Asking for a Poll



In my country we chose (all pple 18+) our leader each 4 years in a public poll (elections), is called democracy, same happend in all the enterprises i participate whit titles we chose our board of management in the ordinary general meeting or, in certain cases, in an extraordinarie meeting. I really dont know why you dont want to know if the pple of this comunity want Tilda as moderator or no. Give us the chance to chose our moderator whit the poll.

And no, this isn't a recall for 1-poll-each-day, this is an extraordinarie case, this isn't a 2-3 pple campaing against Tilda, there are a lot of pple claiming for the boot of Tilda off the mod role, pple who dont play in the same guild neither realm, we are not talking here about few greedy guys who hate Tilda, we are talking here about a lot of pple who dont believe more in Tilda's job as moderator.

Btw, whit the poll, if the comclusions are favourable to Tilda, you could close the mouths of the pple flaming him just saying that pple: "hey, pple in BW is whit me, like the poll said, so shut up".

Really i can't see yet why u fear make the poll, honest.


Originally posted by Belsameth
*stands next to Damini*

Damini is far better with words then I am, so I won't say more then that I fully agree with her.

I have to agree with you there, her way with words is good, and has dissuaded me from posting an anti-Tilda post, mostly because I don't really care, and secondly because I'm a forgiving person :)

Originally posted by del_eneste
just wondering why Tilda is still a mod although so many peope feel uncomfortable or so with him being one and would prefer someone else?. Now i'm not saying Tilda is a bad mod etc but so many people seem to want a different mod for excal :/.

Btw i'm on neutral grounds dont really care whose mods

I think Damini put forward a pretty good argument as to why Tilda is still a mod in her first post here.


Originally posted by old.shotgunstow
I have to agree with you there, her way with words is good, and has dissuaded me from posting an anti-Tilda post
Doesn't Damini write stories or something? I remember reading something by her somewhere...


Originally posted by Antedeluvian
In my country we chose (all pple 18+) our leader each 4 years in a public poll (elections), is called democracy, same happend in all the enterprises i participate whit titles we chose our board of management in the ordinary general meeting or, in certain cases, in an extraordinarie meeting. I really dont know why you dont want to know if the pple of this comunity want Tilda as moderator or no. Give us the chance to chose our moderator whit the poll.

Democracy is overrated. GO DESPOTISM!!!


From Damini's website
But, here’s the cool part - he managed to get a refund. “Hello, I came in the other day and purchased enough paracetamol to kill an elephant or six. I have subsequently changed my mind and would like a refund. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, it’s a wonderful life.” Classic. So, if anyone is going to try to kill themselves on a tight budget, Wilkinsons sells packs of paracetamol for 16 pence a time. The campus shop is an expensive way to die. Anyway, tangent…
:clap: Clicky.


I think this argument should be more about trust than anything else. Who cares whether you are a good/bad player in game, a moderator needs to be trusted. I trust the likes of Damini to moderate in an unbiased way because

A) I have seen moderating to back this up
B) I have not seen actions to the contrary

This is not the case with Tilda, just because the the incident happened outside BW does not make it any less relevant. We have solid proof, even acknowledged by Tilda himself, that his actions are self centred and cannot be trusted. This point and this point alone is the reason Tilda should not be a moderator, if we cannot trust the moderators to be unbiased we cannot trust what we read.



Originally posted by Damini
And what do you expect us to do with each mod? Shadow them in game for three months before giving them the role, and then psychically predict their immaculate behaviour for the rest of their online time? Humans are fallible, and I've yet to meet an ingame perma-angel. Even saint Jup has been known to growl on occasions.

No, but when you’re slapped in the face with one saying they cheated and know of other people doing the same and don’t care, then I would think some action would be taken. BW might not be GOA, but these forums are directly linked from GOA’s website, this makes them the closest thing to official forums as we’re allowed. Also the fact that the GMs are moderators again makes it pretty tied to the game.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Hmm. I'm confused. Damini, you say that Tilda isn't a griefer in-game yet you don't actually play DAoC anymore. Perhaps it would interest you to know that he is arrogant, elitist, rude and very unpleasant person to know. I am sure I am not the only poor sod around here to have found that out the hard way.

I think it would be safe to say that the amount of friends he has in-game is far out-weighed by the number of enemies he has accumulated through his behaviour towards others. This cheating incident has only made it worse.

Anyway, I will leave that aside for the time being.

