Asking for a Poll



Originally posted by Damini
If you have a problem with a violation of GOA's CoC, you contact GOA and they act on it. If you violate BW's CoC you contact us. I can't ban GOA's accounts, they can't ban BW accounts, so we each maintain our own rules. If you +1 here, you get it edited. If you want to +1, go into game, and /g +1 and I'll not intervene.
So the fact this is a DAoC forum with a DAoC community has nothing to do with it? This isn't to do with technical mumbo jumbo, it's to do with the fact he has taken away our trust and we may no longer want him as a whole.

Make a poll and you will see what I mean. You won't make the poll because you know he will lose.


Originally posted by Damini
If you want to +1, go into game, and /g +1 and I'll not intervene.
But...what if you're not in a group!!!111 :p


I won't make a poll because I think it's disgusting for me to use my mod position to abuse anyone. I wouldn't start a thread asking the community to dissect any other member of the community, and so by the same measure I won't do the same over a mod.


But this isn't any normal member of a community. All the flaming at Tilda has already been used, like I said; he needs to accept the concequences.


Frankly i cant see how he has the nerve to keep the damn position. How he has the cheek to moderate anyone after what he did is beyond me.


See Damini, the people have made quite clear their views. We don't need a damn poll to show this, we need the poll to prove it.


Damini your wrong, and you know very well making tilda a moderator was a mistake.

none of us think tilda is some kind of demon as you seem to think the alb/exc population is trying to make out with these insults etc..

ppl simply feel let down and frustrated that someone with such a 'flexible' moral attitude has been given moderator powers over our community.

i think you need to understand that this thread, although somewhat uncertain in its voice, is about a community telling the BW moderators that we feel tilda is not a representative our ingame community.

/edit and quite what stickying the occasional thread has to do with this i dont know..


Look Ekydus, I'm not after a feud with you, I just find this public lynchings extremely distasteful. Tilda's already had a public trial and execution, and now you want us to drag him into the street and hang him from the nearest tree? Well, I personally refuse to play any part in that.


Originally posted by Damini
I didn't miss the point. Tilda is not a griefer ingame, he is not a serial cheat, this mistake is in isolation, is it not?

and this statement is specifically incorrect


Originally posted by Jiggs
and this statement is specifically incorrect

How so?

And what do you expect us to do with each mod? Shadow them in game for three months before giving them the role, and then psychically predict their immaculate behaviour for the rest of their online time? Humans are fallible, and I've yet to meet an ingame perma-angel. Even saint Jup has been known to growl on occasions.

Look, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed by what has unfolded recently, and I do understand what you people are saying, but I am not going to push someone from a voluntary post on the basis of a single stupid act in game. I don't feel comfortable, morally, doing that.

I'm going to go to bed now, and I'm out all day Sunday so I'm sure I'll come back to my own planned execution and flame party too :( I'll play catch up then...


The difference is Tilda knew what he was doing, knew what he is and still tried to get away with it.

We are not exiling him from the community, for all I care he can post his views and flame with the best of us. What I am not comfortable with is the fact that he is meant to be a moderator and he isn't acting like one at all.


Well this seems to be turning into the usual BW flamefest :)

All I can add is this :-

I don't see threads flaming Damini's/Brinx's/Belsameth's status as DAoC moderators for these forums.

I think that speaks volumes in itself.


Originally posted by Belsameth
*stands next to Damini*

Damini is far better with words then I am, so I won't say more then that I fully agree with her.
AKA new mod cant express their own opinion but feels the need to be seen to kiss-ass


Originally posted by Draylor
AKA new mod cant express their own opinion but feels the need to be seen to kiss-ass

that more then silly statement says more about you then it does about me, you do realise that don't you? :)


Leave Belsameth out of it tbh. She hasn't done anything wrong, probably the best mod as well...


Your welcome to think what you like

What you wrote - posted by anyone else - would be interpreted as "+1"

Why you feel the need to post on this forum (something you rarely do) in this thread adding nothing to the discussion is something you chose not to explain ;)


Originally posted by Coim-
probably the best mod as well...
Uh, nothing against Belsameth but that title goes to Damini without a doubt ;)


Originally posted by Draylor
Your welcome to think what you like

What you wrote - posted by anyone else - would be interpreted as "+1"

Why you feel the need to post on this forum (something you rarely do) in this thread adding nothing to the discussion is something you chose not to explain ;)
She was backing up a fellow mod. Not really that hard to see. Incase you didn't know...the mods...they like, help each other!11!11 If someone flames Tilda, the other mods come to back Tilda up. I'd have thought that was quite obvious.


Originally posted by Draylor
What you wrote - posted by anyone else - would be interpreted as "+1"

Why you feel the need to post on this forum (something you rarely do) in this thread adding nothing to the discussion is something you chose not to explain ;)

It could be interpreted as +1 by some people, yes.

Those who bother to read and think things over will see that it's nothing more then offering support to Tilda


Originally posted by Draylor
Uh, nothing against Belsameth but that title goes to Damini without a doubt ;)
That's your own opinion. Damini's a pretty good mod overall.


Originally posted by Belsameth
Those who bother to read and think things over will see that it's nothing more then offering support to Tilda
It's official. I read and think things over!!!11 :D


Originally posted by Belsameth
it's nothing more then offering support to Tilda
You really should save your support for a deserving case.

You seem to think this is merely the result of 1 recent incident. FAR from it


Originally posted by Draylor
You really should save your support for a deserving case.

You seem to think this is merely the result of 1 recent incident. FAR from it
You know... I think she knows. Because like... last time... when I was doing all the complaining... she was like... there!!11 :rolleyes:


Heh, Coim, read through those posts again, sooner or later youll understand ;)

If you werent adding 1 post to this thread every 10 seconds youd have a chance


Originally posted by Draylor
Heh, Coim, read through those posts again, sooner or later youll understand ;)

If you werent adding 1 post to this thread every 10 seconds youd have a chance
I'm reading...and all I'm seeing is you saying Damini is the best mod, and me saying that's your own opinion, not everyone's.


just wondering why Tilda is still a mod although so many peope feel uncomfortable or so with him being one and would prefer someone else?. Now i'm not saying Tilda is a bad mod etc but so many people seem to want a different mod for excal :/.

Btw i'm on neutral grounds dont really care whose mods :p


The only moderators should be Zargar and Kemor but seen as they arent active around here much thats not gonna happen.

If not the above then IMO moderators should be people who have alot of knowledge about the game but DONT play the game so they cant make biase comments.

Tilda is a decent mod but in my eyes i wouldnt like someone with a quite bad reputation in DAOC to be a mod. Sorry Tilda but my respect for you has dropped since the telling people to hunt somewhere else incident in odins and the lotto incident.

Also what else annoys me is that some people make FAO threads to a person and you close them saying PM the person etc and then you start making FAO threads saying how you pwned/got killed by XXX.

This isnt a jump the bandwagon flame Tilda post its just what I feel atm as a member of the community.

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