Atlantis Tablet today


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 25, 2004
think I'll quote a friend " QQ b**ch"

When ss see the chance to screw soemone over - they take it. Dont expect anyone to treat u diffrently


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Hehe, Mezzi - since I have been in LoD I should problably know u guys. But as good a GM u might been, u problably alrdy knew that ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
Usosan said:
Less than 2 minutes chatting and all parties agree to GL's /randoming for it. Problem solved and it never made it here or gave the overworked GM's anything more to do.

couldn't agree more, if the situation is unclear for everyone than there should be rolled. this shit happens everyday area's are to big to see others etc. imo just roll if you find out someone is there.

Usosan said:
Wouldn't Alb be a nice place if everyone behaved reasonably.

totally agree again. but an impossible thought. there will always be kids or players that cant take a loss situation


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
like i have allrdy said, i would of sorted it ingame but no LoD member i pm'd answered in pm's, only Telamon replied.

And if opening chests starts encounter then that would be the same with Eramai when u give him the music box, but not its not starting encounter, the mob has to be engaged for encounter to start and i have shown in screenshots that i opened just + got mob aggro so i have engaged mob so it would be mine but was pulled of me which i beleive is against coc.

Lireihuan, plz tell me when i stole a artiact of you? only arti's i done with necro is this past week and that is AT, gov, tartaros and some other easy encounters, and if its GoV Fuzzle was the one who pulled Danos of me while in combat and tried to steal gov but died so i continued to kill danos if u wanna whine about this plz do in pm's as i pulled with guild first.

Well anyway, if LoD wanna sort it out pm me in-game tonight and will sort something out, if u gonne moan about this then should of answered pm's first when we both did AT.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
pah! let GoA decide now imo you all are going through quite some trouble figuring out the truth. let us hear it to when 1 of you knows


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Jimmyjr said:
like i have allrdy said, i would of sorted it ingame but no LoD member i pm'd answered in pm's, only Telamon replied.

Whoelse did you pm bud cause only telamon said you pm'ed him and no officer/GM was messaged in game at the time. Other then that, we heard that muylaetrix was pm'ed abuse by your friend and that was it.

I'll be in game tonight after I come back from town, cya then :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
well i pm'ed Muylaetrix saying hi who is your GM dude i need to have a word and no response, and cannot remember other guy and telamon.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
OrreBorre said:
think I'll quote a friend " QQ b**ch"

When ss see the chance to screw soemone over - they take it. Dont expect anyone to treat u diffrently

seems to me u are the one crying


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Danamyr said:
Givf info :)

You can read up on it on VN boards, it is not like he invented the wheel...
Has to do with tether also, clerics can be outside the temple healing, and mob will not aggro them (or something).
Anyway, Jimmy being a greedy mofo camping all arti's and selling them at high prices on his CM... Typical Alb destroying Albion from the inside.
Regards, Glottis :puke:


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Glottis said:
You can read up on it on VN boards, it is not like he invented the wheel...
Has to do with tether also, clerics can be outside the temple healing, and mob will not aggro them (or something).
Anyway, Jimmy being a greedy mofo camping all arti's and selling them at high prices on his CM... Typical Alb destroying Albion from the inside.
Regards, Glottis :puke:

lol Glottis, shows how much u know. Jim spent a whole week farming artifacts solo and giving them to guildies, so why dont you go out and get laid or drunk, or seein as though u are dutch (i think) go and get stoned, do sommat anyway, your whines are gettin boring now, u need to cheer up u miserable get, or failing that, u, sigurd and eleywth could have a manage a trois, god can u imagine them 3 in a room. Would be a competion about who could whine the most.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Marc if i were you i wouldn't even say those things to Glottis with the kind of avatar you have
Shows pure irony



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Glottis said:
You can read up on it on VN boards, it is not like he invented the wheel...
Has to do with tether also, clerics can be outside the temple healing, and mob will not aggro them (or something).
Anyway, Jimmy being a greedy mofo camping all arti's and selling them at high prices on his CM... Typical Alb destroying Albion from the inside.
Regards, Glottis :puke:

For 1 thing, i have only sold 1 artifact to gain the items i needed out of around 15 artifacts i have gained, rest i have given away, i have even given artifacts to people i don't even know, just didn't need them as now i have my Reaver sc'ed/toa'd, might start on my cabby... not to sure, and you must be one of them Jealous albs who cannot do this yourself, if u could i know u would and i know u wouldn't give them away for free to people, you would just sell them at rediculous prices.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Aadia said:
Marc if i were you i wouldn't even say those things to Glottis with the kind of avatar you have
Shows pure irony


i fail to see what your point is


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Marc loves them sort of things tho, he can never do it himself ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Jim greedy? most retarded thing ive ever seen you say Glottis.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Glottis you roleplay a retard like no-one else.

