Atlantis Tablet today


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Ooh by the way, the log would be a lot smaller if 'spell pulse' messages were taken out...dang those things get annoying :D


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Jimmyjr said:
and if i am right u owe me a AT and a apologie and...

[15:34:27] You select the treasure chest.
[15:34:27] You target [the treasure chest]
[15:34:27] @@The Guardian of Atlantis says, "I believe that you will be leaving here empty-handed. You shall not have the tablet while I still live!"
[15:34:28] The Guardian of Atlantis's armor becomes too cold to touch.
[15:34:28] The Guardian of Atlantis attacks the abomination and hits!
[15:34:28] The Guardian of Atlantis attacks the abomination and hits!
[15:34:29] You target [the Guardian of Atlantis]

that shows me opening chests + the gaurdian hitting me, if your paladin got taunt of on it during that 1 second which isn't likely it would not have attacked my abom.

Please PLEASE read what I've now said 3 times.

The encounter is made up so that it will hit anyone in the area. Even if for example a scout shot it and a therg stood in between the scout and the mob, the mob would hit the therg on its way through as it's made much like your bob is when set on aggressive.

Also beleive me, there was no foul play involved and nothing intentional was done anyways and yes, the AT would be returned if you're found to be correct. As for the apology, sure, as soon as you apologise for being abusive to the person you messaged and really.....I haven't been abusive to you so whats with all the aggressive commenting? :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Kir, who did i pm and be abusive to, i have not pm'd anyone from your guild and called them, i think that was my friend bloodyhave... only person i spoke to was telamon, good person tbh ;p


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Jimmyjr said:
Kir, who did i pm and be abusive to, i have not pm'd anyone from your guild and called them, i think that was my friend bloodyhave... only person i spoke to was telamon, good person tbh ;p

Sorry then, must've been bloodyhave...all I saw in chat was him saying 'now hes saying xxx', presumed it was you as didn't know you were there with others (thought they were your bots) ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
kirennia said:
Sorry then, must've been bloodyhave...all I saw in chat was him saying 'now hes saying xxx', presumed it was you as didn't know you were there with others (thought they were your bots) ;)

nah to do AT i need 2 clerics + sorcerer + necro, will not tell u how it works tho as every necro will be doing it o0


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Jimmyjr said:
nah to do AT i need 2 clerics + sorcerer + necro, will not tell u how it works tho as every necro will be doing it o0

Givf info :)

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Danamyr said:
Givf info :)

if a necro can open the chest from shade form:

HOT to heal pet after nuke... to prevent aggro swapping to clerics ..
Damage shield to keep aggro....
assistance healing on pet from healers..
Sorc for the body nuking and crack...



Loyal Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
well, what if LoD helped this guy get his AT at say a given time ?
think problems like this can be solved in a more mature way... none has to be banned or get it discussed over here with huge whine posts trying to guess who's wrong or right... just a thought


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
LoD wasn't planning to help me, i will not ban people as there is no point in even bothering about doing that, i jsut want what is rightfully mine, mob hit me first, i got ss's + chatlog of that and if goa giv u chatlog also it wil show it hitting my abom first which wil make it mine, and then u pulled it of me while i was running to my clerics, well hopefully be sorted soon either way i will not be respecting LoD as i used to.


Loyal Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
Jimmyjr said:
LoD wasn't planning to help me, i will not ban people as there is no point in even bothering about doing that, i jsut want what is rightfully mine, mob hit me first, i got ss's + chatlog of that and if goa giv u chatlog also it wil show it hitting my abom first which wil make it mine, and then u pulled it of me while i was running to my clerics, well hopefully be sorted soon either way i will not be respecting LoD as i used to.

i know that in that particular time LoD was not helping you or planning to... i just say maybe this could be solved in a way everyone was happy... and that was LoD helping you on another time/day... but as i said... just a thought


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Well, to me this sounds like the true LoD alliance job :kissit: - but hey I weren't even there, so how should I know. Although Kirennia is nicer than his other leeching GMs!!!!!!!!!!!! :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Jimmyjr said:
i jsut want what is rightfully mine, mob hit me first, i got ss's + chatlog of that and if goa giv u chatlog also it wil show it hitting my abom first which wil make it mine, and then u pulled it of me while i was running to my clerics, well hopefully be sorted soon either way i will not be respecting LoD as i used to.
After having read the enire thread (I am bored at work):
Jimmy, please read what kirennia is writing... The fact that you got hit first does not make the drop yours, atleast not if the encounter works as Kirennia is describing it. Anyone close to the mob will be hit, even if you were not the one pulling it first. On the other hand it is also possible that you indeed pulled first, but the fact that you got hit first does not prove a thing.


