Armor absorbtion



How important is absorb % on armor? Like what would be best a 40 armor with 19 absorb or a 30 with 27 absorb? Kinda hard chosing right stuff when i really have no idea what counts most. I do understand that armor points count towards making you harder to hit and that absorb lowers damage taken when hit, but would greatly appreciate if someone could tell me how important each of them is compared to eachother.


Originally posted by bredo
How important is absorb % on armor? Like what would be best a 40 armor with 19 absorb or a 30 with 27 absorb? Kinda hard chosing right stuff when i really have no idea what counts most. I do understand that armor points count towards making you harder to hit and that absorb lowers damage taken when hit, but would greatly appreciate if someone could tell me how important each of them is compared to eachother.
Higher AF makes you harder to hit, higher abs makes you take less damage.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by katt!
absorb is just a bonus to af.
No, what Fafnir said.

It reduces the cap damage you can take.


I am wearing leather armour (9% Absorb), You hit me with a crush weapon (Which has a + against leather) I have 0% resists (cause I'm dumb :p ) so you smack me -

You hit Brannor for 356 (+45). <----- Your cap damage.
Brannor runs away screaming like a gurl. :D

I go find a friendly Necromancer (Yes, they do exist) and get the really nice 9% Absorb buff. I come running back to slap you with my 16.5 Handbag, and you smack me -

You hit Brannor for 324 (+45)
Brannor squirms on the ground.

That's how I believe Arbsorption works. As you can see, a 9% change isn't THAT much, but work it in with some decent resists and you can reduce damage nicely.

Someone slap me and correct me if I'm wrong. :p



Originally posted by katt!
no, absorb doesnt change cap.
As far as i know AF only determinds how hard you are to hit, armor bonus adds to the AF, armor abs lowers the cap, or is withdrawn from weapondamage before it is displayed.


Originally posted by Fafnir
As far as i know AF only determinds how hard you are to hit, armor bonus adds to the AF, armor abs lowers the cap, or is withdrawn from weapondamage before it is displayed.

check effective armor factor on a piece of leather, af 100. then check the same on plate af 100.



so abs modifies AF and AF lowers enemy's chance of hitting his cap?

Roo Stercogburn

Its like Fafnir said.

I don't think AF lowers damage, just makes you harder to hit. Its absorb that reduces the damage once you do get hit.

Absorb is in no way a bonus to AF.

Combined the two make you take less damage by higher AF meaning you get hit less often and higher Absorb meaning less damage with each hit, but thats muddying it slightly.


are you fucking thick?

SHIFT+I or whatever you have as delve key two pieces of armor with the same af and different absorb.


Armor Factor and Absorption

Pieces of armor have two unique statistics : Armor Factor and Absorption. Armor Factor describes the armor's basic effectiveness - its ability to protect you from being hit. The higher the Armor Factor, the more protection it provides. Each piece of armor you wear adds to your overall Armor Factor, which you can see on the Player Sheet panel.

Armor Absorption describes the amount of damage a piece of armor will absorb. So, a piece of armor with an absorption of 20 would absorb 20% of a blow. Each type of armor has an absolute absorption - leather is 10%, studded is 19%, chain is 27%, plate is 35%. Armor factors on the different types of armor vary depending on the armor's material, quality, and condition.

Taken from the user manual :

Bonus - This takes into account any bonuses on the armor of the person you're hitting. I'll use the simplest possible example. Let's say your opponent is wearing a shirt with a 10% bonus. You have a sword with a 15% bonus. What you then have is a 5% addition to your "to hit" (which is simply your chance to hit the opponent). It doesn't affect how MUCH you hit for, it increases your chances of landing a hit on him at all.


Originally posted by Fafnir
Armor Factor and Absorption

Pieces of armor have two unique statistics : Armor Factor and Absorption. Armor Factor describes the armor's basic effectiveness - its ability to protect you from being hit. The higher the Armor Factor, the more protection it provides. Each piece of armor you wear adds to your overall Armor Factor, which you can see on the Player Sheet panel.