I speak to both jimmy and Kirennia quite often, both are extremely nice people and i know for a fact jimmy isn't greedy for those who want to jump on Glotards bandwagon. He is extremely generous with anything he gets, and usually puts his friends before himself. Hope this issue gets sorted as both are very nice people :)


rezzi rezzzalot

Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2004
Good thing you missed the point Aad made than Marc cos the rest obviously doesnt and oo you do seem to know how to describe a stereotypical image of the dutch, left the wooden shoes and tulips out liddul one :kissit:


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
rezzi rezzzalot said:
Good thing you missed the point Aad made than Marc cos the rest obviously doesnt and oo you do seem to know how to describe a stereotypical image of the dutch, left the wooden shoes and tulips out liddul one :kissit:

sooo.....just because i have piss taking avatar unlike all the fckin geeks on here who have some sort of Anime or DAoC avatar it means i need to get a life?

riiiiiight ok.

Glottis does need to get a life, 99% of people on these forums will tell you the same thing. Hes boring and repetitive. For instance, hes still whining with the same whine he used nyon 3 years ago. See my point?

So rezzi..



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Edaemos said:
Glottis you roleplay a retard like no-one else.

I speak to both jimmy and Kirennia quite often, both are extremely nice people and i know for a fact jimmy isn't greedy for those who want to jump on Glotards bandwagon. He is extremely generous with anything he gets, and usually puts his friends before himself. Hope this issue gets sorted as both are very nice people :)


So I read a post about Jimmy farming some artifact all week long, and then I read a post where he is allmost soloing AT, and I draw conclusions from that.
It is only in this thread people have said that he was farming them for his guildmembers, in another thread people where saying he was selling them to complete his own set-up...
Anyway, if what you claim is true, nice work.
If what the other poster says is true, suckie work.
So kindly take your comments, and stick it where the sun does not shine.
Regards, Glottis


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
Marc said:
or seein as though u are dutch (i think) go and get stoned.

wtf are you on about! its fucking discimination you know! assuming all dutch ppl smoke spliffs


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Glottis said:
So I read a post about Jimmy farming some artifact all week long, and then I read a post where he is allmost soloing AT, and I draw conclusions from that.
It is only in this thread people have said that he was farming them for his guildmembers, in another thread people where saying he was selling them to complete his own set-up...
Anyway, if what you claim is true, nice work.
If what the other poster says is true, suckie work.
So kindly take your comments, and stick it where the sun does not shine.
Regards, Glottis

Actually Jimmy did danos and som, i know it wasnt everyday but he did do them, both he used for his characters, and doing AT as a necro is simple, he needed the AT for his caster.

Ive yet to see anyone in game whine about jimmy being greedy, its like saying your not a retard glottis, it just doesnt happen. Stick to bitching on the rvr forums about see hidden or mids using radar, your much better at that.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Glottis said:
So I read a post about Jimmy farming some artifact all week long, and then I read a post where he is allmost soloing AT, and I draw conclusions from that.
It is only in this thread people have said that he was farming them for his guildmembers, in another thread people where saying he was selling them to complete his own set-up...
Anyway, if what you claim is true, nice work.
If what the other poster says is true, suckie work.
So kindly take your comments, and stick it where the sun does not shine.
Regards, Glottis

Well i did say i did them past week etc, but why would i need to explain myself what i do with the artifacts i get, i don't know you, don't wanna know you if you just gonna jump to conclusions and say i sell all artifacts i get for rediculous prices for pure greed, thats just sad, would rather help someone else then help myself.

rezzi rezzzalot

Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2004
Stupidity is bad not caring about ones own stupidity is worse, because it shows un unability to learn so Marc all you have shown here is that you think in steretypicals about the dutch, cant spell french right and dont know Glottis who is a respected member of this community since aslong as most of us can remember.
Feel free to try and use more insults you made a fool of yourself already :wub:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Knolan said:
wtf are you on about! its fucking discimination you know! assuming all dutch ppl smoke spliffs

Well said Knol :D

But as Mezzi said it shows how small Marc his mind even is...


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Edaemos said:
Actually Jimmy did danos and som, i know it wasnt everyday but he did do them, both he used for his characters
Jimmyjr said:
i know Danos and SoM are not bugged, i been doing them past week all the time nearly :p
Uh, 1 of those clearly isnt true.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Draylor said:
Uh, 1 of those clearly isnt true.

I know jimmy has done them oncefor himself, if he has been involved in them anymore it will of been to help guildies tbh, as no where in the last week has he said "second gov of the week" or "second som of the week", as i stated previously jimmy is not a greedy person, he is one of the most generous i know, and alot of this whine is going off topic and are assuptions made by a few retarded individuals.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Edaemos said:
alot of this whine is going off topic and are assuptions
Not really: surely you understand why people have trouble understanding the conflicting statements? :)

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