armsman getting screwd time and time again



ya thought there was gonna be a update for armses soon ? well think again dudez

this is a quote from Schirf : Based on the feedback I'm getting from Mythic we have almost no chance of seeing a change to the Armsman class in the near (or even distant) future.

well thank you mythic, maybe give some MORE power to the hibs ? I dont rly think they are strong enough.

tbh, I dont care what ya are gonna say about this, but FUCK YOU MYTHIC, I HOPE YOU ALL DIE FAT PRICKS

oh god that was a great relieve


gunner, I dont rock...I'm hybrid, I dont got a that uber specc etc....and I KNOW there are more ppl thinking the same dude

this is what I think is vry true :

That mithic dont revise, improvent arsman after all last patchs is really sad cuz:

_From do a patchs ago, all 2 handed/pole of the game do 140% over damage of 1 handed.
_Fix parry, block.
_Double spec dont give nothing, Nothing to arsman.
_Plate is pretty similar to evade 1 + chain.
_All tanks have the same, or similar hit points.
_Polearm styles have a big problem, the best styles (defender rage/revenge), arent really usables in real rvr (unlesss your be killing your group, or dotn doing your work).

Seing all above , we get :

_Compared with warriors we do less damage, we have less defense. Cuz they do more base damage than us, and his spec allow them the perfect spec...... 50 1 handed, 50 2 handed, 50 shield, 29 parry. (some can argue put 42 shield, and most parry , my opinion is that dont worth it)

_Compared wiht heros, 50% self heal, no need double spec ( that means that can choose 2 class of damage wiht an only line, and have more defense than us).


Mythic should give Hibs better melee abilities since they are going to because Albs got "boost" so they say everyone should get some. Mythic is finally making LA "less" harmfull after 80% Zerkers are RR7-RR9 and K.O. anything in a matter of sec for a very long time. Mythic shouldn't give Albs anything more since they are not going to.

Whenever albs get something hibs/mids get something too.

new heals, for all realms
IP stealther nerf, for all realms
archer improvedment, for all realms
etc. etc.

When hibs/mids have something special its ok, albs dont need.

Instant mez/stun, for hibs/mids only, albs go away, u got the power regen which hibs/mids got since the game started long ago, u got something what more do u want albs?

50% hp+ stag form for heros/ Bersker form for berserkers, albs go away, u got the uber plate with 34% absorb, valewalkers can self buff same amount of absorb, go away albs, u are already uber what more do u want?

Pbt class which can heal/buff/melee for hibs, Pbt class which has spec line DD/spec AoE dd/ nearsight for mids. Go away albs, you got the uber Pbt earth spec with super uber pet which has 2000 range and cost only 12% power already what more do u want?

Shady, hibs and mids are not overpowered and never was overpowered, they win by amazging skills and tatics.

All realms are well balanced.


yup, so vry true what you say I must totally agree on that one, thank god mythic has proven us wrong on that one



Let's all vent our spleens randomly!
Armsmen don't suck. You're not as good as heros. This is the same as we had with blademasters - just cos a BM ain't as good as a zerker, everyone was saying "oh BMs suck" even while BMs are perfectly viable RvR classes.
Tbh, Shady, if you want my comment its this: any class you play is only as good as the player.


then why when I am in a flg of random peeps I always lose against NP, LA, VGN....tbh that shouldnt be rly.....RvR isnt fun anymore I rly DONT like my arms anymore imho, the only thing I play him for is because I like the hack and slash, my theur is like 100times better in RvR ( except on hibs -250 dam is pretty weak from the 450 dam imho ) but anyways, this is how I fell, and I know for sure there are more ppl thinking the same way.

Ok, I cant solo a berzerker, fair enough....but not even a hero either.....still crappy, almost 0 caster.......getting pist and my special arms RA = biggest junk ever.......that does it, cya


Originally posted by stupidshady
then why when I am in a flg of random peeps I always lose against NP, LA, VGN....
Originally posted by old.LandShark
Tbh, Shady, if you want my comment its this: any class you play is only as good as the player.


LA NP and VGN are al Great RvR Guilds and you cant really say that because your random Fg looses against them you class needs to be boostet... allso depends on your group not only your char :p


Originally posted by arrakeen
LA NP and VGN are al Great RvR Guilds and you cant really say that because your random Fg looses against them you class needs to be boostet... allso depends on your group not only your char :p

Agreed. However the issues that Schirf raised in hs TL report were long standing issues with the armsman class. Its the old "if you're standing still, you're in decline" syndrome. I don't think we suck as a class, and it's not about being "uber" - its about long standing issues being blatantly ignored that sucks.


scroll a bit up alme, and read my thrird ( ? ) post, then everything will be clear to you.....Or not, I dont care


U cant compare classes on paper imo.. gotta check how they perform in real rvr. And in real rvr theres nothing wrong with arms imo. Just as theres nothing wrong with BMs.


