armsman getting screwd time and time again



well at least I know now I'm not alone in my opinion :)


Originally posted by -frostor-
this is the point were the Skill comes in

defender rage/revenge

can u explain me how could player skill help here?

since open require a Style used on u...

if u r not attakked, trying to defernd ur friend or helping get down someone, how could ur skill help?

n btw 1h n dualweilder hit so fast that ur round is already off whan u land the style, as result "fail" on the style no bonus no effects on the wole chain...

yes sometimes could go in... but is kinda different from

somthing that open with, Block, Back Position, ecc =)

not a flame or so just asking for explanation...

aw n yess i noticed how arms rox, full buffed with end regen pally
n the clerik used bof Yay that was great =)


Originally posted by Aussie-
if it aint broken, don't fix it.
get a paly in group, assist him , let him slam for you, use phalanx/poleaxe.

u supposed to have allways a group...(nm old story)

but... Poleaxe??? damn eat bunch ov end n does nothing =)

better crip blow and disable or if back position phalnax n defenger aegis =)

if solo... deflect/ executioner ... than crip blow rest ov the time =)


Originally posted by Silenzio
u supposed to have allways a group...(nm old story)

but... Poleaxe??? damn eat bunch ov end n does nothing =)

read what he says

get a paladin in grp :rolleyes:

if u have unlimited end u dont use the highest dmg style? mmm



Originally posted by gunZ-
read what he says

get a paladin in grp :rolleyes:

if u have unlimited end u dont use the highest dmg style? mmm


hehe yess i know, but as i wrote... is n old story =)

if u read the prev post u can see that "with a pally buff n bof"
arms r rlly nice =)

but im not supposed to be every time with a group, yess is more nice n fun... we have to socialize ecc

but not allways possible =) u could be alone sometimes...(maybe not u but most yes)
but still wish to not be a walking dead for other soloers too

to be a decent class (decent not uber decent) u should be able without allways relying on a group n theyr abilitys :)

well if u mean Poleaxe as Higest damage style, afraid u r wrong :)

with anytime opening crip blow the higest is Mangle...

grow rates to hit bonus n other bonus r crap in poleaxe,
i know u 2h n trust me what is on the paper isnt true...
poleaxe is more a miss style =)


poleaxe is gimpt, never use it

rather do crippling blow and disabler, and ow trick for the revenge combo, klick the revenge one and do crippling blow as backup, so if it doesnt work ya still do the crippling blow style, learnd this the hard way :) same goes with phalanx btw, or riposte and amythist slash


was the day before relicraid , had 4full rams on me , i was buffed but the cleric suicided before me so i was waiting for a patrol to kill me


Originally posted by -frostor-
was the day before relicraid , had 4full rams on me , i was buffed but the cleric suicided before me so i was waiting for a patrol to kill me

i remember that day ^^


Originally posted by -frostor-
ur so right shady , poleaxe is shit !(check sarcasme)

check hp , she was healed once
buffed to the nuts
what can i say more

thats with the spec 44/44/42

Yes poleaxe is shit for rvr cos,

- poleaxe = no bonus to hit, u miss a lot more
- one hit of poleaxe use same end of combo crip+disabler

If we dont use our end wise at rvr we r dead meat.

Yes we have pala end chant but,

- Not always we grouped with one
- Not always we r in range of end chant cos we go for casters and they protect our casters
- Pala can die before us

Not to mention that battles now last longer then before so...

A good and wise management of endurance is essential to in my opinion, poleaxe is shit style for rvr. :)


btw, was that a sb ? then I can understand the dam


Poleaxe is a big waste of time (and endurance)

Mangle does just as much if not more damage for a fraction of the endurnce cost, and at least if you use Crip Blow / Disabler or Mangle you get the better to Hit Bonus.

If Poleaxe had a good to hit bonus it would be worth it, but it doesn't and it isn't.


Originally posted by stupidshady

Ok, I cant solo a berzerker, fair enough....but not even a hero either.....still crappy, almost 0 caster.......getting pist and my special arms RA = biggest junk ever.......that does it, cya

If you lose against random beserkers and heroes as pole user I think it's more a problem of game play or equip/buffs than a problem of spec,cause you are supposed to win against those classes.

Full buffed vs Full buffed:

you can lose only against sauvages and Warriors

Unbuffed vs Unbuffed:

Sbs ,Wardens,champions



blows :puke::puke::puke::puke::puke::puke::puke::puke:



Miniwhack is a zerker
as u can see it at his epic armor
but i guess ur not that smart


Originally posted by wildpt

- Not always we grouped with one
- Not always we r in range of end chant cos we go for casters and they protect our casters
- Pala can die before us

you're stupid if you play without
you're stupid if you dont assist him, so out of range ..... errrr no
and there are always end potions.


Originally posted by -frostor-
Miniwhack is a zerker
as u can see it at his epic armor
but i guess ur not that smart

that's great... now explain why you are hitting against 13% thrust resist for the first 2 swings, and then get a 7% bonus for the third.



Originally posted by -frostor-
if i knew it i would tell u ..

well, to help you out... it's impossible for you to get +damage on a zerker with thrust damage...

therefore, you have a nice screenshot of a bugged hit, and thus not a great example to show off the damage on that style ;)


Originally posted by Aussie-
you're stupid if you play without
you're stupid if you dont assist him, so out of range ..... errrr no
and there are always end potions.

Not all ppl can have a pala everytime they group at emain i guess being in big guild u dont know that...

errr...polearms going to assist a pala?? u goes for enemy/casters? u?

yes i know there is end potions, i have always 20 with me, so what? if i use potion everytime im out of end perhaps i better steal an alchemy table from camelot and bring it to emain

so spare me of "you're stupid" comments and go post in a scout thread or something...


The ignorance and moronic attitude here is stunning :rolleyes:


Originally posted by -frostor-
Miniwhack is a zerker
as u can see it at his epic armor
but i guess ur not that smart

Thats actually my old epic you are hitting^^
Miniwhack borrowed it at lvl40 or so :)
Not sure what lvl he is on that pic, but i'm guessing 47-49, also buffed/healed by a lvl50shaman , so no wonder you lost really...

Try a 1 vs 1 fight, buffed vs my zerk unbuffed while your clericfriend is healing you.....

I've seen pics of armsmans doing 940dmg nocrit so can't beleave you are gimped compared to warriors, also plate>>chain+evade1
And about that ra of yours, maybe you wanna swap classspecific RA with my warrior ? :(


The fact that my Minstrel owns s/s and Pole arms in duel, doesnt that say pretty much about armsmen? a support class owns them in melee. how pittyfull


Originally posted by ulke

Try a 1 vs 1 fight, buffed vs my zerk unbuffed while your clericfriend is healing you.....

I've seen pics of armsmans doing 940dmg nocrit so can't beleave you are gimped compared to warriors, also plate>>chain+evade1
And about that ra of yours, maybe you wanna swap classspecific RA with my warrior ? :(



Originally posted by wylf
The fact that my Minstrel owns s/s and Pole arms in duel, doesnt that say pretty much about armsmen? a support class owns them in melee. how pittyfull

how grey were they?

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