There is a big...nay, HUGE difference between yourself, Bels, Brinx and Tilda. You can deny it all you want but the fact is that you, Bels and Brinx are very, VERY well-respected mods. You all have oodles of support and people LIKE you (well, the majority of them do ;)). On the other hand we have Tilda... I could probably cram the amount of respect people have for him into a matchbox. It can't have escaped your notice that people on this forum, specifically Albs, just do not like or respect him. I can understand the fact that you would want to stand by your fellow moderator and defend him but I can't understand why you are ignoring the reality that nothing is going to change. There is nothing that Tilda could EVER do to make up for his betrayal of this community and I hardly think that owning up to his crime equates to a 'trial and execution'. A fairly apt analogy would be a politician being found guilty of ... saaaay, making a big fuck up at some point in his job. He would be quite swiftly booted out of office or be asked to resign. Okay, perhaps it isn't that apt...I like it though. ;)

Sure, he has put in the hours, moderated hundreds of pointless/insulting threads posted by the community and, on the whole, done a fairly good job of moderating but when the community has little to no respect for him both on the boards and in-game isn't it time to perhaps look for a replacement? A moderator should be someone that the community looks up to and respects (like yourself, Bels and Brinx (like it or not)), someone who can keep order on the forums. How can he keep order when half of the venom spewed out by posters is directed towards him? It shouldn't be a question of loyalty towards a fellow mod but what is better for the forum and community on the whole.


Oh dear, the love is stlong again :(

For those that continue to slag Tild off, I too at one time found him to be a little difficult BUT, if you would care to spend time getting to know him, you will realise that he is an ok sort of chap.

He has been lambasted long enough and peeps continue to crawl out from rocks, flame and retire, just waiting for another go. This is wrong. Ok we are all entitled to our opinions, but surely not to start posts flamming individuals to this extent.

Tilda is not the prime minister, the King of a nation or anyone else of note, he is purely someone who plays DAoC and has offered his time to act as a Mod on these boards. Maybe his play style does not suit everyone, but none of us are perfect.

Would the thread starter like it if he were subject to this continual sort of bad mouthing?...I very much doubt it. The Sidi incident has been well documented and , as far as I know been dealt with. Do we have to put up with this constant harrasment till someone else drops a clanger or can we just be a little grown up and let it lie?

Mods may I suggest that this thread be locked as it is not serving any useful purpose.


Originally posted by elbeek
Mods may I suggest that this thread be locked as it is not serving any useful purpose.
Actually I think it's turning into pretty much the only discussive thread on these boards.


People like Ekydus and Coim- make me sick, real sick. They are not here for DAoC, to help the community, they are here for the blood and gore.

If they see an accident they would take they're camara's and hope they could film the blood and entrails, the screams of people dying, and when the people wounded would plead for help they would laugh at them and start to kick them. If chances where there they would survive without a major disability they would just make sure that would not happen.............

In short Tilda was 1 time wrong, he confessed to it he was wrong. Aligro did deal with the matter, and Tilda is no longer welcome on the raids of Aligro.

It takes a real man to come out for its sins. It just needs a bastard to pull it out of proportion. And try to destroy somebodys reputation.

I got no problem with Tilda, I did NEVER see him here on the boards doing crazy stuff. But I do see a lot of jerks like Ekydus and Coim- get away with it. The only reason they get away with is, is becouse they attack a Mod to increase they're own reputation, while a Mod can only ban a poster who does this with great dificulty or they will be accused for it themselves by the next person who wants to do the same thing.

Tilda, while I do not always agre your point of view on DAoC matters, you do have mine respect.



well no one answered any points, you just so far flamed back these spamming wallys coim and eky...

if you read posts from asha, garnet, talifer, draylor, sissyfoo etc you can see real posts with proper concerns..

but you don't have good answers for these posters, so its easier to chuck us all in the 'witch-hunt' box, and think you answered all.

i don't have a problem with tilda the player/person other than he's a bit annoying :) tilda the moderator isn't appropriate tho...


BW and DAoC are 2 difrent things.

I did not see Tilda abuse anybody here, or being very rude.

So I see no point in the removal of Tilda, especialy when Tilda takes resposibility for his actions and he does.

Thats the short version.


Cap'n Sissyfoo

Originally posted by Fagane
People like Ekydus and Coim- make me sick, real sick. They are not here for DAoC, to help the community, they are here for the blood and gore.

If they see an accident they would take they're camara's and hope they could film the blood and entrails, the screams of people dying, and when the people wounded would plead for help they would laugh at them and start to kick them. If chances where there they would survive without a major disability they would just make sure that would not happen.............

In short Tilda was 1 time wrong, he confessed to it he was wrong. Aligro did deal with the matter, and Tilda is no longer welcome on the raids of Aligro.

It takes a real man to come out for its sins. It just needs a bastard to pull it out of proportion. And try to destroy somebodys reputation.

