Arti raid wed 13/9 19:00 cet
Will host an artifact raid tomorrow wednesday the 13th at 19 cet bg will be on drshady-p meet aerus prydwen.
We will start with Jachinas Sash and GoV move to egg of youth island then do Boz. horse to stygia and do Crown of zahur and golden spear. Last stop is volcanus for the normal artis. ps some artis might be added as we move.
All mp loot will be randomed for at the end except 1 item who i will claim.
Will host an artifact raid tomorrow wednesday the 13th at 19 cet bg will be on drshady-p meet aerus prydwen.
We will start with Jachinas Sash and GoV move to egg of youth island then do Boz. horse to stygia and do Crown of zahur and golden spear. Last stop is volcanus for the normal artis. ps some artis might be added as we move.
All mp loot will be randomed for at the end except 1 item who i will claim.