Armor absorbtion



"x = What you should have hit for unmodified.
f(x) = Modified hit.
c = the abs.

F(x) =(1- c) * x = x - cx // The higher absorb the less you will be hit for

Now before BoF

35 = (1- 0.29) * x =>

35/0.71 = x =>

49 ~= x

Now we add BoF

F(x) = (1 - (0.29+0.5)) * 49 =

(1 - (0.79)) *49 =

0.21 * 49 ~= 10

Conclusion: BoF works just as described. "
hen I wrote this the example numbers was 49 and 11 I think from in the game against a cleric.

Wonder why absorb buff don't actually raise your AF where an AF buff does.
My theory of sneaky mythic coders; are that absorb is seperated from absorb buff.
Where absorb add to AF, absorb buffs only soak up x% of the damage.
Might also be that absorb works double, adds to af and soaks up damage. Because I feel like I was hit for tons more then assassins were hit for. Could explain the rather gros differances between different armour too.

The quest continues!

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