Originally posted by alme
And armsman would need love coz ?

Read Schirfs last TL report and you'll understand the frustration. Primary issues raised:

1. For pole armsmen, the requirement to spec in 2 lines isn't justified by the damage output when compared to the primary tanks in other realms.

2. A poor RA.

3. The lack of a class defining ability of any value.

Throw into this that the s/s armsman is now virtually redundant with the improvements given to paladins and you'll start to see why we're feeling a little unloved ;)


Originally posted by stupidshady
_Polearm styles have a big problem, the best styles (defender rage/revenge), arent really usables in real rvr (unlesss your be killing your group, or dotn doing your work).

this is the point were the Skill comes in


wonder when my arms felt.....loved by mythic......seems to be so long ago

/em wonders away


if it aint broken, don't fix it.
get a paly in group, assist him , let him slam for you, use phalanx/poleaxe.


Stl0ng advice imho. ;>
though you have to agree the TLs just get ignored over and over, but then so many of them aren't as reasonable as schirf was. I.e. they asked for stupid stuff in the hopes of getting half of it, or whatever.


Armsmen should be able to get MOC so they can fire their xbow whilst being hit.



omg ! armsman have an uber RA! i'd swap heros shitty RA for urs and definitely take it. 300 (?) AF boost for group is a massive bonus, ~30% reduction in damage (so albs say).

and i dont know why we dont see more full crossbow spec arms.


Originally posted by Aussie-

get a paly in group

You've summed up the problem of the s/s armsman - no reason to have one in group when pallies available. There is no defining ability that makes us a viable class now. It's a different issue to that which scouts suffered (i.e. the visible nerf) - this is more about a class falling behind through remaining unaltered since release ( you might say an "invisible nerf"). And for polearms, the speccing issue has been raised time and time again both by the TL and on boards - with absolutely nothing done either to alter it or to compensate for it.


Originally posted by Novamir
omg ! armsman have an uber RA! i'd swap heros shitty RA for urs and definitely take it. 300 (?) AF boost for group is a massive bonus, ~30% reduction in damage (so albs say).

and i dont know why we dont see more full crossbow spec arms.

The RA isn't uber at all. In fact its naff. Its the poor man's version of BoF. Its duration is too short and the timer is too long for the physical damage reduction and the cost of it. The majority of armsmen who have it spec out of it after a while because it just doesn't do the business for its cost.

As for xbow spec, its the range and the slow firing time that makes it pointless. That was why the suggestion of making it possible to fire it on the move was made. Then it would become half-viable.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Schiff quit being a team leader then?

Shame. Still, I'd like to see Mythic's rationale for the double speccing rule.


Mythic don't know that meaning of balance :( armsman suck compared to almost any other tank on all realms, and soldiers barricade being's crap :( just like everything else about an armsman, wish i rolled a pally now. no point in arms at all :(


Why pole armsman cant throw the pole? that could boost albion economy at least to weaponsmith's. :)

No serious, more and more arms are leaving and mythic do nothing, think in the future gunner will be the only armsman around worldwide. :)

Arms had the glory in the begining, we were fear but with all the loving that so many classes had, all improved except now we r the joke...few more patch and we see a caster /laugh at us and trying to kill arms with staff...

patch 1.92....

polearmsman - CMON RUN! THIS IS A POLE!!!
enemy caster - lol so what?
polearmsman - PLSSSSSSSSS
enemy caster - I wont run i have a reputation to keep but u can give 1 hit, i remove my 20 min pbt :)
polearmsman - WEEEEEEE... HERE I GO!!! YOUR DEAD, I HAVE MoP 27
enemy caster - kk

You attack Caster with your pole and hit for -190 (-847) damage!
Caster is laughing!

polearmsman - WTF!
enemy caster - lol
enemy caster - ok now i have to kill u :(
polearmsman - ok :( go easy on me
enemy caster - np i use the staff
enemy caster - :( im feeling guilty, here take this 10 silver for next port
polearmsman - ok tks

You attack polearmsman with your staff and hit for 2100 (+1247) damage!
You need nerfing!

polearmsman was killed by caster


lol, something to look forward to eh? seriously though, its heading that way :( staff killed by a luri chanter half your size :( ouch...

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