I got no problem with Tilda, I did NEVER see him here on the boards doing crazy stuff. But I do see a lot of jerks like Ekydus and Coim- get away with it. The only reason they get away with is, is becouse they attack a Mod to increase they're own reputation, while a Mod can only ban a poster who does this with great dificulty or they will be accused for it themselves by the next person who wants to do the same thing.

Tilda, while I do not always agre your point of view on DAoC matters, you do have mine respect.


Argh. The hypocrisy is burning my eyes! You have been equally vehement on the topic of Falcor or Aligro (I forget which one you supported).


Originally posted by Capt. Sissyfoo
Argh. The hypocrisy is burning my eyes! You have been equally vehement on the topic of Falcor or Aligro (I forget which one you supported).

Actualy not compleetly true, I started with arguments, and I only got flames back. I always respond to flames with even more flames.



Originally posted by Fagane
In short Tilda was 1 time wrong, he confessed to it he was wrong. Aligro did deal with the matter, and Tilda is no longer welcome on the raids of Aligro.

It takes a real man to come out for its sins. It just needs a bastard to pull it out of proportion. And try to destroy somebodys reputation.

Are you thick? He didn’t confess. He was caught.

Originally posted by Fagane
BW and DAoC are 2 difrent things.

Is that why there is a link from GOA’s official site to these forums? Is that why the game masters are mods here?

So I see no point in the removal of Tilda, especialy when Tilda takes resposibility for his actions and he does.

Thats the short version.


No it’s the bullshit version. He hasn’t taken responsibility at all. What about the other cheaters? A real man (sorry but :ROFLMAO: ) would have named them so that they are not allowed to do it again. Sure a raid leader will notice if a loud mouth isn’t actually there, but if it’s some random person who is smart enough not to be RvRing at the time, then they could do that quite easily without being caught.


would he have apologised if his guild didnt threaten to boot him?


GOA and BW are two different things, the fact GOA links to BW sometimes does not mean BW has to do what GOA tells them to, neither does it mean that BW has to punish Tilda for stuff that has got nothing to do with forums.

BW are forums.


Get over it.


Originally posted by Fagane
People like Ekydus and Coim- make me sick, real sick. They are not here for DAoC, to help the community, they are here for the blood and gore.

If they see an accident they would take they're camara's and hope they could film the blood and entrails, the screams of people dying, and when the people wounded would plead for help they would laugh at them and start to kick them. If chances where there they would survive without a major disability they would just make sure that would not happen.............

In short Tilda was 1 time wrong, he confessed to it he was wrong. Aligro did deal with the matter, and Tilda is no longer welcome on the raids of Aligro.

It takes a real man to come out for its sins. It just needs a bastard to pull it out of proportion. And try to destroy somebodys reputation.

I got no problem with Tilda, I did NEVER see him here on the boards doing crazy stuff. But I do see a lot of jerks like Ekydus and Coim- get away with it. The only reason they get away with is, is becouse they attack a Mod to increase they're own reputation, while a Mod can only ban a poster who does this with great dificulty or they will be accused for it themselves by the next person who wants to do the same thing.

Tilda, while I do not always agre your point of view on DAoC matters, you do have mine respect.

Hah! So I suppose... when the whole Falcor and Aligro thing happened... you were just helping the community, right? Lol. If you look at the amount of people posting in this thread you will see many people are not satisfied with Tilda. I'm not really bothered at all, been through all this... if I was bothered, I'd have sent a pm to other mods. But I'm not. I already said this is taking it slightly too far... oh, and like I'd care what you thought anyways.


Originally posted by Fagane
BW and DAoC are 2 difrent things.

I did not see Tilda abuse anybody here, or being very rude.

So I see no point in the removal of Tilda, especialy when Tilda takes resposibility for his actions and he does.

Thats the short version.

Well, perhaps if you opened your eyes and looked around a bit you'd see. :rolleyes:


BW and DAoC are two different things that is true.
But Tilda in game and Tilda on BW are the SAME person and this argument is about whether the community trust Tilda as a person to moderate these boards in an unbiased way.

A person's integrity has everything to do with whether they should hold a position of power.



Originally posted by Talifer
A person's integrity has everything to do with whether they should hold a position of power.

fffs sake Talifer there you go with that clear-cut logic again. I told u before that such sensible speech does not belong here!


if i see another flame thread i am going to scream... geeze ... some people have wayyy too much time on there hands... you got lives right? girlfriends? jobs? booze? places to go?

all this is about is online pants thats all it is pants... geeze most of us just do not care anyone please close the thread and lets hope no more come up... and as for trust and all that ... does anyone really trust people on a game that much?

<x files quote>

" Trust no one "

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