buffs and reactonary styles, maybe you won't see a savage do mad dmg with Wild Call unless you get a quad hit, but when you get an evade you can do some pretty sweet damage.

This post is already far to long, i'm sorry.


well call me a Dick head but i doubt many casters or support classes will be hitting me so i wont get many evades in there i think...

and no your post was excellent perfect length and true.


what use are screenshots anyhow

i can post numerous screenshots where zerks do absolute bugger damage , and where they do the "omg" damage sorusi likes to boast with

the exception doesn't make the rule

Aye but the screenshot proves savage miss loads like you said *cough*

Well I have NEVER EVER been taken down as quick as that in a balanced fight, and I have had plenty of zerkers snapping away at my ankles.

I think that was the point -nicolas- was trying to show with the screenshot and your prolly right it doesnt so I guess thats why he said the statment above ;).


Originally posted by mid_Efour
well call me a Dick head but i doubt many casters or support classes will be hitting me so i wont get many evades in there i think...

and no your post was excellent perfect length and true.

Your right but I was thinking mostly of hybrids more then healers/casters guess I forgot to mention that, sorry.

I don't think you will have a problem to drop casters fast anyway, was fighting a level 50 Hand to hand savage just the other day..
She had a small lead on me but I could still come out on top, then all of a sudden i die, I scrolled back and checked my log, and there it was 245, 194, 184, 152. When you get hits like that you drop anything fast. This was all without critical hits, imagen the damage one would do with Mastery of Pain level four or maybe even five.

On a side note; you can't be sure when you get a quad hit, but you already knew that, most savages with 50 base Hand to hand seem to get it atleast one or two times per fight and that is pretty nice if you ask me.

Thanks for the comment on my last post.



here`s a little tip for all you h2h savages with 50 base + 11. your chance to quad hit is ~10% if you by Duelists Reflex`s 3 that chance increases to ~16% and your chance to doulbe hit increases by ~15%.

Duelists Reflex`s > MoPain for a savage.


Hello again its been a while now and theres plenty more savages out there.... mines 47 now been working on my runie too and a bit of crafting............

anyway, Hows the RvR with these chaps now? any RR5 savages yet? H2H still poor? still getting blocked/parryed 90% of the time? I know i am :)

what kind of RAs you going for passives, duelist reflexes? M.of Pain?
what procs on the weapons? 2x DoTs?
whats best Thrust or Slash assuming you cant afford 2 sets :p
heavy bladed moon claws? kinda nice..
I still cant beat thanes in duels their self buffs hurt..
savage epic armour any good? any bits worth keeping??


anyway, Hows the RvR with these chaps now?
any RR5 savages yet?
H2H still poor?
In what respect? Not uber damage every swing? Roll a zerker or 2h savage then
still getting blocked/parryed 90% of the time? I know i am :)
How unfortunate, you know those spec points? Try using them to train something ;)

what kind of RAs you going for passives, duelist reflexes? M.of Pain?
I've got:
AoM 2
Mastery of Pain 2
Aug Dex 2
Duelists Reflexes 2
Longwind 1
Toughness 2
Aug Con 1
4 Points spare
what procs on the weapons? 2x DoTs?
Personally I have DoT and Spirit DD
whats best Thrust or Slash assuming you cant afford 2 sets :p
heavy bladed moon claws? kinda nice..
I still cant beat thanes in duels their self buffs hurt..
Depends if they manage to slam you (and 2h you twice) or not, although even if they do it's still very possible to win (in fact it's quite difficult to lose)
savage epic armour any good? any bits worth keeping??
Hmm no idea, not even done the quest, fully SC'd, everything capped bar missing 5 parry


"anyway, Hows the RvR with these chaps now?"

Still way more fun than any other char I've tried in BGs and/or real RvR.

"any RR5 savages yet?"

Dunno, about to hit RR4 meself so I guess there are a couple already, byt herald is buggy, so...

"H2H still poor?"

Since when has HtH been poor? I loved it since I trained it and I still love it.

"still getting blocked/parryed 90% of the time? I know i am"

Nope, in the very rare 1on1s I get blocked/parried around 25% maximum, which ain't exactly much (Do a 1on1 with any class against a shield tank, all will be parried/blocked lots, unless it isn't an even fight).

In PvE there seems to be more misses/parries/blocks, but who cares about PvE anyways?

"what kind of RAs you going for passives, duelist reflexes? M.of Pain?"

MoPain 2 meself, toughness 2 as well (I r kobold), aug str, dex, quick, Purge (Eventho it costs a fortune).

When they fix us the first I will do is get IP, Purge and at least Determination 3.

"what procs on the weapons? 2x DoTs?"

2x DoT's here, loving it so far.

"whats best Thrust or Slash assuming you cant afford 2 sets :p
heavy bladed moon claws? kinda nice.."

I don't like greaves, so I stick with claws, generally I would say slash > thrust anyways...

"I still cant beat thanes in duels their self buffs hurt.."

Thanes can be tough in a duel, generally I have no problem killing them tho.

"savage epic armour any good? any bits worth keeping??"

Same as berserker pretty much, so I would say no. Go for a 4-5pt OCed 99%, with the 1.59 bracers and 1.60 ring you can easily peak stats, resists, hp and parry + HtH. If you build towards getting your beaded resisting stone in 1.61 it will be even easier, but it's a while till we see 1.61...


Hows the RvR with these chaps now?

Most fun I had with any class but I played a caster so anything would prolly be fun
any RR5 savages yet?

Lots on US servers even rr7 savage on merlin iirc, none on prydwen
H2H still poor?

H2H was never poor /shrug me and another savage on a TG raid got every uber drop to our grp by out damaging every tank there and never died once.
still getting blocked/parryed 90% of the time? I know i am

Only paladins seems to block me lots no other class does but im guessing when paladin do it they are using engage and end regen chant/heal twisting.

Prolly because your not level 50 :)
what kind of RAs you going for passives, duelist reflexes? M.of Pain?

MoP(ain) 2 /DR 2 /toughness 2 /aug dex /2 AoM(agic) 2
what procs on the weapons? 2x DoTs?

Main hand Dot /offhand DD
whats best Thrust or Slash assuming you cant afford 2 sets :p
heavy bladed moon claws? kinda nice..

Slash > Thrust
I still cant beat thanes in duels their self buffs hurt..

I dueled a thane owned him silly 1st time lost the 2nd,

RvR > Duels
savage epic armour any good? any bits worth keeping??

Dont have it.

Get SC suit even 99%qua (5pt O/C) with some quest items and DF ones can cap everything but couple resist and just ignore parry.


The side pos isn't too bad either :) Level 45 and loving H2H, a well-placed Kelgor's Wrath rocks :)

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