Address that if you are going to keep discussing, keep ignoring it and you will be talking past eachother forever.

I have no bias here, I just get frustrated when it is so obvious that you are not reading the posts properly.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Just my opinion, but if theres any doubt about who pulled first then /random it.

No point getting GM's involved and warnings and or accounts banned over one artifact. I personally wouldn't risk getting my account banned over it, which is perhaps why I'm still missing 2 for my template.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
The matter of us giving it to him after it's all sorted has never been a point if he's found to be right and why any of my posts would give you reason to dispute the fact that we'd hand it over is beyond me. As far as I'm concerned, there is no bad blood and if there is from either side of it then why?

Just wish people would talk to a GM before going onto FH which is a waste of everyones time.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
I never meant to sound like you'd have a problem over it, but (and correct me if I'm wrong, which I am fairly often!!) IF you pulled a mob off the necro, then thats against the CoC and you can get banned. So by bringing it to the attention of a GM arn't you risking a ban? Or have I got that totally wrong.

Now before you get all angry at me, the same goes for the Necro, if he hit it after you'd pulled it, by getting a GM involved he's also risking a ban for breaking the CoC.

My point was is it worth getting a GM involved and both sides risking a ban for 1 Artifact.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
if im correct kir already stated multiple times that the mob attacks randomly. so if the puller is further away than any other, the mob might have a chance of going to its closest target.

hope i understood everything correctly


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Your right she did state that, but also from what I can make out from the post no-one knows for sure whether the necro hit it first or the pally taunted it first. So why risk it, why not just /random it at the encounter site like reasonable people and not get Gm's involved and not post threads here?

Happened to me on GoV, My group pulled we think first, wasn't sure (although I do know we were there first). After Mob dies we get the Artifact but the other group claims they'd pulled first and we where breaking CoC.

Less than 2 minutes chatting and all parties agree to GL's /randoming for it. Problem solved and it never made it here or gave the overworked GM's anything more to do.

Wouldn't Alb be a nice place if everyone behaved reasonably.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
In my rightnow report I put that if it was him simply being hit or if he'd done something wrong then it was unintentionally and as such we'd sort it in game. I also said that if we were found to be in the wrong, it wasn't done on purpose and would hand the artifact to him without arguing it.

Hope he's done the same :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
bleh, who do I email to ask if paladin taunt counts as pulling first? Im logged into rightnow and cant figure out what to do...

rezzi rezzzalot

Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2004
Lol at other leeching gms who would that be? You dont think im taking that comment seriuosly do you? Alot of albs and not only in our as can vowl for how helpful we are so dont even pretend you know us.
Really if you cant keep to the current discussion in a mature way just dont say anything :fluffle:
Being a gm of a guild that has been around since day one we care a great deal about our reputation thank you very much.
Kir brought it to Right Now cos we are honest plain and simple.
ow as far as this whole matter is concerned, i still belief the encounter starts as soon as you open a chest. We opened the first one and you rushed in to open the second, third and fourth while we were killing the first mob.
Bringing it to FH isnt very mature and this matter could have been solved in a better way.
Now if the Gm decide we were wrong you will get it back without doubt and also the solution someone else mentioned as in lod going to help you get a new At if its decided that we were wrong, has been talked about.
However if that not the case i demand an apoloy from you to our guild.
Either that or just farm our castersmains an AT each since you got such a marvellous system to farm it ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Not gonna add more to the main arguments in this thread, easier for Jimmyjr to respond if he doesn't have yet another person to answer to but...

Although Kirennia is nicer than his other leeching GMs!

Since when am I a rude leecher? oO


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
stupid post, who got in template with enough number wins
coz when 1 side opens a chest and it's wrong , the other side got better chance to get it right.
I 've seen this jimyr necro steal artifact wither fop bot infront of a lot of campers without breaking CoC, this is the time to give this dude a lesson.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
I wouldn't of brought it to here if you someone from lod responded in pm's that night only person who replied was telamon, and you opened first chest while i was killing gaurds... not much different to me opening chests while u killing gaurd also from the chest.
Feb 29, 2004
well tbh i think you need to LOOK at the logs he posted.. it clearly shows him opening the chest and the mob spawning.. thus he started the encounter, regardless of wether or not you had perivously opened another chest, the encounter doesnt start until the mob has spawned from the chest... which he clearly opened before you.. quite simple really..


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Lireihuan said:
stupid post, who got in template with enough number wins
coz when 1 side opens a chest and it's wrong , the other side got better chance to get it right.
I 've seen this jimyr necro steal artifact wither fop bot infront of a lot of campers without breaking CoC, this is the time to give this dude a lesson.

people in glass houses

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