Armor Absorption describes the amount of damage a piece of armor will absorb. So, a piece of armor with an absorption of 20 would absorb 20% of a blow. Each type of armor has an absolute absorption - leather is 10%, studded is 19%, chain is 27%, plate is 35%. Armor factors on the different types of armor vary depending on the armor's material, quality, and condition.
X% bonus to AF ~ X% less damage overall.


Originally posted by katt!
X% bonus to AF ~ X% less damage overall.
The bonus say 30% is withdraw from the attackers weaponbonus 16.5 dps weapons has 35% bonus, so he will only recive 5% bonus to hit, not bonus to damage.

We can make a test put on leather armor 10% abs and let me hit you, and then put on plate 35% abs, same af i hit you with weapon that is neutral to the armor, you will take less damage while wearing the plate armor since it have 25% more abs.

And there is no need to insult people just for arguing back. :)


Originally posted by Fafnir
The bonus say 30% is withdraw from the attackers weaponbonus 16.5 dps weapons has 35% bonus, so he will only recive 5% bonus to hit, not bonus to damage.

We can make a test put on leather armor 10% abs and let me hit you, and then put on plate 35% abs, same af i hit you with weapon that is neutral to the armor, you will take less damage while wearing the plate armor since it have 25% more abs.

why are you comparing BONUS to absorb?


Originally posted by katt!
why are you comparing BONUS to absorb?
I'm not comparing abs is withdrawn from damage taken, bonus is withdrawn from attackers bonus to hit.

I can put them i two posts if you like.


since you dont even check what i tell you to, you should be labeled "ignorant".

get a level 50.

take a af 100 100% qua piece of CHAIN.

delve it.

note effective armor.

take a af 100 100% qua piece of STUDDED

delve it.

note effective armor.



Stop arguing with him for god's sake, anyone knows that AF102 chain has a higher effective AF than AF102 leather.


bah, From my limited experiance and reading of many posts with tests on this matter

Abs= the % off the damage that you got hit for

AF = decreases enemies chance to hit you. and also lowers your damage taken.

Bonus = decreases the chance of you being hit, also tests shwo on weapons that it not just increases your chance to hit, but also your damage on someone who hasn't the same bonus as you.

now these are the rules i generally go by, if someones going to blow there top over this game and start insulting people..... boy do they need to chill out, seems some people don't like hearing different idea's


Originally posted by katt!
are you fucking thick?

SHIFT+I or whatever you have as delve key two pieces of armor with the same af and different absorb.

LOL you gotta take the first price as assmonger of the month , I've seen dead dungbeetles smarter than you.

Now let me spell it out for you.

AF : determins how easy/hard it is to hit you

ABS : how much of the DMG is absorbt..thats why its call'd absorbation numbskull

Now piss of KATT..before I stuff you with dead mice


Overall AF cap = 10 * level * (1 + abs%/100)

I believe this is still correct.


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
LOL you gotta take the first price as assmonger of the month , I've seen dead dungbeetles smarter than you.

Now let me spell it out for you.

AF : determins how easy/hard it is to hit you

ABS : how much of the DMG is absorbt..thats why its call'd absorbation numbskull

Now piss of KATT..before I stuff you with dead mice

what its called and how it works are different things. its not X% resistance to melee, its X% more effective armor.


AF : determins how easy/hard it is to hit you

please, get a set of af 20 chain and go to emain. see if it doesnt affect how hard you get hit.

get some facts before you start insulting people :eek:


LOL aye its % more effective armor.. but why.. because it absorbs the freaking dmg for god sake..... 37% abs wont make you 37% harder to hit.. but you will be taking 37% less dmg...yes thats more effective armor.. but it has nothing to do with AF...


it has to do with af.

if you got crap AF with 27% absorb it wont help much. af 100 armor with 27% armor will help.


Using equipment not suited for you lvl.. cant see what that has to do with anything..... If that was the case , a lvl 10 char with af 102 armor should not take any dmg what so ever from a lvl 10 mob :m00:


uhm, nothing.

but it has to do with how % abs works.

you claim abs is a X% damage absorbed which it is obviously not. it is X% more AF.

If that was the case , a lvl 10 char with af 102 armor should not take any dmg what so ever from a lvl 10 mob

ever heard the word "cap"? :eek: :eek: :eek:

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