Armor Resists


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Yurka said:
hence why i said BM piercers, though not sure what an elf situation would be due to the higher base dex stat, but as str as the main rising stat it would still probably have better ws as blade.

nightshades are a different story, as they would benefit more ws from being pierce, but anyway... time for lunch

Check my sig and also the weapon skill calc -_-) There are not many differences. Yes the test is done with infils, but it doesn't really matter.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2005
This is shit, my nice heaters vs assasins will be no more and then I also need to go slash on a luri, qq.
If this will happen I want to have a class respec on ranger as well to shar or celt.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
this is actually a significant nerf to anyone wearing RF.

RF already has its vulnerabilities spread accross 3 resists (cold, matter, energy) at 5% vulernable. So its gets no reduction in any of its vulnerability. (IE if you got a 10% vulernability it gets halfed)

Add the fact that the so called resistant damage type "HEAT" is bugged and its neutral.

RF has like -15% combined vulnerability.

compare that to lether or plater who now have +10% combined total.

thats a 25% differential in resists.

This differential should be 0 accross the different armour types, if you want fairness. 25% frankly takes the piss now.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
And here I went about thinking that Reinforced was 10% vulnurable to crush. Oh my!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
And here I went about thinking that Reinforced was 10% vulnurable to crush. Oh my!

Every armours physical resist balances itself out u numbnut. So like one vulnerable, one resistent, one neutral.

So like the reduction of your vulnerable one versus phyical resists is even across every armour type. aka fair

But as I was saying the reduction of elemental ones is not consistent. So if your vulnerabilities are already at 5% but spread over 3 types. You get shafted. compared to armour types "lucky" enough to have their vulnerabilty in one resist types or 2 (or anything as long as that vulnerability >= 10)

I dont think u comprehend the logical behing what im saying from your reply. just take it from me. thats a significant shaft to RF users. 25% resist differential. erm hello! there should not be any.

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